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Jammer M. — Concepts of space: The history of theories of space in physics |
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Abraham ibn Ezra (Avenare) 79
Abraham, Max 144
Abramenko, B. 212
Abu'l Barakat 62
Abu'l Hasan al-Ash'ari 62
Abu'l Mansur al-Maturidi 62
Achinstein, P. 237
Addison, Joseph 128
Agrippa of Nettesheim, Henry Cornelius 33 41
Akiba ben Joseph 33
Al-Baqilani 62
Al-Biruni 91
Al-Ghazali (Algazel) 50 67 68
Al-Razi (Abu Bakr) 62 92
Alatino, Moses 56
Albert the Creat (Albertus Magnus) 68
Albo, Joseph 78
Alexander Aplirodisieusis 73
Alexander, H.G. 233
Alexander, Samuel 1
Ambarzumian, Viktor 211
Ambler, Ernest 203
Ammi (Imini) 301
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae 91
Anderson, J.L. 219 232
Angel, R.B. 232
Archimedes of Syracuse 20
Archytas of Tarentnm 9 12 58
Aristotle 9 14—17 25 39 51—68 70 74—81 86 88 91 148 163 174 217 218 220 235
Audretseh, J. 229
Avempaee (Ibn Bajja) 77
Averroes (Ibn Rushd) 60 77
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) 91
Bacon, Roger 92
Baeumker, Clemens 39
Bain, Alexander 138
Baker, John Tull 115
Baldwin, Ann 112
Barbour, Julian B. 222 231
Bargmann, Valentin 245
Barnard, Guy Christian 181
Barrow, Isaac 97 110 111
Barth, Friedrich 41
Barut, A.O. 217
Basri, Saul 5
Bastin, T. 239
Bazanski, S. 228
Becquerel, Jean 192
Bell, Eric Temple 148
Beltrami, Eugenio 152
Bentley, Richard 111
Bergmann, Peter Gabriel 185 245
Berkeley, George 104 108 109 112 135 136
Bernier, Francois 93
Bernoulli, Jean 261
Bertotti, Bruno 231
Bertrand, Joseph Louis 205
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm 148 150
Bhanot, G. 248
Bianchi, Luigi 152
Birkenmajer, Alexander 39
Biruni see "Al-Biruni"
Bishop, R.L. 218
Blokhintsev, Dimitrii I. 241
Boehme, Jacob 111
Bohr, Niels 189
Bolyai, Janos 146 151
Bolzano, Bernard 178
Bonaventura, St.John of Fidanza 37
Bondi, Hermann 192
Bourget, L. 49
Boyle, Robert 44
Bradwardine, Thomas 76
Brandis, Christian August 3
Brans, Carl 199
Brentano, Franz 138
Bridgman, Percy Williams 189 190
Brittan, G.G. 232
Brouwer, Louitzen Egbertus Jan 178 183 184
Bruno, Giordano 87—89 104
Buechel, W. 206 242
Bunge, Mario 232
Burch, G.B. 182
Burleigh, Walter (Burlaeus) 76
Burnet, John 8 13
Bussey, William Henry 187
Butterfield, Jeremy 234
Buxtorfius, Johannes (Buxtorff, the son) 64
Callaway, Joseph 198
Campanella, Tommaso 34 35 90 93 110
Cantor, Moritz 26 184
Capek, Milic 6
Cardan, Hieronimo 84
Carnap, Rudolf 3 164
Carrier, Martin 230
Cartan, Elie 242
Caruso, F. 250
Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius 181
Cassirer, Ernst 85 87 144
Castagnino, Mario A. 228
Cayley, Arthur 158
Chalcidius 14
Chatelain, Albert Maire Emile Louis 74
Chiu, H.-Y. 228
Cho, Y.M. 246
Christoffel, Elwin Bruno 152 159
Chrysippus 24
Chyba, C.F. 245
Clarke, Joseph 129
Clarke, Samuel 42 50 98 113 117 127 139 222 224 226 233
Cleomedes 23
Clifford, William Kingdon 162 163 188
Cohn, Jonas 164
Coleman, Robert Alan 230
Conant, James Bryant 44
Copernicus, Nicolaus 46 57 72 73 82 123 125
Cornelius, Hans 164
Cornford, Francis Macdonald 15
Cotes, Roger 112 121
Couturat, Louis 169
Cover, J.A. 222
Cremmer, E. 246
Crescas, Hasdai 74 76—81 84 88 89
Crombie, Alastair Cameron 38
D'Alembert, Jean LeRond 27 131 139 140
D'Assa-Montdardier, Comte 150
Damascius 31 58 59 61 62
Dante Alighieri 72 83
de Broglie, Prince Louis Victor 189
de Coulomb, Charles Augustin 242
de Laplace, Pierre Simon Marquis 139 169 226
de Maupertuis, Pierre 27
de Peiresc, Nicolas Claude Fabri 34
de Sitter, Willem 191 192
Dehnen, H. 199 225
Deichmann, Carl 88
Delboeuf, Joseph Remi Leopold 168 169 201 226
Democritus 10 11 63 94
Denifle, Heinrich Seuse 74
des Bosses, Pater R.P. 64
Descartes, Rene 1 26 41 42—44 99 120 219
Deussen, Paul 36
