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Wilson E.B. — Molecular Vibrations. The Theory of Infrared and Raman Vibrational Spectra |
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Selection rules for rotation-vibration spectra symmetric rotor molecules 364 366
Selection rules for rotation-vibration spectra, asymmetric rotor molecules 364 366ff.
Selection rules for rotation-vibration spectra, linear molecules 363—366ff.
Selection rules for rotation-vibration spectra, spherical rotor molecules 364 366ff.
Selection rules infrared vibration spectrum 159
Selection rules infrared vibration spectrum for C H 244ff.
Selection rules infrared vibration spectrum for vibrational quantum numbers 42
Selection rules infrared vibration spectrum in electric moment integrals 41
Selection rules, for rotational infrared spectrum 42 363ff.
Selection rules, for rotational Raman spectrum 53 365
Selection rules, for translational quantum number 40
Selection rules, for vibrational Raman spectrum 51 53 161 365
Selection rules, for vibrational Raman spectrum by polarizability integrals 50 161
Selection rules, for vibrational Raman spectrum for C H 244ff.
Selection rules, for vibrational Raman spectrum polarizability derivatives in 48
Selection rules, violation in liquid state 146
Semidefinite matrix 298
Separation, of electronic from rotational and vibrational wave equations 6
Separation, of high and low frequencies 74 311
Separation, of rotation and vibration 11 34 243ff.
Separation, of rotation and vibration, approximate 283
Sets, equivalent internal coordinates 109
Sets, of equivalent atoms 85ff.
Sharpness of totally symmetric: Raman lines for spherical rotor 367
Shutts, L. W. 232
Simanouti, T. 180
Similarity transformation 301
Simultaneous equations solution 222ff.
Simultaneous equations solution by analogue computers 232ff.
Simultaneous equations solution by relaxation 224
Simultaneous equations solution by successive elimination 222ff.
Singular matrix 295
Slater, J. C. 43
Small vibrations in classical mechanics 14ff
Solid state 3
Sommorfield, A. 8
Southwell, R. V. 224 225
Space-fixed coordinates 285
Spciscr, A 77 121
Species, correlation with those of subgroup 121 135 333
Species, degenerate, characters of 94 352ff.
Species, degenerate, correlation with those of subgroup 121 135 333ff.
Species, degenerate, doubly 113 322
Species, degenerate, triply 113 322
Species, in reduction of reducible representation 99 100 113
Species, multiplication of 331
Species, notation 322
Species, number of normal vibrations of a given 99 107
Species, occur times in reducible representation 99 100 113
Species, of anharmonic vibrational levels 146
Species, of combinations (binary), of degenerate levels 149ff.
Species, of combinations (binary), of degenerate levels, and nondegenerate levels 149
Species, of combinations (binary), of nondegenerate levels 148
Species, of components, of electric dipole moment ( , , ) 323—330
Species, of components, of polarizability 161 323—330
Species, of fundamentals 148
Species, of general vibrational levels 155
Species, of normal coordinates 92
Species, of polarizability, rotation, translation (character tables) 323 330
Species, of wave functions 147 (see also Irreducible representation)
Species, overtones, of degenerate levels 152ff. 247 332 352ff.
Species, overtones, of nondegenerate levels 151
Spherical part of polarizability 47 51 360
Spherical rotor 361
Spherical rotor, band types 364
Spherical rotor, degeneracy 362
Spherical rotor, energy, nonrigid 369
Spherical rotor, energy, rigid 362
Spherical rotor, selection rules, infrared spectrum 364
Spherical rotor, selection rules, Raman spectrum 366
Splitting see Degenerate vibrations
Spontaneous transition coefficient 38
Square matrix 299
Sruekal, A. 3 49
Staggered model of ethane 84
Stepanov, B. 182
Stokes Raman lines 3 9 48 51
Stretching force constants, numerical values 175 (see also Internal coordinates force
Stretching vibrations 178 216 252
Structure, molecular, from infrared and Raman, studies 10
Structure, of representations 108
Structure, of representations, determination of the 99 100 113
Subgroup 85
Subgroup, order of, is a divisor of order of group 86
Subgroup, reduction of representation in 121 135 333ff. 350
Subgroup, sends a single atom into itself 85
Submatrices 298 311
Successive elimination solution of secular equation 222ff.
Sum rule, for isotopic frequencies 180ff.
