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Bennett W.R. — Physics of Gas Lasers
Bennett W.R. — Physics of Gas Lasers

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Название: Physics of Gas Lasers

Автор: Bennett W.R.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Электромагнетизм/Оптика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1977

Количество страниц: 218

Добавлена в каталог: 22.07.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Bump" heights      107 109
"Bump" heights, asymmetry in      192
"Bumps", induced      191
"Bumps", induced, confocal      21
"Bumps", spontaneous emission      195 (Fig.)
"Cross relaxation"      155
"Ear" heights      107 109
"Mirror image" hole      119 120
"Soft" collisions      152
$P_{stim}$, exact calculation compared with additive approximation      124—125
$TEM_{00}$ mode      34
$TEM_{00}$ mode, square aperture      19
$TEM_{10}$ mode      34
Abella      67
Absolute frequency shifts      153
Absorber profiles      170
Absorption bands, molecular      172
Absorption coefficient      74 167
Absorption coefficient, dithering the      176 176
Absorption Lorentz widths      178
Absorption profile, holes burnt in      167 (Fig.)
Absorption resonance      177
Absorption, expression for Doppler-broadened line      81
Accelerating ions      158
Accelerating ions, line shape for radiating      159 (Fig.)
Additive approximation      120
Additive approximation, comparison of exact calculation of $P_{stim}$ with      124—125
Algorithm, N modes      141
Amplifying transition, refractive index of      92 (Fig.)
Amplitude and phase      18
Amplitude expansion coefficients      41 42
Amplitude expansion coefficients, equations for      58
Amplitude gain, non-symmetric function      44
Amplitude response function      39
Anti-resonant term      70
Antropov      160
Aperture displacement      49
Aperture displacement, generalized      55
Aperture, circular confocal      23
Aperture, rectangular      11 12 39
Approximate Semi-Empirical Form for Power Broadening      146
Approximations in Boyd and Gordon Theory      27
Arakeljan      46
Arrathoon      150
Asymmetry      133
Asymmetry in "bump" height      192
Asymmetry in spontaneous emission "bumps"      195 (Fig.)
Austen      46
Ballik      104n 130 156 158 160
Barger      173 177 178 181
Barker      174
Basov      173 181
Beam profile, transmitted      56
Beat frequency spectrum      88 (Fig.)
Beat splitting, power dependent      90 (Fig.)
Beating effects      17
Beating effects, due to mixing of higher-order modes      16 (Fig.)
Beiser      28 29 48
Bending of confocal equivalent cavities      27—29
Bennett      15 21 29 33 37 41 44 51 68 90 94n 105 106 107 109 117 118 120 143 149 150 155 156 157 158 160 161 162 163 171n 172 174 176 187 189 191
Berman      151
Beterov      155 156 173
Binary spatial switching      46
Birky      109 191
Bloch      69
bode      94n
Bonczyk      109 130 154 191
BOND      104n
Borenstein      158
Born      81
boundary conditions      6
Boyd      21 22 23 25 26 27 30 31
Boyd and Gordon Theory, approximations in      27 88
Boyne      166
Brewster angle windows      34
Broadening, cross section for      153
Broadening, neon-helium      157
Broadening, neon-neon      157
Brown      68
Cavity length, "dithering" the      162 176
Cavity mode loss per transit      13 16 19 23
Cavity mode problem, perturbation expansion method in      49
Cavity phase shift      91
Cavity Q approximation      85
Cavity width      84 85
Cavity, confocal equivalent      27
Cavity, conventional      6
Chebotayev      36 109 155 173 174 175 176 181 183 184 186 187 189 191 196 203
Circular confocal aperture      23
Circular disc      19 (Fig.)
Circular mirror      23 (Fig.)
Collision broadening      149
Collisions, elastic      151
Collisions, phase-changing      152
Comparison with Lamb Theory      143 144 145
Computer solution of two-mode tuning characteristics      137—139
Confluent hyper-geometric functions      24
Confocal cavities, conjugate      56 (Fig.)