DeWitt, B.S. 225 246
DeWitt, C. 225
Dicke, Robert Henry 199
Diderot, Denis 139 140
Diels, Hermann 92
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice 192
Driesch, Hans Adolf Eduard 164
Drude, Paul 144
| du Chatelet, Gabrielle Emilie Madame 139
Duhem, Pierre 56 58 62 92
Duke, D. 248
Duncan, George Martin 120
Duns Scotus 68
Earman, John 219 220 221 222 231 233—236
Ebers, Georg 83
Eddington, Arthur Stanley 184 185 192 238
Edwards, Jonathan 128
Ehlers, Juergen 228—230
Ehrenfest, Paul 205 242 250
Einstein, Albert 108 144 152 160 161 167 170—174 186 190 191 216 217 224 227 231—235 242 245
Elijah del Medigo 33
Epicurus 11 94
Eratosthenes 26
Erlichson A. 222
Euclid 25 60 78 145 158 175 219
Eudemus 91
Euler, Leonard 129—132 153
Fabricius, Johann Albert 29
Falconer, K. 248
Faraday, Michael 158
Feigl, H. 225
Field, Hartry 221
Fine, A. 234
Fisher, M.E. 248
Fishier, Max 216
Fludd, Robert 34
Fock, V.A. 231
Forbes, M. 234
Formey, Jean Henri Samuel 139
Foucher de Careil, Comte Louis-Alexandre 64
Francis of Sales 68
Franck, Adolphe 49
Frank, Philipp 224
Frankfort, Henry 8
Freund, P.G.O. 246
Fricker, Johann Ludwig 181 182
Friedman, Jerome I. 204
Friedman, Michael 218 219 221
Friedmann, Alexander 243
Gagnon M. 222
Galileo Galilei 67 99 174 175 217 219 220
Gardner, Michael 223
Garwin, Richard Lawrence 204
Gasperini, M. 249
Gassendi, Pierre 34 92—94 110 151
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 146—148 152—154 165 177
Geiger, Abraham 31
Geissler, Friedrich Jacob Kurt 164
Gent, Werner 118
Gerhardt, I.C. 223
Gerling, Christian Ludwig 177
Geroch, R. 239
Gerstel, Adolf 164
Gilbert, William 90 91 94
Gilson, Etienne 37
Glashow, Sheldon Lee 245
Glymour, C. 221
Gol'fand, Yu.A. 240
Goldberg, S.I. 218
Goldziher, Ignaz 4
Gorgias of Leontini 14
Graetz, Heinrich Hirsch 68
Grassini, A. 249
Grassmann, Hermann 177 178 186
Green, M. 247
Gregor the Great 181
Gregory, David 121
Grosseteste, Robert 38
Grossman, M. 232
Gruenbaum, Adolf 208 209 210 221 223 224 225 226 229 230
Guersey, F. 231
Guillaume, Alfred 52
Gurevich, L. 242
Gutberlet, Konstantin 182
Guttmann, Moritz 64
Hall, A.R. 222 233
Hall, M.B. 222 233
Halley, Edmond 104
Hartz, G. 222
Hausdorff, Felix 248
Hayward, Raymond W. 203
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 14 95 148 180
Heisenberg, Werner 186 188 240
Heller, M. 222
Hellund, Emil J. 211 240
Henkin, L. 227
Henri de Gaud 76
Henry of Harelay 69
Henry, Viktor 139
Herbart, Johann Friedrich 177
Herivel, J. 222
Hermite, Charles 240
Heron of Alexandria 54
Hertz, Heinrich 108
Hesiod 8
Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius 181
Higgs, P.W. 245
Hilbert, David 170 239
Hill, Edward Lee 212
Hinckfuss, Ian 236
Hinton, Charles Howard 182
Hipparchus 26
Hoefler, Alois 110
Hoenl, Helmut 199 225
Hoffinann, W.F. 228
Hoffmann, Banesh 186 228
Hoppes, Dale D. 203
Horwich, Paul 237
Hotham, Durant 11
Howard, D. 231
Hoyle, Fred 238
Hubble, Edwin 192
Hudson, R.P. 203
Huna 30
Huna, David 135
Hurewicz, Witold 184
Huygens, Christiaan 105 116 120 127 224 243
Iamblichus of Chalcis 58 62
Ibn Gabirol (Avencebrol) 38
Isaac (Judaeus) ben Salomon Israeli 64 176
Isaac (Nappacha) 30
Isham, Chris 247
Iwanenko, Mitrij Dmitrevich 211
Jackson, John 129
Januner, Max 224 227 240
Jarlskog, C. 249
Johnson, William Ernest 217
Jones, R. 225
Jordan, Pascual 245
Jose ben Halafta 30
Julia, B. 246
Kadyshevskii 240
Kaempffer, F.A. 231
Kaluza, Theodor 185 244 245 246
Kant, Immanuel 131—139 170 176 177 179
Kargon, R. 237
Keill, John 127
Kelvin, William Thomson 237
Kepler, Johannes 94
Klein, Felix 146 158 159 170
Klein, Oskar 244 245 246
Kobayashi, S. 218
Koenig, Edmund 164
Korte, Herbert 230
Korteweg, D.J. 124
Koyre, Alexandre 75 222
Kubyshin, Yuri 247
Kundt, Wolfgang 228
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