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Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation
Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation

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Íàçâàíèå: The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation

Àâòîðû: Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.)


The Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems Handbook is a joint product of the Infrared Information Analysis Center (IRIA) and the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), this work is an outgrowth of its predecessor, The Infrared Handbook, published in 1978. The circulation of nearly 20,000 copies is adequate testimony to its wide acceptance in the electro-optics and infrared communities. The Infrared Handbook was itself preceded by The Handbook of Military Infrared Technology. Since its original inception, new topics and technologies have emerged for which little or no reference material exists. This work is intended to update and complement the current Infrared Handbook by revision, addition of new materials, and reformatting to increase its utility. Of necessity, some material from the current book was reproduced as is, having been adjudged as being current and adequate. The 45 chapters represent most subject areas of current activity in the military, aerospace, and civilian communities and contain material that has rarely appeared so extensively in the open literature.
Volume 1, edited by George Zissis of ERIM, treats sources of radiation, including both artificial and natural sources, the latter of which in most military applications is generally regarded as background radiation.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Òåõíîëîãèÿ/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1993

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 383

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.12.2010

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$S_{10}$ unit      167
Absolute wavelength measurement      357
Absorptance      23 64 148
Absorptance, solar absorptance of spacecraft materials      113
Absorption      23 145 147 174
Absorption bands of water vapor      194—195
Absorption coefficient      144—146
Absorption of $H_{2}O$      113
Absorption, atmospheric      111
Absorptivity      21 23
Aerosols      199
Air mass vs solar zenith angle      154
Air temperature      198
Aircraft      110—118 123
Airglow      201 204—210 see
Airy function      354
Albedo, earth      213—218
Albedo, lunar      158
Algae      259
Algae, attenuation coefficients      262
Algae, spectral reflectance      264
Alkali halides, spectra      34
Anisotropic radiators      28—29
Apertures      64
Apparent temperature      139
Areance      7
Artificial sources      49—135
Asteroids      190
Atmosphere      151—153
Atmosphere, spectral radiance      217—218
Atmospheric attenuation, effects on aircraft      123
Atmospheric effects      127
Atmospheric emission      195
Atmospheric particulates      141
Atomic spectra      32—34
Atomic spectra, Bohr model      32—33
Atomic spectra, hydrogen spectra      33—34
Atomic spectra, quantum number      32—33
Atomic spectra, Sommerfeld model      32
Aurora      200—208
Aurora, auroral spectra      201—203
Aurora, emission      200
Aurora, frequency distribution      204—205
Aurora, photon emission      208
Aurora, photon radiance      201
Aurora, spectral radiance      201 203
Auroral zones      201—202
Backgrounds      see also "Infrared backgrounds"
Backgrounds from extragalactic sources      181 190
Backgrounds, galactic      181 190—191
Backgrounds, sky      194
Backgrounds, terrain      299—309
Backscattering      191 263
Band radiance      6
BASIC programs      8 38—47
Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF)      26
Biological materials      see "Botanical materials"
Blackbodies      3 32 52—59 64—65 79 139 146 180 see
Blackbodies, cylindrical      52—58
Blackbodies, goldpoint      58—59
Blackbodies, spectral radiance      196
Blackbodies, variable-temperature      58—59
Blackbody (Planckian) functions      8—21 38—47
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, BASIC programs, calculations and formulas      38—47
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, contrast      10—11
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, conversions to other geometries      10
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, conversions to photons      9
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, conversions, spectral scale conversions      9—10
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, maxima      11—12
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, Planck equations      8 24—25
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, power      12
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, radiance      8—9
