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Hiemenz P.C. (ed.), Rajagopalan R. (ed.) — Principles of colloid and surface chemistry |
Предметный указатель |
Absorption cross section 231
Absorption efficiency 231
Adhesion 270 271
Adhesion, work of 271
Admicelle 342
Adsorbate, definition 332
Adsorbent, definition 331
Adsorption 323 405
Adsorption apparatus 410
Adsorption experimental treatment 407—412
Adsorption from solutions 323 331
Adsorption from solutions, applications of 338—343
Adsorption hysteresis 437—439
Adsorption in applied potential 343—348
Adsorption in porous solids 436—439
Adsorption isotherms 302 332 308 407 411 412 417 416
Adsorption isotherms and surface phases 308
Adsorption isotherms relation to equations of state 413 415
Adsorption isotherms van der Waals 416
Adsorption isotherms, Harkin — Jura 416 417
Adsorption isotherms, Henry's law limit 413
Adsorption isotherms, Langmuir 420—422 423
Adsorption on crystal surfaces 439—451
Adsorption on solid surfaces 331—338
Adsorption polymer 606
Adsorption statistical thermodynamics 420—424
Adsorption theoretical treatment 412—419
Adsorption thermodynamics 419—424
Adsorption, energetics of 433—436
Advancing contact angle 272 273
aggregates 21
Aggregates relation to growth mechanisms 29 30
Aggregates surface area 27
Aggregates, fractal dimension of 26 27 225 226
Aggregation cluster-cluster 29
Aggregation diffusion-limited 29 30
Aggregation monomer-cluster 29 30
Aggregation number of micelles 358 360
Aggregation reaction-limited 29
Amphipathic molecules 301
Analytical separations 62
Anodic branch of electrocapillary curve 345
Archibald method 100
Ascending (rising) branch of electrocapillary curve 344
Association colloids 56 355
Athermal mixing 128
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 44
Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) 406
Autocorrelation function 238
Average 32 35 631 632
Average area 34 632
Average arithmetic 637
Average geometric 637
Average number 31 632
Average volume 34
Barometric equation 100
Bashforth — Adams equation 279 280
Bashforth — Adams tables 281
Beer — Lambert equation 231
Beta-emitting surfactants 331
Bilayer 4 7 396 397
Bingham plastics 175
Binomial expansion 625
Biological membranes 395—398
Black lipid membrane (BLM) 397
Boltzmann distribution 98
Boltzmann equation for entropy 120
Bragg equation 40 443
Brownian motion 85—90
Brunauer — Emmett — Teller (BET) adsorption isotherm 425—433 429
Brunauer — Emmett — Teller (BET) adsorption isotherm derivation using kinetic theory 425—428
Brunauer — Emmett — Teller (BET) adsorption isotherm, parameters of 428
Brunauer — Emmett — Teller (BET) adsorption isotherm, test of 428—433
Cabannes factor 213
Calorimetric heat of adsorption 433
Capacitor model 504 515
Capacitor model, diffuse model, comparison with 515
Capillary condensation 437—439 438
Capillary constant 254
Capillary viscometer 154 156 157
Capillary zone electrophoresis 564
Casimir — Polder interaction 482
Catalysis 49 405 407
Catalysis heterogeneous 49 407
Catalysis metals 451—455 452
Catalysis micellar 380—385
Catalysis turnover number of catalysts 454
Cathodic branch of electrocapillary curve 345
Ceramics, colloidal processing of 16
cgs units 626
cgs units conversion to SI units 627
Charge density 506
Charge density theory from electrocapillary curve 346
Charge density, Debye — Hueckel theory 51 5
Charge density, Gouy — Chapman theory 518
Charge density, surface potential, relation to 515
Charged micelles 358
Charged monolayers 308
Charged proteins 565
chemical vapor deposition 407
Chemisorption 405 406 408
Chi-squared test 635
Chromatography 4 5 62
Chromatography gel filtration 48
Chromatography gel permeation 48
Chromatography relation to electrophoresis 564
Chromatography size exclusion 45 48 50
Clapeyron equation 433
class 32 631
Class mark 32 631
Classification of data 631
Clausius — Mosotti equation 203
Cloud point 377
Coagulants 499
Coagulation 463
Coagulation, theories of 592—600
Coagulation, theories of, Fuchs (slow coagulation) 596
Coagulation, theories of, Smoluchowski (rapid coagulation) 593
Coalescence 15
Coefficient of surface viscosity 319 320
Coefficient of viscosity 69 145 148
Coefficient, diffusion 80—85 92
Coefficient, Mark — Houwink 38 182 182
Coefficient, sedimentation 77
Coefficient, spreading 272 300
Coefficient, virial, and osmotic pressure 112 113
Cohesion 270 271
Cohesion, work of 70
Cohesive energy density (CED) 128
Coil expansion factor 186
Coincident structures 449
Colligative properties 110 119
Colloid crystals 579 580 583
Colloid stability 463 567 575 576
Colloid stability and interparticle forces 578—581 580
Colloid stability and potential energy diagrams 466
Colloid stability and van der Waals forces 464—467
Colloid-enhanced transport 2 3
Colloids applications 6
Colloids classification 2
Colloids food 31
Colloids shapes 20 22 23
Colloids, hydrophilic 10
Colloids, hydrophobic 10
Colloids, lyophilic 10
Colloids, model colloids 21
Colloids, self-similar 27
Commercial surfactants 332
Complex refractive index (absorbing material) 229
computer simulations 29 30
| Concentric-cylinder viscometer 150 5 152 157
Condensation in capillaries 437 4439
Condensed states, in monolayers 309
Conductance, equivalent, ionic 537
Conductivity at critical micelle concentration 359
