Ãëàâíàÿ    Ex Libris    Êíèãè    Æóðíàëû    Ñòàòüè    Ñåðèè    Êàòàëîã    Wanted    Çàãðóçêà    ÕóäËèò    Ñïðàâêà    Ïîèñê ïî èíäåêñàì    Ïîèñê    Ôîðóì   

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Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Course of Theoretical Physics (vol.3). Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic Theory
Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Course of Theoretical Physics (vol.3). Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic Theory

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Íàçâàíèå: Course of Theoretical Physics (vol.3). Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic Theory

Àâòîðû: Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Îáùèå êóðñû/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition, revised and enlarged

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1977

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 677

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
"Fall" to the centre      54 114—117
$\psi$-operators      246
3j-symbols      433—440
6j-symbols      444—449
9j-symbol      449—450
Acceleration, in quantum mechanics      56
Accidental degeneracy      119 125 256
action      20 165n.
Adiabatic invariant      171
Adiabatic perturbations      148 195—198
Airy function      75 654—656
Alternation of functions      235
Angular momentum, addition of      99—101 433ff
Angular momentum, commutation relations      83—85 93 97
Angular momentum, eigenfunctions      89—92
Angular momentum, eigenvalues      86—89
Angular momentum, orbital      200
Angular momentum, orbital, total      202
Angular momentum, spin      200
Angular momentum, vibrational      422
Annihilation operator      243
Anti-Hermitian operator      15
Anticommuting operators      98
Antisymmetric term      332
Antisymmetric unit tensor      84
Apparatus      2—3 21—24
atom      251ff
Atom in magnetic field      463—470
Atom, interaction at large distances      341—344
Atomic energy levels      251—252
Atomic units      118n.
Auger effect      280—281
Axial vector      98
Azimuthal quantum number      104
Barrier, potential      79—81
Barrier, potential in quasi-classical case      179—185 191—195
Bilateral axis      363
Binary transformations      207n.
Bohr and Sommerfeld's quantization rule      171
Bohr magneton      455
Bohr radius      118n.
Born approximation      516—519
Bose ( — Einstein) statistics      228
Bose ( — Einstein) statistics, second quantization      242—247
Bosons      228
Bound state      29
Breit and Wigner's formula      607—615
Centrally symmetric field, motion in      102ff
Centrally symmetric field, motion in, quasi-classical      175—179
Centrifugal energy      104
Channel of reaction      595
Channel of reaction, input      595
Channel of reaction, widths      610—611
Charge symmetry      474
Class of group      361
Classically inaccessible      166
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      436
Closed set of functions      8
Closed shell      253
Coherent states      71n.
Collision of the second kind      345 353
Collisions      see "Elastic collisions" "Inelastic
Commutation relations      43 46 83—85 93 97 200 413 457
Commutative operators      14
Commutator of operators      15
Commuting operators      14
Complete description      4 5
Complete set of functions      8
Complete set of quantities      5
Complex compounds      314
Complex time      189
Compound nucleus      608
Compound system      562
Configuration space      6
Conservation of, Angular momentum      82
Conservation of, energy      27
Conservation of, momentum      42
Conservation of, parity      98
Conserved quantity      27
Conserved quantity in Coulomb field      124
Continuous spectrum      8 15—19 567—571
Contravariant spinor components      207
Coordinate representation      44
Coriolis interaction      424
Coset      361
Coulomb degeneracy      119 124—126
Coulomb field, motion in      117ff
Coulomb field, motion in, scattering in      564—567
Coulomb functions      575n.
Coulomb units      117
Covariant spinor components      208
Creation operator      244
Cross-section, partial      507
Cross-section, reaction      596
Cross-section, scattering      505 611
Cross-section, transport      519 581
Current density      57
Current density in magnetic field      472—473
de Broglie wavelength      51
Degeneracy of energy levels      28 88 251
Degeneracy of energy levels, accidental      119 125 256
Degeneracy of energy levels, Coulomb      119 124—126
Degeneracy of energy levels, permutational      237
Degeneracy of energy levels, removal of      139
Delta function      17 43n. 152 510n.
Density matrix      38—41
Derivative, in quantum mechanics      26 31
Detailed balancing, principle of      606
Deuteron disintegration      193—194 648—650
Diatomic molecule      300ff
Dimension of representation      199n. 371
Dipole moment      281
Discrete spectrum      8—15
dispersion relation      532—535
Doublets      see also "Multiplet"
Doublets, levels      252n.
Doublets, relativistic      279
Doublets, screening      280
Dummy indices      208
Eigenfunctions      8
Eigenvalues      8
Eigenvalues, complex      560
Eikonal approximation      541n. 644
Elastic collisions      504ff
Elastic collisions with inelastic processes      595—599
Electron, configuration      253 274—277
Electron, diffraction experiment      1—2
Electron, states in the atom      252ff
Electron, terms in the diatomic molecule      300ff
Electron, terms in the diatomic molecule, intersection of      302—305
Energy      27
Energy representation      33n.
Energy, levels      28
Energy, levels in magnetic field      459
Energy, levels in potential well      65
Energy, levels in quasi-classical case      173—175
