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Visser M. — Lorentzian wormholes. From Einstein to Hawking |
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Hilbert gauge 13 57 272
Hilbert — Lorentz gauge 13
History, changing 212 213 254 256
History, multiple 250 253 258
History, new 253
History, old 253
History, unique 255
History, unique past 254 255 262
Homotopy 63 275
Homotopy, class 73
Homotopy, nontrivial 333 344
Horizon 15—16 20 25 46 47 50
Horizon, apparent 16—17 220
Horizon, as one-way membrane 16
Horizon, Cauchy 17 23 76 209 220
Horizon, causality 208—212
Horizon, chronology 208—212 250
Horizon, event 20 27 76 99 209 220
Horizon, event, definition 16
Horizon, event, Reissner — Nordstrom 23
Horizon, event, Schwarzschild 20
Horizon, inner 23—24 27 76 99 220
Horizon, outer 23 76
Horizon, outermost 27
Horizon, particle 17
Horizon, putative 17—18
Horizon, relationships 18
Horizon, time slows to a stop 16
Hubble parameter 85
Imaginary time 92
Impact, angle 123 142 327—328
Impact, generic 327—329
Impact, grazing 328
Impact, parameter 129 222
Impact, point 324 329 336
Impact, radial 326—327 331
Implicate order 259
Imprint at infinity 111—114 351 352 355
Indeterminate form 327 328
Inflation, cosmological 96 129—130 145
Inflation, Starobinsky 280
Initial data 17 217 218
Inner horizon 23 76 220 see
Instanton 92
Integral equation 313
Interatomic binding energies 144 169
Interatomic spacings 124 144 169
Intermediate vector boson 59
Internal stress 14
Interregnum 95—96
Interstellar travel 99 348 358
Invariant distance to the chronology horizon 341—344
Invariant length 214 228 233 267 274 342—344
Inverse-(d-1)-power law 303
Inverse-square law 301 303 304 306
Isotropic coordinates 20 21 23 46 150—151
Iteration 313
Jacobi fields 310
Jacobi tensor 162
Jacobian 298 299
Junction condition formalism see “Thinshell formalism”
Jupiter 174
Kaluza — Klein theory 86 95 96 372
Kerr geometry 75—80 99 100 130 219—220
Kerr — Newman geometry 79
Kerr — Newman geometry, as elementary particle 49
Kerr — Schild coordinates 77
Killing almost-vector 244
Killing vector 18 25 76 133 136 182 243 244 246
Kim — Thome cutoff 341—344
Klinkhammer, on ANEC violation 197—199
Knots 188 192
Kruskal diagram 21 48 357
Kruskal — Szekeres coordinates 20
Kruskal — Szekeres geometry 47
Kugelblitz 53
Lagrangian mechanics 70 296
Lagrangian, classical 32 70
Lagrangian, classical, free massless scalar 32
Lagrangian, effective 348 352 354 355
Lagrangian, Einstein — Hilbert 12
Lagrangian, gravitational 12
Lagrangian, loop-based matter 190
Lagrangian, matter 12 100 353
Lagrangian, minimally-coupled scalar 120
Lamb shift 82
Laplace — Young equation 164
Lapse function see “ADM split”
Lattice cutoff 83
Lattice gravity 372
Lattice particle physics 287
Lattice spacing 83 84 124
Laurent polynomial 319
Lienard — Wiechert potential 14
Lightlike (null) 10
Lightspeed 257
Line splitting 251
Local realism 257
Locally-static spacetime 239—247 335
Locally-static spacetime, definition 243 244
Long way around 228 240
Lorentz cobordant 65
Lorentz gauge 13 14 272
Lorentz invariance 32
Lorentzian signature 69 89 214 215
Lorentzian signature, definition 9 64
Lorentzian wormhole 3—5 89—92 99—110 285—290 369—372
luminosity 303 306
Manifold, Lorentzian see “Spacetime”
Manifold, Riemannian 10 70 89 90 295 296 307 308
Many-worlds interpretation 257 258 260—261
Mass without mass 55
Mass, ADM 119
Mass, Bondi 119
Mass, effective 108—110
Mass, net 174 185
Maximal analytic extension 24 25 148
Maximal analytic extension, Kerr 75 77 78 220
Maximal analytic extension, Kruskal — Szekeres 20—22 47 59 60 357
Maxwell action 352
Maxwell equations 14
Measure, functional 35 36
Messages, hand-carried 205
Messages, radio 205
Metaphysics 256 259 262
Metric, almost-everywhere Lorentzian 67—68 71 73 90
Metric, Euclidean signature 65 69 89 302
Metric, Lorentzian 9 15 63—66 92 207 373
Metric, pseudo-Riemannian 9
Metric, Riemannian 70
Metric, smooth across the seam 241
Minisuperspace 347—348 369
Minisuperspace wormhole 347—366
Minkowski space, compactified 219
Minkowski space, surgery 165—175
Misner geometry 267 281
Mode sum 269
Moebius strip 219 289—290
Molecular Dynamics 82
Monomolecular chain 169
Moon 11 372
Morette, on van Vleck determinants 296
Morris — Thome wormhole 99—110 see traversable”
Morris — Thome — Yurtsever time machine 210
Moving mirrors 130
Multiple timelines 254 255 260—261 373
Multiverse 4 5 89 93 358
N'th polarized hypersurface 211 212
N'th polarized hypersurface, definition 211
Naked singularity 47 49 77—79 185 219 220
| Naked singularity, definition 20
Nambu — Goto action 170 180 190 191
