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Hellman H. — Great Feuds in Mathematics: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever
Hellman H. — Great Feuds in Mathematics: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever

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Íàçâàíèå: Great Feuds in Mathematics: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever

Àâòîð: Hellman H.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 256

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 02.05.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
"Classical" mathematics      182
"Dioptrics" (La Dioptrique) (Descartes)      32 35—37 39 40 42 46
"Free mathematics"      139
"Intuitionistic Set Theory" (Brouwer)      189
"Kuhnian revolution"      201—202
"Mathematical Creation" (Poincare)      206—207 209
"Mathematical insanity"      4
"Meteors" (Les Meteores) (Descartes)      32 35
"Mock Recantation, A" (Horace)      48
"Notorious axiom"      4—5 145 See
"On Quadrature" (Newton)      63 69
"On Some Difficulties in the Theory of Transfinite Types and Order Types" (Russell)      166
"On the Cube and First Power Equal to the Number" (Ars Magna)      16—17
"On the Unreliability of the Logical Principles" (Brouwer)      188
"War of the Frogs and the Mice"      6 193—199
2001 A Space Odyssey (movie)      215
Absolutism      200—206 209—211
Academia, early practices in      9—10
Acta Eruditorum, Bernoulli, Jakob      75 85
Acta Eruditorum, Bernoulli, Johann      80
Acta Eruditorum, Leibniz      59 61 62 64
Acta Mathematica      124 130—131 134—135
Aczel, Amir D.      121
Advances in Mathematics (Hersh)      213
AJAX      48
Aleph-null $(\aleph_{0})$      125—126 131 See Georg" "Zermelo Ernst"
Aleph-one $(\aleph_{1})$      131 143
Algebra      See "Cardano Girolamo" "Sylvester James "Tartaglia"
American Journal of Mathematics      114—115 175
Analyse des infiniment petits (L'Hospital)      74 79 88
Analysis with Infinite Series (De Analyst) (Newton)      54
Analytic geometry      26 35 38 40 50 See Rene" "Fermat Pierre
Apollonius      33 39
Arithmetica Infinitorum (Wallis)      53
Ars Conjectandi (Art of Conjecture, The) (Jakob Bernoulli)      85—87
Ars Magna or The Rules of Algebra (Cardano)      2—3 7—8 13—19
Ashforth, Albert      101—102
Autobiography (Russell)      159—160
Axiom of Choice      4—5 145 149—150 153 See Ernst"
Bacon, Francis      135
Baire, Rene      147—149 151
Ballistics, Tartaglia on      12 14
Barner, Klaus      44
Barrow, Isaac      53 54
Barrow, John D.      140 203 205—206 210
Barton, Catherine      63
Beaugrand, Jean      30 36 38—40 45
Beeckman, Isaac      28—29
Begriffsschrift (Frege)      161—163
Beitrag (Cantor)      128—129
Bell, Eric Temple      43 107
Bell, Eric Temple, on "notorious axiom"      145
Bell, Eric Temple, views on Cantor and Kronecker      122 133 139
Bell, Eric Temple, views on Jakob Bernoulli      81—82
Bell, Eric Temple, views on Sylvester      105
Bennett, Charles E.      48
Bernays, Paul      205
Bernoulli's principle      92
Bernoulli's theorem      85—87
Bernoulli, Daniel (Johann's son)      74 90—93
Bernoulli, Jakob      3 72—75
Bernoulli, Jakob, brachistochrone solution and      80—84
Bernoulli, Jakob, catenary solution and      76—78
Bernoulli, Jakob, death of      85—87
Bernoulli, Jakob, Fermat and      50
Bernoulli, Jakob, integral calculus      75
Bernoulli, Jakob, Leibniz and      60
Bernoulli, Jakob, on isoperimetric figures      84—85
Bernoulli, Jakob, on probability      85—87
Bernoulli, Jakob, relationship to father      78—79
Bernoulli, Johann      3 72—75
Bernoulli, Johann, brachistochrone solution and      80—84
Bernoulli, Johann, brother's death and      85—87
Bernoulli, Johann, catenary solution and      76—78
Bernoulli, Johann, L'Hospital and      87—88
Bernoulli, Johann, Leibniz and      60 61 66
Bernoulli, Johann, on isoperimetric figures      84—85
Bernoulli, Johann, on velaria      77—78
Bernoulli, Johann, relationship to father      78—79
Bernoulli, Johann, relationship to son Daniel      74 90—93
Bernoulli, Johann, religious criticism of      88—89
Bernoulli, Johann, Taylor and      89—90
Bernoulli, Nicholas (Johann's son)      74 86 90—92
Bibby, Cyril      112
Bieberbach, Ludwig      187 196
Biquadratic algebraic equations      7
Blumenthal, Otto      194—197
