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Gregg S.J., Sing K.S.W. — Adsorption, surface area and porosity |
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-plots 98 214 257 258
-plots, effect of mesoporosity on 96 98 161
-plots, effect of microporosity on 97 210
-plots, specific surface from 98 257
Abrahamson, A.A. 5(13)
Absorption, definition of 2
Activated entry 229
Adamson, A.W. 60(37) 77(78)
Adsorbate, classification of 11
Adsorbate, definition of 2
Adsorbate, mobility of 10 69
Adsorbent, definition of 2
Adsorbents, classification of 11
Adsorption 1
Adsorption forces 3
Adsorption forces, dispersion 4
Adsorption forces, polar 7
Adsorption forces, repulsive 4
Adsorption isotherm 2
Adsorption isotherm, analysis of 94
Adsorption isotherm, classification of 3 4
Adsorption isotherm, composite 91 210 211 265
Adsorption isotherm, construction of 284
Adsorption isotherm, standard 90—94
Adsorption isotherm, step-like 77 84 250
Adsorption methods, application of 37
Adsorption, co-operative 209 242 249 264
Adsorption, determination of 14
Adsorption, differential molar work of 220
Adsorption, energy of 8
Adsorption, enthalpy of 12—14 see
Adsorption, entropy of 13 see
Adsorption, irreversible 235
Adsorption, isostere 17
Adsorption, isosteric heat of 12 13 16 42
Adsorption, localized 8 10 68 274 276
Adsorption, molar integral 13
Adsorption, non-specific 11
Adsorption, potential 6 124 220
Adsorption, specific 11
Adsorption, thermodynamics of 13
Adsorptive 2
Adsorptive, choice of 73 103 283
Ageing, low-temperature 280
Agglomerate, definition of 21 38
Aggregate, definition of 21 38
Ahn, W.S. 153(53)
Alario Franco, M.A. 215(28)
Aldcroft, D. 211(25)
Alexander, G.B. 65(46)
Alexandrov, V.A. 177(91)
Alkanes, adsorption of 79
Alkanes, molecular area of 80
Allen, T. 26(55)
Alumina, adsorption on 12 54 76 276 280
Amberg, C.H. 58(32) 85(103)
Amell, J.C. 63 64(41) 234(69) 268(23)
Ammonia, adsorption of 237
Ammonium heteropolyacids, adsorption on 196 240 241
Anderson, J.S. 113 132(4)
Anderson, P.J. 10(29) 207(22)
Anderson, P.R. 10(30)
Anderson, R.B. 53 54(22) 63(42) 216(35)
Androutsopoulos, G.P. 186(113 114)
Area of pore walls 136 138
Area, BET 43 61
Area, geometric 62
Area, molecular 41 61 62 66 70—72 83 257
Argon, adsorption of 8 10 12 53 56 58 60 86—88 115
Argon, molecular area of 74 75
Argon, stepped isotherms of 86—88
Argon, surface areas from 73 83
Aristov, B.G. 59(38) 75(64) 76(137) 77(78) 92(137)
Asher, R.C. 155 156(61)
Astakhov, V.A. 225(47)
Atkinson, D. 242(77)
Avery, R.G. 154 155(55) 202 205(16)
Avgul, N.N. 6 7(20) 58(34) 228(56)
Bailey, A. 235(70)
Baker, F.S. 90(118) 160 161 238(73) 271(35) 280(47)
Barby, D. 270(34)
Barium sulphate, adsorption on 71
Barrer, R.M. 6( 18) 7(23 24) 11 12(23) 13(24) 49(13) 132(28) 197 199(4) 230(61) 237(72) 249(2)
Barrett, E.P. 138(39) 179 181(96)
Barton, S.S. 232(63)
Bassett, D.R. 76 77(71)
Bate, T. 177(90)
Batra, V.K. 173(78)
Beard, H.R. 75(67) 250(9)
Beb, R.A. 280(46)
Beckwith, J.B. 76 77(79)
Beebe, R.A. 58(32) 59(38) 76 77(79) 85(103) 88(111)
Beljakova, L.D. 262(48)
Bellemans, A. 120(15)
Belozerkovski, G.M. 177(91)
Benzene, adsorption of 80 132 196 204 221 235 251 252 260 268
Benzene, dimensions of 81 233
Benzene, molecular area of 81
Benzene, surface areas from 80
Berezin, G.I. 58(34)
Berezkina, Yu.F. 52 58 70(17)
Bering, B.P. 176(83)
Berlin, E. 233(65)
Beswick, F.G. 232(63)
BET analysis 285
BET area 42 61—66 73 83 102 168 188 189 212 216 238 258
BET equation 44
BET equation, application to experimental data 49
