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Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation
Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation

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Íàçâàíèå: The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation

Àâòîðû: Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.)


The Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems Handbook is a joint product of the Infrared Information Analysis Center (IRIA) and the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), this work is an outgrowth of its predecessor, The Infrared Handbook, published in 1978. The circulation of nearly 20,000 copies is adequate testimony to its wide acceptance in the electro-optics and infrared communities. The Infrared Handbook was itself preceded by The Handbook of Military Infrared Technology. Since its original inception, new topics and technologies have emerged for which little or no reference material exists. This work is intended to update and complement the current Infrared Handbook by revision, addition of new materials, and reformatting to increase its utility. Of necessity, some material from the current book was reproduced as is, having been adjudged as being current and adequate. The 45 chapters represent most subject areas of current activity in the military, aerospace, and civilian communities and contain material that has rarely appeared so extensively in the open literature.
Volume 1, edited by George Zissis of ERIM, treats sources of radiation, including both artificial and natural sources, the latter of which in most military applications is generally regarded as background radiation.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Òåõíîëîãèÿ/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1993

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 383

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.12.2010

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Radiometers, components, optics      319
Radiometers, dual-band      333—334
Radiometers, ideal radiometers      321—324 330
Radiometers, imaging      333
Radiometers, laser power meters      333
Radiometers, normalization      323—324
Radiometers, performance characterization, detectivity      320
Radiometers, performance characterization, radiation reference level      318
Radiometers, performance characterization, responsivity      319—324
Radiometers, scanning      140—141 333
Radiometers, spectral radiance      322—324
Radiometers, spectral responsivity      318—324
Radiometric curves      13—21
Radiometric measurements      317
Radiometric measurements of a distant source      317
Radiometric symbols, nomenclature, and units      3—8 21 23 51 167 318—322
Radiometric temperature      30—32
Radiometric temperature for colored bodies      30
Radiometric temperature for graybodies      30
Radiometric temperature, color temperature      32
Radiometric temperature, distribution temperature      31
Radiometric temperature, radiance (brightness) temperature      30—31
Radiometric temperature, radiation temperature      30
Radiometric temperature, ratio temperature      31
Radiometric terms      5
Radiometric terms, exitance      5
Radiometric terms, fluence exposure      5
Radiometric terms, flux      5
Radiometric terms, flux density      5
Radiometric terms, incidance      5
Radiometric terms, intensity      5
Radiometric terms, quantity      5
Radiometric terms, radiosity      5
Radiometric terms, sterance      5
Radiometric terms, sterisent      5—6
Radiometric transfer      29
Radiometric units, in astronomy      167
Radiometry      315—364
Radiometry, infrared radiometry      331—334
Radiometry, nomenclature      318
Radiometry, parameters, field of view      321
Radiometry, parameters, frequency response      321
Radiometry, parameters, incident flux      319
Radiometry, parameters, irradiance      319
Radiometry, parameters, noise fluctuation      320
Radiometry, parameters, output signal      319
Radiometry, parameters, peak spectral responsivity      324
Radiometry, parameters, radiance      320
Radiometry, parameters, radiance spectral responsivity      321
Radiometry, parameters, reference irradiance level      320
Radiometry, parameters, responsivity normalization constant      321
Radiometry, parameters, spatial dependency      321
Radiometry, parameters, spectral dependency      321
Radiometry, parameters, spectral response      321
Radiometry, parameters, spectral responsivity      321—322
Radiometry, parameters, temporal frequency bandwidth      321
Radiometry, parameters, throughput      323
Radiosity      5
Ratio temperature      31
Rayleigh      167
Rayleigh criterion      336
Reference radiation level      317 319 325—326
Reflectance      26 139 142—146
Reflectance, BRDF      26
Reflectance, bulk      142—144