Bolyai, Janos      185
Boorstin, Daniel      51
Borel, Emile      4—5 145—149 151 153 See Ernst"
Born, Max      197
Brachistochrone      60—61 80—81
Bridgman, Percy W.      207
British Association for the Advancement of Science      96 108—114
Brougham, Lord      106
Brouwer, L.E.J.      6 141 155 178 186—187
Brouwer, L.E.J., as constructivist      201
Brouwer, L.E.J., early intuitionism and      183—184
Brouwer, L.E.J., formalism term coined by      182
Brouwer, L.E.J., Hilbert disagreement and      187—193
Brouwer, L.E.J., on Mathematische Annalen editorial board      193—199
Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique (Zermelo)      147
Bullialdus, Ismael      86
Burali-Forti, Cesare      169
Cajori, Florian      78
Calculus      51—52 See Jakob" "Bernoulli Johann" "Leibniz Wilhelm "Newton Isaac"
Calculus of variations      84
Calculus, Continental European vs. English adherents      59—69 72
Calculus, Descartes, Fermat on analytic geometry and      50
Calculus, Newton's, Leibniz's simultaneous development of      52—59 70—72
Calculus, Principia (Newton) and      52—56 59 62
Calinger, Ronald      8
Cambridge University Press      165
Candide (Voltaire)      71
Cantor, Georg      4 116—118 203 207 216
Cantor, Georg, Beitrag and      128—131
Cantor, Georg, biographical information      122—124
Cantor, Georg, continuum hypothesis of      131—132 142—144
Cantor, Georg, Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung and      135—137
Cantor, Georg, legacy of      139—141
Cantor, Georg, mental illness of      132—135
Cantor, Georg, on set theory      124—127
Cantor, Georg, on theory of numbers      123—124
Cantor, Georg, paradoxes in set theory of      137—139 149—155
Cantor, Georg, Poincare's views on      170
Cantor, Georg, well-ordering principle      143 145
Caratheodory, Constantin      194—196
Cardano, Aldo (son)      23 24
Cardano, Chiara (daughter)      22 24
Cardano, Giambattista (son)      22—23
Cardano, Girolamo      12—14
Cardano, Girolamo, alleged promise of secrecy to Tartaglia      17—18
Cardano, Girolamo, Ars Magna      2—3 7—8 13—19
Cardano, Girolamo, Descartes and      33—34
Cardano, Girolamo, Morley's views on      12
Cardano, Girolamo, on cubic equations      16—17
Cardano, Girolamo, Practica Arithmeticae Generalis      15
Cardano, Girolamo, Tartaglia's views on      20—24
Cartesian coordinate system      26—27 33—35
Cassirer, Ernst      51
Catenary curve      76—78
Catholic Church      28 30 37
Cavalieri, Francisco Bonaventura      64
Cayley, Arthur      106
Charraud, Nathalie      135
Charta Volans (Leibniz)      66
Church of England      104—105
Cicero      47
Clarke, Arthur C.      215
Class, defined      157
Clerselier, Claude      45—49
Cohen, Paul J.      154—155
Collins, John      57 70
Collins, Randall      141
Commercium Epistolicum (Newton)      66 67 69
Compositio Mathematica      198
Comte, Auguste      102
Consistency, of a mathematical theory      150
Constructivism      201 See
Continuum Hypothesis      131—132 149—150 See Georg" "Zermelo Ernst"
Continuum, The (Weyl)      189
Coolidge, J.L.      33
Copernicus      8 28 30
Courant, Richard      196 198
Couturat, Louis      169 172
Crelle's Journal      119 127—130
Crelle, August Leopold      119
Cubic algebraic equations      7—9 16—17
Cycloid      60
D'Avalos, Alphonso, Marchese del Vasto      14—15
da Vinci, Leonardo      12 75
Darwin, Charles      95 100
Dauben, Joseph W.      117 141 154 207
de Morgan, Augustus      67—68 104 105
Dedekind, Richard      119 123 125—128 140
del Ferro, Scipione      9—10 19
della Nave, Annibale      10 18
Depressed cubic equation      9 11 15 19
Desargues, Girard      40
Descartes, Rene      8 27—31
Descartes, Rene, "Dioptrics" (La Dioptrique)      32 35—37 39 40 42 46
Descartes, Rene, "Geometry"      32—36 40 42 44 45 50
Descartes, Rene, "Meteors"      32
Descartes, Rene, Discourse on Method      26 30 31—36 39
Descartes, Rene, Fermat's criticism of      36—38 41—43 45—49
Descartes, Rene, legacy of      26—27 44—45 49—50
Descartes, Rene, Principles of Philosophy      37
Descartes, Rene, response to Fermat's criticism      39—43
Desmond, Adrian      94 96 112
Detlefsen, Michael      178
Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)      135—137 143—144
Diagonalization method      136
