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Lukac R., Plataniotis K.N. — Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications |
Предметный указатель |
1-D DCT 147
2-D DCT 149
4-connectivity 115
8-connectivity 115
Abnormal retinal image 340
Abstract profile 12
Acquisition module 551
Adaptive nearest neighbor filter 83
Adaptive nonparametric filter 83
Additive color model 190
Adobe Color Engine 16
Adobe Photoshop 16
Aggregated vector ordering 79
Algorithm optimization 353
Aliasing 380 382 387
AM-FM hybrid halftoning 159 160
Ambiguous regions 336
Amplitude modulation (AM) halftoning 159 160
Anisotropic diffusion 87
Anisotropic diffusive filter 462
Anti-symmetry of weighted walkthroughs 235
Apple CMM 13
Architecture 343
Area under ROC curves 343
Artifacts 332
Artifacts, linear 168
Artifacts, worm 168
ASIC 353
Assembly language 355 362
AToB0 tag 16
AVS 549
AVS, architecture 551
AVS, architecture, high level 551
AVS, architecture, low level 551
AVS, architecture, medium level 551
AVS, AVS history 549
AVS, beyond third generation 550
AVS, first generation 549
AVS, second generation 550
AVS, third generation 550
Back-propagation 342
Backgroud update module 552
Background diabetic retinopathy 328
Backward color model 439
BASIC 355 362
Basis matrices 188 189 195 198 199
Bayesian classifier 331
Bhattacharyya 321
Bhattacharyya, coefficient 321
Bhattacharyya, distance 321
Bilinear interpolation 145
Binarization 189
Binary device 158
Binary image 187
Binary representation 192
Binning 395 397 399 402 405 410
Biochemicals 401—403 417
Bit per pixel (bpp) 143
Bit representation 198 365 370
Bit-level 186 191 196
Bit-level stacking 196
Bit-level, processing 191 198
Bit-level, representation 191
Blind deconvolution 484
BLOB 552
Block matching 507
Blue noise 158 160
Bound on weighted walkthroughs 237
Boundary-tracing 341
Brush strokes 450 452
C# 355 362
C++ 355 362
Calibration 18
Camera image processing 364 369 389
Camera implementation 371
Camera model 513
Canny method 463
Canonical colors 290
Capillaries 328
Cast shadow 554
Cathode-ray tube (CRT) 421
CCD 395 396 398
Central weighted VMF 82
CFA image 371 379 382 387
CFA image, mosaic-like structure 371 374 388
Change detection 552
Channel dependent threshold modulation 429
Characterization 18
Chemometry 395
Chromagenic camera 68
Chromagenic color constancy 68
Chromatic adaptation 25
Chromaticity 63
Chromaticity coordinates 9 436
Chrominance 505
CIE 1931 Yxy 9
CIE 1976 L*, a*, b* 6
CIE illuminant 7
CIELAB color space 446 449
Classification 552
cleaning 445
Cleaning, frescos 447
Clipping 41
Closed-loop color 4
Clustered dot 158
Clustering 106 334
CMOS 395
CMS 30
Coarse stage 335
Color (RGB) vector 365 377
Color (RGB) vector, collinear vectors 378
Color (RGB) vector, direction 377 378
Color (RGB) vector, magnitude 377
Color adjustment 448
Color boosting 205 218
Color buffer 354
Color chromaticity 378
Color cleaning 445
Color clustering 233
Color constancy 55 59
Color constancy error 70
Color cue in face detection 299
Color cue in face recognition 305
Color derivative 209 216 223
Color edge detection 89
Color edges 204 209 211
Color enhancement 447
Color feature detection 204 205 209 210 223
Color filter array (CFA) 364 366—368
Color filter array (CFA), arbitrary CFA 383
Color filter array (CFA), Bayer pattern 368 374 381 383
Color filter array (CFA), CFA structure 381
Color filter array (CFA), color systems 368
Color filter array (CFA), color systems, four and more color systems 368
Color filter array (CFA), color systems, mixed primary/complementary colors 368
Color filter array (CFA), color systems, RGB CFA 368
Color filter array (CFA), color systems, tri-stimulus systems 368
Color filter array (CFA), design criteria 368
Color filter array (CFA), non-Bayer CFA 381
Color filter array (CFA), periodic CFA 368
Color filter array (CFA), pseudo-random CFA 368 382
Color filter array (CFA), Yamanaka pattern 368
Color formats, 513
Color formats, 505
Color formats, RGB 505
Color formats, YUV 505
| Color histogram 552
Color image 76 365 378 379 383
Color image encryption 197
Color image enhancement 364 381 383
Color image formation 287
Color image resizing 142
Color invariance 204 215 223
Color management module 12
Color Management System 30
Color matching 449
Color matching functions 7
