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Wilson E.B. — Molecular Vibrations. The Theory of Infrared and Raman Vibrational Spectra |
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matrix 61
matrix, vector method of calculating 55ff.
matrix, and kinetic energy 62 307
matrix, diagonalization of 211
matrix, elements, schematic representation of 304
matrix, elements, tabulation of 303ff.
matrix, for C H 255ff. 261ff.
matrix, for nonlinear XYX molecule 63 69
vectors 55
vectors, for bending a bond out of a plane 58
vectors, for bond stretching coordinate 56
vectors, for calculation of matrix 55ff.
vectors, for torsion 60
vectors, for valence angle bending 56
vectors, total angular momentum, 277
83 326 335
83 325 334 335
82 323 334
84 328 329 338 339
82 326 335—338
82 318 324 334
84 329 339
, , 85 330 339 340
82 318 324
84 328 329
83 327 328
Absolute intensity of infrared absorption 162ff.
Absorption coefficient 162
Absorption intensity see Intensity
Absorption spectrum, infrared, of C H 2
Accidental degeneracy 107
Active frequencies in infrared and Raman spectra see Selection rules
Adcock, W. A. 232 236
Addition, by circuit analogue 233
Addition, of matrices 293
Adel, A. 194 198
Aitken, A. C. 226 228 293
Alanneback, C. 49 115 180 240
Alternating axis of symmetry 79 80
Amplitudes of vibrations 16
Amplitudes of vibrations, normalization of 17
Analogue, electric, of secular equation 232ff.
Andrews, D. H. 232 240
Angle bending see Bond bending
Angular momentum, component on axis 362
Angular momentum, coupling of rotational and vibrational 284 307
Angular momentum, rotational 277 284 361
Angular momentum, total 302
Angular momentum, vibrational 278 28 4 367
Angular velocity, 273ff.
Angus, W. R. 4 183
Anhannonic terms 193 196
Anharinonieity constants. A 193
Anisotropy of polarizability 47 51
Anliarmonic vibrational levels, species of 146
Anti — Stokes lines 3 9 48 51
Antisymmetric vibrations giving depolarized Raman lines 101
Applications of results of infrared and Raman studies 9
Assignment of frequencies by use of isotope effect 182 188ff.
Asymmetric rotor 361
Asymmetric rotor, band types 361
Asymmetric rotor, degeneracy 362
Asymmetric rotor, energy 362
Asymmetric rotor, selection rules, infrared spectrum 364
Asymmetric rotor, selection rules, infrared spectrum, Raman spectrum 366
Asymmetry parameter 362
Axes, alternating 79 80
Axes, improper 79
Axes, of symmetry 78
Axes, principal, of inertia 284
Axes, principal, of polarizability 44
Axes, proper 78
Axes, rotary-refloction 79
Badger, R. M. 10 367
Band envelope 367
Band types for different rotor types, infrared 364
Band types for different rotor types, Raman 366
Barker, E. F. 198
Barriers see Potential barriers hindering internal rotation
Bell, R. P. 174 240
Bending of bond out of plane 58
benzene see C H
Bernard, E. 240
Berry, C. E. 232
Berryman, L. H. 117
Bethe, H. 98
Bhagavantam, S. 3 77
Birkhoff, G. 16
Bjerrum, N. 14 173 174
Blade, E. 206
Bocher, M. 16
Bohr correspondence theorem 8
Bohr frequency rule 8
Bohr, N. 8
Bond bending coordinate 56 303
Bond bending force constants 174 176
Bond frequencies, characteristic 246
Bond moment 166
Bond moment, additivity approximation 168
Bond stretching force constants, numerical values 175ff. (see also Internal coordinates force
Bond-stretching vibrations 178 246 252
Born, M. 6 171 273
Bourgin, D. G. 162
Bradley, C. A. 179
Branch of rotation band, 367
Branch of rotation band, 361 305
Branch of rotation band, 30 1 365
Branch of rotation band, 364 365
Branch of rotation band, 307
Breit, G. 49
Brinkley, S. R. 182
Broekway, L. O. 240
Burnelle, L. 181
C H , bond stretching symmetry coordinates for 128
C H , changes of dipole moment in terms of bond moments of 167
C H , staggered model of 84
C H , symmetry coordinates of CCH bends 137ff.
