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Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T. — Principles of phase structures in particle physics
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Название: Principles of phase structures in particle physics
Авторы: Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T.
Аннотация: The phase structure of particle physics shows up in matter at extremely high densities and/or temperatures as they were reached in the early universe, shortly after the big bang, or in heavy-ion collisions, as they are performed nowadays in laboratory experiments. In contrast to phase transitions of condensed matter physics, the underlying fundamental theories are better known than their macroscopic manifestations in phase transitions. These theories are quantum chromodynamics for the strong interaction part and the electroweak part of the Standard Model for the electroweak interaction. It is their non-Abelian gauge structure that makes it a big challenge to predict the type of phase conversion between phases of different symmetries and different particle contents. The book is about a variety of analytical and numerical tools that are needed to study the phase structure of particle physics. To these belong convergent and asymptotic expansions in strong and weak couplings, dimensional reduction, renormalization group studies, gap equations, Monte Carlo simulations with and without fermions, finite-size and finite-mass scaling analyses, and the approach of effective actions as supplement to first-principle calculations.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 702
Добавлена в каталог: 27.09.2014
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Предметный указатель
-function 158 581
-function, -linear model 167
-function singularity 18
-expansion 157 167
meson 157
-resonance 639
Action, classical 208
Action, continuum 208
Adjoint Higgs field 194
Analytic continuation 252
Anomalous dimension 20 84 106 160 534
Antiferromagnet 596
Appelquist — Carazzone theorem 418 423 425
Asymptotic expansions 245
asymptotic freedom 174 227 450 581
Asymptotic power series 247
Asymptotic scaling 225 227
Autocorrelation time 553
axial anomaly 155 156 321
Axial gauge 230 233
Background field 175 391
Bag constant 631
Bag model 589 619
Barrier temperature 404
Baryon asymmetry 184
Baryon density 618
Baryon-number conservation 155
Baryon-number susceptibility 576
Baryon-number violation 184
Berezin integration 222
Beth — Uhlenbeck approach 611
big bang 6
Binder cumulant 140 200 563 566
Bjorken's scaling solution 628 631
Block field 97
Block lattice 83
Block-spin transformation 24 82
Boltzmann operator 239
Borel resummations 251
Borel summable 247
Bose-Einstein correlations 652
BPHZ-subtraction scheme 309
Bremsstrahlung 646
Brillouin zone 217
BRS-transformations 353
Bulk transitions 4 556 568
Canonical IR-dimension 94 344
Canonical UV-dimension 325 336
Cell complex 273
Central region 629
Central-limit theorem 38
Character expansion 259 262
Charge, chromo-electric 244
Charge, chromo-magnetic 244
chemical potential 592
chiral condensate 477 572
Chiral cumulant 566
Chiral limit 154 555 608
chiral perturbation theory 602
Chiral symmetry 602
Chiral symmetry restoration 222
Chiral transition 2 150 179 481 561 600 602
Classical continuum limit 310 330
Classical dimensional reduction 418
Clover action 591
Cluster property 450
Coarse-grained free energy 24
Color charge 231
Color screening 614
Columbia plot 180
Composite operator 311
Compressibility 18
Condensate susceptibility 485
confinement 231 244 450
Confinement phase 172
Confinement region 189
Confinement, mass gap 346
Connected correlation functions 288
Constraint effective potential 31 124 186 389
Constraint effective potential, -theory 395
Constraint effective potential, renormalized 403
continuum limit 4 92 208 209
Continuum limit, triviality issue 284
Convergent expansions 245
Correlation functions 558
Correlation functions, connected 83
Correlation functions, full 83
correlation length 20 54 106 113 122 281 559
Counterterm approach 317
Coupling, irrelevant 102
Coupling, marginal 103
Coupling, relevant 102
Critical coupling, SU(2) Higgs 74
Critical dimension 81
Critical endpoint 121 181 187 196 199 416
Critical exponents 564
Critical exponents, 19 109
Critical exponents, 19 35 109
Critical exponents, 19 36 109 282
Critical exponents, 51 84 280
Critical exponents, 19 36 505
Critical exponents, 59
Critical exponents, 280 505
Critical exponents, broken phase 58
Critical exponents, Gaussian 283 478
Critical exponents, Gross — Neveu 492
Critical exponents, Ising 283 478
Critical exponents, magnetic 150
Critical exponents, O(N) 540
Critical exponents, symmetric phase 55
Critical exponents, thermal 150
Critical manifold 93
Critical phenomena 80 246
Critical quark mass 181
Critical region 275
Critical slowing down 554
Critical temperature 21 81