Reflectance, surface      142—144
Reflection      26
Reflectivity      21 26—27
Reflectivity, bihemispherical      26
Reflectivity, diffuse      26
Reflectivity, hemispherical      27
Reflectivity, partial      54
Relative contrast      11
Relative humidity      147
Resolution      318
Responsivity normalization constant      321
Responsivity of a radiometer      317 319
Reststrahlen bands      144
Rocks and minerals, spectral emissivity      230—233 246
Rocks and minerals, spectral radiance      218
Rocks and minerals, spectral reflectance      235—239 241—246
Roland mounting      342
Sagnac interferometer      353—354
Satellites, earth observations      210—213
Satellites, path length      212
Scanning radiometers      140—141 333
Scattering      143
Scattering by clouds      230
Scattering from atmospheric particulates      200
Scattering of solar radiation      194—196
Scattering of vegetation      281
Scattering, solar scattering angle      213
Sea surface      254—258
Sea surface, geometry of      254
Sea surface, photographic reflectance      256
Sea surface, radiance      256
Sea surface, reflectance      254 257
Sea surface, spectral radiance      257—258
Sea surface, temperature distribution      257—258
Seawater      254—265
Seawater, absorption coefficient      256 258
Seawater, bulk reflectance      262
Seawater, spectral irradiance      260
Seawater, spectral reflectance      261
Shot noise      361
Signal-to-noise ratio      318
Simulation      128—133
Simulation, environmental conditions      130
Simulation, target/background geometry      130
Simulation, temperature prediction      130
SIRIM      130—133
Sky      194—210
Sky, clear sky      194—198
Sky, overcast sky      199
Sky, particulate statistics      199—200
Sky, sky cover      230—234
Sky, spectral apparent temperature      247—249
Sky, spectral radiance      196—198 220
Sky, thermal radiation      199
Skylight      147
Snell's law      26
Snow, properties of      271—278
Snow, properties of, depth of penetration      272—273
Snow, properties of, extinction rate      271
Snow, properties of, free-water absorption      273
Snow, properties of, reflectance      273—278
Snow, properties of, reflectance and emission model      272
Soil and sand, spectral radiance      218—219 221
Soil and sand, spectral reflectance      230 235—240
Solar circle      190
Solar flux      192
Solar radiation      151—162 194—199
Solar radiation, exoatmospheric      151
Solar radiation, scattering      194—199
Solar radiation, terrestrial      151—152
Solar scattering      195—196
Solar scattering, scattering angle      213
Solar spectral irradiance      152—162
Solids, spectra      36
Sommerfeld model      32
Sources, artificial      49—135 see
Sources, artificial, activated phosphor sources      108
Sources, artificial, calibration of      59
Sources, artificial, carbon arc      77—84
Sources, artificial, concentrated arc lamps      93 99—100
Sources, artificial, enclosed arc and discharge sources (high pressure)      82—90
Sources, artificial, enclosed arc and discharge sources (low pressure)      90—93
Sources, artificial, far-UV sources      62—63
Sources, artificial, field (man-made) targets      108—127
Sources, artificial, glow modulator tubes      100 103—105
Sources, artificial, hydrogen and deuterium arcs      103 107
Sources, artificial, incandescent sources      65—77
Sources, artificial, laboratory sources, commercial      64—108
Sources, artificial, laboratory sources, standard      52—64
Sources, artificial, laser      63—69
Sources, artificial, light-emitting diodes      108
Sources, artificial, symbols, nomenclature and units      51
Sources, natural      137—314 see "Earth" "Ice" "Moon" "Night "Snow" "Stars" "Sun"
Sources, natural, extragalactic infrared sources      181—190
Sources, natural, galactic infrared point sources      179—181
Sources, natural, idealized sources      139
Sources, natural, idealized sources, ideal diffuse source      139
Sources, natural, idealized sources, ideal specular (mirror) surface      139
Sources, natural, idealized sources, isotropic point source      139
Sources, natural, idealized sources, Lambertian sources      139
Sources, natural, spectral energy distribution of      179—180
Spacecraft materials, emissivity of      113
Spectra, atomic      32—34
Spectra, molecular (gases)      34—36
Spectra, solids      36
Spectral emissivity      145
Spectral exitance      145—146
Spectral index      180
Spectral line shapes      36—37
Spectral line shapes, Doppler line      37
Spectral line shapes, Lorentz line      37
Spectral line shapes, Lorentz line, natural linewidth      37
Spectral line shapes, mixed (Voigt) line      37
Spectral luminous efficiency      174
Spectral photon contrast      20—21
Spectral photon exitance      17—18
Spectral radiance      6
Spectral radiant contrast      19—20
