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Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T. — Principles of phase structures in particle physics
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Название: Principles of phase structures in particle physics
Авторы: Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T.
Аннотация: The phase structure of particle physics shows up in matter at extremely high densities and/or temperatures as they were reached in the early universe, shortly after the big bang, or in heavy-ion collisions, as they are performed nowadays in laboratory experiments. In contrast to phase transitions of condensed matter physics, the underlying fundamental theories are better known than their macroscopic manifestations in phase transitions. These theories are quantum chromodynamics for the strong interaction part and the electroweak part of the Standard Model for the electroweak interaction. It is their non-Abelian gauge structure that makes it a big challenge to predict the type of phase conversion between phases of different symmetries and different particle contents. The book is about a variety of analytical and numerical tools that are needed to study the phase structure of particle physics. To these belong convergent and asymptotic expansions in strong and weak couplings, dimensional reduction, renormalization group studies, gap equations, Monte Carlo simulations with and without fermions, finite-size and finite-mass scaling analyses, and the approach of effective actions as supplement to first-principle calculations.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 702
Добавлена в каталог: 27.09.2014
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Предметный указатель
Higgs transition 188
Higgs-boson mass 409
Higgs-field condensate 195
High-temperature expansions 261
Hilbert space 230 233 235
Histogram method 585
Hopping parameter 78 188 255 275 284
Hopping propagator 275
Hopping-parameter expansion 229 502
HTL-action 387
HTL-perturbation theory 387
Hubbard — Stratonovich transformation 483
Hubble time 619
Hybrid Monte Carlo 551
Hydrodynamic equations 626
Hypercubic lattice 206
Hysteresis 124 557
Impact parameter 647
Improved actions 591
Improvement program 321
Incidence matrix 301
Infrared behavior 162
Infrared dimension 110
Infrared problems 244
Instanton coupling 607
instantons 169
Interaction measure 580
Interface tension 554 582
Interference region 645
Intermittency 654
Intermittency analysis 652
Intermittency indices 655
Internal energy 18 42 43
Internal-energy density 124 576 581
IR-artifacts 580
IR-degree 342 345
IR-power counting 339 371
IR-problem 509
IR-singularity 187
Irreducible representation 231
Isentropic expansion 646
Ising ferromagnet 120
Ising model 274 653
Joint probability distribution 122 201
Kirkwood — Salsburg equations 256
Landau gauge 360 375 455
Landau gauge, STALG 350
Landau — Ginzburg model 596
Landau's free energy 21
Landau's mean-field theory 105
Langevin algorithm 552
Large-field domains 88
Large-N expansion 40 477 485
Latent heat 123 147 170 184 201 582
Lattice action 318
Lattice cutoff 206
Lattice gauge theory, SU(2) 264
Lattice gauge theory, SU(N) 277
Lattice gauge theory, Z(2) 264
Lattice-difference operator 26
Lattice-embedding number 292
LCE graphs classification 295
Lebowitz inequality 56
Lee — Yang zeros 201
Legendre transformation 28 50 296 311 389 528
Length scales in QCD 5
Limit cycles 104
Limit distribution 96
Linear hadron collider 621
Linked cluster expansions 33 44 229
Linked cluster expansions as convergent expansions 273
Linked cluster expansions in a finite volume 141
Linked clusters in linked cluster expansions 255
Linked clusters in polymer expansions 255
Liquid/gas system 179
Little bang 6 620
Lorentz boost 626
Lorentz gauge 349 374
Magnetic mass 187
Magnetic screening mass 340 354
Magnetic-mass problem 185 244 247 357 373 377 378 390 414
magnetization 18
Markov process 550
Mass gap 267 346 360 434 558
Mass resummation 397
Mass sensitivity 605
Matching conditions 434 510
Matsubara decomposition 422
Matsubara frequencies 509
Mean-field approximation 25
Mean-field equation 52
Meissner effect 618
Mermin — Wagner theorem 482
Meson, masses 606
Meson, octet 607
Metastability 124
Metastable states 625
Metropolis algorithm 550
Microcanonical algorithm 552
Minimal subtraction scheme 425
Model, O(4) 597
Model, SU(2) Higgs 62 188 390 408 414
Model, Z(2) Higgs 261
Model, Z(3)-Potts 605
Modes, bosonic 509
Modes, fermionic 509
Modes, heavy 509
Modes, light 509
Modes, nonstatic 359 509
Modes, static 359 509
Modes, superheavy 509
Moebius transformation 90
Molecular-mean field approximation 33
Moment of a distribution 140
Momentum cutoff 390 481
Monotony criterion 144 146
Monte Carlo simulations 123
Monte Carlo simulations in QCD 149
Multi-grid approach 91
Multi-histogram technique 197
Multicanonical algorithm 554
Multigrid algorithm 554
Multiplicity fluctuations 574
n-point correlation functions 26
