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Poincare H. — Mathematics and Science: Last Essays |
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Abraham 89
Absorption of radiation 78 86 87
Action, quanta of 83 ff.
Amorphous space 27
Amp re, Andr Marie 93
Analysis situs 25 ff. 42 ff.
Analytic curve 14
Anthmetization of mathematics 29
Antinomies 45 50 61 63 73 74
Aristotle 106
Attraction of molecules 22
axes 19 ff. 41
Axiom of order 42 43
Axiom of reducibility 52 ff.
Balmer, Johann Jakob 92
Bergson, Henri 18
Bergsonian woild 14
Black radiation see radiation black
Boutroux, ttiene mile Mane 1
Brownian movement 90
Calculus of probability 10
Cantor, Georg 28 56 61 62
Cantorians 66 ff. 72 ff.
Carnot's principle 8 77 79 81
Centrifugal force 19
Chance 8 77 81
classifications 45 ff. 58
Collisions 76 78 81 83 87 88 97
Comprehension 67
Continuum 25-44 85 86 88
Contradictions 45 69
Convergence of causes 6
Convergence of series 66
coordinates 18 20 21 23 27 28 37 39 40 48
Correspondence 28 49 62 68
Curie 93
Curve, analytic 14
Cuts 28 ff. 43
Cyanogen 94
Darwinians 111
Debierne, Andre Louis 93
Definit 59 60
Definition by postulates 69
Deformation 25 27 28 76
Degrees of freedom 76 ff. 90 92 94 ff.
Democritus 91
Determinism 112 113
dimensions 29 ff. 34 37 ff. 43
Displacement 16
Distance 25 27 32 40
Domains of probability 85
Doppler - Fizeau principle 81 83 87 97
Dulong, Pierre Louis 95
Dynamics 22 75 77 85
Einstein, Albert 99
Elements 30 32
Energy, quanta of 79 80
Energy, radiant 81
Ensemble 57
entropy 96 99
Ephesus, sleepers of 12
Epimemdes 51 54
Equilibrium 22 76 ff. 94
Equipartition of energy, principle of 76 77 79 83 94 95 97 100 101
Ether 75 78 86 88 89 ff.
Ethics 102-113 114 115
Euclid 26 53
Evellin 73
Evolution of laws 1-14
Exciters, Hertzian 82
Extension 67
Fechner, Gustav Theodor 30 33
Foucault, Jean Bernard L on 19
Fouill e, Alfred Jules mile 113
Freedom, degrees of 76 ff. 90 92 94 ff.
French League of Moral Education 114 117
French Society of Physics 89
Geometry 15 17 22 23 25 ff. 33 43 44
Group 27
Group, of Lorentz 23
Hamilton's equations 77 79 81 84 85
Hermite, Charles 73 74
Hertzian exciter 82
Hertzian resonator 80 92
Hertzian waves 80
Hierarchy of types 51
Hilbert, David 42 55
Immutability, principle of 12
Induction 9 53 60
infinity 45-64 65 72
Interferences, phenomenon of 82 83
Intuition 26 27 29 42-44
Isomorphism 42
Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jakob 97
Jeans, James 79
jumps 80 84 95
Kaiser 92
Kantian antinomies 73
Kinetic theory of gases 10 40 76 77 90
Konig 52
| Lalande 7
Laws, empirical 6
Laws, evolution of 1-14
Laws, immutability of 3 5 12
Laws, molecular 10 12
Laws, of dynamics 12
Laws, of mechanics 12
Laws, of Nature 1 ff. 9 76 105
Laws, of thermodynamics 5
Laws, physical 1 9
Leverrier 3
Liouville, Joseph 84
Logic 27 45 65-74
Lorentz 15 23 75 99
Magnetism 83 92
Magneton 83 92 93
Mariotte's law 10
Maxwell, James Clerk 83
Mechanics 15 21 24 75 81 89
Menge(n) 56-60
Molecules 10 12 22 76 ff. 86 90
Morality: see ethics motion 34-39 75
Movement 15 16 22 35 ff.
Natural philosophy 75
Nature, laws of 1 ff. 9 76 105
Newton, Isaac 3 75
Non-predicative classifications 47 63
Non-predicative definitions 51
Nullmenge(n) 57
Numbers, cardinal 49 50 60 62 68
Numbers, finite 46 52 55 58 62
Numbers, ordinal 52 62
Observation, direct 9 10
Order, axiom of 42 43
Parallelism of phenomena 40-42 90
Paralogism 61
Parameters 85
Perpetual motion 77
Perrm, Jean Baptiste 90
Perturbations 93 94
Petit, Alexis Th r se 95
Physics 9 23 39 41
Planck, Max 79-88 95 97 98 100
Plato 73
Pragmatists 66 ff. 72 ff.
Predicative classification 47 48 63
Predicative collection 58
Predicative correspondence 49 50 62
Predicative function 53
probability 76 84
Probability, domains of 85
Quanta of action 83 ff.
Quanta of energy 79 80
Quantum theory 75-88 95
Radiant body 80
Radiant energy 81
Radiation 11 78 79 83 87 95 97
Radiation, black 78 80 95 98 99
Radium 12 90
Rayleigh, Lord 79 95 96 100
Recurrence 55
Recurrent classes 51 52 54
Recurrent properties 51
Reducibility, axiom of 52 ff.
Relativity 15 18 ff. 75 100
Relativity, physical 18
Relativity, psychological 18
Resonators 80 ff. 92 95 ff.
Resultants 10 12
Richard's paradox 60
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard 26 30
Ritz 92 93
Runge, Carl David 1 92
Russell, Bertrand 45 50 ff. 59 63 64
Rydberg 92
Scholastics 48 76
Sensations 15 16 30 ff. 44
senses 31 34 40 43
Series 32 35 66
Sirius 18 19
Sommerfeld 87 88
Space 15 24 25 44
Spatialization 18
Specific heat 77 79 80 94 95
Statistical equilibrium 76 ff.
Theory of ordinals 63
Thermodynamics 5 76 78 79 94
Thermometry 11
Time 13 15-24
Transformation 22 23 25 41 42 84 93
Types, hierarchy of 51
Untermenge(n) 57
Variables 20
Virial, theorem of the 78
Vivisection 107
Wave lengths 78 79 97 99
Waves, Hertzian 80
Weiss, Pierre 92 93
Wien, Wilhelm 81 214
Zermelo, Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand 55-60 63 67
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