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Landau L.D., Lifschitz E.M. — Statistical physics (vol. 9 of course of theoretical physics) |
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-point 92
acceptor impurity 277
Antiferromagnetic resonance frequency 313
Antiferromagnetism 284
Band, energy 224 274
BCS model 173
Black-body radiation 323
Bloch, electron 223
Bloch, functions 223
Born approximation 21
Bose — Einstein condensate 103
Bose, branch of spectrum 18 68—71
Bose, gas, degenerate 98—102
Bose, liquid 85—140
Bose, spectrum 85
Chronological, operator 147
Chronological, product 31
Coherence length 158
Collision integral 13
Compensated metals 254
condensate 99—109
Condensate, Bose — Einstein 103
Conduction, band 275
Conduction, electrons 252
Cooper effect 153 219
Correlation function in a liquid 347—350 368 377—378
Critical fields, upper and lower 190—193
Critical velocity 115
Crystal, electrons in (VI) 223—283
Cyclotron mass of electron 238
De Haas — Van Alphen effect 260
Debye temperature 347n.
Deformation potential 267
Diagram technique 47
Diamagnetic domains 266
Direct gap 275
dispersion relation 142
Dispersion relation for elementary excitations 1
donor impurity 277
Doped semiconductor 277
Dyson’s equation 59
Effective mass, of electron 243
Effective mass, of quasi-particle 6
Electron trajectory 238
Electron-phonon interaction 266—274
Electron-type Fermi surface 253
Energy band 224
Exchage integrals 300
Excitations, elementary 1
Excitations, elementary, in quantum Fermi liquid 1—7
excitons 274
External lines 51
Fermi gas, almost ideal, Green’s function 78—84
Fermi gas, degenerate 21—27 153
Fermi gas, ideal, Green’s function 38—40 144
Fermi gas, superfluid 157—171
Fermi liquid, dynamic form factor 380—383
Fermi liquid, energy spectrum 2 33—38
Fermi liquid, Green’s functions 28—84
Fermi liquid, magnetic susceptibility 12—13
Fermi liquid, normal (I) 1—27
Fermi liquid, spin waves in 19—20
Fermi spectrum 2
Fermi sphere 2
Fermi surface in metals 252—255
Ferrites 284
Ferromagnetic resonance frequency 293
ferromagnetism 284
Ferromagnetism, weak 285n.
Feynman diagram 49
Fluctuations, electromagnetic (VIII) 314—359
Fluctuations, electromagnetic field 319—321
Fluctuations, hydrodynamic 369—378
Form factor, dynamic 361—367 380—383
Form factor, static 361 366
Form factor, summation rules 364—367
Frenkel’ exciton 276
Gap, energy 274
Gaseousness parameter 27
Ginzburg — Landau, equations 181
Ginzburg — Landau, parameter 182
Green’s function 30
Green’s function at non-zero temperatures (IV) 141—152
Green’s function for interacting particles 43—46
Green’s function in Bose liquid 118—127
Green’s function in Fermi gas 38—40 78—84 144 164—171
Green’s function in Fermi liquid 28—84 141—144
Green’s function in superfluid Fermi gas 164—171
Green’s function of phonon field 124 267
Green’s function of photon 314—319
Green’s function, advanced 143
Green’s function, anomalous 121 164
Green’s function, derivatives of 71—76
Green’s function, retarded 141 315
Green’s function, temperature 147—152 169—171 327—330
Green’s function, time 147
Green’s function, two-particle 56—60
Heisenberg Hamiltonian 300n.
Helium II 92n.
| hole 253n.
Hole trajectory 238
Hole-type Fermi surface 253
Holes within Fermi sphere 7
Impurity semiconductor 277
Indirect gap 275
Insulators, electron spectrum of 274—277 279—283
Interaction function of quasi-particles 8
Interaction representation 43
Intermediate state of superconductor 190n.
Internal lines 51
Intrinsic semiconductor 277
Josephson effect 204—208
Kramers — Kronig relation 142
Landau, damping 17n.
Landau, sub-bands 241
Landau, theory 18 76
London, equation 175
London, penetration depth 176
London, superconductor 176
Luttinger’s theorem 253
Magnetic breakdown 237
Magnetic flux quantum 177
Magnetic induction 317n.
Magnetic lattice 249
Magnetic sub-group 249
Magnetic sub-lattice 310
Magnetic translation operator 248
Magnetism (VII) 284—313
Magnetoactive body 316
Magnetostatic part 292
Magnons 285
Magnons in antiferromagnet 310—313
Magnons in ferromagnet 289—310
Mass, cyclotron, of electron 238
Mass, effective, of electron 243
Mass, effective, of quasi-particle 6
Mass, operator 54
Matsubara operators 146
Meissner effect 175
Metals, electron Green’s function in 255—259
Metals, electronic spectra of 251—255
Mixed state of superconductor 190 193—200
Molecular interaction between solids 338—347
Nominal magnetization 284 296
Normal current in superconductor 173
Notation xi
Number density of superconducting electrons 173
Periodic field, electron in 223—251
Permittivity, longitudinal and transverse 351
Phonon-electron interaction 266—274
Pippard case 176
Pippard penetration depth 216
Plasma, degenerate 353—359
Polarization operator 329 357
Potential rotation 111
Quantum of magnetic flux 177
Quasi-classical, energy levels 240—243
Quasi-classical, trajectories 236—240
Quasi-momentum of electron 224
Quasi-momentum of two-electron system 225
Quasi-momentum, generalized 233
Quasi-particles 1
Quasi-particles, disintegration of 131—140
Quasi-particles, interaction of 8—11
Renormalization 21
Renormalization constant 38
Rotons 87
Self-energy function for Bose systems 127
Self-energy function for Fermi systems 53
Semi-metal 254
Semiconductor, electrons and holes in 277—283
Semiconductor, gapless 283
Skeleton diagram 55
Spin waves 285
Spin waves in Fermi liquid 19—20
Superconducting alloys 216—219
Superconductivity 171—222
Superconductivity, current 173
Superconductor, first and second kinds 190
Superfluid Fermi gas 157—171
Superfluidity 88—140
Susceptibilities, generalized 316
Trajectories, electron and hole 238
Valency band 275
Van der Waals forces 331—337
Vertex function 57 60—71
Vertex function, temperature 219
Vertices of Feynman diagram 51
Vertices of Feynman diagram, incomplete 125
Vortex filaments 111—118 194
Vortex lines 111
Vortex rings 115
Wannier — Mott exciton 276
Wick’s theorem 47
Zero sound 15—19
Zero-gap superconductivity 218
“Easy axis” ferromagnet 289
“Easy plane” ferromagnet 289
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