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Hatfield B. — Quantum field theory of point particles and strings
Hatfield B. — Quantum field theory of point particles and strings

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Íàçâàíèå: Quantum field theory of point particles and strings

Àâòîð: Hatfield B.


The purpose of this book is to introduce string theory without assuming any background in quantum field theory. Part I of this book follows the development of quantum field theory for point particles, while Part II introduces strings. Allof the tools and concepts that are needed to quantize strings are developed first for point particles. Thus, Part I presents the main framework of quantum field theory and provides for a coherent development of the generalization andapplication of quantum field theory for point particles to strings.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 734

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$\beta$-function, $\lambda\phi^{4}$      464—465
$\beta$-function, fixed points      467—469
$\beta$-function, QED      406
Abelian differential      599
Almost complex structure      585
Analytic      564
Anharmonic oscillator path integral      298—300
Anomalous dimension      467
Anomalous magnetic moment      417
Anomaly, chiral      420
Anomaly, conformal      629 637
Anomaly, definition      418
Anomaly, superconformal      717 718
Anticommuting variables      190
Anticommuting variables $\delta$-functional, definition      192
Anticommuting variables, differentiation      191
Anticommuting variables, functional derivative      192
Anticommuting variables, integration      191
asymptotic freedom      469—470
Atlas      541
Atlas, $C^{\infty}$ atlas      541
Atlas, analytic      544
Atlas, orientable      542
Automorphism      566
Automorphism group, Aut(S)      568
Axial current, and chiral anomaly      420
Axial current, conserved, non gauge invariant      420
Axial current, nonabelian      422
Axial current, nonconserved      420
Baryons      5
Belavin — Knizhnik theorem      645
Beltrami coefficients      646—647
Beltrami differentials      647
Beltrami equation      585
Bijective (1—1 correspondence)      539
Bilinear covariants      68—69
Bjorken scaling      469—470
Bosonic string in operator rep, anomalous Lorentz generator in light-cone gauge      516
Bosonic string in operator rep, ghost states      532
Bosonic string in operator rep, graviton state      519
Bosonic string in operator rep, implementation of stress-energy constraints      526
Bosonic string in operator rep, Lorentz generators      515
Bosonic string in operator rep, lowest lying states (closed)      519
Bosonic string in operator rep, lowest lying states (open)      516
Bosonic string in operator rep, mass shell condition      531
Bosonic string in operator rep, mode expansion      507 508 510 517
Bosonic string in operator rep, normal ordered Hamiltonian      513
Bosonic string in operator rep, quantization in covariant gauge      525—529
Bosonic string in operator rep, quantization in light-cone gauge      512
Bosonic string in operator rep, square mass operator      511 513 518 531
Bosonic string in path integral rep, Belavin — Knizhnik theorem      645
Bosonic string in path integral rep, Faddeev — Popov (genus 0)      605—610
Bosonic string in path integral rep, Faddeev — Popov (genus>0)      632—636 649
Bosonic string in path integral rep, holomorphic factorization      644
Bosonic string in path integral rep, partition function      603 631 638 639 641 643 671
Bosonic string in path integral rep, partition function (genus 0)      611 629
Bosonic string in path integral rep, partition function (genus 1)      639 641 643 644 645
Bosonic string in path integral rep, partition function (genus$\geq$2)      638 645
Bosonic string in path integral rep, perturbative expansion      631
Bosonic string in path integral rep, reduction to integral over moduli      638
Bosonic string in path integral rep, scattering amplitudes      657
Bosonic string in path integral rep, tachyon 1-loop amplitude      667
Bosonic string in path integral rep, tachyon tree amplitude      663
Bosonic string in Schrodinger rep, mode expansion      520—521
Bosonic string in Schrodinger rep, regularization      523
Bosonic string in Schrodinger rep, Schrodinger equation      519
Bosonic string in Schrodinger rep, square mass operator      522
Bosonic string in Schrodinger rep, vacuum energy      522—524
Bosonic string in Schrodinger rep, vacuum wave functional      521—524
Bosonic string, classical action      492 604
Bosonic string, classical equations of motion      495 496 505
Bosonic string, classical solution (open)      500
Bosonic string, classical stress-energy tensor      494
Bosonic string, covariant constraints      504
Bosonic string, light-cone gauge      509
Bosonic string, light-cone gauge Hamiltonian      512
Bosonic string, metric as Lagrange multiplier      494
Bosonic string, partition function      603
Bosonic string, partition function (genus 0)      611
Bosonic string, solution of constraints      509—510