Color Measurement Committee 11
Color mixing 190
Color normalization 329
Color reproduction 436
Color retinal image segmentation 329
Color retinal images 331
Color saliency 205 216 218
Color sampling, 4:1:1 506
Color sampling, 4:2:0 506 512
Color sampling, 4:2:2 506 512
Color sampling, 4:4:4 512
Color space, CIELAB 173 449
Color space, CIEXYZ 173
Color space, Luv color space 233
Color space, sRGB 173 178
color spaces 334 553
Color spaces for skin 294
Color tensor 204 205 210 223
Colorimetric intent 15
Colorimetric quantization 170
Colorization, algorithm 468
Colorization, blend factor 470 475
Colorization, color blending 470
Colorization, comparison of methods 471
Colorization, complexity 470
Colorization, implementation 471
Colorization, intrinsic distance 467 469 470 475
Colorization, performance 470 471
Colorization, robustness 472 474
Colorization, video 474
Combining color derivatives 205 209 211
Comparing arrangements 244
Compositionality of weighted walkthroughs 235
Concatenation 13
Conditional vector ordering 79
Conductivity function 88
Constraints 364 373 376 382 389
Constraints, orientation 378
Constraints, spatial 374
Constraints, spectral 377
Constraints, structural 375
Continuity of weighted walkthroughs 238
Continuous-tone image 189
Contour, active contour 315 317
Contour, deformation 318 319
Contour, EM 313 319
Contour, EM contour algorithm 319 320 322
Contour, measurement line 316 317
Contrast properties 189 192
Conversion 18
Core ontology 272
Cotton wool spots 328
Crack 450 462
Crack detection 450 451 453
Crack removal 450
Crack removal, automatic 451
Crack removal, semi-automatic 450
Cross validation 342
Cryptographic noise 194
D-D 30
Dark current 399 410
Data-adaptive concept 374
DCT 33
DCT block composition 152
DCT block decomposition 153
De-inking 406 407
De-saturation 448
Dead zone 506
Decolor 476
decryption 189 192 193 196
Decryption, function 188 192 196
Decryption, ISS 193
Decryption, procedure 196
Decryption, process 189 190
Decryption, VSS 188 190
Delta E 10
Delta E 2000 11
Delta E 94 11
Delta E ab 11
Demosaicked image postprocessing 364 369 381
Demosaicked image postprocessing, universal postprocessing solution 383
Demosaicking 364 366—369 379 381—383 387
Demosaicking, universal demosaicking 382
Device-dependent color specification 6
Device-independent color specification 6
Device-to-device 30
Diabetes 327
Diagonal matrix color constancy 61
Difference vector edge detector 93
Digital camera 365
Digital camera, consumer grade camera 364 367 368 370 385
Digital camera, high-end camera 370
Digital camera, single-sensor device 366
Digital camera, three-sensor device 365
Digital camera, X3 technology-based device 366
Digital rights management 185
Digital signal processing paradigms 364 372
Digital signal processing paradigms, component-wise processing 373 377 386 387
Digital signal processing paradigms, data-adaptive processing 372 374
Digital signal processing paradigms, linear processing 372
Digital signal processing paradigms, non-adaptive processing 372 375
Digital signal processing paradigms, nonlinear processing 372
Digital signal processing paradigms, spetral model-based processing 373
Digital signal processing paradigms, vector processing 373 386 387
Direct binary search (DBS), color 177
Directional indexes 238
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) 33 130
Discrete sine transform (DST) 150
Discrete wavelet transform 35
Discrimination 334
Discriminative classifiers 341
Dispersed dot 158 160
Dispersive element 394 397
Dissimilarity-based classifiers (DBCs) 411 412
Distance between spatial arrangements 238
Dithering 158 425
Domain ontologies 267
Donut filter 161—163
Dot-on-dot 178 181
Double buffering 354
Down-sampling property of DCT 149
DWT 35
Dynamic false contour 423
Early stopping 342
Edge detection 89
Edge detection efficiency 98
Edge extraction 461
Edge map 90
Edge-sensing mechanism 364 374 381 388
Edge-sensing mechanism, aggregation concept 375 382
Edge-sensing mechanism, neighborhood expansion 376
Edge-sensing weights 372 375 376 387
Efficient computation of weighted walkthroughs 239
Ellipse fitting 301
Empirical risk minimization 343
Encryption 186 192 194
Encryption, function 187 192 195
Encryption, ISS 192 193
Encryption, partial 186
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