Nambu — Goto string 172 190—191 193
Natural units 39
NEC 115 130—131 309 see
NEC, definition 115
NEC, violations 101 123 131 347
Negative energy 100—101 167 174 185 186
Negative mass 192
Negative mass Schwarzschild geometry 47
Newman — Penrose formalism 154
Newton's constant 11 39 40
Newton's gravity 12 14 59 61 174 259
Newton's mechanics 103 259
non-Hausdorff 64 250—255 257 258 261
non-Hausdorff, wavefront 253
Nongeometrical disruption 143—144
Nonsymmetric gravity 152
Normal coordinate 182 349
Novikov consistency conjecture see “Consistency conjecture”
Novikov, on locally-static spacetimes 239—240
Null (lightlike) 10
Null curve 117 129 133
Null energy condition see “NEC”
Null geodesic segments 209
Null vector, canonical 298
One-form 243 244
One-loop approximation 295
Optical distance 303
Optical metric 303 304
Orientable see “Space-time-orientable”
Orthonormal frame 22 23 26 28 115 136 138 140 141 160 311
Orthonormal tetrad 140
Orthonormal triad 140
Osterwalder — Schrader positivity 69
Outer horizon 23 76 see
Page approximation 128—129 282
Palatini formalism 373
Pandora 6 203 262
Paracompact 9 64—66
Paradox 203 204 212—214 234 249—275
Paradox, bootstrap 204 213—214 250 261
Paradox, consistency 204 212—213 250 253 256 261
Paradox, grandfather 212
Paradox, logical 203 204
Paradox, pseudo 204
Paradox, temporal 263
Paradox, time travel 212—214 374
Paradox, true 204
Paradox, twin 204 231
Parallel transport 283—285 297 337
Parity reversal invariance 289 290
Particle horizon 17 see
Particle, as field singularity 45
Particle, atom 124 144 169
Particle, conformally-coupled 269
Particle, electron 40 48—50 71 270 359 371
Particle, elementary 37 49 61 80 83 84 335 359 371
Particle, elementary, geodesic motion? 80
Particle, elementary, geometrical model 45
Particle, elementary, gravitational field 49 79
Particle, elementary, internal structure 49
Particle, graviton 59 372
Particle, graviton, virtual 59 61
Particle, Higgs 31 49 59 121
Particle, hydrogen 71
Particle, lepton 49
Particle, neutrino 79—80
Particle, phonon 83—84
Particle, photon 58 59 83—84 129 267—268
Particle, photon, virtual 59
Particle, pion 121
Particle, positron 270 371
Particle, proton 371
Particle, quark 40 49 121
Path integrals 35—38 see “Feynman
Path-ordering 311
Pauli, on van Vleck determinants 296
Pauli, on zero point energy 84
Penrose diagram 22 24 25 48
Penrose singularity theorem 118 119
Penrose, on wave function collapse 262
Perfect fluid 217 309 314
Perpetual motion 245—247
Phase space 70 92
Physical singularity 20 46
Physics is geometry 55
Physics, boring 274—275
Physics, conservative 73 263 375
Physics, diseased 24 59 78 79 86 93 99 100 144 209 217 218 333
Physics, known 100 249 288 369
Physics, plausible 5 78 370
Physics, speculative 6 45 93 250 369 375
Picture, Heisenberg 31 35 68
Picture, Schroedinger 31 35 68 296
Pinned geodesic 333
Planck length 49 55 56 58 59 62 81 91 100 273 274 327 344 348 358 359 364 365
Planck length, definition 39
Planck mass 59 60 67 80 344 364
Planck mass, definition 39
Planck scale 39—40 263 265 274 294 369—373
Planck scale, accelerator 371
Planck scale, as transition from classical to quantum 61
Planck scale, cutoff 125 344
Planck scale, importance of 60—61
Planck scale, indirect probes 371 372
Planck scale, new physics 83
Planck slop 265 271 340—345
Planck time 85
Planck time, definition 39
Planck units 42
Planck volume 93 345
Planck's quantum of action 39
Planets 28 29
Pocket universe 145
Point doubling 250
Point splitting 283—285 345
Polarized hypersurface 210—212 234 335
Polarized hypersurface, definition 210
Poles 303 319
Politzer time machine 210
Politzer, on time travel 261
Polyakov string 190 191 193
Positive mass theorem 113 119 185 316
Potential barrier 71 268 271
Power counting see “Dimensional analysis”
Poynting vector 11 309
PPC formalism 259 260 262
PPN formalism 259
Predictability 17 209 254
Pressure 11 84 180 217 314
Pressure balance 159 160 163 164 179
Pressure, principal 115—118 160 222 308
Pressure, radial 108
Pressure, transverse 27 108
Pressure, universe 85
Pressure, vacuum 130
Pressure, zero point 83 84
Principal radii (curvature) 160—161 163 167 174 324 327
Principle, anthropic 93
Principle, cosmological 288 289
Principle, Fermat 303
Principle, Heisenberg uncertainty 60 72 127 328
Principle, self-consistency see also “Consistency conjecture” “Consistency
Principle, strong equivalence 67 73
Principle, weak equivalence 67 80
Probe, finite resolution 72 73 365
Projection tensor 138 158 160 162
Propagator 282 334
Propagator, Feynman 35—37 260
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