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Bettini A. — Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics |
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gauge symmetry 304 337
multiplets 133
ray 44
, conservation 257
, operation 257
, violation 284
, violation discovery 284
, violation due to neutrino mixing 356
, violation due to quark mixing 271
, violation in decays 284 298
, violation in interference 284 288
, violation in wave function 284 286
-factory 269
Absorption length 15
Accumulator 34
Ada 34 35
ADONE, hadronic production 196
AGS 31 70 143 284
Allison, W. 49
alpha-strong, 197 211
alpha-strong, running 221
Alvarez, L. 42
Amman, F. 35
Anderson, C. 76
Antifermion left in a right bi-spinor 246
Antifermion right in a left bi-spinor 246
Antimatter in the Universe 384
Antineutrino, electron 71
Antiparticle 182
Antiproton 78
Antiscreening 221 336
Appearance experiment 361 376
Associated production 62 149
Asymmetry violating in B-decay 295
Asymmetry flavour in B-decay 293
asymptotic freedom 222
Attenuation length 27
Bahcall, J. 368 373
Barn 14
Baryon 20
Baryon number 95
Baryon, 104 114
Baryon, 114
Baryon, 115
Baryon, 137
Baryon, 116
Baryon, 115
Baryon, 117
Baryon, 117
Baryon, N(xxxx) 114
Baryons 136
Baryons 1/2+ 100 131 140 219
Baryons 3/2+ 131 140 219
Baryons, ground level 113
Beam 14
Beauty factories 288
Beauty quark 132
Beauty, open and hidden 155
Bending power 49
Bethe — Bloch equation 23
Bethe, H. 172
Bevatron 31 78 116
Bohr magneton 74
Bohr radius 227
Boson 19
Bottomium 154
Box diagram 289
Branching ratio 13
Breit — Wigner 110 324 341
Bremsstrahlung 11 24 25
Bubble chamber 42 116 127 137
Bubble chamber, Gargamelle 271
Budker, G.I. 35
Bunch 33
Cabibbo angle 259 260
Cabibbo mixing see "Quark mixing"
Cabibbo rotation 259
Cabibbo suppression 270
Cabibbo, N. 257
Calorimeter, CHARM2 317
Calorimeter, electromagnetic 50
Calorimeter, electromagnetic UA1 328
Calorimeter, hadronic 51
Calorimeter, hadronic UA1 329
Cathode rays 69
Centre of mass 6
Centre of mass, energy squared 180
Chamberlain, O. 79
Channel 13
Charge conjugation 88
Charge conjugation, 89
Charge conjugation, fermion-antifermion 90
Charge conjugation, meson-antimeson 89
Charge conjugation, neutral pion 89
Charge conjugation, photon 88
Charge conjugation, violation 256
Charge conservation 164
Charge independence 98
Charged leptons 69
Charged-current 234
Charged-current, strangeness-changing 142
Charm 261
Charm quark 132
Charm, open and hidden 150
Charmonium 150
Charpak, G. 46
Cherenkov detector 38 81 364 376
Cherenkov light 38
Cherenkov ring 39 96
Cherenkov threshold 40
Cherenkov, P. 38
Chirality 159
Chirality of a bi-spinor 246
CKM quark mixing matrix 263
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 103 118
Cloud chamber 76
CNGS 366
Coincidence circuit 42
Collider 34 144
Collider, electron-positron 338
Collider, linear 338
Collider, proton-antiproton 323 324
Collision 7 13
Collision length 27 29
Colour 138 159 197
Colour, blue 213
Colour, charge 213 219
Colour, factor 215 217
Colour, green 213
Colour, interaction 215
Colour, octet 213
Colour, red 213
Colour, singlet 213 217
Combined parity see " operation"
Completely neutral 88 183 214
Compton effect 26
Compton length 12
Compton scattering 181
Confinement of quarks 224
Constant alpha-strong, 221
Constant Fermi 236 237 311
Constant fine structure 12
Constant Newton 21
Constant Rydberg 166
Conversi, M. 60
Cosmic rays 28 149
| Cosmic rays, energy spectrum 28
Cosmotron 31
cps 31 271
Creation operator 173
Critical energy 26
Cross section 13
Cross section, hadronic 185 342
Cross section, Mott 203
Cross section, partial 13
Cross section, point 203
Cross section, point-like 184 185 196
Cross section, total 13
