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Cracknell A.P., Wong K.C. — The Fermi Surface: Its Concept, Determination and Use in the Physics of Metals |
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Abarenkov, I. V. 482
Abeles, B. 303
Abrikosov, A. A. 223 300 453
Accidental degeneracies 33 55 66 57 199
Acoustic, cyclotron resonance 207
Acoustic, modes 431 see
Actinides 397—399
Actinium 378 398 see
Adams, E. N. 197
Adiabatic approximation 428 451
AgZn 484 488
Ahn, J. 487 488 489 490 491
Aigrain, P. 413
Alekseevskii, N. E. 263 276 287 295 299 321 322 349 376
Alers, G. A. 224
Alfven waves 207 413 415—416
Alkali metals 24 103 105 165 166 168 201 256—263 508
Alkaline earth metals 153 see “Beryllium” “Calcium” “Magnesium” “Strontium”
Allen, P. B. 466
Allen, W. D. 465
Allison, S. K. 172
Alloys 250—251 483—507
Altmann, S. L. 34 36 86 87 124 268 269 270 272 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 511
Aluminium 100 103 105 124 153 157 165 166 175 274 275—277 395 466 496
Amar, H. 485 486 488 503
Amundsen, T. 219
Andersen, O. K. 135 273 353 375 396
Anderson, A. C. 476
Anderson, J. R. 141 299 300 345 365 367
Anderson, P. W. 499 503
Andresen, A. 364
Andrew, E. R. 234
Angress, J. F. 435 438 455
Anharmonic interactions 435
Animalu, A. O. E. 111 268 437
Annihilation operator 433—434 456—457 462—464
Anomalous skin effect 24 147 184—190 309 320—321 350 351 404
Antiferromagnetic ordering 347 352—356 359—360 379—381 390—391 397
Antimony 59 245 289—290 300—301 307—311 497 510 512
Antoncik, E. 107
Appelbaum, J. A. 156
Apple ton, A. 607
Argon 75 76 256
Arkhipov, R. G. 611
Arko, A. J. 352 358
Arlinghaus, F. G. 144 485 486 488
ARMs 284
Arrott, A. 352 359
Arsenic 59 289—290 300—301 308—309 311 497 510—512
Asano, S. 355
Asgar, M. A. 362
Ashcroft, N. W. 105 227 276 277 284 453
Asymmorphic space group see “Non-symmorphic space group”
Atomic units 73—74
Aubrey, J. E. 304
Augmented plane wave method (A. P. W. method) 89 92—95 135 139 279 281—282 298 306 321 332 333 335 336 338 343 345 346 348 350—351 360 365 370—371 375 377 386 387 393 396 398 485
AuSn 492
Austin, B. J. 107 108
Averbach, B. L. 300
Azbel — Kaner cyclotron resonance 204—207 209 240 241
Azbel', M. Ya. 204 205 216 224 236
B. C. S. theory 465—466
Babiskin, J. 224 237
Bacon, G. E. 438
Baer, Y. 158
Bailyn, M. 477 482
Bak, T. A. 112
Balain, K. S. 70
Balla, D. 511
Band structure 8 15 18 27 see “Fermi “Paramagnetic “Relativistic “Rigid-band “Specific
Band structure, and cohesive energy 402—403
Band structure, and electron-electron interactions 416—417
Band structure, and electron-phonon interactions 448 451
Band structure, and metal-insulator transition 509
Band structure, and superconductivity 466
Band structure, and thermoelectric power 482
Band structure, calculations for particular metals 257—259 263 265 268 272 275—277 279—282 285 291—292 294 296—297 299—300 308 309—311 320—322 325—326 332—340 343 345—346 348 350—351 355 359—360 363 365 367 370—371 373 375 376 377 386—387 393 398 486 488
Band structure, experimental investigation 152—156 437