Critical temperature, infinite-volume 131
Critical theory 339
Crossover phenomenon 567
Cumulant of a distribution 140
Cumulant, 140
Curie Weiss model 39
Current, chromo-magnetic 244
Daisy-diagram resummations 378
Dalitz pairs 646
Debey screening 453 468
Decay photons 648
Decimation 194
Deconfinement 231 244 449
Deconfinement phase 172 260 420
Deconfinement region 189
Deconfinement transition 2 150 179 557
Decoupling theorem 170
Deflagration 625
Detonation 625
Diagrammatic approach LCE 290
Difference operator, backward 217
Difference operator, forward 217
Dileptons 639
Dileptons, production 623
Dileptons, rate 642 644
Dileptons, spectra 623 640
Dilute-gas approximation 611
Dimensional reduction 308 356 542
Dimensional reduction, complete 422
Dimensional reduction, introduction 417
Dimensional reduction, QCD 448 450
Dimensional reduction, SU(2) Higgs 194 508
Dimensional reduction, SU(N) gauge theory 454
Dimensional regularization 423
Dimensionless quantities 210
Dirac fermion 217
Direct photons 648
Discontinuity-fixed points 104
Disorder parameter 260
Domain of attraction 103
Double-peak structure 124 561 585
Drell — Yan production 639 646
Droplet formation 583
Dynamical linked cluster expansions 78 276 286
Dynamical mass generation 340 518
Dynamical quarks 175
Dysprosium 596 600
Effective action 24 28 29 173 176 595
Effective action on the lattice 447
Effective action, scale-dependent 517
Effective average action 526 529
effective Lagrangian 155
Effective potential 26 30
Eight-flavor QCD 562
Einstein's equations 589
Electric screening mass 354
Electroweak model 389
Electroweak transition 2 150
Electroweak transition, weak coupling 408
Energy, heavy-ion collisions 626
Engineering dimension 208 211
Enthalpy 638
entropy 18 42 576
Entropy production 625
Entropy, heavy-ion collisions 626
Equal-height condition 131
Equal-weight condition 131
Equation of state 576 582
Equation of state, bag model 619
Equation of state, Curie Weiss model 40
Equation of state, Ising ferromagnet 35
Equilibration time 620
Euclidean correlation functions 238
Expansion, heavy mass 515
Expansion, hopping 229
Expansion, linked cluster 229
Expansion, strong coupling 229
expectation value 27 205
External field 170
Fadeev — Popov action 351 460
Fadeev — Popov trick 216 348 350
Fermi constant 183
Fermionic determinant 217
Fermions, Ginsparg — Wilson 219
Fermions, staggered 218
Fermions, Wilson 218
Ferromagnet 17 33
Feynman parametrization 164
Feynman rules 438
Feynman-graph expansion 246
Field renormalization 100
Field theory, Gaussian 97
Field theory, scalar O(N) 279
Finite baryon density 592
Finite temperature 231
Finite-cutoff effects 227
Finite-mass scaling 563
Finite-size effects 451
Finite-size scaling 581
Finite-size scaling, first-order transitions 122
Finite-size scaling, second-order transitions 113
Fireball 620
Fixed point 81
Fixed point, IR-stable 166
Fixed point, UV-stable 166
Fixed-point action 93 158
Flavor-exchanging currents 223
Flip-flops 124
Flow equations 547
Flow equations, effective action 86
Flow equations, effective average action 527
Flow equations, Polchinski 517
Flow equations, vertex functional 528
Fluctuation field 391
Fluctuation induced 193
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 28
Fluid rapidity 627
Flux tube 596 611
Forest formula 327 336 545
Fractal dimension 656
Fragmentation region 629
Free energy 17 172
Freeze-out volume 622
Functional Fourier transform 524
Functional integral 170
Functional measure 208
Fundamental/adjoint action 569
Gap equations 185 378 389 396 397 412 485 491
Gauge Fields 154
Gauge fixing 216 348
Gauge fixing, admissible 349
Gauge fixing, static-like 242
Gauge group, 212
Gauge orbit 215 347
Gauge symmetry 62
Gauge theory, SU(N) 173 230
Gauge transformations 214 235
Gauge transformations, ordinary 170
Gaussian exponents 58
Gaussian linearization 39
Generating functionals 26 33 311
Ghost fields, boundary conditions 456
Gibbs criteria 633
Gibbs distribution 43
Gibbs ensemble 41
Gibbs free energy 17
Ginsparg — Wilson fermions 332
Ginzburg — Landau models 618
Ginzburg-criterion 62
Glauber dynamics 657
Glueballs 634
Gluon plasma 376
Gluon-string breaking 450
Gluons 233
Goldstone bosons 157
Goldstone modes 403 539
Graph, 1PI 29
Grassmann variables 216
Green functions 87 236 516
Gross — Neveu model 420 477
Gross — Neveu model, finite N 500
Gross — Neveu model, infinite N 499
Gross — Neveu model, phase structure 491
Group manifold 347
Group measure 262
Haar measure 64 65 172 214 232 262 348 455
Haar measure on SU(2) 265
Hadronic phase 584 633 642
Hadronization 622
Hamiltonian formalism 229
Hanbury-Brown method 651
Hard-thermal loops 380
Heat-bath algorithm 554
Heavy modes 423
Heavy-ion collisions 620
Heisenberg ferromagnet 600
Higgs field 508
Higgs mass 184 187
Higgs mass, upper bound 285 416
Higgs mechanism 183
Higgs model 517
Higgs model, SU(3) 419
Higgs region 189