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Поиск книг, содержащих: Planck mass
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Felsager B. — Geometry, particles and fields | 621 | Hughes I.S. — Elementary Particles | 330 | Adair R.K. — The Great Design: Particles, Fields, and Creation | 218, 346 | O'Raifeartaigh L. — Group Structure of Gauge Theories | 113, 125 | Visser M. — Lorentzian wormholes. From Einstein to Hawking | 59, 60, 67, 80, 344, 364 | Birrell N.D., Davies P.C.W. — Quantum Fields in Curved Space | 272 | Lang K.R. — Astrophysical Formulae: Space, Time, Matter and Cosmology, Vol. 2 | 239 | Martin B.R., Shaw G. — Particle Physics | 275 | Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics | 1234 | Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics | 790 | Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics | 348 | Kundt W. — Astrophysics. A Primer | 100 | Hatfield B. — Quantum field theory of point particles and strings | 485 | Christensen S.M. — Quantum theory of gravity | 345 | Greene B. — The elegant univerce | 149, 151, 176, 224, 317, 321—22 | Gottfried K., Weisskopf V.F. — Concepts of Particle Physics | 167 | Polchinski J. — String theory (volume 1). An introduction to the bosonic string | 3, 245 | Bergmann P.G., De Sabbata V., Gillies G.T. — Spin in Gravity: Is It Possible to Give an Experimental Basis to Torsion? | 89 | Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy | 124, 142, 397 | Altarelli G., Winter K. — Neutrino Mass | 54 | Raine D.J. — The Isotropic Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology | 220, 241 | Avramidi I.G. — Heat Kernel and Quantum Gravity | 122 | Szabo R.J. — An Introduction to String Theory and D-Brane Dynamics | 3 | Mohapatra R.N. — Massive Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics | 138, 366 | Schutz B.F. — A first course in general relativity | 210, 309, 337 | Amelino-Camelia G., Kowalski-Glikman J. — Planck Scale Effects in Astrophysics and Cosmology (Lecture Notes in Physics) | 247 | Davies P. — The New Physics | 486—487, 489—490 | Bettini A. — Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics | 21 | Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T. — Principles of phase structures in particle physics | 620 | Yao W-M — Review of particle physics | 98 |