Energy, levels of linear oscillator      68
Energy, levels of linear oscillator, anharmonic      136
Energy, levels, atomic      251—252
Energy, levels, complex      560
Energy, levels, degenerate      28 88 251
Energy, levels, hydrogen-like      256—257
Energy, levels, vibrational      405—407
Energy, levels, virtual      554
Energy, levels, width of      159 559 610
Equivalent axes      363
Equivalent planes      363
Equivalent states      253
Eulerian angles      216
Even - even nuclei      486
Even states      97
Even states of molecules      301
Exchange, integral      233
Exchange, interaction      232 572
Fermi ( — Dirac) statistics      228
Fermi ( — Dirac) statistics, second quantization      247—250
fermions      228
Fine structure      252 322
Fine structure of atomic levels      267—271
Finite motion      29
Finite-displacement operator      45
Finite-rotation matrix      217
Forbidden transition      101
Form factor, atomic      580
Franck and Condon's principle      346
Free motion      50—52
Free motion in centrally symmetric field      105—114
Galileo's relativity principle      50
Generators of rotation group      390n.
Ground state      28
Group, abelian      360
Group, class of      361
Group, conjugate      362
Group, continuous      370 389—393
Group, cubic      369n.
Group, cyclic      360
Group, direct product of      362
Group, double      394
Group, element of      360
Group, element of, conjugate      361
Group, element of, generating      381
Group, element of, inverse of      360
Group, element of, multiplication of      360
Group, element of, order of      360
Group, element of, period of      360
Group, element of, product of      360
Group, element of, unit      360
Group, finite      360
Group, icosahedron      370
Group, isomorphous      362
Group, normal divisor of      362
Group, octahedron      369
Group, order of      361
Group, point      362—370 378—382 389—397
Group, representation of      370—385 see
Group, rotation      389
Group, tetrahedron      367
Group, theory      360ff
Group, unit element of      360
Gyromagnetic factor      465 487
Hamiltonian (operator)      26
Hamiltonian (operator) of freely moving particle      50
Hamiltonian (operator) of interacting particles      51
Hamiltonian (operator) of linear oscillator      67
Heisenberg representation      37—38
Helium atom      257—260
Hermite polynomials      69 651—653
Hermitian conjugate operator      11
Hermitian matrix      32
Hermitian operator      11
Heteropolar binding      312
High energies, elastic scattering at      538—545 579—583
High energies, inelastic scattering at      624—633 644—650
hole      254 279
Homogeneous field, motion in      74—76
Homopolar binding      313
Hund's rule      253
Hydrogen atom      256—257 289—299 462—463 583 631—633
Hydrogen-like energy levels      256—257
Hyperfine structure of atomic levels      498—501
Hyperfine structure of molecular levels      501—503
Hypergeometric functions      659—669
Identical particles      227ff
Identical particles, collisions of      571—574
Index of sub-group      361
Indistinguishability of similar particles      227
Inelastic collisions      595ff
Inert gases      275
Intermediate groups      274 275—276 313—314
Intermediate states      156
Intersection of electron terms      302—305
Invariant integration      390
Invariant sub-group      362
Invariant, adiabatic      171
Inverse operator      14
Inversion transformation      97—99
Ionization of atoms by electric field      294
Ionization of atoms by electrons      624 632—633
Ionization of atoms by heavy particles      639
Ionization of atoms in $\alpha$ decay      150—151
Ionization of atoms in $\beta$ decay      150
Ionization of atoms near threshold      624n.
Irreducible tensor      214
Isobaric invariance      474
Isospin      475
Isotopic invariance      474—478
Isotopic shift      496—498
Isotopic spin      475
Jacobi polynomials      219 665
Jahn — Teller theorem      225
jj coupling      271 485
Kernel of operator      10
Kramers' theorem      225
Kronerker product      376
Laboratory system of coordinates      504
Laguerre polynomials      662
Laguerre polynomials, generalized      120 662
Lambda $(\Lambda)$-doubling      338—341
Landau levels      459
Lande g-factor      465
Lande's interval rule      269
Langevin's formula      466
Large distances, atoms at      341—344
Legendre polynomials      656—659
Legendre polynomials, associated      90—91 657—659
Line of nodes      216
Linear operator      10n.
linear oscillator      67—74
Linear oscillator, anharmonic      136
Logarithmic accuracy      462
Low energies, elastic scattering at      545—559
Low energies, inelastic scattering at      601—605
LS coupling      270
Luminescence      526n.
magic numbers      487
Magnetic field, motion in      455ff
magnetic quantum number      104 130
Magnetons      455
Mass of particle      50
Mass of particle, reduced      102
Matrix      30ff
Matrix, density      38—41
Matrix, diagonal form of      33
Matrix, elements      31
Matrix, elements for addition of angular momenta      450—452
Matrix, elements for axially symmetric systems      452—454
Matrix, elements for diatomic molecule      334—338
Matrix, elements in classical limit      173—174
Matrix, elements of angular momentum      88—89
Matrix, elements of derivative      31
Matrix, elements of tensors      441—444
Matrix, elements of vectors      92—96
Matrix, elements, diagonal      32
Matrix, elements, quasi-classical      185—191
Matrix, elements, reduced      94 442
Matrix, elements, selection rules for      385—390
Matrix, finite-rotation      217
Matrix, hermitian      32
Matrix, multiplication of      32
Matrix, Pauli      204
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