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Rosser G. — Interpretation of classical electromagnetism |
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Absolute permeability see Magnetic constant
Absolute permittivity see Electric constant
AC theory 227—258
AC theory, complex number method 258
Accelerating charge, discussion of fields 100
Accelerating charge, electric field 92—94 406—413
Accelerating charge, example of electric field 103 104
Accelerating charge, Li nard — Wiechert potentials 90—92
Accelerating charge, magnetic field 92—94 406—413
Accelerating charge, radiation fields 105—107
Aether 156—158
Amp re, definition of 24
Amp re’s circuital theorem 33—35 37 43 138
Amp re’s formula for the forces between current elements 23
Amperian model for magnetic materials 338 341—344 348
Amperian model for magnetic materials, electron spin 338 344
Angular momentum, conservation of in classical electromagnetism 314 315 320—325
Angular momentum, definition of in classical electromagnetism 315
Antenna, dipole 71 72
Antenna, loop 72
Antenna, Yagi 72
Back emf 243 248
Barkhausen effect 339
Biot — Savart approximation 100 130
Biot — Savart law 24 28 29 33 35 42 44 143 211—218 233 344 358
Biot — Savart law, circuit 28
Biot — Savart law, current distribution 29 33
Biot — Savart law, deviations from differential form of 212—218 392—394
Biot — Savart law, magnetostatics 28 33 392—394
Bohm — Ahranov effect 156
Boltzmann distribution 339
Bose particles 164
Bose — Einstein statistics 163
Capacitor, charging 142—145
Capacitor, CR circuit 249—251
Capacitor, how it acts in an AC circuit 249—251
Capacitor, reactance 251
Capacitor, voltage across 256
Cartesian coordinates 386 387
Causality in classical electromagnetism 373—375
Cavendish, H. 3
Charge density 51 52 55
Charge density, macroscopic definition 51
Charge density, relativistic transformation 379—381
Charge moving with uniform velocity, change of electric flux when crossing a surface 132 133
Charge moving with uniform velocity, electric field 95—99
Charge moving with uniform velocity, electric flux from 130—133
Charge moving with uniform velocity, magnetic field 97—99
Charge, constancy of 6 7 359—361 370 379 383
Charge, present position of 96
Conduction current flow 16—21
Conduction current flow, charge distributions associated with see Surface and boundary charge distributions
Conduction current flow, electric field inside conductors 20 21 395—398
Conduction current flow, models of 18 19 402—405
Conduction current flow, what sustains conduction currents 395—398
Conductivity, electrical 18 349
Conductivity, use in derivation of Kirchhoff’s second law 232
Conservation of angular momentum in classical electromagnetism 315
Conservation of angular momentum in classical electromagnetism, examples of 320—324
Conservation of energy, classical electromagnetism 312—314
Conservation of energy, electrostatics 16 313 314
Conservation of energy, Newtonian mechanics 267
Conservation of linear momentum, classical electromagnetism 304
Conservation of linear momentum, critique of 308
Conservation of linear momentum, example of two moving charges 305—307
Conservation of linear momentum, Newtonian mechanics 267—269
Conservative field 13
Continuity of charge and current densities 21 43
Continuity of charge and current densities, displacement current 43 145—149
Continuity of charge and current densities, steady conditions 21
Continuity of charge and current densities, varying conditions 21
Coulomb gauge 84—88 146
Coulomb, C. - A. de 3
Coulomb’s law 2 8 10 16 38 44 61 97 175—177 332 368 369—373
Counting of moving charges 167—169
CR circuit 249—251
Crab Nebula 201
Curl of a vector 386
Current density , definition of 17 52 55
Current density , relativistic transformation of 379—381
Current element, force on in a magnetic field 25—28
Current element, general formula for magnetic field 210
Current element, induction electric field due to 169—177
Current element, magnetic field due to steady 206—210
Current element, radiation electric field 193—197
Current element, radiation magnetic field 209
Current element, total electric field 197 198
Currents, forces between using special relativity 367—369
Cylindrical coordinates 389
DEL 385
Detached electric field lines 191 192
Diamagnetism 338
Dielectric, polarized, electric field of 329—332
Dielectric, polarized, Gauss’ flux law 337
Dielectric, polarized, macroscopic field of 333
