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Visser M. — Lorentzian wormholes. From Einstein to Hawking |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Absolute horizon see “Event horizon”
Achronal 198
Action, classical unit of 40
Action, Einstein — Hilbert 12
Action, Einstein — Hilbert, linearized 56
Action, free massless scalar 32
Action, Nambu — Goto 170 180 190 191
Action, Planck's quantum 39
Adiabatic approximation 267 268 270
Adiabatic techniques 282—283
ADM formalism 355
ADM mass 111—113 119 253 355
ADM split 15 17 68 160
ADM split, lapse function 15 18 20
ADM split, shift function 15
Affine connection see “Connexion”
Affine parameter 117 133 298 337
Affine parameter, canonical 297 337
Affine parameter, generalized 117
Algebraic numerology 40
ANEC 117 119 131—135 195—199 275 281 290—293 310 370 see
ANEC, definition 117
ANEC, integral 119 128 134—135 146—148 291
ANEC, no-go theorem 292
ANEC, violations 124 195 197—199 255 347
Angular momentum, linear density 221
Angular momentum, orbital 223
Anomaly, conformal 122. 124 280 291 335 372
Anomaly, scale 198 290 291 293
Anomaly, trace 122 124 280 291 335
Anthropic principle 93
Anti-wormhole legislation 275
Apparent horizon 16—17 220 see
Arbitrarily advanced civilization 144 227
Arnowitt — Deser — Misner see “ADM”
ASEC 118—119 136 197 see
ASEC, definition 118
Asymptotically flat (definition) 17 196
Atomic mass 124
Autonomy 212 '256
Averaged null energy condition see “ANEC”
Averaged strong energy condition see “ASEC”
Averaged weak energy condition see “AWEC”
AWEC 117—118 135—136 197 see
AWEC, definition 117—118
Baby universe 74 90 91 93 145 366
Back-reaction 198 246 264 270 272
Back-reaction, bootstrap 281
Back-reaction, ignored 128 163 256 281
Backward time-jump 215 221 236 238 256 341
Balloon 163
Bessel function 37 358
Bianchi identities 157 293
big bang 95 129 144
Birkhoff 's theorem 181
Black hole 29 358
Black hole, astrophysical 220 359
Black hole, definition 15—16
Black hole, generic spheric 26
Black hole, Kerr 75 219
Black hole, Kerr — Newman 79
Black hole, Planck scale 58
Black hole, Reissner — Nordstroem 23
Black hole, Schwarzschild 20 146
Blackbody 39
Blueshift 76
Bohm's interpretation 258
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization 361
Bohr's interpretation 258
Bondi mass 113 119
Bootstrap, back-reaction 281
Bootstrap, paradox 204 213—214 250 261
Bootstrap, Planck black holes 58
Boring physics conjecture 6 249 274—275
Bosons 83 190
Boulware vacuum 128
boundary conditions 273 361
Boundary conditions, diseased 217 218
Boundary conditions, locally-static 242
Boundary conditions, periodic 125 267—270 272 273
Boundary conditions, periodic in time 219
Boundary conditions, twisted/untwisted 269
Boundary conditions, van Vleck determinant 308 312 313
Boundary conditions, wave function 356 359
Boundary layer formalism see “Thinshell formalism”
Boyer — Lindquist coordinates 76
Branched spacetime 250 252
Brans — Dicke gravity 152
Bravais lattice 84
Bridge 45—51 101 see “Wormhole”
Brillouin zone 83 84
Canonical conjugate 31 33 127 353
Canonical observer 297 298 305 306 336 338
Canonical quantization 31—35 68 348 355—357
Canonical quantization, commutator 32 35
Cartesian coordinates 11 12 14
Casimir effect 83 121—125 180 281 294 336
Casimir effect, topological 125—126 197
Casimir effect, with time-shift 267—270
Casimir energy 125 273
Casimir force 125
Cauchy horizon 17 76 209 220 see
Cauchy horizon, Kerr 76
Cauchy horizon, Reissner — Nordstrom 23
Cauchy surface 67 196
Causal curve, closed 206
Causal curve, definition 205
Causal future 205
Causal past 205
Causal spacetime 208
Causality horizon 208—212 254 see
Causality horizon, definition 209
Causality, condition 208
Causality, definitions/theorems 204—212
Causality, fundamental 203 266
Causality, relaxed 68
Causality-violating region 207—212 254 260
Causality-violating region, definition 207
Causality-violating time machine 206—207
Causality-violating time machine, definition 206
Caustics 283 295
Cellular cosmology 175
Central geodesic 240 242 326 329 330
Changing history 212 213 254 256
Charge radius 41 359
Charge without charge 54 55 349 365
Charge, electric 21 22 40 48 49 53 111 113—114 359 371
Charge, magnetic 21 22
Chiral fermions 286—288
Chirality 286 288 290
Chirality reversal invariance 290
Choices 374—375
Choices, causal structure 374
Choices, explicit 374 375
Choices, factor ordering 356 364
Choices, implicit 374
Choices, microphysics 370 374
Choices, personal 375
Choices, topology change 72 374
Choices, vierbein/tetrad 373
Christoffel symbol see “Connexion”
Chronological curve, closed 206
Chronological curve, definition 205
Chronological future 206
Chronological past 206
Chronology definitions/theorems 204—212
Chronology horizon 208—212 234 250 263 see
Chronology horizon, compactly generated 211 234 336 338
Chronology horizon, definition 209
Chronology horizon, Gott time machine 224
| Chronology horizon, Kerr time machine 220
Chronology horizon, locally-static spacetime 242 244
Chronology protection, axiom 263 266
Chronology protection, conjecture 6 7 249 263—275 333—345 370 373
Chronology protection, theorem? 266
Chronology protection, toy model 266—274
Chronology-violating region 208—212 234 275
