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Mott N.F. — Electronic processes in ionic crystals |
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Absorption of light, by alkali-halides 95
Absorption of light, by F-centres 113
Absorption of light, by non-metals 88
Absorption of light, by semi-conductors 189
Alkali-halides: conduction in strong fields in 196
Alkali-halides: crystal structure 2
Alkali-halides: dielectric breakdown in 198
Alkali-halides: energy bands for electrons in 79
Alkali-halides: F-centres in 109 ff
Alkali-halides: ionic conductivity 38
Alkali-halides: phosphorescence of 225
Alkali-halides: photoconductivity in 124 133
Alkali-halides: ultra-violet absorption bands 95
Alpha particles, phosphorescence due to 207
Aluminium, oxide as a semi-conductor 165
Aluminium, protective films on 261
Antonow-Romanowsky, W.W. 211 214 216
Austen, A.E.W. and Hackett, W. 197
Azides, reduction of 266
Barnes, R.B. 23
Bartelt, O. and Klug, H. 245
Bedworth, R.E. see “Pilling and B.”
Beese, N.C. 219
Berg, W.F. 239 240 245
Berg, W.F. and Mendelssohn, K. 234 241 242 247
Bernal, J.D. 35
Bhatnagar, S.S. and Mitra, N.G. 163
Blackman, M. 23 24 (see
Bloch, O. 227
Bogomolowa, M.G. 56
Born, M,, and Heisenberg, W. 13
Born, M. 1 16
Born, M. and Blackman, M. 23
Born, M. and Goeppert-Mayer, M. 1 6 7 19 23 97
Born, M. and von Karman, Th. 23
Brindley, G.W. and Hoare, F.E. 113
Buechner, A. see “Eueken and B.”
Buenger, W. 225
Buenger, W. and Flechsig, W. 226
Carpenter, L.G. and Stroodley, L.G. 48
Cauchy relations 10
Coblentz, W.W. 192
Collective electron model 65
Colour centres see “F-centres”
conduction duo to 153
Cuprous oxide: as a photo-conductor 189
Cuprous oxide: as a rectifier 176
Cuprous oxide: as a semi-conductor 161 163 168
Cuprous oxide: formed on copper by oxidation 253
Cuprous oxide: in oxide photo-cells 192
Czerny, M. 23
Davydov, B. 185
de Boer, J.H. 98
de Boer, J.H. and van Geel, W.Ch. 161
de Boer, J.H. and Verwey, E.J.W. 167 188
de Groot, W. 211 216
Debye, P. 15
Dember, H. 192
Dent, B.H. see “Lennard-Jones and D.”
Deutschmann, W. see “Schottky and D.”
Devonshire, A.F. see “Lennard-Jones and D.”
Dielectric breakdown 197
dielectric constant 10
Diffusion in solids 33 ff 52
Ditchburn, R.W. 91
DuBridge, L.A. see “Hughes and D.”
Dunn, J.S. 254
Durand, M.A. 10
Dushman, S. and Langmuir, I. 34
Dye sensitization 243
Eggert, S. and Noddack, W. 228 (see
Elastic constants of ionic crystals 10
Electron affinities of halogens 8
Engelhard, E. 161 162 163 167 189 191
Eueken, A. and Buechner, A. 23
Evans, C.H. see “Webb and E.”
Ewing, D.H. and Seitz, F. 66 79
excitons 84 90 230
Eyring, H. 36
F'-centres 128 135
F-centres: conversion into F'-centres 134
F-centres: energy of 146
F-centres: formation by ultra-violet illumination 145
F-centres: magnetic susceptibility due to 113
F-centres: migration of 140
F-centres: model for 110
F-centres: produced by X-rays 112
Fajans, K. and Joos, G. 13 18
Fesefeldt, H. 95 100
Flechsig, W. 121 (see
Fowler, R.H. 2 5 65 152 157 170 181 184
Franck — Condon principle 160
Franck, J. and Scheibe, G. 95
Franck, J. and Teller, E. 208 243
Frenkel lattice defects 157
Frenkel, J. 26 89 196 221
Frenkel, J. and Joffe, A. 180
Fritsch, O. 165 167
Froehlich, H. 105 193 197 198 200
Froehlich, H. and Mott, N.F. 25 105 168
Garner, W.E. and Maggs, I. 265
Garner, W.E. and Marks, D.J.B. 264
Glaser, G. and Lehfeldt, W. 132
Goeppert-Mayer, M. see “Born and G.”