Sum rule, for isotopic intensities 192
Sun, C. E. 140
Superposition of normal modes 18 19
Sutherland, G, B. B. M. 2
Svordlov, L. M. 186
Symmetric matrix 290 301
Symmetric rotor 301
Symmetric rotor, band types 304
Symmetric rotor, degeneracy 302
Symmetric rotor, energy, nonrigid 368
Symmetric rotor, energy, rigid 302
Symmetric rotor, intensity, absolute, parallel band 101
Symmetric rotor, selection rides, infrared spectrum 304
Symmetric rotor, selection rides, Raman spectrum 306
Symmetrically complete sets 117
Symmetrically equivalent atoms, sets of 85
Symmetrization of secular equation 21 1ff.
Symmetry axes see Axes of symmetry
Symmetry coordinates 115ff.
Symmetry coordinates, construction of, degenerate 119 123
Symmetry coordinates, construction of, degenerate, when 135ff.
Symmetry coordinates, construction of, external 125
Symmetry coordinates, construction of, internal 117ff.
Symmetry coordinates, construction of, internal, internal, for C H 257ff.
Symmetry coordinates, construction of, internal, internal, for CH 120
Symmetry coordinates, construction of, nondegenerate 118
Symmetry coordinates, factoring of secular equation by 115 347ff.
Symmetry coordinates, orientation of degenerate 116 119ff. 124
Symmetry coordinates, orientation of degenerate, for C H 258
Symmetry coordinates, potential and kinetic energy in terms of 127ff. 347
Symmetry coordinates, potential and kinetic energy in terms of, for C H 260ff.
Symmetry coordinates, potential and kinetic energy in terms of, numerical checking 264
Symmetry coordinates, species of, for C H 243
Symmetry coordinates, transformation from internal coordinates 117ff.
Symmetry elements 78
Symmetry elements, axes of symmetry 78—80
Symmetry elements, center of symmetry 79
Symmetry elements, plane of symmetry 78
Symmetry elements, plane of symmetry, diagonal 84
Symmetry elements, plane of symmetry, horizontal 82
Symmetry elements, plane of symmetry, vertical 80
Symmetry operations 78
Symmetry operations, character per mishitted atom 105
Symmetry operations, class of 99
Symmetry operations, effect on representative point 84
Symmetry operations, group of 81
Symmetry operations, identity 80
Symmetry operations, improper 105
Symmetry operations, invariance of potential and kinetic energies under 88ff. 318
Symmetry operations, inverse of 81
| Symmetry operations, inversion through a center 79 103
Symmetry operations, order of, in product 81
Symmetry operations, proper 105
Symmetry operations, reflection through a plane 78—84
Symmetry operations, rotation about an axis, alternating 79
Symmetry operations, rotation about an axis, proper 78 (see also Symmetry elements)
Symmetry species see Species
Symmetry types see Species
Tamres, M. 232 233
Taylor, A. M. 2
Taylor, W. J. 65
Teller, E. 49 182 183 188 193 365 367 370
Teller-Redlich product, rule see Product rule
Tensor properties of polarizability 43
Tetrahedral groups, , , 85 330 339 340
Thompson, H. W. 177 178
Thorndike, A. M. 162 168
Tisza, L. 98 151 154 198 199 370
Tompa, H. 67 115
Top see Asymmetric rotor; Spherical rotor; Symmetric rotor
Torsion angle, 60
Torsional energy levels 206
Torsional force constant for C H 256
Total angular momentum 362
Total angular momentum vector, 277
Totally symmetric Raman lines, polarization of 366
Totally symmetric Raman lines, sharpness of 367
Transformation of coordinates 20
Transformation of coordinates, between cartesian and internal coordinates 55
Transformation of coordinates, from internal to normal coordinates 74
Transformation of coordinates, from internal to symmetry coordinates 117ff.
Transformation of coordinates, from internal to symmetry coordinates, character operator formula for 119 138
Transformation of coordinates, from internal to symmetry coordinates, for C H 257ff.
Transformation of coordinates, from internal to symmetry coordinates, numerical checking of 264
Transformation of coordinates, from internal to symmetry coordinates, of kinetic energy 127ff.
Transformation of coordinates, from internal to symmetry coordinates, of potential energy 127ff.