Dielectric, polarized, microscopic field of 332
Dielectric, polarized, surface charge distribution 329—336
Dielectric, polarized, volume charge distribution 329—336
Dirac’s relativistic wave equation 338
Displacement current 57 86 126—128
Displacement current, charge moving with uniform velocity 126—128
Displacement current, continuity of charge and current densities 147 148
Displacement current, discussion of 146
Displacement current, interpretation of 126—128
Displacement current, low velocity limit 128 129
Displacement current, material medium 43 348 349
Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations 414—418
Displacement current, system of moving charges 129
Displacement vector 337 347 349
Divergence of a vector 386
Drift velocity 18
d’Alembertian 46 58 146 150
d’Alembert’s equation 59
Einstein, A. 159 355 356 361 362
Elastic waves, longitudinal 156
Elastic waves, transverse 156
Electric circuits, electric fields due to 166—205
Electric constant 4
Electric dipole, atomic dipoles 328
Electric dipole, electric field of 329
Electric dipole, moment of 329
Electric dipole, oscillating see Oscillating electric dipole
Electric displacement 337 349
Electric displacement , oscillating magnetic dipole 196
Electric displacement , radiation 69 70 160 193—197
Electric displacement , relativistic transformation of 378 379
Electric displacement , relativistic transformations of 382
Electric displacement , units 7
Electric displacement , varying current distribution 201—203
Electric displacement , varying current in a circuit 180—184
Electric field , accelerating charge 92—94 406—413
Electric field , charge moving with uniform velocity 95—99
Electric field , current element 170—177 193—195 197 198 202 203
Electric field , definition 6
Electric field , differential equation for 46
Electric field , due to a steady current 177—180
Electric field , due to electric circuits 166—205
Electric field , electrostatics 4—7
Electric field , induction see Induction electric field
Electric field , intensity of 1
Electric field , Jefimenko’s formula for 49 203—205
Electric field , macroscopic definition 52
Electric field , oscillating electric dipole 67—69
Electric field lines 112 162
Electric field lines, detached 191 192
Electric “pressure 277
Electric “tension 277
Electromagnetic energy density 317
Electromagnetic field, rate of doing work 285 286
Electromagnetic induction 117—126
| Electromagnetic induction, accelerating charge 122
Electromagnetic induction, charge moving with uniform velocity 117—119
Electromagnetic induction, introduction 40—42
Electromagnetic induction, low velocity limit 128 129
Electromagnetic induction, motional (dynamo) emf 40 259—266
Electromagnetic induction, system of charges 123 129
Electromagnetic induction, transformer emf 40—42 228—230 244-246
Electromagnetic induction, vector potential 125
Electromagnetic momentum see Potential (electromagnetic) momentum
Electromagnetic waves, empty space 47
Electromagnetic waves, linear homogenous medium 350 351
Electromagnetic waves, oscillating electric dipole 69 70
Electromagnetic waves, Poynting vector 294—297
Electromagnetic waves, propagation in a dielectric 352 353
Electromagnetic waves, radiation pressure 301—303
Emf, motional 40 259—266
Emf, transformer 40—42 228—230 244-246
Emf, Van de Graaff 20 395—398
Energy density of the electromagnetic field 284 317
Energy, conservation see Conservation of energy
Energy, electric 282 283
Energy, electromagnetic field 282—285 312 313
Energy, flow of in DC circuits 405
Energy, magnetic 283
Faller, J. E. 3
Faraday disk generator 262
Faraday, M. 157
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction 41 42 44 57 119—121 124—126 158 188 189 232—234 243 338 348
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, critique of 124—126
ferromagnetism 339
Fresnel, A. - J. 156
Fresnel’s equations 352
Galilean reference frame 357
Galilean transformations 159 263 355 359
Gauge transformation 84 85
Gauss’ flux law, accelerating charge 112
Gauss’ flux law, charge distribution 10 37
Gauss’ flux law, charge moving with uniform velocity 110—114
Gauss’ flux law, dielectrics 337
Gauss’ flux law, electric field lines 9 112
Gauss’ mathematical theorem 387 388
Gradient of a scalar 385
Grassmann’s equation 22 23
Hall effect 26—28 263
Hamiltonian 154
Hamilton’s equations 153 154
Hertz vector 88
Hill, H. A. 3
Induction electric field, circular coil 186—189
Induction electric field, current element 169—177