Bosonic string, stress-energy constraints      506 526
Bosonic string, world-sheet symmetries      505
Callen — Symanzik equation      470—471
Cauchy — Riemann equations      564
Chain      597
Chain, closed      597
Charge      5
Charge conjugation      98
Charge conjugation, Dirac fields      100—102
Charge conjugation, electromagnetic field      102
Charge conjugation, scalar fields      99—100
Charged scalar fields      48—52
Chiral anomaly      420
Chiral anomaly, and gauge invariance      419
Chiral anomaly, and PCAC      421
Chiral anomaly, evaluation      423
Chiral anomaly, lack at higher loops      427
Chiral anomaly, physical consequences      420—423
Christoffel symbols      553
Classical gauge theory      77—81
Classical gauge theory, Yang — Mills      96—97
Compact      544
Complex index notation      623—624
Complex index notation spinorial      696—698 706—707
Complex index notation, transformation      706
Complex index tensors, classification      707
Complex structure      544
conformal      565
Conformal anomaly      629 637
Conformal Killing vector fields      596 608
Conformally flat gauge      606
Conformally flat metric      571 584
Congruence      592
Conjugate subgroups      579
Connected      539
Connection      552
Connection 1-forms      559
Connection coefficients      553
Connection Levi — Civita      555
continuous      539
Coordinate patch      541
Cotangent space      558 689
Coulomb gauge propagator      85—86 314
Coulomb gauge propagator, relation to covariant propagator      86 164 338
Coupling fermions to gravity      688—693
Covariant derivative      553 691
Covariant derivative, super      699
Covariant vector      554
Cover      541
Covering group      575
Covering map      575
Covering transformation      575
Critical dimension      482
Cross sections      152—154 176 177
Curvature 2-forms      560
Curvature operator      555
Dehn twists      602
Det'$(P^{\dag}_{1}P_{1})$ conformal dependence      629
Det'$(P^{\dag}_{1}P_{1})$ genus 1      641 643
Det'$(\Delta^{(-)}_{-1})$      650
Det'$(\Delta_{g})$, conformal dependence      622—623 637
Det'$(\Delta_{g})$, genus 1      641 643
Det($-\partial^{2}$)      617
Det($-\partial^{2}+m^{2}_{0}+\lambda\phi^{2}_{c}/2$)      454—455 616
Det($-\partial^{2}_{x}+\omega^{2}$)      614 615
Det($-\partial^{2}_{x}-\omega^{2}$)      289 613
Diffeomorphism      543
Diffeomorphism super      698
Differentiable structure      542
Dimensional regularization, applied to QED electron self-energy      389
Dimensional regularization, applied to QED vacuum polarization      392
Dimensional regularization, applied to QED vertex correction      395
Dirac $\gamma$ matrices      61
Dirac $\gamma$ matrices 2-d Euclidean      695
Dirac $\gamma$ matrices, $\gamma_{5}$      419
Dirac $\gamma$ matrices, algebra      689
Dirac $\gamma$ matrices, chiral representation      67
Dirac $\gamma$ matrices, complex index notation      697
Dirac $\gamma$ matrices, curved space matrices      690
Dirac $\gamma$ matrices, Majorana representation      66
Dirac $\gamma$ matrices, trace identities      75
Dirac equation      60—62
Dirac equation completeness, orthogonality of spinors      64 73 218
Dirac equation, Dirac current      62
Dirac equation, momentum spinors      63—64 218
Dirac equation, physical vacuum      65—66
Dirac equation, plane wave solutions      62—64
Dirac equation, propagator      72—74
Dirichlet region      582
Discrete symmetries      98—106
Discrete topology      538
Discriminant      583
Duality      664
Effective action, as generating functional of proper functions      436—439
Effective action, defined (operator rep)      432 443
Effective action, defined (path integral rep)      443—444
Effective action, defined (Schrodinger rep)      444
Effective action, Legendre transform of vacuum energy      457
Effective action, Legendre transform of W(J)      435
Effective action, relation to other generating functionals      435
Effective action, static action      456
Effective potential for $\lambda\phi^{4}(1-loop)$, evaluated (operator rep)      446—448
Effective potential for $\lambda\phi^{4}(1-loop)$, evaluated (path integral rep)      453—455 616
Effective potential for $\lambda\phi^{4}(1-loop)$, evaluated (Schrodinger rep)      457—461
Effective potential for $\lambda\phi^{4}(1-loop)$, Gaussian approximation      462
Effective potential for $\lambda\phi^{4}(1-loop)$, static potential      456
Effective potential for $\lambda\phi^{4}(1-loop)$, when $m^{2}=0(1-loop)$      451
Effective potential, $\lambda\phi^{4}(1-loop)$      448—450 616
Effective potential, defined      440
Effective potential, relation to stable vacua      440—441
Electromagnetic field strength tensor      78
Electromagnetic field strength tensor, dual field strength tensor      78—79
Electron mass shift in QED, from operator rep      398
Electron mass shift in QED, from Schrodinger rep      264—267
Electron self-energy diagram      386
Electron self-energy diagram, evaluated      386—391
Electron self-energy diagram, regularized (dimensional)      389
Electron self-energy diagram, regularized (Pauli — Villars)      386