C D H ( -dideuterobenzene) 249
C D see C H
C H , analysis of vibrational spectra 0
C H , force constants 265ff.
C H , frequencies, calculated 265ff.
C H , frequencies, observed 2 4 251
C H , frequencies, observed, assignment of 253
C H , in-plane modes, internal coordinates for 243
C H , in-plane modes, kinetic energy in 254
C H , in-plane modes, potential energy in 254
C H , in-plane modes, species of 243
C H , in-plane modes, symmetry coordinates for 257
C H , in-plane modes, symmetry coordinates for, kinetic energy in 260ff.
C H , in-plane modes, symmetry coordinates for, orientation of 258
C H , in-plane modes, symmetry coordinates for, potential energy in 200ff.
C H , of and matrices 260ff.
C H , of normal coordinates 242
C H , of polarixability 245
C H , out-of-plane modes, interna] coordinates for 244
C H , out-of-plane modes, interna] coordinates for, kinetic energy in 256
C H , out-of-plane modes, interna] coordinates for, potential energy in 256
C H , out-of-plane modes, species of 243
C H , out-of-plane modes, symmetry coordinates for 259
C H , out-of-plane modes, symmetry coordinates for, kinetic energy in 2 50ff.
C H , out-of-plane modes, symmetry coordinates for, orientation of 259
C H , out-of-plane modes, symmetry coordinates for, potential energy in 260
C H , product rule for isotopes 218
C H , product rule for isotopes, for derivative of lower symmetry 249
C H , product rule for isotopes, rotation and translation in 248—250
| C H , selection rules for 244ff.
C H , selection rules for, combinations 247
C H , selection rules for, fundamentals 245
C H , selection rules for, overtones 247
C H , species, of electric moment 244
C H , symmetry of 240
Cabannes, J. 49
Carter, G. K. 232 237 238
Cartesian coordinates, character of representation by 103ff.
Cartesian coordinates, kinetic energy in 25
Cartesian coordinates, mass-weighted 14
Cartesian coordinates, mass-weighted, potential energy in 15
Cartesian coordinates, potential energy in 25 169
Cartesian coordinates, solution of secular equation in 25
Cartesian coordinates, transformation to internal coordinates 55
Cayley, A. 217
Center of symmetry 79
Center of symmetry, mutual exclusion rule 240
Central force coordinates 173
Central force coordinates, approximation to potential energy in 174
Centrifugal distortion 370
CH , construction of symmetry coordinates for 120
CH , construction of symmetry coordinates for, factored potential energy matrix for 136
CH , construction of symmetry coordinates for, redundant internal coordinates 112
CH , construction of symmetry coordinates for, removal of redundancy 140
CH , construction of symmetry coordinates for, species of normal coordinates 112
CH , construction of symmetry coordinates for, symmetry operations of 80
Character operator formula 119 138
Character tables 323—330
Character tables, 323
Character tables, 326
Character tables, 325
Character tables, 323
Character tables, 323
Character tables, 330
Character tables, 328 329
Character tables, 327 328
Character tables, 318 324
Character tables, 330
Character tables, , 330
Character tables, , 330
Character tables, 329
Character tables, , , 330
Character tables, , , Character tables, see
Characteristic bond frequencies 246
Characteristic equation of matrix 214
Characteristic values 209 222—229 299
Characteristic values, by iteration 226ff.
Characteristic values, by relaxation 224
Characteristic values, invariance of 264
Characteristic values, of Hermitian matrix 300
Characteristic values, of secular equation 209ff.
