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Muir J. — Of Men and Numbers: The Story of the Great Mathematicians |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Abel, Niels 207
Absolute differential geometry 164
Academy, Plato's 14
Acceleration 127—129
Achilles and the tortoise 120 228
Acropolis 10—11
Addition 2 164 167
Aleph 225 228
Alexander the Great 14—15
Alexandria 14—15 19 20 25 27
Algebra 7 11—12 65—67 69 70 84 177 204—205
Algebra in Babylonia 4
Algebra, development of 34
Algebra, fundamental theorem of 160 162—163
Algebra, invention 28
Algebraic equations 162 226—227
Algebraic numbers 226—227
Analysis 7 22 23 177 226 239 see
Analytic geometry 51—56 57 65—68 71 84 101 121—122 143—144
Anne, Queen 134
Antinomies 239—240
Apollo 17
Apollonius 80
Arabian mathematics 28 38
Arabic numbers 28
Archimedes 19—25 27 126—127 145 157 174 178 216
Aristotle 10 90
Arithmetic see "Number theory"
Arithmetic continuum 219 233
Ars Magna 33—34 35 36 38
Aubrey, John 75
axes 51—52 121 163—164
Axiomatic method 8—9 16 168 220 221—223 240
Axiomatics 221—222
Axioms 8—9 16 166 168 191—192 194 197—198 219—220
Babylonian mathematics 4
Bartels, Johann Martin 159 187
Barton, Catherine 136
Beekman, Isaac 50—51 56
Benze, Johann 158 172
Berkeley, George 131—132 232
Bernoulli, Daniel 140 145
Bernoulli, Johannes 139
Bernoulli, Nicholas 140 141
Binomial theorem 28 107
Bolyai, Janos 220
Bolyai, Wolfgang 161 179
Boole, George 222
Brahe, Tycho 113
Bruno 77
Brunswick, Duke of 159—160 161 165 169—170 171 179
Caesar, Julius 25
Calculus 7 22—23 107 118—133 142—143 234
Cantor, Constantin 218
Cantor, Georg 176 217—240
Cantor, Georg Woldeman 217 218 219 237
Cantor, Maria Boehm 217—218
Cantor, Sophie 218
Cantor, Vally Guttmann 235
Cardano, Aldo 31 44 45—46
Cardano, Chiara 31 44 45
Cardano, Chiara Michina 30
Cardano, Fazio (father) 29 30
Cardano, Fazio (grandson) 44
Cardano, Giambatista 31 33 41—44 45
Cardano, Girolamo 26 27 29—46 48 94
Cardano, Lucia Bandarini 31 41
Catherine I 140
Catherine II (the Great) 138 153 154
Cauchy, Augustin 176 204 207 233
Causality 198—199 see
Cayley, Arthur 169
Charles I 72 105
Chevalier, Auguste 209 211 213 215
Christina, Queen of Sweden 75—76 93
Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended 135
circle 65 83 84
Circle, area 3 22—23
Circle, general equation of 54 144
Circle, squaring 16 17
Clark, Mr. 106
Closure 165
Coates, Robert 96
complex numbers 160 163—164
Conduitt, John 136 137
Congruences, theory of 162
Conic sections 17 65 72 80—87 220
Conon 20
Continuum 219 230
coordinates 51—52 121 163—164
Copernicus, Nikolaus 113 200
Correspondence 67—69 133 228—229
Counting 1—2
Crelle's Journal 238
cube 11 16—17 225
Cubic equations 16 17 34—36 37 70
Cycloid 102—103
D'Alembert 153
da Vinci, Leonardo 29 82
Darwin, Charles 149
de Richelieu, Armand 79—80
de Roannez, Charlotte 99
de Roannez, Due 93 98—99 103
de Roberval, Gilles Personne 60 87
Decimals 12 231—232
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 27
Dedekind, Richard 176 220 235
Deduction 9—10 see
Deism 147—148
Delian oracle 16
Denbow, Carl 162
derivatives 127 233
Desargues, Gerard 80 83 84 104
Descartes' Rule of Signs 69
Descartes, Rene 28 47—76 80 84 87 88 89 91 92 98 101 121 134 144 178 185 216 223 229 233
Determinism 147—151 198—199
Deutsche Mathematicker-Vereinigung 238
Diagonal process 227—228
Differential geometry 172
Differentiating 127—130
Diophantine equations 37
Discourse on Method 61 71—72
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae 162 165
Distribution of errors 173—174
Division 2 5—6 164 168
Division by zero 126
Dositheus 20
Doubling the cube 16—17
e 226
Edward VI 41
Egyptian mathematics 1—4
Einstein, Albert 116 144 195—197 199 220 221 229 233 237
Eisenstein 178
Elements 15—16 79 see
Eliot, T.S. 99
Elizabeth of Bohemia 72
ellipse 55 83 84
Empiricism 147
Epicureans 16
Equations 34—38 65—66 69 70 215—216 226—227
Equations, algebraic 162 226—227
Equations, cubic 16 17 34—36 37 70
Equations, Diophantine 37
Equations, general 36—37 53—54 69—70 144
Equations, linear 16 34—35 37 53—54 65—66 70 121—122 144
Equations, nonalgebraic 226
Equations, quadratic 11—12 16 34—35 38 70 204
Equations, quartic 37
Equations, quintic 204 207
Equations, theory of 210
| Eratosthenes 20
Euclid 14—19 79 84 166 168 169 185 191—192 193 194 196 200