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, radiant exitance      8—9 12
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, radiation constants      9
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, relative contrast      10
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, Stephan — Boltzmann law      12
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, total integrals      12
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, universal curves and equations      10—21
Blackbody (Planckian) functions, Wien displacement law      11 15
Blackbody cavity theory      52—57
Blackbody cavity theory, conical cavity      52
Blackbody cavity theory, cylindrical cavity      52 55—56
Blackbody cavity theory, DeVos method      53—57
Blackbody cavity theory, Gouffe method      52
Blackbody cavity theory, spherical cavity      53 56
Blackbody simulators      57
Bohr model      32
Bolometer region      175
Bolometers      333
Botanical materials      277—295 see "Chlorophyll" "Leaves" "Vegetation"
Brightness temperature      30—31 139
Calibration      59 317 326—331 see calibration
Calibration of spectral irradiance      62
Calibration of spectral radiance      61
Calibration, absolute      317
Calibration, of UV sources      62—63
Calorimeters      333
Candela      57
Carbon arc lamps      77—84
Carbon dioxide      35 111 195
Carotenoids      278 281
Celestial background      160—194
Celestial background in the range 2.0—100.0 $\mu m$      175—176
Celestial background in the visible range      165—167
Celestial background, cosmic microwave background      165
Celestial coordinates      160—165
Celestial coordinates, circle of celestial latitude      163
Celestial coordinates, circle of galactic latitude      164
Celestial coordinates, ecliptic      161
Celestial coordinates, ecliptic coordinate system      164
Celestial coordinates, equatorial coordinate system      164
Celestial coordinates, galactic center      163
Celestial coordinates, galactic coordinate system      164—165
Celestial coordinates, galactic equator      163
Celestial coordinates, horizon      163
Celestial coordinates, hour circle      163
Celestial coordinates, meridian      163
Celestial coordinates, north and south celestial poles      161
Celestial coordinates, north galactic pole      163
Celestial coordinates, north point      163
Celestial coordinates, vernal equinox      161
Celestial coordinates, vertical circle      163
Celestial coordinates, zenith and nadir      161
Chinese restaurant system      7
Chlorophyll      261 263 278 281
Cities, radiance of      219—220
Cloud meteorology      218—230
Cloud meteorology, cirrus clouds      218
Cloud meteorology, noctilucent clouds      230
Cloud meteorology, stratospheric clouds      229—230
Cloud meteorology, water content      230
Clouds, background radiation      194—197
Clouds, emission      197
Clouds, reflectance      216
Clouds, scattering      196—197
Clouds, sky cover      230—234
Clouds, spectral radiance      197
Clouds, temperature      197
Coatings      64
color temperature      32 79 139 174 176
Computer programs      13 38—47
Concentrated arc lamps      93 99—100
Condensation      150
construction materials      233—234 247—250
contrast      11
Contrast, photon      18 20—21
Contrast, radiant      19—20
Contrast, relative      11
Correlation function      287 296—297
Correlation function, autocorrelation function      296
Correlation function, covariance function      296
Correlation function, exponential      287
Correlation function, lag variable      287
Correlation function, scale length      287
Correlation function, Whittle      287
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)      165 334
Council for Optical Measurements (CORM)      327
Cylindrical blackbody      52—58
Czerny — Turner mount      340
Detectivity of a radiometer      317 319—320
Detector optics      177
DeVos method      53—57
Dielectric surfaces      144 146
Diffraction      336—337
Diffraction, angular dispersion      337
Diffraction, Fraunhofer      337
Diffraction, gratings      337
Diffraction, resolving power      337
Distribution temperature      31 139
Doppler line      37
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus)      176 179—180 190—194 see
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), albedo      213—218
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), Earth      140 210—230
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), emission      214
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), luminance      216
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), particle distribution      193
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), particle temperature relation      192—192
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), power spectral densities of      191
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), satellite viewing      210—211