Goodeve, C.F. and Kitchener, J.A. 208 230
Goodwin, E.T. 86
Grimm, H.G. and Wolff, H. 18
Grondahl, L.O. 177 178 193
Gruenewald, K. 253
Gudden, B. and Pohl, R.W. 121 128 139 185 209
Gundermann, J. and Wagner, C. 258
Gurney, R.W. 237
Gurney, R.W. and Mott, N.F. 87 88 113 135 146 201 230 242
Gyulai, Z. 73
Hackett, W. see “Austen and H.”
Hall constant of photoconductors 191
Hall constant of semi-conductors 156
Hammen, H. see “Wagner and H.”
Hartmann, W. 165 167 178 (see
Hecht,K. 122
Heckmann, G. 19 25
Heisenberg, W. see “Born and H.”
Heitler, W. and London, F. 65
Helmholz, L. see “Mayer and H.”
Henderson, S.T. 204
Herschel effect 243
Herzfeld, K.F. 70 103
Herzfeld, K.F. and Wolf, K.L. 19 (see
Hilsch, R. 224
Hilsch, R. and Pohl, R.W. 95 121 147 148
Hirschlaff, E. 150 202
Hlucka, F. 139
Hoare, F.E. see “Brindley and H.”
Hoejendahl, K. 12 19
Homopolar binding 9
Huggins, M.L. 5
Huggins, M.L. and Mayer, J.E. 5
Hughes, A.L. and DuBridge, L.A. 73 185
Ingham, A.E. see “Jones and I.”
Insulators: contact with a metal 168
Insulators: electric breakdown of 197
Interstitial atoms 109
Interstitial ions 27
Ionic conductivity 36 ff
Ionic conductivity radii 6 267
Jander, W. and Stamm, W. 165
Jensen, P. 113
Joffe A. and Joffe A.F. 193
Joffe, A. see “Frenkel and J.”
Joffe, A.F. see “Joffe and J.”
| Johnston, J.E. see “Skinner and J.”
Jones, H. and Mott, N.F. 90
Jones, J.E. and Ingham, A.E. 5 59
Joos, G. see “Fajans and J.”
Jost, W. 26 29 45 53 56 57 261
Jost, W. and Nehlep, G. 50
Jost, W. and Rueter, H. 55 (see Reinhold
Juse, W.P. and Kurtschatow, B.W. 163
Karlsson, H. and Siegbahn, M. 76
Ketelaar, J.A.A. 62
Kimball, G.E. 66
Kitchener, J.A. see “Goodeve and K.”
Klarmann, H. and Muehlenpfordt, J. 197
Kleinschrod, F.G. 111 114 148
Klemm, W. 98
Klemm, W. and Schueth, W. 163
Klug, H. see “Bartelt and K.”
Koch, W. 224
Koch, W. and Wagner, C. 46
Kroeger, F.A. 204
Kurtschatow, B.W. see “Juse and K.”
Kurtz, S.S. and Ward, A.L. 14
Landau, L. 87
Landau, L. and Lifshitz, E. 193
Landshoff, R. 100
Lange, B. 194
Langmuir, L, see “Dushman and L.”
latent image 234.
Lattice defects 25 ff
Lattice defects effect on conductivity 153
Lattice defects effect on sensitivity of bromide emulsions 234
Lattice defects frozen-in 36
Lattice defects in alkali-halides 109 ff
Lattice defects trapping of electrons at 80
Lattice energy 7
Lattice vibrations 23
Lead iodide, conduction in 53
Lehfeldt, W. 39 120 132 138 139 186 242 (see
Lennard — Jones, J.E. and Devonshire, A.F. 36
Lennard-Jones, J.E. 66
Lennard-Jones, J.E. and Dent, B.M, 70
Leszynski, W. 242
Levy, R.B. see “Mayer and L.”
Lewschin, W.L. 214 (see
Lewschin, W.L. and Antonow-Romanowsky, W.W. 214
Liebold, G. see “Tubandt Reinhold and
Lifshitz, E. see “Landau and L.”
Littleton, M.J. see “Mott and L.”
London, F. 4; see “Heitler and L.”