Confocal cavities, flat field conjugate      29
Confocal cavity      39
Confocal cavity, analysis      21
Confocal cavity, relationship of variables      22
Confocal coordinates, generalized      25
Confocal equivalent cavity      27 28 30 35
Confocal equivalent cavity, bending of      27
Confocal equivalent cavity, existence of modes      30
Confocal equivalent cavity, lens      29
Confocal expansion matrix      55
Confocal mode, field variation      25
Confocal mode, one-dimensional      54
Confocal modes, intensity distribution      26
Confocal modes, relative intensity      26 (Fig.)
Confocal resonance condition      22
Confocal resonator, generating      35
Confocal scanning problem      55
Confocal variable, generalized      24
Conjugate confocal cavities      56 (Fig.)
Conte      145
Conventional cavities      6
Cordover      109 130 154 191
Cross section for broadening      153
Curvature, radii of      35
Curved mirror infinite strip modes, loss contours for      31 (Fig.)
Deutsch      68
Dicke      8 152
Dierssen      60
Diffraction integral      10 14
Diffraction integral, one-dimensional      13
Diffraction loss      19 (Fig.)
Diffraction loss for plane parallel and confocal modes      23 (Fig.)
Dipole-dipole interactions      151 153
Displaced apertures, expansion problem in      50
Dithering of cavity length      162 176
Dithering, discharge current      165
Dithering, gain      162
Dithering, gain, by optical pumping      166
Dithering, the absorption coefficient      176 176
Doppler broadened gain absorption coefficients      79
Doppler broadened limit      115 120 131
Doppler broadened limit, phase shift for      103
Doppler broadened line, absorption expression for      81
Doppler broadened line, small gain coefficient at center of      80
Doppler limit      120
Doppler linewidth      6
Doppler profile      139 (Fig.)
Doppler shifted resonance frequencies      82
Doppler width      80
Doppler-free spectroscopy      203
Dumping mirror      33
Eigenvalue, of Gaussian gain aperture      44 (Fig.)
Eigenvalue, problem      14
Einstein      62
Einstein A coefficient      69 76 76n
Elastic collisions      151
Elastic phase interruption      69
Elastic scattering, "large angle"      151
Electric dipole, matrix element of      70
Electric dipole, transition      70
Elliott      123n
Energy loss, fluctuations in (per transit)      14
Energy loss, total fraction per pass      33
Etalon, intra-cavity      36
Excitation, relative      144
Excited state lifetimes      149 (Fig.)
Expansion coefficients      49
Expansion matrix, confocal      55
Expansion problem in displaced apertures      50
Exponential gain, effects of      148
Fabry — Perot      38 88
Fabry — Perot analysis      156 189 195
Fabry — Perot cavities and mode density      34
Fabry — Perot interferometers      8 9
Fabry — Perot scanning      155 (Fig.)
Faddeyeva      81 82 83 145
Feld      174 175 196
Feldman      196
Feshbach      25
Field distribution      18 (Fig.) 25
Flammer      22 23
Flat-field conjugate confocal cavity      29
Fluctuations in energy loss per transit      14
Folded cavities      27—29
Foley      154
Fork      88 144 145 146 154
Fourier projections, spatial      145
Fourier transforms      95
Fourier transforms, cavity width by      84
Fox      9 10 12 13 21 30 31 32
Fox and Li modes      9 10 10 12 19 48 88
Fox and Li modes, symmetry      14
Frequency equation for general laser      93
Frequency locking effect      144
Frequency shifts, absolute      153
Frequency stabilization      162 165 171 177
Frequency tuning characteristic      127
Frequency, of oscillator      170
Fresnel number      13 30
Fresnel number, effective      30
Fried      145
Functions, confluent hyper-geometric      24
Functions, tabulated by Faddeyeva and Terent'ev      83
Gain absorption coefficients, Doppler-broadened      79
Gain apertures      41
Gain apertures, eigenvalues of Gaussian      44 (Fig.)
