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Lukac R., Plataniotis K.N. — Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications
Lukac R., Plataniotis K.N. — Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications

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Название: Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications

Авторы: Lukac R., Plataniotis K.N.


Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications embraces two decades of extraordinary growth in the technologies and applications for color image processing. The book offers comprehensive coverage of state-of-the-art systems, processing techniques, and emerging applications of digital color imaging. To elucidate the significant progress in specialized areas, the editors invited renowned authorities to address specific research challenges and recent trends in their area of expertise. The book begins by focusing on color fundamentals, including color management, gamut mapping, and color constancy. The remaining chapters detail the latest techniques and approaches to contemporary and traditional color image processing and analysis for a broad spectrum of sophisticated applications, including: · Vector and semantic processing · Secure imaging · Object recognition and feature detection · Facial and retinal image analysis · Digital camera image processing · Spectral and superresolution imaging · Image and video colorization · Virtual restoration of artwork · Video shot segmentation and surveillance Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications is a versatile resource that can be used as a graduate textbook or as stand-alone reference for the design and the implementation of various image and video processing tasks for cutting-edge applications.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 600

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Encryption, process      189 196
Encryption, technology      198
Encryption, VSS      189
Error diffusion      158 425
Error diffusion kernel      430
Error diffusion, color      169
Error filter, nonseparable      169
Error filter, scalar      169
Error filter, separable      169
Error-diffusion halftoning      190
Evaluation of segmented image      123
Expansion factor      188 195
Expansion properties      189
Extended set      234
Exudate identification approach      348
Exudates cluster      340
Eye, bright pupil      310
Eye, dark pupil      310
Eye, tracking      309
Face candidates      301
Face detection      558
Face detection scheme      301
Face detection, neural networks-based      559
Face detection, representation-based techniques      559
Face detection, template matching techniques      559
Face symmetry      302
Facial feature detection      302
Facial image analysis      286
False negative      330
False positive      330
Feature classification      204 205 219 220 222
Feature extractor module      552
Feature selection      340 348
Feature space      334
Feature vector      341
Feedback mechanism      168
Filtering window      76
Fine segmentation stage      336
Fisher linear discriminant classifier (FLDC)      411
Flat panel TV      421
Flat shading      359 361
Flickering      432
Floyd — Steinberg      167
Floyd — Steinberg filter      190
Fluorescence image      460
Focal point      38
FORTRAN      355 362
Forward color model      439
Fovea      330
FPGA      353
Fragments reconstruction      458
Frequency modulation (FM) halftoning      159 160
FREXT      512
Fuzzy adaptive filters      82
Fuzzy c-means      334
Fuzzy membership      337
Fuzzy weighted average      82
Fuzzy-classifiers      411
Gamma      20
Gamut      436
Gamut boundary descriptor      30
Gamut compression      30
Gamut expansion      30
Gamut mapping algorithm      30
Gamut mapping color constancy      62
Garbage collection      356
Gaussian function      335
Gaussian RBF kernel      344
GBD      30
GCV      485
Generalization abilities      342
Generalized anisotropic diffusion      89
Generalized discrete Fourier transform (GDFT)      148
Generalized Laplacian      317
Generalized processing solution      373
Generalized vector directional gradient      92
Generalized vector dispersion detector      96
Genetic algorithm      424
Geometric transformation      457 458
GMA      30
Gouraud shading      359 361
Graphics processing unit (GPU)      359
Gray world color constancy      56
Gray-level reproduction      426
Gray-levels      334
Green noise      162
Group of pictures      512
Grouped people splitting      558
H.264      509
Haemorrhages      328
Haftoning VSS      194
Halftone image      190 198
Halftones      157
Halftoning      157 181 189 190
Hard exudates      328
Hard margin      345
HDTV      130 142 436
Hidden units      342
High pressure liquid chromatography      403
Highlights      122
histogram      335
Histogram rescaling      50
Histogram specification      45 332
Histogram stretching      45
Homogeneity criterion      111
Homogeneous distribution of minor pixels      433
HSI      332
Hue      505
Human perception      369 376 378 388 389
Human visual system      158 186 189 198 504
Hyper-cube      397—399 416
Hypercomplex convolution      97
Hyperplane      344
IDAD algorithm      137
IDCT      132
IDDA algorithm      137
Ideal processing solution      373
IHAC algorithm      136
