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Bettini A. — Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics |
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Right antileptons 306
Right leptons 305
Right neutrinos 305
Right quarks 306
Rigidity 49
Rossi, B. 30
Rubbia, C. 34 324
Rutherford cross section 202
s channel 180
Salam, A. 309
Savannah River Reactor 71
Scaling Bjorken law 207
Scaling violation 211
Scattering 8
Scattering Bhabha 190
Scattering by potential 201
Scattering, deep inelastic 204 206 209 223 225 314
Scattering, elastic kinematic 200
Scattering, gluon—gluon 216
Scattering, Mueller 314
Scattering, neutrino-electron 234 314
Scattering, neutrino-quark 313
Scattering, Quasi-elastic 239
Schwinger, J. 177
Scintillator counter 37 66
Scintillator liquid 37 71
Scintillator plastic 37
SCNC 261
screening 187
Shower electromagnetic 30
Shower hadronic 29
Silicon microstrip detector 49
Singlet, colour 213
Singlet, pseudoscalar mesons 133
Singlet, vector mesons 135
SLAC-MIT electron spectrometers 203
SLC 339
SNU 374
Solar neutrino puzzle 374
Solar standard model 368
Spark chamber 73 285
Spatial 200
SPEAR 69 144 146
Spectrometer 48 79 143 151 285
SPS 32 324 366
SPS-collider 34 324
Standard model 157 165 304 312 342 344
Stochastic cooling 34 325
Storage rings 32
Straggling 25
Strange particle 63
Strangeness 63
Strangeness, hidden 135
Strangeness-changing neutral currents 261
Structure function 205 211
SU(2), flavour 100
SU(2), gauge symmetry 305 337
SU(3), flavour 131 259
SU(3), gauge symmetry 213 221
Sun 367 372
Supersymmetry 382
SUSY 382
Symmetry, additive 84
Symmetry, breaking 133
Symmetry, breaking, spontaneous 347
Symmetry, continuum 84
Symmetry, discrete 84
Symmetry, gauge 84
Symmetry, internal 84
Symmetry, multiplicative 85
Synchrotron 31
System of interacting particles 9
t channel 180
Tau lepton 70
Tauonic number 98
Tevatron 32 151
| TEVATRON collider 155
Thomson, J.J. 69
Three-momentum transfer 174
Time of flight 81
Time projection chamber 49 328
Ting, S. 143
Tomonaga, S.-I. 177
Top quark 132
Top quark, discovery 155
Top quark, mass prediction 336
Touschek, B. 34 35
TPC see "Time projection chamber"
Transverse momentum 331
Tree-level diagram 179
U(1) gauge symmetry 305 337
Uncertainty principle 227
Unitary triangle 296
Units, natural 5 11
Units, SI 5 237
Unstable hadron 109
Up quark 132
V - A structure 95 244 256 333
V particle 62
Vacuum, energy 231
Vacuum, polarisation 171 221 229
Van der Meer, S. 34
Veksler, V. 31
Veltman, M. 309
Vertex detector 49 156 292
Vertex factor 176
Vertex, chromodynamic 214
Vertex, electromagnetic 214
Vertex, V - A 250
Vertex, weak CC 249
Vertex, weak NC 309
Virtual particle 176 179
W boson 159 234
W boson, discovery 329
W boson, helicity 333
W boson, mass 311 320 332 345
W boson, partial widths 320
W boson, spin 333
W boson, total width 321 345
Walenta, A. 47
Weak angle 310 311 312 319
Weak angle, measurement 313
Weak interaction, universality for leptons 238
Weak interaction, universality for quarks 258
Weak interaction, universality of neutral currents 330
Weak mixing angle see "Weak angle"
Weak process, leptonic 234
Weak process, non-leptonic 235
Weak process, semileptonic 234
Weinberg, S. 309
width 13
Width, partial 13
Width, total 13
Wilczek, F. 222
Wilson, C. 41
WIMP 383
Wu, C.S. 241
Yang, C.N. 126 241
Yukawa, H. 59
Yukawa, mediator 59
Yukawa, potential 59 175
Z boson 159 234
Z boson, discovery 333
Z boson, hadronic width 322 343
Z boson, invisible width 322 343
Z boson, mass 320 334 342
Z boson, partial widths 321
Z boson, total width 323 342
Z-charge factors 311 315 321
Zemach, C. 122
Zichichi, A. 69
Zweig, G. 131
’t Hooft, G. 309
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