Gain apertures, Gaussian      40 41 42 43 44 60 61
Gain coefficient      102 167
Gain coefficient for running waves      74 111
Gain coefficient, differential power      110
Gain coefficient, high intensity      78
Gain coefficient, intensity-dependent      74
Gain coefficient, low intensity      77
Gain coefficient, small signal      75 80
Gain coefficient, total power      111
Gain curve in presence of saturable absorber      186 (Fig.)
Gain curve, hole in small signal      107
Gain hole, depth of      115 117 127
Gain hole, due to one running wave      112
Gain hole, expression for      113
Gain hole, width of      115
Gain in wing of a hole      178
Gain measurement, small signal      86 (Fig.)
Gain modulation      163
Gain profile      167 (Fig.) 170
Gain saturation      178
Gain saturation, equations for      140
Gain, with a saturable absorber      175 (Fig.)
Gaussian limit      104
Gaussian modes      24
Gaussian modes, aperture limit      59
Gaussian profiles      81 (Fig.)
Gaussian, phase shift coefficient for pure      103
Gaussian, phase shift for distribution of Lorentzians      101
Generalized confocal coordinates      25
Generalized confocal resonators      30
Generalized confocal variable      24
Generating confocal resonator      35
Geometrical phase shift      13
Goldenberg      67n
Gordon      21 22 23 25 26 27 30 88 89 94n
Gould      8
Green's function      10 (Fig.)
Griem      161
Griem's theory      161
Gyorffy      158
Haensch      155 156 181 191 196 203
Hahn      67
Hall      173 177 178 181
Hamiltonian, perturbing term in      64
Hargrove      144
Hartmann      67
Heitler      192
Helium-neon laser      130 (Table) 144 154 186
Helium-neon laser, 0.63 micron      173
Helium-neon laser, 1.15 micron      118 (Fig.) 187 191 195
Helium-neon laser, 3.39 micron      163 (Fig.) 171 172 173 187 191
Helium-neon laser, 6328 ${\AA}$ transition      156 (Fig.) 174 187 189 191
Hermite polynomials      24 25
Herriott      21 88
High loss, regions of high and low      32
High loss, singular regions of      30
Hole burning analysis, oscillation frequency from      118—119
Hole burning effects      105
Hole burning effects in three-level laser spectroscopy      186—197
Hole burning model      130 180 182
Hole burning model for two isotopes      131 (Fig.)
Hole burning model, by running waves      178
Hole burning model, in 6328 ${\AA}$ neon      189 (Fig.)
Hole burning model, in a single-mode gas laser      131 (Fig.)
Hole depths      107
Hole depths in single-mode with saturable absorber      169
Hole depths, gain in wing of      178
Holes      109
Holes in the velocity distribution      189
Holes, burnt at $\lambda_{1}$, observed at $\lambda_{2}$      190
Holes, burnt in the gain and absorption profile      167 (Fig.)
Holes, present for two modes      134 (Fig.)
Holstein      75
Holt      109 146 191 192 195
Homogeneous broadening      79
Homogeneously broadened lasers      99 100 101
Homogeneously broadened lasers, oscillation frequency for      100
Hughes      69n
Huygens principle      12
Hyper-geometric functions, confluent      24
Hysteresis effects      125 132 134 139
Hysteresis effects in two-mode operation      138 (Fig.)
Hysteresis effects, single mode      128 (Fig.)
Hysteresis effects, threshold      184—186
Inelastic decay rates      69
Infinite strip modes      18
Infinite strip modes, loss contours for curved mirror      31 (Fig.)
Infinite strip, modes      18 51 47
Infinite strip, phase shift      20
Infinite strip, plane parallel mirrors      14
Infinite strip, uniform plane wave loss      19
Inhomogeneous broadening      79
Inhomogeneous broadening, threshold oscillation frequency for      104
Inhomogeneously broadened gas laser      105
Intensity dependent Lorentz width      107
Intensity gain      77
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