n-point Green functions 27 161
n-point susceptibility 141
No-go theorem 218
Nonabelian gauge theory 214
Nonexceptional momentum 341
Nonstatic modes 418 429
Normalization conditions 365
Nucleosynthesis 3
One-particle irreducible 29
One-particle irreducible, 1PI 297
One-point function 108
Order parameter 18 172 244 449 450 586
Order parameter, parity condensate 482
Order-parameter distribution 124
Order-parameter field 105
Orthogonality relation for characters 262
Osterwalder — Schrader axioms 308
Osterwalder — Schrader positivity 233 267
Osterwalder — Seiler theorem 266
Out-of-equilibrium process 184
Overrelaxation algorithm 554
P4-action 591
Pade approximants 305
Parity condensate 482
Partition function 26
Partition function, -theory 208
Partition function, finite temperature 239
path integral 230 240
Path-integral representation 520
Pauli — Villars cutoff 423
Peierl's — Bogoliubov inequality 42
Percolation 596
Percolation picture 226
Percolation transition 615
Peter — Weyl theorem 236
Phase diagram, SU(2) Higgs 189
Phase structure of QCD 180
Phase transition 17
Phase transition, field driven 18
Phase transition, first order 17 389
Phase transition, mass driven 18
Phase transition, n-th order 19
Phase transition, O(N) model 529
Phase transition, second order 17 279 304 390 521
Phase transition, temperature driven 18
Physical mass point 181 571
Physical singularity 278
Pion gas 622
Pion interferometry 650
Pions 604 636
Planar graphs 482
Planck mass 620
Plasma masses 187 376
Plasma phase 584 632 642
Plasmon mass 414
Pole mass 29 55 106 281 426
Polyakov loop 171 231 560 586
Polyakov-loop correlation 451
Polyakov-pair correlation 560
Polymer activity 253
Polymer expansions 252
Polymer, connected 253
Polymer, disjoint 253
Polymer, partition function 254
Potts model 174 274
Potts model, q-state 147
Power counting in the continuum 330
Power counting on the lattice 329
Power-counting theorem 309 518 545
Power-counting theorem on the lattice 334
Power-counting theorem, statement 323
Pressure, heavy-ion collisions 626
Projection operator 237
Pseudo-critical parameters 116 130
Pseudofermion method 551
Pure gauge theory 154
Pure SU(2) gauge theory 71
QCD, continuum Lagrangian 153
QCD, partition function 153
QCD, sum rules 247 252
Quark condensate 150
Quark masses 596
Quark masses, critical 610
Quark-antiquark potential 450
quark-gluon plasma 449
Quasiparticles 379 387
Quench 657
Quenched limit 170
R-algorithm 562
Radius of convergence 266 278 304
Rapid crossover 626
Rapidity distributions 635
Rapidity range 650
Ratio criterion 306
Real photons 648
Reconstruction theorem 238
Regularization 309
Renormalizability 209
Renormalizability, proof of 544
Renormalization 309
Renormalization constant 29
Renormalization for massless fields 343
Renormalization group 37 356 597
Renormalization group, definition of 93
Renormalization group, exact 526
Renormalization group, flow equations 531
Renormalization group, introduction 80
Renormalization group, rigorous 91 104
Renormalization on the lattice 336
Renormalization procedure at finite T 360
Renormalization procedure, gauge theories 374
Renormalization theory 209
Renormalization-group equations 191 224 518
Renormalization-group equations, exact 86
Renormalization-group transformation linearized 101
Renormalized, action 318
Renormalized, action, in bare parameters 447
Renormalized, Green functions 319
Renormalized, mass 29
Renormalized, moment 299
Renormalized, vertex functions 313
Renormalons 252
Rescattering effect 638
Resummation techniques 358
Root criterion 306
Saddle-point approximation 24 40
Saddle-point expansion 248
Scalar field theory 390
Scalar field theory on the lattice 207
Scalar field theory, 48
Scalar field theory, 344
Scalar field theory, 198 519
Scalar field theory, 26 287
Scalar field theory, N-component 45
Scalar field theory, O(N) 146 158
Scaling fields 120
Scaling relations 87
Scaling relations, connected correlation function 106
Scaling relations, free energy 113
Scaling variable relevant 100
Scaling violation 320
Scaling, shift in 132
Scaling-sum rules 20 105
Scaling-sum rules, violation of 110
Schroedinger formalism 231
Schur's lemma 263
Schwinger functions 230
screening 448
Screening, chromo-electric 194
Screening, chromo-magnetic 194
Screening, color-electric 244 450
Screening, length 55
Screening, mass 244 450
Screening, mass, color-electric 420
Screening, mass, definition 449
Screening, mass, in full QCD 473
Second moment 28 51
Selfsimilar cascades 656
Semiclassical approximation 247
Sigma model, linear 597
Sigma model, linear 596
Sigma model, linear 156
Sigma model, nonlinear 596
Singularity, -function 123 144
Singularity, algebraic 123 144
Soft-loop momenta 385
Space-time rapidity 627 636
species doubling 218 321
Specific heat 18
Sphaleron rate 184 204
Spin glass 39 78 276
Spinodal decomposition 583
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 21 126
Stability criterion 167
staggered fermions 332 452 572
Static modes 418 429