Dalitz Plot 120
Dalitz plot, meson 128
Dalitz plot, meson 128
Dalitz plot, K meson 126
Dalitz plot, spin-parity analysis 122
Dalitz plot, three-pion 121
Dalitz plot, zeros 125
Dalitz, R.H. 120
Dark energy 383
Dark matter 383
Davis, R. 374
Decay beta 257
Decay of muon 234 236
Decay rate 13
Decay strong 113
Decimet, baryons 3/2+ 140
Destruction operator 173
DGLAP, evolution of structure functions 211
Dirac bi-spinor 75 245
Dirac covariants 76
Dirac equation 74 166 171
Dirac gamma-matrices 75
Dirac, P. 74
Disappearance experiment 361
Down quark 132
Drift chamber 48 329
Elastic scattering 8
Electromagnetic vertex 178
Electron 19
Electron-positron annihilation to hadrons 194
Electron-positron annihilation to muon pair 183
Electron-positron annihilation to quark pair 194
Electron-positron annihilation to W pair 344
Electronic number 97
Electroweak theory 304
Emulsion chamber 149
Emulsions 37 61
Energy critical 26
Energy fluctuations in vacuum 231
Energy-momentum 2 84
Excited meson levels 136
Experiment, ALEPH 339
Experiment, AMS 384
Experiment, Anderson & Neddermeyer on 59 69
Experiment, Anderson on positron 76
Experiment, ASACUSA 91
Experiment, ATLAS 350
Experiment, BABAR 288 295 298
Experiment, Barnes on 137
Experiment, BELLE 288 293 298
Experiment, Blackett & Occhialini on positron 78
Experiment, Burfening on mass 66
Experiment, CDF 155 298 337
Experiment, Chamberlain antiproton 79
Experiment, Chamberlain pion 66
Experiment, CHARM2 314
Experiment, CHOOZ 366
Experiment, CMS 350
Experiment, Conversi, Pancini, & Piccioni 60 69
Experiment, DELPHI 339
Experiment, DO 337
Experiment, E731 302
Experiment, Fitch & Cronin on 284
Experiment, Friedman, Kendall, & Taylor on partons 203
Experiment, GALLEX 375
Experiment, Gargamelle 271
Experiment, Geiger & Marsden 202
Experiment, GNO 375
Experiment, Goldhaber et al. on v helicity 251
Experiment, Homestake 374
Experiment, JADE 195 198
Experiment, K2K 366
Experiment, Kamiokande 374
Experiment, KamLAND 378
Experiment, KATRIN 382
Experiment, KLOE 269
Experiment, KTeV 302
Experiment, Kusch on g - 2 170
Experiment, L3 339
Experiment, Lamb 165
Experiment, Lederman on 151
Experiment, Lederman, Schwartz, & Steinberger on 73
Experiment, MAINZ 381
Experiment, MarkI 144 147
Experiment, MINOS 366
Experiment, NA31 302
Experiment, NA48 302
Experiment, Niu on 149
Experiment, Occhialini & Powell 61
Experiment, OPAL 339
Experiment, OPERA 367
Experiment, PAMELA 384
Experiment, PIBETA 267
Experiment, Piccioni on regeneration 282
Experiment, Reines on neutrino 71
Experiment, Richter on 145
Experiment, Rochester & Butler on V 62
Experiment, Rossi & Nereson on lifetime 59
Experiment, SAGE 375
Experiment, SNO 376
Experiment, Street & Stevenson on 59 69
Experiment, Super-Kamiokande 39 96 363 374
Experiment, TASSO 199
Experiment, Ting on J 143
Experiment, TROITSK 381
Experiment, UA1 327
Experiment, UA2 327
Experiment, Wu on parity 241
Family quarks 151
Family third 151
FCNC 262
Fermi Golden Rule 16
Fermion 19
Fermion, four-fermion interaction 237
Fermion, left in left bi-spinor 246
Fermion, right in right bi-spinor 246
Feynman diagram 171 177 180
Feynman diagram, loop 180
Feynman diagram, loop correction W mass 336
Feynman diagram, QCD 214
Feynman diagram, tree-level 179
Feynman partons 206 211
Feynman, R. 177 206
Fine structure constant 12 164
Fine structure constant, measurement 189
Fine structure constant, running 187 189 223
Fixed target 14
Flavour beauty 132 154
Flavour charm 132 142
Flavour lepton 97
Flavour number 97
Flavour oscillation 276
Flavour quark 132 157
Flavour strangeness 132
Flavour top 132 155
Flavour-changing neutral currents see "FCNC"
Fock, V. 165
Forward-backward asymmetry 314
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