Spectral radiant exitance      8
Spectral radiant exitance vs dimensionless frequency      16
Spectral radiant exitance vs wave number      14—16
Spectral radiant exitance vs wavelength      14—15
Spectral reflectance, of materials in the near-UV/VIS      114
Spectral weighting function      6
Spectra] line shifts      359
Spectrometers      146 263 338—362 see "Interferometers" "Prisms"
Spectrometers, Bunsen — Kirchhoff      338
Spectrometers, coding masks      360
Spectrometers, cw difference-frequency spectrometer      361
Spectrometers, Eagle      343—344
Spectrometers, Ebert — Fastie      343 345
Spectrometers, examples of      348
Spectrometers, Hadamard transform spectrometer      361
Spectrometers, heterodyne spectrometer      361
Spectrometers, high altitude      201—202 207
Spectrometers, imaging      361
Spectrometers, Littrow      340—341 343
Spectrometers, mirror      340—341
Spectrometers, Paschen — Runge      343
Spectrometers, Pfund      341 343 345
Spectrometers, single-beam double-pass      339 342
Spectrometers, tunable far-IR laser spectrometer      362
Spectrometers, unicam prism-grating, double-monochromator      346
Spectrometers, Wadsworth      343—344
Spectroradiometers      333—348
Spectroradiometers, AMOS      334
Spectroradiometers, components      334—335
Spectroradiometers, diagram of      335
Spectroradiometers, examples of      348
Spectroradiometers, gratings      337—347
Spectroradiometers, imaging      333
Spectroradiometers, prisms      335—347
spreadsheets      19 22 24—25
Standards      57—64
Standards at high-temperatures      80
Standards, baseline standard of radiation      58—59
Standards, baseline standard of radiation, goldpoint blackbody      58—59
Standards, baseline standard of radiation, variable-temperature radiator      58—59
Standards, color temperature standard lamps      60
Standards, far-UV radiometric sources      62—63
Standards, infrared radiometric standards      60—62
Standards, infrared radiometric standards, spectral irradiance lamps      61
Standards, infrared radiometric standards, spectral radiance ribbon filament lamps      61
Standards, laser sources      63—64 66—69
Standards, photometric standards      60—62
Standards, photometric standards, airway beacon lamps      60
Standards, photometric standards, luminous flux standards      60
Standards, photometric standards, luminous intensity standards      60
Standards, primary standard of light      57—58
Standards, primary standard of light, candela      57
Standards, radiometric      317 326—332
Standards, working standards of radiation      59
Stars      140 165—194
Stars, concentration of      169 172—173
Stars, number of      167—171
Stars, spectral classification of      167—170
Stars, spectral irradiance of      174—175
Stellar magnitudes      165—176
Stellar magnitudes, absolute magnitude      166
Stellar magnitudes, apparent magnitude      166
Stellar magnitudes, infrared magnitude      175
Stellar magnitudes, interstellar extinction      166—167
Stellar magnitudes, photographic magnitude      169 171
Stellar magnitudes, visual magnitude      166 174—176
Stellar magnitudes, zero magnitude spectral flux density      166
Stellar radiation, spectral distribution      173
Stellar spectral classes      167—173
Stephan — Boltzmann law      12
Sterance      5—6 8
Sterisent      5—6
Stratospheric aerosols      199
Subscripts      6
Subscripts, band radiance      6
Subscripts, photon (quantum) flux quantities      6
Subscripts, spectral radiance      6
Subscripts, visible radiance      6
Sun      151—162
Sun, declination angle      213—214
Sun, elevation angle      213
Sun, spectral distribution curves      154
Sun, spectral irradiance      155—162
Sun, zenith angle      154
Sunlight      147 191
Suprasil™      107
Surface exitance      148
Surface radiance      217—226
Surface temperature      146—151
Talbot      8
Target radiation      108—127
Target radiation, aircraft      110—118 123
Target radiation, vehicles      108—111
Target-background contrast      127
Temperature      145 see
Temperature, apparent      139
Temperature, blackbody      57
Temperature, brightness      30—31
temperature, color      32 79 139 176
Temperature, colored body      30
Temperature, contrast      13
Temperature, distribution      31
Temperature, graybody      30
Temperature, predicting      130
Temperature, radiance      30—31
Temperature, radiometric      30—32
Temperature, steady-state      148
Temperature, surface      146—151
Terrain background statistics      299—308
Thermal emission      145—146 175
Thermal imagers      333
Thermal images of aircraft      124
Thermal images of naval vessels      126—127
Thermal images of surface vehicle      122
Thermal inertia      150
Thermal modeling      145—151
Thermal properties of materials      150
1 2 3 4
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