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Поиск книг, содержащих: Van der Waals forces
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Smith M.B., March J. — March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure | 98 (also see “Bonding”) | Levine I.N. — Molecular Spectroscopy | 156 | Domb C., Lebowitz J.L. — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19) | 363 | Galindo A., Pascual P. — Quantum Mechanics Two | II 136, 154 | Pettifor D.G. — Bonding and structure of molecules and solids | 4 | Klinzing G.E. — Gas-Solid Transport | 30 | Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics | 1178 | Hiemenz P.C. (ed.), Rajagopalan R. (ed.) — Principles of colloid and surface chemistry | 482 | Lesk A.M. — Introduction to Protein Architecture | 30 | Mott N.F. — Electronic processes in ionic crystals | 4 | Cracknell A.P., Wong K.C. — The Fermi Surface: Its Concept, Determination and Use in the Physics of Metals | 436 | Landau L.D., Lifschitz E.M. — Statistical physics (vol. 9 of course of theoretical physics) | 331—337 | Tsytovich V.N. (Ed), Morfill G.E. (Ed) — Elementary Physics of Complex Plasmas | 212 | Baker G.A., Gammel J.L. — The Padé Approximant in Theoretical Physics | 41 | Gray C.G., Gubbins K.E. — Theory of molecular fluids | 139 | Slater J.C. — Introduction To Chemical Physics | 182—198 | Fersht A. — Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science | 327—329 | Hume-Rothery W., Raynor G.V. — The Structure of Metals and Alloys | 18, 51, 53, 87 | Prigogine I. — From being to becoming: time and complexity in the physical sciences. | 104 | Bijvoet J.M., Kolkmeyer N.H., Macgillavry C.H. — X-Ray Analysis of Crystals | 126, 128, 130, 292 | Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids | 226 | Gregg S.J., Sing K.S.W. — Adsorption, surface area and porosity | 2 | de Boer J.H. — The dynamical character of adsorption | 32—34, 53, 60, 133, 134, 170, 202, 231, 234 | Wilson E.B. — Molecular Vibrations. The Theory of Infrared and Raman Vibrational Spectra | 179, 180 | Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy | 71, 108—109, 116 | Yang W. — Fluidization, Solids Handling, and Processing: Industrial Applications | 31 | Rosser G. — Interpretation of classical electromagnetism | 403 | Milonni P.W. — The quantum vacuum: introduction to quantum electrodynamics | 98—106 | Kruegel E. — The Physics of Interstellar Dust | 213, 230, 276 | Abrikosov A.A., Gorkov L.P., Dzyalosliinski I.E. — Methods of quantum fields theory in statistical physics | 250, 261ff., 271 | Bennett W.R. — Physics of Gas Lasers | 151, 153, 155 | Hume-Rothery W. — Electrons, Atoms, Metals and Alloys | 178, 227 | Rice F.O., Teller E. — The structure of matter | 63 | Abrikosov A.A., Gоr'kov L.P., Dzyalosiiinskh I.Yk. — Quantum field theoretical methods in statistical physics | 250, 261ff., 271 | Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Course of Theoretical Physics (vol.3). Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic Theory | 342 | Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics | 393 |