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Muir J. — Of Men and Numbers: The Story of the Great Mathematicians |
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Metaphysics of Mathematics, The 165—168
Minkowski 237—238
Mittag-Leffler 237
Montague, Charles 118
Morse, Samuel 117
Moslems 25
Motion 119—127
Motion, Laws of 110—111 119—122
Motion, planetary 113
Multiplication 2 11 164 168
n-dimensional geometry 144 168—169
Napoleon 171 202 203 206 209
Napoleon, natural numbers see "Integer"
Nazism 151
Nebuchadnezzar 4
negative numbers 5 11—12 28 38 51 67 70 71 163 235
Negative roots 38
Newton, Harriet Ayscough 105
Newton, Isaac 19 28 105—137 141 144 157 160 161 169 174 176—177 178 179 182 183 184 195 196 208 216 232—233 234
Nicholas I 190
Non-Euclidean geometry 160 166 169 191—195 196—197 198 199—200 201 219—220
Nonalgebraic equations 226
Nonalgebraic numbers 226
Number theory 7 18 144—145 160 167 177
Numbers 1—2 5—8 11 27—28 67 162—165 168 223—232 235—236 240
Numbers, algebraic 226—227
Numbers, amicable 7—8
Numbers, even 7 69 224—225
Numbers, evolution of 1—2 27—28
Numbers, feminine 7
numbers, imaginary 5 38 164 210 220 235
Numbers, integers 5 12 71 224—225 227 235
Numbers, irrational 5 12 13 17 19 38 67 70 71 132 162—163 176 223 226 229—232 235 239
Numbers, masculine 7
Numbers, natural see "Integer"
numbers, negative 5 11—12 28 38 51 67 70 71 163 235
Numbers, nonalgebraic 226
Numbers, odd 7 224
Numbers, positive 12 51 67 163
Numbers, prime 7 8 18—19
Numbers, rational 5 67 163 223
Numbers, real 12 163 226—228 233—234
Numbers, theory of 210 229—235
Numbers, transcendental 17 226—227
Numbers, transfinite 225—228 231 233 239
Numbers, whole see "Integer"
Numerals, Arabic 28
Numerals, Roman 2 28
Numerology 7
Omar Khayyam 28
Opticks 115 118—119 131
Pangeometry see "Non-Euclidean geometry"
parabola 55 83
Pascal, Blaise 39 60 71—72 77—104 178 195
Pascal, Etienne 72 78 79 87 88 92 93
Pascal, Gilberte 78 90 93 94 97 101—102
Pascal, Jacqueline 78 79 87 90 92 93—94 103
Peirce, Charles 94
Pensees 101
Pepys, Samuel 116—117
Peter I (the Great) 138 139—140 141 142 186
Pheidias 19
PI 17 22 23 220 226
Plane 166 193
Plane, general equation 144
Plato 11 14 58 197
Plutarch 21
Polycrates 6
Polygon 22—23
Polygon, 17-sided 160 178
Port-Royal 92 98 99 102
Positive numbers 12 51 67 163
Pragmatism 151
Prime numbers 7 8 18—19
Principia 114—116 118
Principia Mathematica 168
| probability 38—39 94—96 172—173
Progressions 220
Projective geometry 80—87 195
Pseudosphere 192—193
Ptolemy 15 200
Pythagoras 5—14 15 19 165 223
Pythagorean Theorem 9—10 12 52 53 54
Pythagoreans 6 7 158—159
Quadrant 68
Quadratic equations 11—12 16 34—35 38 70 204
Quadratic formula 204
Quantum physics 199 240
Quartic equations 37
Quintic equations 205 207
Rational numbers 5 67 163 223
Real numbers 12 163 226—228 233—234
Relativity, theory of 84—87 144 150 195—197 198—199
Riemann, Georg 197 220
Roman Empire 25 27
Roman numerals 2 28
Romantic movement 151
Roots 38 66 162—163 226
Roots, imaginary 38 163
Roots, negative 38
Roots, square 12—13 17—18 225 234
Royal Society of London 108 109—110 114 115 119 134 137 238
Rubaiyat, The 28
Rules for the Direction of the Mind 61
Russell, Bertrand 168 176 222 239
Saccheri 191 192
Sand Reckoner, The 23—24
Sarton, George 216
Savonarola, Girolamo 77
Schoenflies 237
Schopenhauer, Arthur 147
Sequences 230—232
Set theory 224—228 235 239—240
Shanks, William 23
Smith, Adam 184—185
Smith, Barnabas 105
Space-time see "Relativity"
Sphere 144
Square 11
Square numbers 11
Square roots 12—13 17—18 225 234
Statistics 172
Subtraction 2 5—6 167—168
Surfaces, theories of 172
Symbolic logic 143 222
Tartaglia, Nicolo 35—36 37 39 41
Telegraph 177
Thales 5
topology 84
Transcendental numbers 17 226—227
Transfinite numbers 225—228 231 233 239
Trigonometry 25 145 167
Trisection of angles 16
Uccello 82
Van Ceulen, Ludolph 23
Variables 124 129
Vasto, dal 36
Vector analysis 164
Velocity 127 167 234
Venus de Milo 10
Vesalius 40 200
Voetius 72—74
Voltaire 145—148 151—152 203
von Leibniz Gottfried 104 119 143 222
Wallis, John 103
Weber, Wilhelm 178
Weierstrass, Karl 176 219 220 221 229 236 237
Weyl, Hermann 240
Whitehead, Alfred North 168
Whole numbers see "Integer"
Whom the Gods Love 215
Zeno 120—121 194 233
Zero 5 11—12 28 126 127 232
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