Transformation of coordinates, from normal to internal coordinates 72 73
Transformation of coordinates, group of linear 90
Transformation of coordinates, inverse 20
Transformation of coordinates, linear 20 91
Transformation of coordinates, linear, in matrix notation 297
Transformation of coordinates, orthogonal 21
Transformation properties, of electric dipole moment components 157
Transformation properties, of Eulerian angles 280
Transformation properties, of polarizability components 157 359
Transformation properties, of wave functions 148 (see also Characters)
Transition probability 38 162
Translation, as mode of zero frequency 22ff.
Translation, effect on isotope, product rule 184 248—250
Translation, potential energy, independent of 24
Translation, species of (character tables) 323—330
Transpose, of matrix 295
Transpose, of product of matrices 296
Triply degenerate species, 113 322
Tunnel effect 201 207
Turner, T. E. 362
Types, of infrared bands 364
Types, of Raman bands 366
Unit matrix 294
Unitary matrix 296 301
Unitary matrix, characteristic values of absolute value unity 300
Urey — Bradley potential function 179
Urey, H. C. 6 179
Valence angle bending 56 303
Valence force coordinates, potential energy in 174
Valence forces, approximation to potential energy 174
Van der Waals forces 179 180
Van Vleck, J. II. 8 49 163 169 232 284 370
Variational method solution of secular equation 218ff.
Variational method solution of secular equation, for unsyinmetric energy matrix 220
Vector, as column or row matrix 297; see vectors
Venkatarayudu, T. 77 117
Verleysen, A. 240
Vertical plane of symmetry, 80
Vibration-rotation interaction 275 284 367ff.
Vibration-rotation interaction, perturbation operator for 368
Vibrational angular momentum 278 284 367
Vibrational angular momentum, coupling with rotational 284 367
Vibrational assignments by isotope relations 182 188ff.
Vibrational coordinates, characters of 106
Vibrational degrees of freedom 17
Vibrational energy levels see Energy levels
Vibrational frequencies see Frequencies
Vibrational isotope effect see Isotope effect
Vibrational partition function 165
Vibrational quantum number 35ff.
Vibrational quantum number, selection rides for 42
Vibrational Raman spectrum 3 305
Vibrational selection rules see Selection rules
Vibrational wave function 37 (see also Harmonic oscillator wave
Vibrations, anharmonicity and interactions of see Potential energy)
Vibrations, bond-bending and bond-stretelling 178 246 252
Vibrations, degenerate see Degenerate vibrations
Vibrations, interaction with rotation 275 284 367ff.
Vibrations, modes, determination of 17 71ff.
Vibrations, normal see Normal vibrations
Vibrations, number of, of a given species 99 107
Vibrations, partition function for 1 55
Vibrations, small, in classical mechanics 11ff.
Vibrations, study by mechanical and electrical models 232ff.
Vibrations, symmetry properties and species of 147ff.
Violation of selection rules in liquid state 146
Walter, J. 118
Washburn, H. W 232
Water molecule see H O molecule
Wave equation 9 34 279
Wave equation, vibrational 34
Wave equation, vibrational, in normal coordinates 147
Wave equation, vibrational, symmetry of 147ff.
Wave functions, factoring into electronic, vibrational, rotational, and translational parts 39
Wave functions, form basis of group representation 148
Wave functions, form basis of group representation, character for transformations of 149
Wave functions, harmonic oscillator 37 289
Wave functions, mixing of 198
Wave functions, of triply degenerate fundamentals 356
Wave functions, orthogonality 40 42 52
Wave functions, species of 147
Wayland, H. 215
Weiskopf, V. 163
Wells, A. J. 162 168
Weyl, II. 77
Wheatley, P. J. 181
Whittaker, E. T. 14 75 215
Wigner, E. 77 79 98 106 117 118
Wilcox, E. E. 232
Williams, V. Z. 2
Wilson, E. B., Jr 9 35 38 55 61 65 67 68 74 88 115 140 162 168 170 181 182 186 188 197 198 203 232 238 240 249 273 287 352 370
Wu, T. Y. 176
X molecule, equilateral, normal vibrations of 18
XY molecule, planar equilateral 81 89 100
XY molecule, planar equilateral, normal vibrations of 93
XY molecule, planar equilateral, symmetry of normal coordinates 92—97
XYZ nonlinear molecule, matrix 63 69ff.
XYZ nonlinear molecule, matrix, expanded secular equation 71
Zerner, F. 6
Zero frequency vibrations, rotation and translation 22ff.
Zero matrix 294
Zero-order frequencies see Mechanical frequencies of vibration
Zero-point energy 36
Zumwalt, L. R. 367
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