Induction electric field, related to the projected position 174—177
Induction electric field, solenoid 189—191
Induction electric field, transformer 228—230
Induction electric field, varying current 180—184
Induction electric field, what a voltmeter measures 236 237
Inertial observer 357
Inertial reference frame 357
Information collecting sphere 62 73 90—92 167 169—172 174 175 177
Jefimenko’s equations 48 49 82 83 203—205 221
Joule heat 19 20 284 290 319
Kelvin, Lord 157 158 161
Kirchhoff’s laws, first law 227 238 240 257 319
Kirchhoff’s laws, second law 232 238 240 252 253 257 258 319
Lagrange’s equations 153 154
Lagrangian 153 154
Laplace’s equation 13 16
Laplacian 46 58 146 150 386 387 389
Lawton, W. - E. 3
LCR circuit 161 246 247 251 252 285
LCR circuit, energy method 285
LCR circuit, voltage across elements 253—257
Length contraction 366 367 369 380
Lenz’s law 121 235 243 262
Li nard — Wiechert potentials 90—92 94 100 108 128 169 223 406—413
Light velocity 48 159 358 419
Light velocity, constancy of 358 359
Light velocity, material medium 351
Light velocity, relation to and 44 48 358
Line of charge, moving 134—138
Lorentz condition 57 58 84 153 155
Lorentz condition, applied to oscillating electric dipole 73 84
Lorentz force law 1 24 151—154 158 261 267 269 304—306 321—325 370 373-376
Lorentz force law, motional emf 261
Lorentz gauge 1 58 59 84 88 153
Lorentz transformations 159 356 362—365 419
Lorentz, H. A. 2 11 49 50
LR circuit 247 248 283 284
Macroscopic field variables, definition of 50—52 390
Macroscopic field variables, differentiation of 53 390
Magnetic constant 24
Magnetic dipole, Amperian model 338 341—344
Magnetic dipole, definition 338
Magnetic dipole, magnetic field 188
Magnetic dipole, oscillating 221 222
Magnetic dipole, vector potential 340—344
Magnetic field 1 24 25
Magnetic field , accelerating charge 92—94 406—413
Magnetic field , charge moving with uniform velocity 95—99
Magnetic field , current element 206—210
Magnetic field , differential equation for 45
Magnetic field , divergence of 30
Magnetic field , Jefimenko’s equation for 48 221
Magnetic field , macroscopic definition 52
Magnetic field , magnetostatics 22—24
Magnetic field , Maxwell stress tensor 270—275 297—299
Magnetic field , oscillating electric dipole 65 66 219
Magnetic field , oscillating magnetic dipole 221 222
Magnetic field , radiation 69 70
Magnetic field , relativistic transformation of 378 379
Magnetic field , solenoid 230
Magnetic field , varying current distribution 220 221
Magnetic field , vector potential 32 56
Magnetic field intensity 344 345 347
Magnetic field intensity , relativistic transformation of 382
Magnetic field lines 25 31 115 162
Magnetic flux density see Magnetic field
Magnetic forces as a second order effect 36—40 367—369
Magnetic induction see Magnetic field
Magnetic materials, Amperian model 338
Magnetic materials, macroscopic field due to 340 341
Magnetic materials, microscopic field in 340 341
Magnetic materials, surface current distributions 341—344
Magnetic materials, volume current distributions 341—344
Magnetic monopole 31 139
Magnetic “pressure 272 274
Magnetic “tension 274
Magnetization current density 347 349
Magnetization vector 327 339 340
Maxwell stress tensor 269—282
Maxwell stress tensor, electric fields 276 277
Maxwell stress tensor, electrostatic example 278—280
Maxwell stress tensor, general case 277 278 299
Maxwell stress tensor, magnetic fields 270—275
Maxwell stress tensor, magnetostatic example 280 281
Maxwell stress tensor, matrix form 275
Maxwell stress tensor, radiation pressure 301—303
Maxwell stress tensor, tensor form 275 277 278
Maxwell stress tensor, varying conditions 297—301
Maxwell — Lorentz equations 2 49 50 62 142 327 332
Maxwell, J. C. 3 43 46 47 86 87 157 158 161
Maxwell’s equations 1 2 11 16 18 22 44—46 48 49 55 108—165
Maxwell’s equations, charging capacitor 142—145
Maxwell’s equations, comparison with the use of the potentials and 153—156
Maxwell’s equations, curl of 33—35 42 43 79 80 126—130 141 155 414-418
Maxwell’s equations, discussion of Maxwell’s equations 149—153
Maxwell’s equations, displacement current 42 43 126—128 414—418
Maxwell’s equations, divergence of 30 77 114 115
Maxwell’s equations, macroscopic fields 50—54 327 328 353 354
Maxwell’s equations, magnetic dielectrics 346—349
Maxwell’s equations, material medium 50—53 348—350
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