Band structure, for alloys 484 499—503
Band structure, for antiferromagnetic metal 316—317 390—391
Band structure, for ferromagnetic metal 316 363—364 388—390
Band structure, for rare-earth metals 382—386 386
Band structure, for transition metals 312
Band structure, free-electron model 46—58
Band structure, interpolation schemes 112—116
Band structure, methods of calculation 71—112 406—407 451
Band structure, width 410
Bar'yakhtar, V. G. 497
Bar, M. 465
Baraff, G. A. 478
Bardeen, J. 162 465 477
Barium 263 272—274 386 396 466
Barkhausen, H. 416
Barrett, C. S. 256 324 493
Barron, T. H. K. 236
Bassani, F. 108
Batallan, G. 368
Batterman, B. W. 144 364
Baynham, A. C. 412 413 414
Beardsley, G. M. 469
Beattie, A. G. 248
Beck, A. 490
Becker, G. E. 158
Behrendt, D. R. 380
Beletski, V. I. 231
Bell, D. G. 87 124
Bellessa, G. 331
Belson, H. S. 365
Bennemann, K. H. 469
Berglund, C. N. 158
Bergwall, S. 382
Beringer, R. 181
Berko, S. 184
Berlincourt, T. G. 292 308 345 484
Berre, B. 459
Beryllium 21 91 157 175 201 263—265 328
Bethe, H. A. 87 124 257
Bhargava, R. N. 303
BiIn 484 492
Birss, R. R. 7 317
Bismuth 24 59 201 229 231 251 289—290 300—308 311 496 497 510—512
Blackman, M. 226 303
Blake, R. G. 268 269 270
Blatt, F. J. 236
Blatt, J. M. 461
Bleaney, B. 185
Bleaney, B. I. 185
Bloch functions 9 10—11 81 504
Bloch's theorem 2 8 81 96 484 494 499
Bloembergen, N. 143
Bloomfield, P. E. 237
Blount, E. I. 73 197 199 201 459
Boardman, A. D. 412 413 414
Body-centred cubic structure 62 64 67 85 256—257 348
Bogle, T. E. 331
Bogod, Yu. A. 333
Bohm, D. 406 407 409 410
Bohm, H. V. 322 358
Boltzmann distribution 408
| Boltzmann's equation 469 471—475 479
Bommel, H. E. 245
Bonsignori, F. 437 477
Born — Mayer repulsion 493
Born — Oppenheimer approximation see “Adiabatic approximation”
Born — von Karman, or cyclic, boundary conditions 9—10 427
Born, M. 429
Bortolani, V. 437 477
Bose — Einstein distribution 426 467
Bouckaert, L. P. 27 34 38
Bowers, R. 413 440 476
Boyle, D. J. 399
Boyle, W. S. 224 227 253 302 308
Bradley, C. J. 14 17 34. 43 45 87 317 332 333 334 335 338 339 340 468 489
Brandt, G. B. 329 330
Brandt, N. B. 305 497 511 512
Bravais lattice 2 3—4 12 30 34 59 61
Breasts 399
Brewer, L. 403
Brillouin zone 12 14 16—17 18 20 25 27 50—51 59 118 193—194 428 441—442 480—481 see “Extended “Repeated
Brillouin zone, and symmetry 31 112
Brillouin zone, for 35 64 65 319
Brillouin zone, for 489
Brillouin zone, for 30 485
Brillouin zone, for 66
Brillouin zone, for alloys 494 500
Brillouin zone, for antimony 301 302
Brillouin zone, for arsenic 301 302
Brillouin zone, for bismuth 301 302
Brillouin zone, for chromium 353—356
Brillouin zone, for gallium 278 279
Brillouin zone, for graphite 290—291
Brillouin zone, for hypothetical two-dimensional metal 61—63
Brillouin zone, for mercury 328—329
Brillouin zone, for tin 294
Briscoe, C. V. 469
Brockhouse, B. N. 178 179 436 440
Brooks, H. 101
Brown, E. 197
Brown, R. D. 307
Brun, T. O. 335
Brust, D. 156 158
Bryant, C. A. 165
Brytov, I. A. 157
Budini, P. ix
Bulk properties see “Macroscopic properties”
Bullen, T. G. 156