BET equation, application to Type II isotherms 49
BET equation, application to Type III isotherms 254
BET equation, application to Type IV isotherms 168
BET equation, mathematical nature of 45
BET equation, modifications of 53
BET equation, range of validity of 52—54
BET equation, statistical-mechanical derivation of 45
BET model 42
BET model, criticisms of 49
BET parameter c 44 46 103
BET parameter c, effect of microporosity on 210 212
BET parameter c, shape of isotherm and 46 52 56 70 255
BET parameter c, values for krypton adsorption 78
Bezus, A.G. 80(92) 228(56)
Bhambhani, M.R. 91 93(130) 135 140 160 161(32) 204 206 211(19)
Bodor, E.E. 53(23) 81 82(97) 92(132) 134 145(31) 215(29) 216(34) 244(29)
Boehm, H.P. 64(43) 264 266(27)
Bomchil, G. 81(94)
Bonnetain.L. 86(107)
Boucher, E.A. 76 77(71) 173(78)
Boudellal, M. 72 89(56)
Bragg, W.L. 19(42)
Brennan, D. 55(28) 79(84)
Brey, W.S. 280(47)
Broad, D.W. 114(6) 200 201(11)
Broekhoff, J.C.P. 125(22) 131 160(25) 169 173(77)
Brown, C. 80(91)
Brown, C.E. 75(66) 100(66 141) 101(66) 218(36)
Brown, M.A. 200(12)
Brown, S.M. 182(104)
Brunauer, S. 3(8—10) 4(8) 26(48) 42—44 49 50(1) 53(23) 55(25 26) 62 72(25) 74(61) 77(78) 81 82(97) 92(132) 121(16) 134 145(31) 215(29 30) 216(34) 244(29 30)
Brundage, R.S. 75(67) 250(9)
Burgess, C.G.V. 157 158(72)
Butane, adsorption of 51 115 156 229 231 236 251 253
Butane, molecular area of 68
Butanol, adsorption of 237
Bye, G.C. 211(25) 215(28) 280(46)
Cadenhead, D.A. 192(2) 235(70)
Cadmium bromide, adsorption on 85
Calcite, adsorption on 239 251
Calcium carbonate, adsorption on 253
Calcium sulphate, adsorption on 254
| Capillary condensation 112
Capillary condensation and Kelvin equation 116 126
Capillary condensation and network effects 150
Capillary condensation in cone-shaped pores 129
Capillary condensation in cylindrical pores 127
Capillary condensation in ink-bottle pores 128
Capillary condensation in interstices between spheres 130
Capillary condensation in slit-shaped pores 130
Capillary condensation in wedge-shaped pores 129
Capillary condensation without hysteresis 126 129 160
Capillary evaporation 127 129
Carbon black, adsorption on 12 52 57—59 64 70 71 75 85—88 101 212 213 262 263
Carbon dioxide, adsorption of 82
Carbon dioxide, minimum dimension of 230
Carbon dioxide, molecular area of 83
Carbon tetrachloride, adsorption of 196 233 241 261
Carbon tetrachloride, molecular area of 257
Carbon, adsorption on 60 156 229 231 233 235 268
Carbon, mercury intrusion by 181
Carman, P.C. 114(9)
Carpenter, F.G. 58 59(31)
Carrott, P.J.M. 90(143)
Carruthers, J.D. 72 76 77(55) 91(131) 93(130) 160 161 238(73) 280(47)
Cartwright, J. 36(57)
Chang, S. 153(53)
Charcoal, adsorption on 1 196 267 268
Charcoal, compression of 181
Charcoal, mercury intrusion by 179 202
Chemisorption 263 264 269—280
Chessick, J.J. 274(38)
Chigbo, G.O. 211(25)
Chromia, adsorption on 50 161 238
Chung, T.T. 72(57)
Cines, M. 115(7)
Claus, A. 64(43)
Cleavage steps 18
Clint, J.H. 58(34) 80(89)
Clough, P.S. 83(100)
Co-operative adsorption 209 242 249 264
Coal, adsorption on 229 236
Coelingh, M.B. 127(24)
Cohan, L.H. 127(23)
Compacts, capillary condensation by 114 117 154 160 162 202
Compacts, microporosity in 204 235 236 240
Compacts, surface area of 168
Comparison plots 94 100 101 218 219
Constabaris, G. 58 59(31)
Constrictions in micropores 228
Constrictions in micropores, nonane pre-adsorption and 239
Contact angle 121—124 131
Contact angle of mercury 177 181 186
Contact angle, macroscopic 123
Contact angle, microscopic 123
Contour diagrams 8—10
