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Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Course of Theoretical Physics (vol.3). Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic Theory
Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — Course of Theoretical Physics (vol.3). Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic Theory

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Íàçâàíèå: Course of Theoretical Physics (vol.3). Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic Theory

Àâòîðû: Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Îáùèå êóðñû/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition, revised and enlarged

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1977

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 677

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Matrix, trace of      36
Mean value      10
Measurements      3—5 21—24 157—159
Measurements, predictable      5
Mirror nuclei      474n.
Mixed states      39n.
Molecular terms and atomic terms      305—359
Molecular terms, classification of      425—432
Molecule      see "Diatomic molecule" "Polyatomic
Momentum      42—45
Momentum, commutation relations      43 46
Momentum, representation      44
Multiplet, inverted      269
Multiplet, normal      269
Multiplet, splitting      252 322
Multiplet, terms in diatomic molecule      321—331
Multiplicity      252 301
Multiplicity of frequency      399
Multipole moments      281—284
Negative terms      331 425
Neutrons, scattering of      640—649
nodes      59
Nodes, line of      216
Normal coordinates      399
Normal state      28
Normalisation      7 16—17
Notation      xiv 104 252 279 300
Nuclear forces      474ff
Nuclear forces, charge symmetry of      474
Nuclear forces, saturation of      481
Nuclear forces, spin dependence of      478—480
Nuclear magneton      457
Nuclear scattering      578
Nuclear structure      474ff
Nuclei      see also "Nuclear forces" "Nuclear
Nuclei, compound      608
Nuclei, non-spherical      491—496
Nucleons      474ff
Occupation numbers      242
Odd states      97
Odd states of molecules      301
Odd-odd nuclei      486
One-dimensional motion      60—81
One-dimensional motion, quasi-classical case      162—174
Operators      10ff
Operators of finite displacement      45
Operators of finite rotation      215—221
Operators, addition of      13
Operators, annihilation      243
Operators, anti-Hermitian      15
Operators, anticommuting      98
Operators, commutative      14
Operators, commutator of      15
Operators, commuting      14
Operators, creation      244
Operators, differentiation of      26—27
Operators, Hermitian      11
Operators, Hermitian conjugate      11
Operators, inverse      14
Operators, linear      10n.
Operators, momentum      42—45
Operators, multiplication of      14
Operators, particle density      247
Operators, self-conjugate      12
Operators, spin      204
Operators, symmetrized products of      15
Operators, transposed      11
Operators, unitary      36
Optical model      614n. 615
Optical theorem for scattering      512 597
Orbital angular momentum      200
Orbital angular momentum, total      202
Orthogonal functions      10
Orthohelium      258n.
Orthohydrogen      334 643—644
Orthonormal functions      10
Oscillation theorem      60—61
Oscillator in external field      149
Oscillator, linear      67—74
Oscillator, linear, anharmonic      136
Oscillator, strength      636
Oscillator, three-dimensional      111
Parabolic coordinates      129
Parabolic quantum numbers      131
Parahelium      258n.
Parahydrogen      334 643—644
Parity      97
Parity, addition rule for      101
Parity, selection rules for      98
Particle density operator      247
Paschen — Back effect      467 468
Pauli matrices      204
Pauli's principle      230
Periodic system      271—279
permutations      234—241
Perturbation theory      133ff
Perturbations in diatomic molecule      352—353
Perturbations, adiabatic      148 195—198
Phase factor      7
Phase shift      109
Phase space      172 261 481
Physical quantity      5
Physical sheet      527
Planck's constant      20
Plane wave, resolution of      112—114
Point continuous      370 389—393
Point groups      362—370 378—382 389—397
Poisson bracket      27n. 36n.
Polar vector      98
Polarizability      285
Polarization of particles, partial      221—223
Polyatomic molecules      398ff
Positive terms      331 425
Potential barrier      79—81
Potential barrier in quasi-classical case      179—185 191—195
Potential scattering      562 611
Potential wall      76—78 170
Potential well      63—67 72—74 110—111 127—128 137—138 160 162—163 549
Pre-dissociation      344—355
Predictable measurements      5
Principal groups      274—275 311—313
principal quantum number      119 252 485
Principle of least action      20
Probability current density      57
Product of elements of group      360
Product of groups      362
Product of matrices      32
Product of operators      14
Product of quantities      13
Product of representations of groups      376
Product of spinors      209
Pseudo-potential      641
Pseudoscalar      98
Pure states      39n.
Quadrupole moment      281—284 496
quantum mechanics      2
Quantum mechanics and classical mechanics      2—3 20—21 51—52 54 97 160 164ff 199f 227 456 509 521—526
Quantum mechanics, basic concepts of      1ff
Quantum number, azimuthal      104
Quantum number, magnetic      104 130
Quantum number, parabolic      131
Quantum number, principal      119 252 485
Quantum number, radial      104 119
Quantum number, vibrational      319
Quasi-classical systems      20 48 114 164ff 521—526
Quasi-classicality condition      165