Lorenz-Lorentz formula 14
Loveland, R.P. see “Sheppard Trivelli and
Lueppo-Cramer, H. 246
Luminescent materials 202 ff
Lyddane, R.H. and Herzfeld, K.F. 23
Madelung constant 3
Maggs, I. see “Garner and M.”
Magnetic susceptibility of crystals with F-centres 113
Magnetic susceptibility of semi-conductors 201
Margenau, H. 4
Marke, D.J.B. see “Garner and M.”
Massey, H.S.W. see “Mott and M.”
May, A. 8
Mayer, J.E. 5 8 (see
Mayer, J.E. and Helmholz, L. 7
Mayer, J.E. and Levy, R.B. 5
Mean free path in ionic crystals 104 ff 168 200
Mendelssohn, K. see “Berg and M.”
Meyer, W. and Neldel, H. 166
Mica, conduction of in strong fields 196
Mitra, N.G. see “Bhatnagar and M.”
Miyahara, S. 201
Mobility of electrons in ionic crystals 104
Mobility of electrons in semi-conductors 167
Mott, N.F. 73 87 94 95 96 113 135 150 175 184 194 221 202 266 (see “Gurnoy “Jones
Mott, N.F. and Littleton, M.J. 25 45 58 80
Mott, N.F. and Massey, H.S.W. 90
Muehlenpfordt, J. see “Klarmann and M.”
Muto, T. 201
Nehlep, G. see “Jost and N.”
Neldel, H. see “Meyer and N.”
Nijboer, B.R.A. 165
Nix, F.C. 186 194
Noddack, W. see “Eggert and N.”
Nordheim, L. 180
O'Bryan, H.M. and Skinner, H.W.B. 75 (see
Onsager, L. 14
Oppenheimer, J.R. 91
Ottmer, R. 117
Overlap energy 2 5
Oxidation of metals 249
Oxide photo-cells 194
Oxides, conduction in 152 ff
Oxides, electronic energy bands for 76
Oxides, ultra-violet absorption by 101
Parfianowitsch, I.A. and Schipizyn, S.A. 56
Pauling, L. 6 13
Peierls, R. 89 221
Photoconductivity 104
Photoconductivity, in alkali-halides 124
Photoconductivity, in insulators 117
Photoconductivity, in semi-conductors 188
Photoconductivity, primary and secondary 118
Photoconductivity, secondary 185
Photoelectromotive force 194
Pick, H. 117 128 129 133
Pilling, N.B. and Bedworth, R.E. 252
Pohl, R.W. 11 111 116 125 128 133 145 148 (see “Hilsch
Polanyi, M. and Wigner, E. 34
Polarizability of ions 2 10
Positive holes 68
Pringsheim, P. 202
Print-out effect 228
Protective films on metals 261
Pruschinina-Granowskaja, W. 197
Quartz films, conduction in 197
Quirk, R, F. see “Sheppard Wightman and
Rabinovitch, A.J. 236
Randall, J.T. 203 204 205 216 221 223
Ranges of photoelectrons 119 133
Rectifying contacts 176
Reduction of salts and oxides 263
Refractive index of ionic crystals 11
Reimann, A.L. 126 215
Reinders, J. 236
Reinhold, H. see “Tubandt Reinhold and “Tubandt Reinhold and
Rexer, E. 151
Riehl, N. 207
Rogowski, W. 197
Rothschild, S. 204
Rueter, H. see “Jost and R.”
Scheibe, G. see “Franck and S.”
Schipizyn, S.A. see “Parfianowitsch and S.”
Schischlowski, A.A. and Wawilow, S.J. 214
Schneider, E.G. and O'Bryan, H.M. 95
Schonwald, B. 161 189
Schottky defects 28 ff
Schottky, W. 184 (see
Schottky, W. and Deutschmann, W. 177
Schottky, W. and Hartmann, W. 179
Schottky, W. and Waibel, F. 178
Schottky, W. Stoermer, R. and Waibel, F. 177
Schuth, W. see “Klemm and S.”
Seith, W. 54 (see
Seitz, F. 100 139 203 207 208 209 212 219 220 224 225 (see
Semi-conductors 152 ff
Semi-conductors contact with i metal 174
Seogor, R.J. and Teller, E. 198
Sheppard, S.E. Trivelli, A.P.H. and Loveland, R.P. 235
Sheppard, S.E. Wightman, E.P. and Quirk, R.F. 241
Sherman, J. 3 6 8
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