Cook, M.A. 49(12)
Copper, adsorption on 62
Cordes, H. 268(26)
Core radius 121 122 134 145 148 149
Cormack, B. 188 189(118)
Corrin, M.L. 76(73)
Cournnault, P. 181(102)
Cranston, R.W. 91(127) 138(40)
Cremer, E. 264 266(27)
Crowell, A.D. 5(12) 6(19) 49(14) 55 56(27)
Culver, R.U. 199 203(7)
Cumulative surface area 169
Curthoys, G. 11(35) 81(95) 242(77)
Curvature, effect on surface tension 153 157
Curvature, radius of 113 118
Custers, J.F.H. 207(20)
Cutting, P.A. 91 93(130) 135 140 160 161(32) 165(75) 204 206 211(19) 240(75) 253(12) 256(12 15) 257(17) 261(15 17)
Cyclohexane, adsorption of 196 253 260
Cynarski, J. 88(111)
Dalla Gatta, G. 280(45)
Dalla Valle, J.M. 26(50) 29 30(60) 136—138(35)
Dash, J.G. 72(57) 87(106)
Davies, D.H. 235(70)
Davies, J.A. 197 199(4)
Davis, B.W. 72 75(52) 76(52 76) 80(76) 280(47)
Davis, R.T. 51 67 68(15)
Davydov, V.Ya. 11(35) 81(95)
Dawson, P.T. 277(40)
Day, R.E. 70(51) 91 93(130) 160 161 238(73) 249(6 7) 251 256(7) 277—279(41) 280(47)
de Boer, J.H. 7(21) 44(4) 86(109) 91(109 126 129) 92(109) 94(134) 95(135) 116(12) 125(22) 129(12) 207(20)
de Saussure, N.T. 1(3)
de Vleesschauwer, W. 149(44)
De Wit, L.A. 177(95)
De Witt, T.W. 51 67 68(15)
Dean, C.R.S. 90(121)
Defay, R. 120(15)
defects 18 19
Deitz, V.R. 58 59(31) 63 78(40) 233(65)
Deming, L.S. 3 4(8)
Deming, W.S. 3 4(8)
density 38 201 202
Derjaguin, B.V. 123(19)
Dhawan, G.K. 180(98 99)
Diamond, S. 181(100)
Diano, W.F. 256(16)
Dickinson, J.M. 181(103)
Diethyl ether adsorption of 12
Dislocations 18
Dispersion forces 4 8 11
Dobrova, E.S. 228(56)
Dobychin, D.P. 207(23)
Doe, P.H. 150 186(49)
Doeller, St. 187(120)
Dollimore, D. 138 140 141(41) 150(46) 201(13)
Dormant, L.M. 60(37)
Dovaston, N.G. 233 236(64)
DR plot 218
Drain, L.E. 7(22) 56 59(29) 60(36)
Drake, L.C. 176 177 181 183(80)
Dreving, V.P. 80(92)
Du Chaffant, F. 181(102)
Dubinin — Astakhov equation 225
Dubinin — Radushkevich (DR) equation 220
Dubinin — Radushkevich (DR) equation, modification of 225 227
Dubinin — Radushkevich (DR) equation, test of 221—225
Dubinin — Radushkevich — Kaganer equation 228
Dubinin, M.M. 25(47) 26(49) 52 58 70(17) 155(57) 157 159(70) 179(97) 202(15) 204 206(17) 218(15) 219(38) 221(40 41) 224(45) 225(47) 226(17) 227(17 50) 244(79) 268(24)
Dullien, F.A.L. 173(78) 180(98 99)
Dupre 123(18)
Duval, X. 86(107) 87(106) 89(113)
Eckstrom, M.C. 76(74)
Egerton, T.A. 198(6)
Ellison, A.H. 177(94)
Eltekov, Y.A. 70 71 81(50)
Emmett, P.H. 3(9) 42—44 49 50(1) 51(15) 52(16) 55(25 26) 58(31) 59(31 35) 61(142) 62(25) 63(42) 67(15) 68(15 49) 69(49) 72(25) 74(61) 115(7)
Energy of adsorption 8
Energy of adsorption, determination of 14
Energy of adsorption, molar integral 13
Enthalpy of adsorption 12—14
Enthalpy of adsorption in micropores 242 243
Enthalpy of adsorption, differential molar 14
Enthalpy of adsorption, isosteric 12 13 16 42
Enthalpy of adsorption, molar integral 13
Enthalpy of adsorption, monolayer completion and 57—60 87
Enthalpy of adsorption, weak interactions and 250—252
Entropy of adsorption 13
Entropy of adsorption, differential molar 14
Entropy of adsorption, molar integral 13
Entropy of adsorption, monolayer completion and 59 61
Ethane, adsorption of 12
Ethanol, adsorption of 237
Ethyl chloride, adsorption of 233
Ethylene, adsorption of 12
Everett, D.H. 13(39 40) 14(40) 104 105(140) 120(15) 124 125(21) 128 129(27) 136(21 48) 150(27 48) 151(48) 154(21) 155(58) 157 158(72) 171(48) 173 186(21) 196(2) 200 207 208(8) 235(70)
Ewing, B. 72 75 76(52) 90(117)
Ewing, E.E. 65(45)
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