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), spectral radiance of      191—193
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), spectral reflectance      215
Dust, interstellar (IR cirrus), stratospheric particulates      200
Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE)      334
Earth surface, emission spectra      213—226
Ecliptic coordinate system      177
Emissance      21 23
emission      23 145—146
Emission of exhaust plume      113
Emission of industrial smokestack      113
Emissivity      23 27 145
Emissivity for a cylindrical blackbody      56
Emissivity for a spherical blackbody      56
Emissivity of common materials      112
Emissivity of exhaust gases      111—115
Emissivity of spacecraft materials      113
Emissivity, blackbody      52—57
Emissivity, directional      23
Emissivity, hemispherical      23
Emissivity, spectral      23
Emissivity, total      23
Emissivity, weighted      23
Emittance      21 see
Enclosed arc and discharge sources (high pressure)      82—90
Enclosed arc and discharge sources (low pressure)      90—93
Energy density      10
Engine radiation      113
Entrance aperture      317
Etalons      354 359
Etendue      see "Throughput"
evaporation      150 246 257—258
Exhaust plumes      see "Gases exhaust"
Exitance      5—6 8 21 139 145—148
Exitance, stellar      174 180
Exoatmospheric illuminance      174
Exposure      8
Extended galactic background      190—191
Extragalactic infrared sources      181 190
Fabry — Perot interferometers      354—359
Fabry — Perot interferometers, Airy function      354
Fabry — Perot interferometers, compound interferometer      358
Fabry — Perot interferometers, etalon      354 359
Fabry — Perot interferometers, interference      356
Fabry — Perot interferometers, PEPSIOS spectrometer      359
Fabry — Perot interferometers, SISAM spectrometer      359
Fabry — Perot interferometers, spherical Fabry — Perot interferometer      358
Fabry — Perot interferometers, SPIFI interferometer      359
Field trials      129
Flares      124—125
Fluence      8
Fluence exposure      5
Fluometry      6
Flux      5 8
Flux density      5 29
Flux, stellar      180
Foot-candle      8
Fraunhofer diffraction      337
Fresnel's law      143—144
Full width at half-maximum (FWHM)      37
Galactic background      see "Background galactic"
Galactic infrared point sources      179—190
Galactic infrared point sources, blackbody spectral exitance      180
Galactic infrared point sources, number of      179—180
Galactic infrared point sources, spectral energy distribution of      179
Galactic infrared point sources, spectral index      180
Galactic infrared point sources, spectral irradiance      179—190
Galaxies      190—191
Gases      32 34—35
Gases, exhaust      110—118 123
Gases, hot      117 119
Gases, spectral lines      35
Gegenshein      191
Glow modulator tubes      100 103—105
Goldpoint blackbody      59
Gouffe method      52 113
Gratings      337—348
Gratings, angular dispersion      337
Gratings, blazed      343
Gratings, concave      342
Gratings, configurations      337—346
Gratings, diffraction      337
Gratings, multiple-beam interferometer      337
Gratings, resolving power      337
Gratings, slits (grooves)      337
Gratings, unblazed      337
Graybodies      70
Graybodies, temperature      30
Guns, muzzle flash      117—121
Heat exchange      146—151
Heat flux      148—149
Heat transfer      148 150—151 231
Helicopters      124
Helmholtz reciprocity theorem      26
Henry Draper classification      168
Hinge point      259 262
Histograms, of terrain backgrounds      299—309
Hubble constant      181
Hydrogen      33—34
Hydrogen and deuterium arc lamps      103 107
Ice, properties of      271—280
Ice, properties of, brash ice      276
Ice, properties of, bulk reflectance      271
Ice, properties of, depth of penetration      271
Ice, properties of, index of refraction      271
Ice, properties of, new (clear) ice      274
Ice, properties of, pancake ice      277
Ice, properties of, refrozen-slush ice      276
Ice, properties of, slush curd ice      276
Ice, properties of, snow ice      275
Ice, properties of, spectral reflectance      279—280
Illuminance      140
Incandescent sources      65 70—77
Incidance      5—6 8
Index of refraction      143—144
Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS)      177—179 191—192
Infrared backgrounds, statistical measures      285
Infrared backgrounds, statistical measures, correlation function representation      287 296—297
Infrared backgrounds, statistical measures, nonisotropic correlation functions      298—299
Infrared backgrounds, statistical measures, power spectra representation      297—309
Infrared backgrounds, statistical measures, probablistic model      285—287
Infrared backgrounds, statistical measures, terrain background statistics      299—308
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