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Klinzing G.E. — Gas-Solid Transport |
Предметный указатель |
Acceleration, length 84—87 116 117 145
Acceleration, term 82
Adhesion 29
Adhesion measurements inclined plane 45
Adhesion measurements, aerodynamic 45
Adhesion measurements, centrifugal 45
Adhesion measurements, microbalance 45
Adhesion measurements, pendulum 43
Agglomerates soft 22
Agglomeration 29 47
Agglomeration mechanisms abrasion 48
Agglomeration mechanisms breakage 47
Agglomeration mechanisms, coalescence 47
Agglomeration mechanisms, snowballing 48
aggregates 47
Analogy 134
Andreasen pipette technique 19
Angle of inclination 111
Angular rotation 62
Auburn meter 162
Bassett force 54
BCR meter 151—152
Belt feeders 165
Binding forces 48
Blow tanks 164—165
Breakaway speed 126
Bridging, liquid 49
Bridging, solid 49
Brownian movement 62
Bubble injection 158
Cantilevered beam 162
Capacitance measurements 162
Capillary forces 37
Characteristic charge-transfer length 135
Charge neutralization 140
Charge, drainage 126
Charge, leakage 129
Charge-transfer coefficients 134 137
Charging rate 124
Choked flow 97—100
Choking velocity 98—99
Clouds 63—64
Concentration of particles 104
Conduction band 33
Conductivity 135 156
Contact potential 125
Contact time 43
Continuity equations 71
Coriolis force 163—164
Coulter counter 20—21
Cunningham correction factor 62
Current 130 133 137
Curves and bends 109
Damping 168
Dean number 110
Deceleration of a particle 118
Deceleration, degree of 112—113
Dense phase 93
Design, considerations 164
Design, recommendations 103
Diameters length mean 7
Diameters log mean 8
Diameters mean 8
Diameters surface mean 7
Diameters volume mean 7
Diameters weight mean 7
Diameters, volume to surface 7
dielectric constant 30—31 162
Dilute-phase transport 81
Dipole moment 147
Distribution functions 8
Distribution functions, gamma 138
Distribution functions, gaussian (normal) 3
Distribution functions, log normal 3
Distribution functions, Rosen — Rammler 3
Distributions mass 2
Distributions number 2
Distributions of contact times 130
Distributions, binomial 2 4
Distributions, log normal 8
Doppler shift 153
Double solenoid isolation 159
Drag coefficients 57 58 61 83
Drag reduction 105—106
Dust-charging mechanism 124
Elastic deformation 136
Elbow, force instrumental 160
electric field 126—127
Electric field intensity 147
Electric, flux density 129
Electrical adhesion force 36
Electro measurements 156—158
Electro-conductivity methods 156
Electrostatic charging lessening 140
Electrostatic charging, usefulness of 139—140
Electrostatic effects 123
electrostatic forces 32—37
Electroviscous number 147
Elongation ratio 10
Entry length 87
Equations of motion 53 73
Erosion 120
Expansion volume 168
Extrusion flow 97
Faraday Cage 124 145
Fermi band 33
Fermi level 33—34
Fine powders 113
finishes 42
Flakiness ratio 10
Friction factor for bends 110
Friction factors 77 83 94 99
Friction loss of screwed fittings 110
Friction velocity 102
Frictional representatives 87—88
Froude number 101
Goodness of mix 22—23
| Graticules 17—18
Halogen lamp 153 155
Hamaker constants 31
Hinkle's correlation 89—90 103
Histograms 4—5
Humidity 37 123 140
Image analyzers 17
Impact analyses 134
Impact ange 120
k-factor 58
Laplace's equation 38
Laser Doppler velocimeter 64 89 152—154
Lessening electrostatic charging 140
Lifshitz macroscopic approach 30
Light measuring technique 152—155
Light scattering 20
Magnus force 63
Manometer 150—151
Measurements charge 144
Measurements, nonobstrusive 150
Metal filters 151
Micro motion 163
Microscope sizing 16
Microscope sizing, optical 16
Microscope sizing, scanning electron 17—18
Microscope sizing, transmission 17
Minimum pressure drop 81 93—96
Mix, goodness of 22—23
Mixer characteristics 22
Mixing 21
Motion, general equation for a particle 54—55
Multicomponent systems 71
Multiple particle interactions 68
Newton's second law 66
Nonspherical particle 135
Nuclear sources 163
Number of collisions 130
Overall pressure drop 84
parallel plate capacitor 128
Particle force balance 82
Particle number density 71
Particle shape 40
Particle size 92
Particle velocity 89—90 135
Particulate phase equations 75—76
Penetration model 137
Permittivity 128
Photomultipliers 152
Piezoelectric transducer 161
Plugging 151
Pneumatic transfer 81
Poisson ratio 135
Poole's method of characterizing powders 23
Potential, difference 128
Potential, intrinsic 33
Pressure drop acceleration 116
Pressure drop bends 110—111 115
Pressure drop, electrostatic 145—146
Pressure drop, overall 84
Radioactive sources 140—141
Radius of contact 135
Radius of curvature 110 120
Rebound coefficient 135
Relaxation time 56—57 73 133—134
Resistance coefficients 69
Reynolds stresses 77—78
Rose and Duckworth acceleration length 117
Rotation of particles 62
Saltation 100 102
Schuchart 114—115 118
Screw feeders 161 165
Sedimentation 19
Sedimentation, x-ray 20
Segregation 21—22
Semiconductors 34 36
Shape coefficients 11
Sieves, Tyler 13—14
Sieves, U.S. 13
Sieving, dry 12
Sieving, wet 15
Single-phase flow 109
Slide preparation 16
Sliding friction 97 119
Solid feed systems 167
Solid-solid contacting 123—125
Sonic devices 162
Sphericity 10
Stange's formula 23
Stokes correction to equation 68
Stokes, drag region 57 67
Surface conditions 40
Surface free energy 38
Surface roughness 43
Temperature effect on adhesion 43
terminal velocity 57
Time average contribution 72
Tracer gas 158
Trajectories 64—67
Triboelectric series 122
Turbulence intensity 59
Turbulent flow 55
Turbulent systems 70
Two or more particles 68—70
Two-phase flow bends 112
Two-phase flow design 114
Van der Waals forces 30
Velocity in bend 118
Venturi 151
Vortex Motion 65
Wall collision 132—133
Wall collision, static electrification in 132—133
Wall effects 61
Whitby ion gun 140 143
work function 33 35
Yang's unified theory 81 103
Yield pressure 136
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