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Hatfield B. — Quantum field theory of point particles and strings |
Предметный указатель |
Stress-energy tensor, bosonic string 494
String scattering amplitudes 657
String scattering amplitudes, conformal dependence 660 670
String scattering amplitudes, duality 664
String scattering amplitudes, tachyon 1-loop amplitude 667
String scattering amplitudes, tachyon tree amplitude 663
String scattering amplitudes, Virasoro — Shapiro amplitude 663
String susceptibility 675—676
String theories, not fundamental 486
String theories, natural units 477 486
String theories, spontaneous breakdown of general coordinate invariance 485
Structural equations 559 560
Super first structural equation 701
Super heat kernel 715 716
Super heat kernel, perturbative expansion 715
Super Laplacians 707
Super Laplacians, in superconformally flat gauge 707—708
Super second structural equation 702
Super Weyl transformation 695
Superconformal anomaly 717 718
Superconformal anomaly, component form 718
Superconformal anomaly, supersurface form 717
Superconformal gauge 697
Superconformal gauge, in terms of superzweibein 705 707
Superconnection 701
Superconnection, in superconformally flat gauge 705
Supercovariant derivative 699 701
Supercovariant derivative, in superconformally flat gauge 705
Supercurrent 695
Supercurvature 701
Superdeterminant 702—703
Superdeterminant, regularized 713
Superdiffeomorphism 698
Superficial degree of divergence, QED 378
Superficial degree of divergence, self-interacting scalar field 369
Superfield 698
Superfield Grassmann expansion 699
Superfield, component form 700
Superfield, transformation 698
Superstrings, Faddeev — Popov procedure 710—712
Superstrings, partition function 708
Superstrings, partition function (genus 0) 708 709 713 717 718
Superstrings, RNS action 693
Superstrings, RNS action (Euclidean) 696
Superstrings, RNS action (supersurface) 702
Superstrings, RNS gauge-fixed action 697
Supersurface 698
Supersurface, flat metric 698
Supersurface, supercoordinate 698
Supersurface, superdiffeomorphism 698
Supersurface, superfield 698
Supersymmetric Liouville action 718
Supersymmetry, generator 698—699
Supersymmetry, global world-sheet transformation 697
Supersymmetry, local world-sheet transformation 694
Supersymmetry, superdiffeomorphism 698
Supertorsion 701
Supertorsion, constraints 702
Supertrace 702
Superzweibein 700
Superzweibein, for flat superspace 703
Superzweibein, for superconformally flat superspace 705
Superzweibein, inverse 702
Superzweibein, transformation under super Weyl 705
Superzweibein, transformation under superdiffeo-morphism 704
Surjective (onto) 539
Tangent bundle 543 551
Tangent space 543
Tangent space transformation, super generators 701
Teichmuller space 578 588
Teichmuller space, dimension 596
Teichmuller space, parameters 633
Teichmuller space, relation to moduli space 578
Teichmuller space, torus 581—582
Tensor product 558
Time reversal 105
Time-evolution operator 302
Time-evolution operator, free Dirac field 318
Time-evolution operator, free scalar field 307 308
| Time-evolution operator, limit leading to Z[J] 311—312
Time-evolution operator, path integral rep 307
Time-evolution operator, single fermionic mode 319—326
Time-evolution operator, with sources 310
Time-ordered products 130
Time-ordered products, generating functional for connected diagrams, W[J] 332 334 339
Time-ordered products, generating functional for interacting scalar field 182 330
Time-ordered products, perturbative expansion 132 163 227 330 339
Time-ordering operator 53
Topological space 538
topology 538
Torelli group 600
Torsion 692—694
Transition functions 541
Transverse -function 83
Triangle diagram 424
Types 482—484
U(1) problem 422—423
U-matrix 125
Uniformization theorem 577
Univalent 564
Universal covering surfaces 577
Vacuum polarization, and Coulomb's law 380 407
Vacuum polarization, evaluation 392—394
Vacuum polarization, physical interpretation 406
Vacuum polarization, regularized 392
Vacuum wave functional, 233—234 458 460
Vacuum wave functional, bosonic string 521 522
Vacuum wave functional, bosonic string, regularized 523
Vacuum wave functional, exact, unnormalizable for Yang — Mills 252
Vacuum wave functional, free electromagnetic field 215—216
Vacuum wave functional, free scalar field theory 201—203 210 309
Vacuum wave functional, free spinor field theory 220 322
Vacuum wave functional, Yang — Mills 247 251
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, (1-loop) 455
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, , perturbative expansion 330
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, bosonic string 603 631 638 639 641 643 644 645 671
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, free photon field 315—317
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, free scalar field 182 312
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, free spinor field 322 327
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, interacting scalar field 445
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, loop expansion 374
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, QED 336
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, superstring 708 717 718
Vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude, Z, Yang — Mills 357
Vector field 544
Veneziano model 482
Vertex correction, and anomalous magnetic moment 412—417
Vertex correction, evaluated 395—396
Vertex correction, regularized 395
Vertex correction, renormalized 400 412
Vertex operators 656 657
Virasoro algebra 516 529—530
Virasoro — Shapiro amplitude 663
Ward — Takahashi identities 173—174 403—404 420
Wave function renormalization, introduced 368
Wave function renormalization, QED 402
Wedge product 558
Weierstrass normal form 583
Weil — Petersson metric 596
Wick rotation 604
Wick's theorem 136
Wilson loop 480 677 682
Wilson loop, confinement criterion 677
Wilson loop, equation of motion 678
Wilson loop, functional integral approximations 679
Wilson loop, relation to static quark potential 677—678
Winding number of a gauge transformation 423
Yang — Mills, 1/N expansion 680—683
Yang — Mills, exact, unnormalizable solution 252
Yang — Mills, Faddeev — Popov procedure 354—356
Yang — Mills, Gauss's law constraint 245
Yang — Mills, perturbed wave functional 251
Yang — Mills, Schrodinger rep 244
Yang — Mills, temporal gauge 244
Yang — Mills, vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude 357
Zeta-function regularization 615
Zweibein 689
Zweibein orthonormality 689
Zweibein, completeness 689
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