Dialogues Concerning Two Mew Sciences (Galileo)      124—125
Differential calculus      7 52—54 58 93
Dirichlet, P.G. Lejeune      118
Discourse on Method (Descartes)      26 30—36 39
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Gauss)      123
Donatus      38
Duillier, J.C. Fatio de      74
Duillier, Nicolas Fatio      61—62
Dunham, William      16
Education      211—213
Education, mathematics promoted in U.S.      105—106 114—115
Education, science vs. mathematics, Huxley vs. Sylvester on      94—99 108—114 214
Edward VI, king of England      13
Edwards, Harold M.      140 141
Einstein, Albert      6 184 194 195 197 198
Emperor's New Mind, The (Penrose)      210—211
Encyclopaedia Britannica      78
Ennius      38
Equal-time problem      75
Equiangular spiral      87
Ernest, Paul      201 208—209 212—214
Euclid      33
Euclid, Hilbert's views on      185
Euclid, on whole as greater than part      116 125
Euclid, parallel postulate      147
Eudoxus of Cnidus      216
Euler, Leonhard      74 83 85 91 92
Evolutionary theory      95 100
Exercitationes Mathematicae (Daniel Bernoulli)      90
Fallibilism      200—203 206—211
Fellman, E.A.      84
Fermat, Pierre de      27 38—39 See Rene"
Fermat, Pierre de, characteristics of      43—44
Fermat, Pierre de, criticism of Descartes by      36—38 41—43 45—49
Fermat, Pierre de, Descartes' response to      39—43
Fermat, Pierre de, last theorem of      41
Fermat, Pierre de, least time principle      48 50 80
Fermat, Pierre de, legacy of      49—50
Fermat, Pierre de, letters to Clerselier from      45—49
Fermat, Pierre de, on maxima/minima      52
Ferrari, Ludovico      16 18 20—21
Fior, Antonio Maria      10 11 19
Fleckenstein, J.O.      84
FLUENT      54
Fluxional notation      54 59—62 64 69 93
Fontana, Niccolo      10—11 See
Formalism      6 155 181—184 191 198—199 See David"
Fortnightly Review      95 102—103
Foundations of Geometry (Grundlagen der Geometrie) (Hilbert)      149 180 185
Fraenkel, Abraham Adolph      153
Frege, Gottlob      161—163
French Academy of Sciences      63—64 107
Friederich, Karl      117
Galileo      30 37 53 80 124—125
Galton, Francis      92
Gambling, Cardano on      13
Gassendi, Pierre      30
Gaukroger, Stephen      31
Gauss, Carl Friedrich      110 123 185
Gentzen, Gerhard      191
Geological theory, uniformitarianism in      100—102
Geometry      185 See Rene" "Fermat Pierre "Hilbert David"
Geometry (Descartes)      32—36 40 42 44 45 50
Geostatics (Beaugrand)      36
Goedel, Kurt      154 198—199 202 204 205 208 216
Gregory, James      53 64 90
Groningen      80 88—89
Grosholz, Emily R.      35
Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Frege)      162 163
Grundlagen der Arithmetik (Frege)      162
Grundlagen der Geometrie (Hilbert)      149 180 185
Hadamard, Jacques      147—149 151 152 204
Hall, Rupert      64
Halley, Edmund      55
Hamilton, Archbishop John      24
Hardy, G.H.      204
Harriot, Thomas      45
Heine, Eduard      123—124 132
Heliocentric theory      28 30
Hermite, Charles      204 209
Hersh, Reuben      6 213
Heyting, Arend      192
Hilbert, David      6 117 140 155 184—186 207
Hilbert, David, Brouwer disagreement and      187—193
Hilbert, David, early formalism and      181—184
Hilbert, David, on axiomization of set theory      149—150
Hilbert, David, on continuum hypothesis      142
Hilbert, David, on Mathematische Annalen editorial board      193—199
Hirst, Thomas Archer      108
History and Origin of the Differential Calculus (Leibniz)      66
Hobbes, Thomas      38
Hofmann, J.E.      79
Hollingdale, Stuart      83
Hooke, Robert      55 63
Hooker, Joseph Dalton      95
Horace      48
Hulsius, Paulus      89
Husserl, Edmund      144
Huxley, Thomas Henry      3—4 182
Huxley, Thomas Henry, at Johns Hopkins University      114
Huxley, Thomas Henry, biographical information      96—97
Huxley, Thomas Henry, on evolutionary theory      100
Huxley, Thomas Henry, on importance of science over mathematics      94—99
Huxley, Thomas Henry, on Positivist philosophy      102—103
Huxley, Thomas Henry, on uniformitarian theory      100—102
Huxley, Thomas Henry, Sylvester's speech to British Association speech and      96 108—114
Huygens, Christiaan      55 61 75 76 83
Hydraulica (Johann Bernoulli)      92
1 2
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