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Levkowitz H. — Color theory and modeling for computer graphics, visualization, and multimedia applications |
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Acuity 11
Additive mixing 21
Additive mixing, RGB 21
Albers 94
Average observer 36
Binocular vision 11
Binocular vision, bars 11
Binocular vision, blobs 11
Binocular vision, lines 11
Brightness 6—7
Brightness, perceived 12
Brightness, perceived, equal steps in 12
Chroma 7
Chromatic adaptation 97
CIE 1931 Standard Observer (2°) 36
CIE 1964 Standard Supplementary Observer (10°) 36
CIE Chromaticity Diagram 47
CIE Tristimulus Values X, Y, Z 36
CIE Tristimulus Values X, Y, Z and chromaticity coordinates x, y 36
CIE Tristimulus Values X, Y, Z no color difference sizes 36
CIE Tristimulus Values X, Y, Z no intuitive perceptual interpretation (HLS) 36
CIE Tristimulus Values X, Y, Z no surround/adaptation conditions 40
CIE, x, y, Y 41
Color and hardware 46
Color and low spatial frequency sensitivity 27
Color and preattentive vision 89
Color and user 46
Color and visual search 89
color blindness 22 see
Color deficiencies 22
Color deficiencies and color discrimination 26
Color deficiencies and color naming 26
Color deficiencies and redundant luminance coding 26
Color deficiencies and visual displays 26
Color deficiencies, abnormal L-type cone 22
Color deficiencies, abnormal M-type cone 22
Color deficiencies, deuteranomaly 22
Color deficiencies, deuteronomy 22
Color deficiencies, red-green 26
Color icon xviii 153
Color icon, evaluation 188
Color icon, illustrations and examples 157
Color icon, in NewExvis 153
Color icon, parallel implementation xviii 169
Color icon, parallel implementation, applications and examples 177
Color icon, parallel version 153
Color icon, three-dimensional 153
Color icon, three-dimensional surfaces 169
Color icon, two-dimensional 153
Color in computer graphics 45
Color in terms of light 6—7
Color in terms of observer 6
Color on the World-Wide Web 189
Color on the World-Wide Web, capabilities 190
Color on the World-Wide Web, GIF 190
Color on the World-Wide Web, hyperlinks 189
Color on the World-Wide Web, JPEG 190
Color on the World-Wide Web, what's ahead 191
Color scales, recommended xvii
Color vs. luminance resolution 27
Color, blindness 22 see
Color, calibration 101—102
Color, chromatic 7
Color, chromatic, brightness 7
Color, chromatic, lightness 7
Color, constancy 95
Color, context 95 98
Color, context and the Retinex model 98
Color, contrast 95
Color, coordinates 33
Color, coordinates, CIE 36
Color, coordinates, computational 33
Color, coordinates, human visual models based 36
Color, coordinates, opponent-process models 36
Color, coordinates, perceptual 33
Color, cross-device compatibility 4
Color, deficiencies 22 see
Color, device independent 101
Color, device independent, steps to 101
Color, device, modeling and calibration 104
Color, device, modeling examples 105
Color, device, transformations 103
Color, difference 34
Color, discrimination 36 94
Color, discrimination vs. naming 94
Color, display device 4
Color, gamut 4 33
Color, gamut, matching 106
Color, gamut, mathematical 47
Color, hard copy device 35
Color, icon 153
Color, mapping properties 75
Color, matching, experiments 36
Color, matching, functions 36
Color, mixing 21
Color, mixing, additive 21
Color, mixing, subtractive 21
Color, model 31
Color, model, CMY color cube 35
Color, model, CMYK 35
Color, model, distance 34
Color, model, extended Munsell 80
Color, model, GLHS 56
Color, model, LHS 49
Color, model, RGB 46
Color, model, RGB color cube 46—47
Color, modeling 31 45
Color, models, Color Sphere 31
Color, models, Colorid 31
Color, models, Munsell 31
Color, models, NCS 31
Color, models, OSA 31
Color, models, Ostwald 31
Color, models, RGB color cube 34
Color, monitor 19 33 46
Color, monitor, electron gun 34
Color, monitor, gun 19
Color, naming 94
Color, objective specification 8
Color, objective vs. subjective specification 8
Color, optimal scales 112
Color, optimal scales, evaluation 126
Color, optimal scales, generalization and extension 132
Color, optimal scales, LOCS 109 122
Color, optimal scales, maximization problem 119
Color, optimal scales, OPTIMAL-SCALES algorithm 109 122
Color, optimal scales, restrictions 118
Color, optimal scales, solution 120
Color, order systems, additive 34
Color, order systems, instrumental 33
Color, order systems, perceptually uniform 40
Color, order systems, process-dependent 33
Color, order systems, process-order 35
Color, order systems, pseudo-perceptual 35
Color, order systems, subtractive 35
Color, organization 31 45
Color, organization, empirical 41
Color, perceived 6 8
Color, perceived (hue) 95
Color, perceived changes 21
Color, perception and temporal chromatic effects 98
Color, perceptual distance 75
Color, phsysical specification 7
Color, printer 33
Color, scales 109
Color, scales and representation of data 109