Quasi-discrete spectrum      559
Quasi-stationary states      159 559 593 608
Racah coefficients      445
Radial, quantum number      104 119
Radial, wave function      103—105
Radial, wave function in Coulomb field      117—126
Radial, wave function in free motion      106—109
Rainbow scattering      526n.
Ramsauer effect      547n.
Range, effective      555
Reciprocity theorem for scattering      513 586 606
Reflection above the barrier      191—193
Reflection amplitudes      78
Reflection coefficient      77
Reflection coefficient in quasi-classical case      191—193
Regge poles      590
Regge trajectories      590
Representation of group      370—385
Representation of group, antisymmetric product of      377
Representation of group, basis of      371
Representation of group, character of      372
Representation of group, dimension of      199n. 371
Representation of group, direct product of      376
Representation of group, equivalent      372
Representation of group, irreducible      199n. 372—385
Representation of group, Kronecker product of      376
Representation of group, physically irreducible      383
Representation of group, reducible      372
Representation of group, regular      375
Representation of group, symmetric product of      377
Representation of group, total vibrational      399
Representation of group, two-valued      393—397
Representation of group, unit      374
Representation of matrices      33
Representation of operators      37—38 44
Representation of wave functions      18
Representation, coordinate      44
Representation, energy      33n.
Representation, momentum      44 535—538
Representation, Schroedinger      37
Resonance      152
Resonance, scattering      552—564 574—579
Retardation, effective      633—637
Rigid body, rotation of      412—421
Rotary-reflection axis      357
Rotation of molecules      316—321 323—331 421—425
Russell — Saunders coupling      270
Rutherford's formula      567
Rydberg's correction      256
S-matrix      512 see
S-wave scattering      546
Saddle-point method      655
Scattering      see also "Elasti collisions" "Inelastic
Scattering in magnetic field      544—545
Scattering, amplitude      505 526—538
Scattering, amplitude, nuclear      578
Scattering, amplitude, partial      507
Scattering, general theory of      504ff
Scattering, length      547
Scattering, matrix      512ff 603—607
Scattering, operator      512
Scattering, potential      562 611
Scattering, quasi-classical      521—526
Scattering, rainbow      526n.
Scattering, resonance      552—564 574—579
Schroedinger representation      37
Schroedinger's equation      51ff
Schroedinger's equation for free particle      51
Schroedinger's equation for linear oscillator      69
Schroedinger's equation in central field      102—103
Schroedinger's equation in homogeneous field      74
Schroedinger's equation in magnetic field      455—458
Schroedinger's equation in one dimension      60 64
Schroedinger's equation in quasi-classical case      164
Second quantization      241—250
Secular equation      139
Selection rules      93—94 98 385—389 442
Self-adjoint operator      see "Self-conjugate operator"
Self-conjugate operator      12
Self-consistent field      252 257—260 483
Shell model of the nucleus      482—491
Sign of terms      331—332 425
Slow particles, elastic scattering of      545—559
Slow particles, inelastic scattering of      601—603
Spectral terms      252 300
Spectrum of eigenvalues      8
Spectrum, continuous      8 15—19 567—571
Spectrum, discrete      8—15
Spherical Bessel functions      107
Spherical harmonics      91 656—659
Spherical tensor      441
Spherical top      413
Spin      199ff
Spin in magnetic field      470—472
Spin, commutation relations      201
Spin, components      200
Spin, nuclear      485
Spin, operator      204
Spin, total      202
Spin, variable      200
Spin-axis interaction      321
Spin-orbit interaction      267—270 321 484 583—587
Spin-spin interaction      267 270 326
Spinors      206
Spinors and tensors      210—215
Spinors, contraction of      209
Spinors, metric      209
Spinors, multiplication of      209
Spinors, symmetrical      209
Spinors, unit      209
Spur of matrix      36
Stability of molecules      407—412
Stark effect      284—299
Stark effect in diatomic molecule      337—338
Stark effect, linear      289
Stationary states      28
Statistical weight      333n. 427n. 607
Sub-group      360
Sub-group, conjugate      362
Sum of quantities      13
Summation theorem      634
Superposition principle      7
Symmetric term      332
Symmetrization of functions      235
Symmetrization of spinors      209—212
Symmetry of terms in diatomic molecule      300—301 331—334
Symmetry of terms in polyatomic molecules      398ff
Symmetry, axis of      356
Symmetry, axis of, bilaieral      363
Symmetry, axis of, equivalent      363
Symmetry, Centre of      357
Symmetry, charge      474
Symmetry, groups      339ff.
Symmetry, plane of      356
Symmetry, plane of, equivalent      363
Symmetry, theory of      356ff
Symmetry, transformations      356—359
Tensor, antisymmetric unit      84
Tensor, forces      479
Tensor, irreducible      214
Tensor, matrix elements of      441—444
Tensor, spherical      441
Thomas — Fermi method      261—266 277—279
Threshold of reactions      618
Time reversal      24 55 207n. 223—236 436n. 455n. 512 606
Time-reversed states      606
Top      412—421
Top, asymmetrical      415—418
Top, spherical      413
Top, symmetrical      414—415
Trace of matrix      36
Transition, frequency      31
Transition, probability, in quasi-classical case      191—195
Transmission coefficient      77
1 2 3
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