Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Hermite, Charles
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 2) | 15, 114, 122, 178 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 14.B 60.O 107.A 131.D 167.C 176.I 182.A 199.A 217.H 223.E 232.A 251.E, O 256.Q 269.I 299.A 317.D 344.F 348.F 412.E, G 430.A App. A, Tables 14.I1, 20.IV | Rockett A.M., Szusz P. — Continued Fractions | 69, 71, 135 | Graham R.L., Knuth D.E., Patashnik O. — Concrete mathematics | 524, 532, 589, 603 | Hille E. — Ordinary Differential Equations in the complex domain | 231 | Pesic P. — Abel's Proof: An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability | 146, 150, 198n | Meyer C.D. — Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra | 48 | Lim Ch., Nebus J. — Vorticity, Statistical Mechanics, and Monte Carlo Simulation | 69 | Merris R. — Combinatorics | 387 | Ewald W. — From Kant to Hilbert, Vol.2 | 566, 850, 897, 1013, 1019, 1020, 1151, 1164 | Ewald W. — From Kant to Hilbert, Vol.1 | 566 | Sagan H. — Advanced Calculus of Real-Valued Functions of a Real Variable and Vector-Valued Functions of a Vector Variable | 47 | Greiner W. — Quantum mechanics. An introduction | 103 | Olds C.D., Davidoff G. — Geometry of Numbers | 63, 105, 108, 123, 152 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 1 | 651, 714, 763, 808—809, 973, 981, 1035, 1049 | Rockmore D. — Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers | 96, 98—99, 105—106, 175 | Stillwell J. — Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics | 207 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) | 115, 579 | Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 1 | 514 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 3 | 651, 714, 763, 808—809, 973, 981, 1035, 1049 | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics — Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook | 84, 155 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 2 | 651, 714, 763, 808—809, 973, 981, 1035, 1049 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 600, 606, 709, 711 | Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4 | 514 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms) | 111 | Kasner E., Newman J. — Mathematics and the Imagination | 111 | Rockmore D. — Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis | 96, 98—99, 105—106, 175 | Englert B.G. (Ed) — Quantum Mechanics | 53 | Hamming R.W. — Numerical methods for scientists and engineers | 278 | Poincare H. — Mathematics and Science: Last Essays | 73, 74 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 1 Fundаmental algorithms) | 49, 478 | Saxe K. — Beginning functional analysis | 78, 114 | Hellman H. — Great Feuds in Mathematics: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever | 204, 209 | Rosenfeld B.A. (Author), Shenitzer A. (Translator), Grant H. (Assistant) — A history of non-Euclidean geometry: evolution of the concept of a geometric space | 275 | Ralph P. Boas Jr, Alexanderson G.L., Mugler D.H. — Lion Hunting and Other Mathematical Pursuits | 177 | Struik D.J. — A concise history of mathematics. Volume 2 | 269, 275, 276, 287 | Carl D. Meyer — Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra Book and Solutions Manual | 48 | Milnor J., Husemoller D. — Symmetric Bilinear Forms | 18 | Marks R.J.II. — The Joy of Fourier | 552 | Tietze H. — Famous Problems of Mathematics Solved and Unsolved | 225 | Kasner E., Newman J. — Mathematics and the imagination | 111 | Katz V.J. — A History of Mathematics: An Introduction | 664 | Ewald W.B. — From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 2 | 566, 850, 897, 1013, 1019, 1020, 1151, 1164 | Bell E.T. — Men of mathematics. Volume 2 | 2, 179, 299, 337, 352, 371, 404, 466, 494—513, 525, 526, 553, 568, 590, 591, 598, 626, 629 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications | 15, 114, 122, 178 | Derbyshire J. — Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics | 159—160, 174, 194, 275 | Zeidler E. — Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics | 1193 | Dorrie H. — 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics: Their History and Solution | 128—137 | Polya G. — Mathematical Discovery: On Understanding, Learning and Teaching Problem Solving Combined Edition | 2 143 | Muir J. — Of Men and Numbers: The Story of the Great Mathematicians | 215 | Hubbard B. — The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making | 181 | Posamentier A.S. — The Fabulous Fibonacci Numbers | 165n2 | Ewald W.B. — From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 1 | 566 | Wilson R. — Mathematical conversations: selections from The mathematical intelligencer | 419—426, 428 | Odifreddi P., Sangalli A., Dyson F. — The Mathematical Century: The 30 Greatest Problems of the Last 100 Years | 42 | Jammer M. — Concepts of space: The history of theories of space in physics | 240 | Kline M. — Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times | 651, 714, 763, 808, 809, 973, 981, 1035, 1049 | Brezinski C. — History of Continued Fractions and Padé Approximants | 79, 111, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 168, 172, 174, 186, 203, 207, 209, 211, 213, 214, 217, 220, 228, 231, 240, 243, 244, 246, 249, 254, 261, 265, 266, 295, 300, 334, 335, 337, 377, 387, 388, 464 | Alexanderson G. — The harmony of the world: 75 years of Mathematics Magazine MPop | 9, 82, 90 | Sondheimer E., Rogerson A. — Numbers and Infinity: A Historical Account of Mathematical Concepts | 67, 141 |