| Color, scales for image data 109
Color, scales, adjusting perceptual steps 137
Color, scales, algorithm LOS 138
Color, scales, commonly used 111
Color, scales, design 109
Color, scales, desired properties 110
Color, scales, evaluation 109
Color, scales, just noticeable differences (JND) 109
Color, scales, linearization 126 137—138 144
Color, scales, linearization algorithm 138
Color, scales, linearization as post processing 144
Color, scales, LOCS 109 122
Color, scales, numerical vs. perceptual steps 137
Color, scales, optimal 112
Color, scales, OPTIMAL-SCALES algorithm 109 122
Color, scales, perceived dynamic range 109
Color, scales, perceptual steps along 135
Color, scales, uniformity 137
Color, sensation 6 8
Color, solid 31
Color, space 31
Color, space and Opponent Process mechanisms 103
Color, space, CIELAB 103
Color, space, CIELUV 103
Color, space, CIEXYZ 102
Color, space, GLHS 103
Color, space, pseudo perceptual 103
Color, space, selection 102
Color, space, uniform 41 75
Color, spatial-temporal interactions 98
Color, specification, device-independent 36
Color, specification, objective 36
Color, subjective specification 8
Color, tri-stimulus 6
Color, vision 17
Color, vision, complex tasks 89
Color, vision, normal 36
Color, vision, trichromacy 17
Color-luminance interaction 27
Colorfulness 7
Colors, perceived differences coordinates 41—42
Computer graphics, literature 4
cones 10
Cones, broadband filters 17
Cones, L-type ("red") 10
Cones, M-type ("green") 10
Cones, S-type ("blue") 10
contrast 4—5 12
Contrast and flicker 15
Contrast and spatial frequency 12
Contrast and spatial resolution 12
Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF) 12
Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF), image applications of 15
Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF), image applications of, digital halftoning 15
Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF), image applications of, image coding 15
Contrast, Contrast Sensitivity Function (CSF) 12
CRT 4 46
Cyan, magenta, yellow 35
Cyan, magenta, yellow, black 35
Display, Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) 4 46
Display, flat panel 4
Display, refreshed 4
Dominant wavelength 7
Early vision 12
Early vision, luminance perception 12
Early vision, luminance perception, contrast 12
Electronic display 4
eye 6 9
Eye, cornea 9
Eye, lense 9
Eye, movement 10
Eye, movement, essential for perception 10
Eye, movement, minisaccades 10
Eye, movement, saccades 10
Eye, pupil 9
Eye, retina 6 9—10
Eye, retina, photoreceptors 10
flicker 4 15
Flicker, perceived 15
Flicker, perceived and age 15
Flicker, perceived and caffeine consumption 15
Flicker, perceived and depressants 15
Flicker, perceived and display parameters 15
Flicker, perceived and display size 15
Flicker, perceived and interlaced vs. non-interlaced scanning 15
Flicker, perceived and luminance 15
Flicker, perceived and observer factors 15
Flicker, perceived and peripheral vs. foveal gaze 15
Flicker, perceived and phosphor persistence 15
Flicker, perceived and refresh rate 15
Flicker, perceived and viewing conditions 15
Flicker, reduction 16
Gamut 4 19 33
Gamut, matching 106
GLHS 46 56 75
GLHS, CIELUV approximation with 77
GLHS, definition and basic properties 56
GLHS, dynamic color model changing 73
GLHS, hue function properties proof 73
GLHS, illustrations 69
GLHS, interaction 73
GLHS, model choice 60
GLHS, Munsell approximation with 78
GLHS, new LHS models 73
GLHS, parallel implementation xviii
GLHS, programs 69
GLHS, programs, MCMIDS: color integrated displays 69
GLHS, programs, MCMTRANS: color specification and coordinate transformation 69
GLHS, RGB-GLHS transformation algorithms 62
GLHS, RGB-GLHS transformation algorithms, GLHS to RGB 67
GLHS, RGB-GLHS transformation algorithms, RGB to GLHS 62
GLHS, RGB-to-LHS mapping range 61
GLHS, three-dimensional spaceball navigation xviii
GLHS, transformations to UCS 76
GLHS, uniformity and algorithmic properties 75
GLHS, weights 56
Graphical user interfaces (GUI) 29
Graphical user interfaces (GUI), small hue differences sufficient 29
Head-mounted displays 4
HLS Double Hexcone 46
HSL Triangle 46
HSV Hexcone 46
Hue 6—7 31 35
Hue, value, chroma (HVC) 41
Human color vision 17
Human visual system 3 9
Icon 149
Image, compression 5 29
Image, compression, algorithms 5
Image, compression, most bandwidth to luminance 29
Image, compression, perceptually lossless 5
Image, compression, perceptually lossy 5
Image, compression, rate 5
Image, continuous 4
Image, depth 5
Image, discrete 4
Image, discretized 4
Image, discretized, aliasing 4
Image, discretized, anti-aliasing 4
Image, picture element 4
Image, pixel 4
Image, quality 5
Image, three-dimensional 5
Image, two-dimensional 5
Imaging xvi
Imaging, medical xvi
Information, capture 5
Information, compression 5
Information, display 5
Information, sample 5
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