Characteristic vectors of matrix 209ff. 222—229 300
Characteristic vectors of matrix, by iteration 226ff.
Characteristic vectors of matrix, by relaxation 224
Characters, derivation of, cyclic groups 312
Characters, derivation of, dihedral groups 316ff.
Characters, derivation of, direct product groups 320ff.
Characters, equivalent representations have same 92
Characters, of cartesian displacement coordinates 103ff.
Characters, of combination levels 149ff.
Characters, of degenerate species 94 352ff.
Characters, of dipole moment 157
Characters, of general vibrational level 155
Characters, of internal coordinates 106 109ff.
Characters, of irreducible representations 97 98
Characters, of normal coordinates 91
Characters, of overtone levels 151ff.
Characters, of polarizability 158
Characters, of reducible representation expressed in terms of characters of irreducible representations 99
Characters, of regular representation 113
Characters, of rotations 323—330
Characters, of three-dimensional representation 356 357
Characters, of transformation 92
Characters, of transformation, of wave function 148
Characters, of translations 323—330
Characters, of two-dimensional representation 319 354
Characters, of vibrational coordinates 106
Characters, of wave functions 149
Characters, operations in same class have same 101
Characters, orthogonality relations of 313ff.
Characters, per unshifted atom 105
Checking of transformations to symmetry coordinates 264
Circular motion in degenerate normal vibrations 19
Class of symmetry operations 99
Classes of a group 101
Classes of a group, product of 314
Classical kinetic energy 273ff. 277
Classical treatment of infrared and Raman spectra 6
Cleveland, F. P. 61 182
CO see XY molecule planar
Coblentz, W. W. 2
Collar, A. R. 16 63 293
Column matrix 297
Combination frequencies 36 247
Combination frequencies, infrared selection rules 160
Combination frequencies, Raman selection rules 161
Combination levels 36
Combination levels, degeneracy, degree of 151
Combination levels, species of 148ff. 247 331
Commutation of matrices 294 295 302 315
Complete sets 117
Complex conjugate of matrices 295
Components of matrices 297
Conformability of matrices 298
Conjugate transpose matrices 296
Constant matrix 294
Coolidge, A. S. 39 222
Cooper, J. L. B. 225
Coordinate transformation see Transformation of coordinates
Coordinates, bending 56 303
Coordinates, central force 173
Coordinates, framework 203
Coordinates, group 203
Coordinates, internal see Internal coordinates
Coordinates, mass-weighted cartesian 14
Coordinates, molecule-fixed 285
Coordinates, nonrotating 285
Coordinates, normal see Normal coordinates
Coordinates, rotating with molecule 12 274 285
Coordinates, rotating with molecule, conditions defining 12 13
Coordinates, space-fixed 285
Coordinates, symmetry see Symmetry coordinates
Coordinates, valence force 174
Coriolis coupling 275 367ff.
Coriolis coupling, select ion rules for 369
Coriolis splitting of degenerate vibrational levels 367ff.
Correlation tables 334ff.
Correlation tables, 335
Correlation tables, 334 335
Correlation tables, 334
Correlation tables, 338 339
Correlation tables, 335—338
Correlation tables, 334
Correlation tables, , 340
Correlation tables, 339
Correlation tables, 339
Correlation tables, , 340
Correlation theorem 121
Correlation, of species of group with species of subgroup 121 135 333ff.
Correlation, of vibrations of isotopic molecules of different symmetries 185 249
Correspondence theorem, Bohr 8
cosets 87 123 350
Coulson, C. A. 180
Coupling between rotation and vibration 275 284 367
Crawford, B. L., Jr 42 67 74 117 140 164 182 191 193 196 203 240 265 267—269
Cross terms, in formula for vibrational energy levels 193
Cross terms, in kinetic or potential energy see Interaction constants
Cross, P. C. 169 362 363
Cubic groups, , , , , , , 85 330
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