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» Физика » Гравитационное взаимодействие »

Содержимое каталога
1. Topical meeting om gravitation and field theory1971
2. Bergmann P.G. De Sabbata V. Gillies G.T. Spin in Gravity: Is It Possible to Give an Experimental Basis to Torsion?1997
3. Blagojevic M. Gravitation and gauge symmetries2002
4. Brout R. Massar S. Parentani R. A primer for black hole quantum physics1995
5. Carroll S.M. Lecture notes on general relativity1997
6. Ciufolini I. (ed.) Gorini V. (ed.) Moschella U. (ed.) Gravitational waves2001
7. Cotsakis S. (ed.) Gibbons G.W. (ed.) Mathematical and quantum aspects of relativity and cosmology2000
8. De Felice F. Clarke C.J.S. Relativity on curved manifolds1990
9. DeWitt B.S. (ed.) DeWitt C. (ed.) Relativity, groups and topology1963
10. DeWitt B.S. (ed.) Stora R. (ed.) Relativity, groups and topology II1984
11. DeWitt C.M. (ed.) Wheeler J.A. (ed.) Battelle rencontres: 1967 lectures in mathematics and physics1968
12. Einstein A. Grundzuege der relativitaetstheorie1990
13. Einstein A. Relativity: the special and general theory (reprint of 1924 year edition)1999
14. Esposito F.P. (ed.) Witten L. (ed.) Asymptotic structure of space-time1977
15. Esposito G. Complex general relativity2002
16. Frolov V.P. Novikov I.D. Black Hole Physics: Basic Concepts and New Developments1997
17. Hawking S. Hawking on the Big Bang and Black Holes1993
18. Hawking S. Ellis G.F. The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time1973
19. Hawking S.W. Penrose R. Nature of Space and Time1994
20. Hawking S.W. Israel W. Three hundred years of gravitation1987
21. Hehl F.W. McCrea J.D. Mielke E.W. Metric-affine gauge theory of gravity1995
22. Held A. (ed.) General relativity and gravitation. 100 years after the birth of Albert Einstein (volume 1)1980
23. Held A. (ed.) General relativity and gravitation. 100 years after the birth of Albert Einstein (volume 2)1980
24. Hooft G. Introduction to general relativity1998
25. Hughston L.P. Tod K.P. Bruce J.W. An Introduction to General Relativity1990
26. Ivanenko D. Sardanashvily G. The gauge treatment of gravity1983
27. Janis A.I. (ed.) Porter J.R. (ed.) Recent advances in general relativity1992
28. Kilmister C.W. General theory of relativity1973
29. Levy M. Deser S. Resent developments in gravitation1978
30. Lichnerowicz A. Sur les equations relativistes de la gravitation1952
31. Ludvigsen M. General relativity. A geometric approach1999
32. Macdonald A. Elementary general relativity2004
33. Misner C.W. Thorne K.S. Wheeler J.A. Gravitation1971
34. National Research Council (Corporate Author) Gravitational Physics. Exploring the Structure of Space and Time2003
35. Norbury J.W. General relativity and cosmology for undergraduates1997
36. Papapetrou A. Lectures on general relativity1974
37. Poisson E. A relativists toolkit2004
38. Poisson E. An advanced course in general relativity (2nd edition)2002
39. Regge Introduction to relativityn/a
40. Sachs R.K. Wu H. General relativity for mathematicians1977
41. Schmidt B.G. (ed.) General relativity. J. Ehlers honorary volume2000
42. Schumacher B. Physics in spacetime2000
43. Schutz B.F. A first course in general relativity1985
44. Stephani H. Relativity: an introduction to special and general relativity (3rd edition)2004
45. Sternberg S. Semi-Riemann geometry and general relativity2003
46. Stewart J. Advanced general relativity1991
47. Straumann N. General relativity and relativistic astrophysics1984
48. Tolman R.C. The theory of the relativity of motion1917
49. Townsend P.K. Black Holes1997
50. Ungar A.A. Beyond the Einstein Addition Law and its Gyroscopic Thomas Precession. The Theory of Gyrogroups and Gyrovector Spaces2002
51. Visser M. Lorentzian wormholes. From Einstein to Hawking1996
52. Wald R.M. General Relativity1984
53. Waner S. Introduction to Differential Geometry & General Relativity (third edition)2002
54. Weyl H. Raum, Zeit, Materie1970
55. Weyl H. Space, Time, Matter1922
56. Williams R.M. Flat and Curved Space-Times2001
57. Бергман П.Г. Введение в теорию относительности1947
58. Бим Дж. Эрлих П. Глобальная лоренцева геометрия1985
59. Бонди Г. Гипотезы и мифы в физической теории1972
60. Борн М. Эйнштейновская теория относительности1962
61. Вебер Дж. Общая теория относительности и гравитационные волны1962
62. Вейнберг С. Гравитация и космология. Принципы и приложения общей теории относительности1975
63. Вергелес С.Н. Лекции по теории гравитации2001
64. Владимиров Ю.С. Системы отсчета в теории гравитации1982
65. Гальцов Д.В. Частицы и поля в окрестности черных дыр1986
66. Дикке Р. Гравитация и вселенная1972
67. Дирак П.А.М. Лекции по теоретической физике2001
68. Дирак П.А.М. Общая теория относительности1978
69. Иваненко Д. (ред.) Гравитация и топология. Актуальные проблемы1966
70. Иваненко Д.Д. Пронин П.И. Сарданашвили Г.А. Калибровочная теория гравитации1985

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