Conductivity bulk solutions 554
Conductivity surface 554
Cone-and-plate viscometer 153
Consolidate 17
Contact angle 248 252
Contact angle advancing 272 273
Contact angle hysteresis 272—276 273
Contact angle of powders and porous solids 283—286
Contact angle receding 272 273
Contact angle relationship to surface tension 265
Contact angle, measurement of 253—255 276—283
Contact angle, measurement of, capillary rise technique 254—255 253
Contact angle, measurement of, tilted plate technique 252 253
Contact angle, measurement of, Wilhelmy plate technique 253—254 253 276
Continuous distribution functions 631
Continuous phase 10
Conversion, units 627
Coulomb's law 197 505
Critical chain length of hydrocarbon tail 364 367 368
Critical coagulation concentration (CCC) 578 588 589 591
Critical coagulation concentration (CCC) and stability ratio 600
Critical flocculation temperature 609
Critical micelle concentration (CMC) 11 357 359 360 374
Crystalline structures 17 580 583
Crystallization on surfaces 408
Crystallization on surfaces, Frank — van der Merwe 408
Crystallization on surfaces, Stranski — Krastanov 408
Crystallization on surfaces, Volmer — Weber 408
Crystallography, basic principles 443—445
Cumulative curve 632
Curved interfaces effect on nucleation 264—265; see also “Young equation”
Curved interfaces effect on phase equilibria 261—263
de Broglie equation 42
Deborah number 176
Debye equation 469 472
Debye — Hueckel model 501 508—516
Debye — Hueckel parameter 510
Debye — Hueckel parameter, physical significance of 512 512 513
Degree of aggregation 358 360
Depletion flocculation 605
Depletion interaction 614 615
Depletion stabilization 605
Depletion volume 615
Derjaguin approximation 525
Derjaguin — Landau — Verwey — Overbeek (DLVO) theory 585
Detergency 338—339
Dialysis 139
Diffuse double layer 505 508—520
Diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) 194
Diffusion 62 78—85 89
Diffusion and Brownian motion 85—90
Diffusion and chemical potential 80 81
Diffusion and Fick's laws 79 80
Diffusion and random walk 85—90
Diffusion apparatus 90 91
Diffusion coefficient 80—85 92
Diffusion coefficient and friction factor 80—85
Diffusion coefficient cumulative 242
Diffusion coefficient effect of solvation 82
Diffusion coefficient from dynamic light scattering 236—242
Diffusion coefficient, mutual 241
Diffusion coefficient, self 24 1
Diffusion equilibrium with sedimentation 98—100
Diffusion, thermodynamic description 80—82
Dilatant fluids 175
Dispersed phase 10
Dispersion force 482
Dissymmetry ratio 221—223
Distribution functions, continuous 631
Distribution functions, discrete 631
Distribution functions, statistics of 631—637
Donnan equilibrium 105 106 131—136 331
Donnan equilibrium and biophysics 106
Donnan equilibrium and osmotic pressure 136
Double layer see “Electrical double layer”
Drug delivery systems 11
Dupre equation 265
Dynamic scattering 193 236—242 239 241
Dynamic scattering effect of polydispersity 240
Dynamic scattering measuring diffusion coefficients 238 239
Dynamic scattering measuring particle size 238 239
Dzyaloshinskii — Lifshitz — Pitaevskii theory 486
Einstein's equation for viscosity of dispersions 164
Elastic 146
Electrical double layer 499 505
Electrical double layer and surface charges 502
Electrical double layer capacitor model 504
Electrical double layer interaction 499 520—527
Electrocapillarity 344—345 347
Electrode 503
Electrode reversible 503
Electrode silver iodide 503
Electrodeposition 570
Electrodialysis 139
Electrokinetic phenomena 534
Electrokinetic phenomena applications 567—570
Electroosmosis 534 538 553 551
Electroosmosis and streaming potential 550
Electroosmosis effect of surface conductivity 552—553
Electrophoresis 534 538
Electrophoresis experimental aspects 559—564
Electrophoresis moving-boundary 562
Electrophoresis zone 564
Electrophoretic image display (EPID) 13
Electrophoretic mobility 537 561
Electrophoretic mobility, viscoelectric effect, influence of 556
electrophotography 535
Electrostatic interaction 499 500 501
Electroviscous effects 171—180
Electroviscous effects primary 178
Electroviscous effects secondary 179
Electroviscous effects tertiary 179
Ellipsoid oblate 22
Ellipsoid prolate 22
Ellipticity and friction factor 83
Ellipticity and viscosity 171
Ellipticity from sedimentation data 72 84
Enthalpy of adsorption 336
Enthalpy of micellization 371 374
Enthalpy of mixing 120 122 126—127
Enthalpy surface 257
Environmental remediation 568
Environmental scanning electron microscopy (E-SEM) 44
Equation, barometric 100
Equation, Bashforth and Adams 279 280
Equation, Beer — Lambert 231
Equation, Boltzmann, for entropy 120
Equation, Bragg 40 443
Equation, Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) 428
Equation, Clapeyron 431
Equation, Clausius — Mosotti 203
Equation, Coulomb 505
Equation, Coulomb de Broglie 42
Equation, Debye, for dipole interaction 472
Equation, Einstein, viscosity 164
Equation, Fick (I) 79
Equation, Fick (II) 80
Equation, Freundlich 337
Equation, Gibbs 325
Equation, Gibbs — Duhem 324
Equation, Gibbs — Helmholtz 373
Equation, Girifalco — Good 287
Equation, Girifalco — Good — Fowkes 288
Equation, Gouy — Chapman 517
Equation, Harkins — Jura 417
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