Electron-electron scattering      175
Electron-electron scattering, from Schrodinger rep      268—269
Entire      565
Euler — Poincare characteristic      547 549 550 682
Euler — Poincare characteristic, and Gauss — Bonnet theorem      561
Extended complex plane      566
Exterior derivative      559
Extrinsic curvature      683—684
Extrinsic curvature, relation to intrinsic curvature      684
Faddeev — Popov determinant, bosonic string      608—610 671
Faddeev — Popov determinant, conformal dependence      672
Faddeev — Popov determinant, ghost representation      356
Faddeev — Popov determinant, QED (Coulomb gauge)      352
Faddeev — Popov determinant, QED (Lorentz gauge)      352
Faddeev — Popov determinant, simple example      345—348
Faddeev — Popov determinant, superstring      712
Faddeev — Popov determinant, Yang — Mills      355 356 359
Faddeev — Popov ghosts      356
Faddeev — Popov metric method, bosonic string      605—608 632—636 649
Faddeev — Popov metric method, simple example      349
Faddeev — Popov metric method, superstring      710—712
Faddeev — Popov procedure, applied to bosonic string      605—610 632—636 649
Faddeev — Popov procedure, applied to QED      351
Faddeev — Popov procedure, applied to string tachyon amplitude      661—662
Faddeev — Popov procedure, applied to superstring      710—712
Faddeev — Popov procedure, applied to Yang — Mills      354—356
Faddeev — Popov procedure, integrate over all slices      348 353
Faddeev — Popov procedure, simple example      347
Fermionic single particle path integral      319—321 324—326
Feynman diagrams, $\lambda\varphi^{4}$      137—150
Feynman diagrams, in quantum mechanics      296—297
Feynman diagrams, QED      164—165
Feynman diagrams, Yang — Mills      357—358
Feynman rules, $\lambda\varphi^{4}$      141 143
Feynman rules, QED      167—168
First structural equation      559 692
Flat supersurface metric      698
Fock space      26
Forces      4
Forms      558
Free particle path integral      281—285
Free photon field theory, in path integral rep      315—317
Free photon field theory, in Schrodinger rep      211—212 224
Free photon field theory, in the Coulomb gauge      81—84 224 316
Free photon field theory, in the Lorentz gauge      86—90
Free photon field theory, in the temporal gauge      211
Free scalar field theory, in operator rep      42—48
Free scalar field theory, in path integral rep      303—309
Free scalar field theory, in Schrodinger rep      200—201
Free spinor field theory, in operator rep      69—72
Free spinor field theory, in path integral rep      318
Free spinor field theory, in Schrodinger rep      217—219
Fuchsian group      578
Functional derivative      180
Functional derivative fermionic      192
Functional determinants, conformal dependence      619
Functional determinants, divergent parts      618 620
Functional determinants, harmonic oscillator      287—289
Functional determinants, heat kernel techniques      613—615
Functional determinants, methods of evaluation      612—615
Functional determinants, role of zero modes      620—621
Functional determinants, Sommerfeld — Watson transformation      642
Functional determinants, zeta-function regularization      615
Functional differential equations      182—186
Functional differential equations, power counting technique to solve      184
Functional directional derivative      180—181
Functional directional derivative, as regulator in string      523
Functional directional derivative, use in Coulomb gauge      224
Functional Fourier transform      210
Functional integrals, $\delta$-functional      187 192
Functional integrals, Gaussian, bosonic      188—189
Functional integrals, Gaussian, fermionic      193—195
Functional integrals, Gaussian, with complex-valued functions      195—197
Functional integrals, Gaussian, with sources      189—190
Functional Schrodinger equation, $\lambda\phi^{4}$      460
Functional Schrodinger equation, bosonic string      519
Functional Schrodinger equation, free photon field theory      211 214
Functional Schrodinger equation, free scalar field theory      201 209
Functional Schrodinger equation, free spinor field theory      217 219
Functional Schrodinger equation, Yang — Mills      244 252
Functional, definition      179
Fundamental group      563
Fundamental group, of the circle      563
Fundamental group, of the torus      564
Fundamental region      582
Fundamental region, of the modular group      583
Furry's theorem      168
Gauge covariant derivative      95 691
Gauge orbit, bosonic string      633—634
Gauge orbit, simple example      343
Gauge orbit, Yang — Mills      355
Gauge slice, bosonic string      606 633—634
Gauge slice, conformally flat      606 633—634
Gauge slice, QED      351 352
Gauge slice, simple example      344
Gauge slice, superconformal      697
Gauge slice, Yang — Mills      355
Gauge volume, of Diffo (bosonic string)      608—609
Gauge volume, QED      352
Gauge volume, simple example      344
Gauge volume, Yang — Mills      355
Gauge-fixed action, QED      353
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