Euclid Vindicated from All Defects 191
Eudoxus 15
Eugenius, Pope 27
Euler, Leonhard 138—156 176 201 219
Euler, Marguerite 138
Euler, Paul 138 139
Factorials 18
Fermat's last theorem 144—145
Fermat, Pierre 39 71 87 94 104 144
Ferreus, Scipio 35
Fibonacci series 220
Fibonacci, Leonardo 28
Flamsteed, John 117
Fluxions, Doctrine of 119 131—132 233
Formalism 197—198 221 240
Four-dimensional geometry 144 169 233
Fractions 5 225 231 235
Francina 74—75
Franklin, Benjamin 147
Frederick II (the Great) 138 142 147 152—153
Frederick William III 171
French Academy of Science 139 206 207 209 211 212
Functions 124 131
Fundamentals of Mathematics 162
Galen 200
Galileo 50 61 64 77 105 113 122 234
Galois, Adelaide-Marie Demante 202
Galois, Alfred 202 214 215
Galois, Evariste 202—216
Galois, Nicholas Gabriel 202 206—207
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 19 157—183 187 194 200 201 215 220 230
Gauss, Dorothea Benze 157 161 180—181 183
Gauss, Dorothea Warnecke 157
Gauss, Eugene 172 175 180
Gauss, Friederica Wilhelmine Waldeck 172 174
Gauss, Gebhard 157—158 159 172
Gauss, Johann Georg Heinrich 157 159—160 180
Gauss, Johanna 178 179
Gauss, Johanna Osthoff 170 172
Gauss, Joseph 170 180
Gauss, Therese 172 181
Gauss, Wilhelm 172 180
Gaussian curve 173
General equations 36—37 53—54 69—70 144
Geometry 7 84 167 177 191—196
Geometry, analytic 51—56 57 65—68 71 84 101 121—122 143—144
Geometry, development of 34
Geometry, differential 164
Geometry, Egyptian 2—4
Geometry, four dimensional 144 169 233
Geometry, Greek 8—12 25
Geometry, n-dimensional 144 168—169
Geometry, non-Euclidean 160 166 169 191—195 196—197 198 199—200 201 219—220
Geometry, projective 80—87 195
George III 202
Gibbon, Edward 27
Goedel theorem 240
Goedel, Kurt 240
Goedicke, Victor 162
Goldbach conjecture 8
graphs 51—52 65—68 121 128—129 163—164
Gravitation, theory of 170 110—111 114 194 196
Greco-Latin Squares 155—156
Greek mathematics 4—25
Grimm brothers 179
Grimm, Peter 154
Group theory 216
Gsell, Catharina 141
Guigniault 210
Halley, Edmund 114 115 134—135
Hamilton, John (Archbishop of Scotland) 40
Hanging Gardens 4
Harriot, Thomas 69
Harvey, William 62—63
Height of an equation 227
Heisenberg, Werner 150
Henry VII 77
Hermite, Charles 215
Hiero II 20
Hilbert, David 220 240
Hippocrates 15
Hobbes, Thomas 62
Hooke, Robert 115 118
Hugo, Victor 203
Hume, David 149
Hydrostatics, First law of 20—21
Hyperbola 55 83
Imaginary geometry see "Non-Euclidean geometry"
imaginary numbers 5 38 70 71 164 210 220 235 see
Imaginary roots 38 163
Indian mathematics 27—28 38
Infeld, Leopold 215
Infinite processes 23 234 240 see
Infinite sets 224—228 234 239
Infinitesimals 126—127 129—133 176 232—233
infinity 13 19 23—24 68—69 84 120 132—133 167 176 229—234 235—236 239—240
Institutiones Calculi Differentialis 142
INTEGER 5 12 71 224—225 227 235 see
integrating 127—130
Introductio in Analysis infinitorum 142
Intuition 197—198 221 240
Invariants 84—87 195—196
Inverse square law 111 114 115
Irrational numbers 5 12 13 17 19 38 67 70 71 132 162—163 176 223 226 229—232 235 239
Irrational numbers, theory of 229—232 233 235
Irrational roots 162—163
Irrationalism 150—151 220
Jacobi, Karl 197 215
Jansen, Cornelis 88
Jansenism 88—90 92 97 98 99 100
Jefferson, Thomas 147
Justinian 14
Kepler, Johannes 113 114
Kronecker, Leopold 12 215 219 235—238
Kummer, Ernst 219
La Fontaine, Jean 93
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 154—155 195 204
Laplace, Pierre 177
Lavoisier, Antoine 70
Laws of Thought, The 222—223
Le Monde 61—62
Least squares 173
Legendre, Adrien 204
Lettres provinciates 100 101
Light 107 108
Limits 23 132 232 233 234
Line 10 12 51—56 65—66 70 196 229
Line, general equation of 53—54 70 144
Linear equations 16 34—35 37 53—54 65—66 70 121—122 144
Liouville, Jacques 215 226
Lobatchevsky, Alexander 186
Lobatchevsky, Alexei 186 188
Lobatchevsky, Nicholas 185—201 212 220 221
Lobatchevsky, Preskowja Ivanova 186
Locke, John 74 117 187
Logic 8—9 16 143 168 176 192 220 221—223 240
Louis Philippe 210 211
Louis XIII 72
Louis XIV 138
Louis XVIII 203
Ludolphian number 23
Madison, James 202
Marcellus 24
Maupertuis 152
Maxwell, James Clerk 5—6
Mayans 3
Menaechmus 15
Mersenne, Marin 60
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