IHCA algorithm      136
Illuminant estimation error      70
Illumination      56
Illumination effects      287 295
Image contrast      332
Image encryption      196
Image formation      59
Image interpolation      364 377 388
Image interpolation, spatial interpolation      364 384 387
Image interpolation, spectral interpolation      364 379 380 384
Image processing      393—395 398—402 407 410—413
Image registration      458
Image registration, MMI method      459
Image representation      187
Image resizing      130 367
Image restoration      484
Image secret sharing      186 191 198
Image sensor      365—367
Image sensor, CCD      365
Image sensor, CMOS      365
Image sensor, defects      369
Image sensor, layered sensor      366
Image sensor, optical/electrical cross talk      369
Image understanding      259
Image watermarking      187
image-based      329
Image-based accuracy      348
Image-to-device      30
Imaging coprocessor      353
Imaging spectrograph      394 400 402 408—410
Impulse response      162
Impulsive noise      77
ImSpector      396 409
Inpainting      467—469 476—478
Input-agnostic      193 195 198
Input-specific      194 195 198
Inter-channel overlaps      430
Inter-cluster distance      123
International Color Consortium      11
International Commission on Illumination      6
Intra-cluster distance      123
Invariance      65
Inverse gamma correction      426
Inverse gradient      375 381
IR      310 311 395
IR, glint      311
IR, Purkinje image      310
Iris, state      314
Iris, tracker      313
Iris, tracking      322
ISS framework      191—194
IT8.7/1 target      18
Iterated backprojection      485
Iterative methods      158 175
Java      351 355 360 362
Java virtual machine (JVM)      355
Java3D      351 356 357 359 360
Joint entropy      538
Joint histogram      459
Joint probability distribution      459
Joint probability image      534
JPEG      31 130
JPEG2000      130
Just in time compiler (JIT)      355
K-means      106
Kalman filter      515
Knowledge-based semantic image analysis      265
L-curve      486
Lab color space      436
Labeled dataset      341
Lacuna      454
Lacuna, filling      454
Lacuna, segmentation      454
Lacuna, texture synthesis      455
Lacuna, virtual restoration      455
Lagrangian      344
Laser      327
Lesion-based      329
Light emission period      422
Linear spatially invariant (LSI)      158
Linearly separable      344
Lipid exudation      328
Liquid crystal display (LCD)      421
LMDS algorithm      139
LMUS algorithm      139
Local contrast enhancement      329
Local neighborhood      374
Local structures      203 219 220
Location flags      372 381 383
Logical operations      198
Lookup table      23
Low-pass truncated approximation of DCT      151
Luminance      505
Machine vision      394 395 397
Macroblock      509
Macula      328
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging      395 413 414
MAP      486 488 491
Margin      344
Marginal histogram      459
Marginal noise filtering      77
Marginal ordering      79
Mathematical models for skin      296
Mathematical morphology      331
Matrix gain model      171
Maximum likelihood      164
Maximum membership rule      337
Maximum RGB color constancy      57
Maximum selector      83
Media analysis ontologies      267
Median smoothing      331
Microaneurysms      328
Minimum brightness variation criterion      170
Minimum vector dispersion detector      97
Minor pixels      428
Minority pixel      161
MIR      407
Misclassification cost      342
Misclassification errors      330
ML      486 489 490
MLMS algorithm      514
MLP      342
Modeling spatial arrangements of color      233
Modulation transfer function (MTF)      394
Mondrian      57
Mosaicing      448 456
Motion compensation      507
Motion estimation      507
Motion flexible      516
Motion flexible surface deformation      517
Motion rigid      513
Motion tracking      515
MPEG-7      229 262 268
MPEG-7 color descriptors      229
MSE      507 508
Multi-filters      165
Multi-filters, donut      166
Multi-sensor systems      550
Multilayer perceptrons      342
Multimedia structure ontology      274
Multivariate data ordering      79
Multivariate kernel estimator      83
Mutual information      459 539
Nearest-neighbor edge detector      97
Neighborhood operation      158
Neugebauer      177
Neugebauer, printer model      180
Neural network      329
NIR      395 407 409 410
NNs      341
Noise filtering      77
noise reduction      76
Noise sources      76
Noise suppression      449
Noise-shaping      167
Non-canonical colors      291
Non-deinking      406 407
Non-exudates      340
Non-mydriatic      331
Nonparametric estimator      83
Nosologic image      415
NP-complete      352
NTSC      130 142
Number of clusters      124
Object recognition      203 219 223 348
Object-oriented      355
Objective function      337
On curved surfaces      458
Open loop color      5
OpenGL      356
Opponent representation      172
Optic disc      330
Optic disc localization      341
Optical system      367
Optimum classifier      347
Overfitting      343
Overhauser spline function      38
Oversegmentation      104
Pair correlation function      163 164
Pair correlation function, joint      165
Paired comparison task      174
Paired-comparison      41
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