Burdick, G. A. 40 116 321
Burmester, A. 236
Burstein, E. 162
Butler, F. A. 197
Butterflies 328
Button, K. J. 224
Cable, J. W. 379 395
Cadmium 69 70 103 251 255 312 323 324—328 332 386 395 402—403 453 466 497 498
Caesium 124 see
Calcium 75 263 267—272 466 510—512
Callaway, J. 73 91 99 102 258
Caplin, A. D. 223
Capocci, F. A. 288
Carbon 288—294 510—512
Carbotte, J. P. 183 466
Carriers 214 496 see holes”
Casher, A. 43
Catterall, R. 508
Celli, V. 108
Cellular method 85—88 332 333 335 336 337—338
Centre of inversion 44
Cerium 315 378 379 380 382 383 385 386 395 398 see
Chakraborti, D. K. 268
Chambers, R. G. 186 187 188 190 196 197 205 233 234 235 236 237 242 244 253 304 320 459 478
Character tables for crystallographic point groups 37—38
Chatterjee, S. 268
Chipman, D. R. 144 364
Chodorow, M. I. 95
Chollet, L. F. 497
Chromium 160 314 316 343 346—358 359 365 391
Cigar 264 291 295 326 328
Claus, H. 158
Clebsch — Gordan coefficient 133
Cleveland, J. R. 350
Cobalt 1589 160 314 362—365 367—369
Cochran, J. F. 476
Cochran, W. 429 435 436 442
CoFe 492
Cohen, M. H. 107 108 142 197 201 249 259 266 302 305 500 501 502 507
Cohen, M. L. 105 466
Cohesive energy 401—403 410 454
Coleridge, P. T. 252 374 375 376
Coles, B. R. 312 359 478
Collins, J. G. 455 477
Collins, T. C. 125
Combined interpolation scheme 114—116 371
Combley, F. H. 352
Common-band model see “Rigid-band model”
Compatibility relations 33 39—42 57
Compensated metal 217 290 308 310 490
Compressibility 396
Compton scattering 171—176
Compton, A. H. 172
Condon, J. H. 227 252 267 282 346
Conduction band 289 290 502 see
Conduction-electron spin resonance (C. E. S. R. ) 201 309
Conklin, J. B. 137 139
Connolly, J. W. D. 370
Contact potential 223 224 365
Conventional unit cell 4 34
Cook, J. R. 282
Cookie 285—288
Coon, J. B. 287 331
Cooper pairs 465 467
Cooper, B. R. 127
Cooper, D. G. 254
Cooper, L. N. 162 465
Cooper, M. 172
copper 24—25 40 95 116 125—126 127 147 153—154 158 160 161 181 183 186 187 189 205 206 234 255 312 314 319—321 323 348 370 376 403 480 481 482 495 497 501 see
Cornwell, J. F. 89 91 114
Coronet 264
Correlation energy 71 76 406—407 see
Correlation function see “Interaction function”
Coset representative 29 38 41 42
Cotti, P. 234
Coulson, C. A. 174 290
Counter-helicon 415
Coupling constant 463
Cousins, J. E. 201
Cowan, C. E. 184
Cowley, R. A. 429 435 441
Cracknell, A. P. viii ix 14 17 26 34 43 45 87 124 127 138 166 201 252 253 263 268 269 272 304 308 317 318 328 345 352 353 357 373 381 382 468 489 511
Craven, J. E. 298
Creation operator 433 434 456—457 462—464
Crown 308—309
Crystal potential 74—81
Curry, C. 507
Cusack, N. E. 234
Cushner, C. 184
Cutler, P. H. 263 264
CuZn 484—488
Cyclotron, frequency 149 191 199 202 210
Cyclotron, mass 23 191 202—203 258 453—454 455
Cyclotron, resonance 201—210 240 261 292 298 308 309 325 327 350 413
D' Haenens, J. P. 244
d. c. size effects see “Size effects”
Dalton, N. W. 116
Daniel, M. R. 249
Darby, J. K. 477
Datars, W. R. 217 282 288 395
Davies, B. L. 87 317
Davis, H. L. 482
Davis, L. C. 469
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