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Bettini A. — Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics |
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Four-fermion interaction 237 313
Four-momentum transfer 9 176 180 204 207
Four-vector 2
Fourier transform 175 207
Frame, centre of mass (CM) 6 194
Frame, laboratory (L) 7
G-Parity 104
G-stack 126
Gauge, bosons 178 183 234
Gauge, bosons, weak charge 344
Gauge, function 164
Gauge, invariance 84 164
Geiger counter 46
Geiger, H. 46
Gell-Mann & Nishijima 100 158
Gell-Mann, M. 63 131 279
GIM mechanism 142 261
Glaser, D. 42
Glashow, S. 261
Gluon 20 159 213 226
Gluon, jet 198
Gluon, no singlet 213
Gluon, octet 213
Gluon, parton in nucleon 211
Gluon, spin-parity 199
Goldhaber, M. 251
Gran Sasso laboratory 367
Gravity 384
Grodznis, L. 251 255
gyromagnetic ratio 74 170
Hadron 20
Hadronisation 155 194 225
Heavy lepton 70
Heisenberg, W. 99
Helicity 245
Helicity measurement of electron 255 332
Helicity measurement of neutrino 251
Helicity, expectation value 248
Hess, V. 28
Hidden beauty 154
Hidden charm 147
Hidden-flavour particle 225
Higgs boson 312 383
Higgs boson, search 349
Higgs mass 312 336 348
Higgs mechanism 312 347
Hydrogen atom 166
Hypercharge, flavour 100
Hypercharge, weak 305
Hyperon 62 65
Iliopoulos, I. 142 261
Impulse approximation 206
Interaction rate 14
Interaction, electromagnetic 22 158
Interaction, gravitational 21
Interaction, strong 22 159
Interaction, weak 22 159 234
Intermediate vector bosons see "Gauge bosons"
Invariant mass see "Mass"
Ionisation loss 23
Isospin, analysis 102
Isospin, flavour 99
Isospin, pseudoscalar meson multiplets 100
Isospin, representation 114
Isospin, spin 1/2 baryon multiplets 100
Isospin, sum of 102
Isospin, weak 304
Isotopic spin see "Isospin"
ISR 33
Jacobian peak 331
Jets 155 195
Jets, gluon 198
Jets, quark 195 335
K long 278
K meson 64
K short 278
Kamioka observatory 363
KEKB 292
Kobaiashi, M. 262
Kurie plot 380
Kusch, P. 170
Lamb, W. 165
Lambda-QCD 222 228
Landau, L. 257
Lawrence, E. 78
Lederman, L. 151
Lee, T.D. 126 241
Left antileptons 306
Left antineutrinos 306
Left leptons 305
Left neutrinos 305
Left quarks 306
Lego plot 330
Length, absorption 15
Length, attenuation 27
Length, collision 27 29
Length, radiation 26 30
LEP 35 337 338 349
Leprince-Ringuet, L. 62
Lepton 21
Lepton flavour number 97
Lepton flavour number, violation 98
Lepton number 97
Lepton, charged 69
Lepton, isospin 305
LHC 34 349
Lifetime 110
Loop-diagram 180
Lorentz factor 1
Lorentz invariant 8 52 182
Lorentz transformation 1 52
Lorentz, A. 1
luminosity 15 34 326 341
Maiani, L. 142 261
Main Ring 32
Majorana equation 76
Majorana particle 355
Majorana phase 356
Majorana, E. 76
Maskawa, K. 262
Mass 5
Mass of hadrons 226
Mass of hydrogen atom 227
Mass of pion 65
Mass of proton and QCD 227
Mass of quark 226
Mass of system 5
Mass, definition 2
Mass, invariant 5
Mass, Measurement of 37
Mass, squared 5
Matrix element 13 16 17 87 93 121 122 236
McMillan, E. 31 78
Meson 20 133
Meson, 147
Meson, 147
Meson, 144
Meson, 127
Meson, 128
Meson, 128
Meson, 131
Meson, see "Pion"
Meson, 145
Meson, 148
Meson, 146
Meson, 128
Meson, 152
Meson, B 154
| Meson, K 62
Meson, K* 128
Meson, pseudoscalar 100 131 133 219
Meson, vector 131 135 219
Metastable particle 64
Minimum ionising particle 24
Missing momentum 327
Momentum 2
Momentum fraction 208