Chronology-violating region, cylindrical spacetime 215
Chronology-violating region, definition 208
Chronology-violating region, Goedel time machine 218
Chronology-violating region, Gott time machine 224
Chronology-violating region, Kerr time machine 220
Chronology-violating region, spinning cosmic string 222
Chronology-violating region, van Stockum time machine 216
Chronology-violating time machine 206—207
Chronology-violating time machine, definition 206
classical turning points 355 356
Classical unit of action 40
Closed causal curve 203
Closed geodesic 73
Closed noncontractible loop 275
Closed nonspacelike curve 206
Closed null curve 214 241 242
Closed null geodesic 206—208 210 234 336 337
Closed null geodesic, fountain 211 212 234
Closed null geodesic, isolated 208
Closed self-intersecting geodesic 210 264 265 269 274
Closed timelike curve 67 71 206 207 214—216 219 225 257 270
Closed timelike curve, abolition of 274
Closed timelike curve, and unitarity 260 261
Closed timelike curve, consistency constraints 256
Closed timelike curve, Goedel universe 218
Closed timelike curve, Gott time machine 222—225
Closed timelike curve, Kerr geometry 78 219 220
Closed timelike curve, locally-static spacetime 240 242 247
Closed timelike curve, Roman configuration 239
Closed timelike curve, spinning cosmic string 221 222
Closed timelike curve, topology 65 66
Closed timelike curve, van Stockum time machine 214 216
Coda 375
Commutator 35
Completely natural units 42
Compton wavelength 49 61 270 335
Concave edge 172
Concave surface 167 168 175
Configuration space 35 68 70 71 347
Confinement theorem (apparent horizons) 17
Conformal anomaly 122 124 280 291 335 372
Conformal flatness 198 293 306
Conformal invariance 122
Conformal invariance, broken by the cutoff 291
Conformal invariance, of null geodesies 306
Conformal quantum state 198 290 291
Conformal structure 162 291 344
Conformal transformation 162 163 290 291
Conjecture, boring physics 6 249 274—275
Conjecture, chronology protection 6 7 249 263—275 333—345 370 373
Conjecture, consistency 6 7 249 254—262 370 373
Conjecture, cosmic censorship 47 78 100 119 185 220 266 275
Conjecture, radical rewrite 6 7 249—255 257 260 261
Conjugate points 283
Connection see “Connexion”
Connexion 10 153 156—157 159 373
Conservation, asymptotic laws 111—114
Conservation, of ADM mass 111
Conservation, of charge 113 114
Conservation, of energy 163
Conservation, of momentum 163
Conservation, of spatial flux 303
Conservation, of stress-energy 121 158 159 164 183 184 186 353
Consistency conjecture 6 7 249 254—262 370 373
Consistency conspiracy 6 256
Consistent histories, quantum 256 258
Consistent histories, temporal 256
Convergence conditions 306 314 see
Convergence conditions, null 132 307—310
Convergence conditions, spacelike 307—310 331
Convergence conditions, timelike 307—310
Convergence conditions, violation 310
Convex edge 172
Convex surface 167 168
Coordinate artifact 51 335
Coordinate basis 22 136
Coordinate singularity 20 46
Coordinates, Boyer — Lindquist 76
Coordinates, Cartesian 11 12 14
Coordinates, cylindrical 221
Coordinates, discontinuous 240—242
Coordinates, Einstein — Rosen 46 47
Coordinates, Gaussian normal 155—156 179 315 323
Coordinates, isotropic 20 21 23 46 150—151
Coordinates, Kerr — Schild 77
Coordinates, Kruskal — Szekeres 20
Coordinates, normal 182 349
Coordinates, null curvilinear 300
Coordinates, proper radial 101—102 149—150
Coordinates, quasi-Minkowski 111
Coordinates, Schwarzschild 18 20 21 47 48 102 177 339 349 355 357
Copenhagen interpretation 258 261 262
Correlation function 33 35 38
Correlation function, tensor-tensor 57
Correlation function, tensor-trace 57
Correlation function, trace-trace 56 57
Correlation function, two-point 34 35 56
Cosmic censorship conjecture 47 78 100 119 185 220 266 275
Cosmic string 170—172 175 180 221—225
Cosmic string, spinning 220—222
Cosmological constant 33 81—87 217 280
Cosmological constant, as vacuum energy density 81
Cosmological constant, observational limit 85—87
Cosmological constant, problem 86—87 92 129—130
Cosmological constant, subsumed into stress-energy 81 308
Cosmological inflation 129—130
Cosmological principle 288 289
Coulomb's law 59
CPT theorem 289 290
Crackpot warning 83 204 231
Cramer's interpretation 258
Critical density 85—86
Crotch singularity 365
Curvature singularity 20 21 46 47 99 100 260
Curvilinear null coordinates 300
Cut and paste 165—175 177—186 190 228 348—352
Cut and paste, loops 187—193
Cutkosky rules 260
Cylindrical coordinates 221
D'alambertian 268
de Sitter geometry 280
DEC 116 119 120 123 126—128 130 131 167 217 309 see
DEC, definition 116
Decoherence 258
Deficit angle 172 221
Definition 286
Density matrix 261
Destructive interference 37
Deutsch, on time travel 256—258 260—261
DeWitt — Schwinger expansion 282
DeWitt, on canonical gravity 68
DeWitt, on topology 63 365
Dimensional analysis 42 121 188 189 193 359
Dimensional transmutation 291
Direction cosines 117
Direction field 64 65
Dischronal region see “Chronology-violating region”
Dischronal region, definition 208
Discontinuous coordinates 240—242
Domain wall 177—178 185
Dominant energy condition see “DEC”
Double-cover 51 64 287
Dust 186 217 348 353 360 362—364
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