Momentum, angular 84
Momentum, linear 2
Momentum, measurement 42 45
Mott cross section 203
MSW effect 355 372
Multi-wire proportional chamber 46
Muon 61
Muon as lepton 61
Muon, decay 61
Muon, discovery 59
Muon, lifetime measurement 59
Muonic number 97
MWPC see "Multi-wire proportional chamber"
Natural units 5 11
Neutral currents 234 271 304 308
Neutral currents, discovery by Gargamelle 271
Neutral K system 276
Neutral K system, eigenstates 277
Neutral K system, charge asymmetry in semileptonic decay 282 287
Neutral K system, flavour eigenstates 276
Neutral K system, flavour eigenstates, identification 280
Neutral K system, mass eigenstates 278
Neutral K system, regeneration 282
Neutrino 21
Neutrino, atmospheric 364
Neutrino, eigenvalues in matter 370
Neutrino, electron 70
Neutrino, flavour change in matter 354
Neutrino, hypothesis 70
Neutrino, Majorana 382
Neutrino, mixing 355
Neutrino, muon 70 73
Neutrino, number of types 343
Neutrino, oscillation 354 358
Neutrino, solar 368
Neutrino, square-mass spectrum 357
Neutrino, tau 70
Neutron 19
Nishijima, K. 63
Niu, K. 149
Niwa, K. 70
Normal modes 109
NU see "Natural units"
Nucleon 19
Nygren, D. 49
Occhialini, G. 38
Octet, baryons 1/2+ 140
Octet, pseudoscalar mesons 133
Octet, vector mesons 135
Oscillation, atmospheric 358
Oscillation, beauty 276
Oscillation, flavour 276
Oscillation, neutrino 354
Oscillation, strangeness 276 279
OZI rule 225
Pair production 27
Pancini, E. 60
Parity 85
Parity in atoms 313
Parity, conservation in strong interaction 87
Parity, fermion-antifermion 87
Parity, intrinsic 85
Parity, photon 86
Parity, pion 91
Parity, two-meson 87
Parity, two-particle system 86
Parity, violation 126
Particle-antiparticle conjugation see "Charge conjugation"
Parton distribution functions 208 210
Pauli matrices 75
Pauli neutrino hypothesis 70
Pauli principle 138
Pauli, W. 70
PEP2 292
Perl, M. 69
Perturbative expansion of amplitude 179
Perturbative series, convergence in QED 180
PETRA collider 195 198
Phase stability 31
Phase-space 16
Phase-space, three-body 120
Phase-space, two-body 17
photoelectric effect 26
Photon 19 159
Photon, charge conjugation 88
Photon, parity 86
Pierre Auger observatory 28
Pion 20 59 61 65
Pion, charge conjugation of neutral 89
Pion, decay 92
Pion, decay constant 93 259
Pion, G-parity 105
Pion, lifetime 66
Pion, mass 65
Pion, neutral 69
Pion, parity 91
Pion, spin 67
Planck mass 21
Planck, M. 4
Poincare, H. 1
Polarisation 245
Pontecorvo, B. 354 373
Positron 76
Powell, C. 38
pp cycle 368
Propagator 174 176 181
Proper frequency 109
Proper width 109
Proton stability 95
Pulitzer, D. 222
Puzzle 126 241
QCD 136 159 197 226 227 336
qed 159 165 173 186
Quark 20
Quark mixing 257
Quark mixing, violation 271
Quark mixing, CKM 263
Quark, characteristics 132 158
Quark, confinement 20 225
Quark, distribution function 210
Quark, mass 226
Quark, model 131
Quark, sea 208
Quark, top 155
Quark, valence 131 208
Quark-antiquark collision 323
Quark-antiquark state 217
R-ratio 196
Radiation length 26 30
Radiative corrections 313 336 337
Radiofrequency 31
Reines, F. 71
Renormalisation 186
Representation 99
Representation, symmetry 139
Resonance 109 112
Resonance in electron-positron annihilation 185
Resonance, formation 109 111
Resonance, line shape 340
Resonance, production 109 112
Richter, B. 35 144 338
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