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Held A. (ed.) — General relativity and gravitation. 100 years after the birth of Albert Einstein (volume 2)
Held A. (ed.) — General relativity and gravitation. 100 years after the birth of Albert Einstein (volume 2)

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Название: General relativity and gravitation. 100 years after the birth of Albert Einstein (volume 2)

Автор: Held A. (ed.)

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Гравитационное взаимодействие/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1980

Количество страниц: 540

Добавлена в каталог: 12.09.2005

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Предметный указатель
$D^{+}(S)$, future domain of dependence of a surface S      119
$E^{+}(S)$, future horismos of a set      5 122
$H^{+}(S)$, future Cauchy horizon of a surface S      120
$I^{+}(p)$, chronological future of a point p      117
$i^{-}$, $i^{+}$ (conformal timelike infinity)      40 118
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity)      40 75 77—80 84 118
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity) and coulomb aspects of a field      42
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), asymptotic metric at      50
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), first order structure at      41
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), Higgs field at      68
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), mass aspect at      59
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), maxwell field as example      42
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), momentum at      47
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), multiple moments and      68
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), ripples      see "Ripple"
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), second order structure at      41 64
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), symmetry of      see "Spi"
$i^{0}$ ($I^{0}$ in Chapter 3) (spacelike infinity), Yang — Mills field at      68
$J^{+}(p)$, domain of influence, or causal future, of a point p      117
$\alpha$ planes      287—288 312
$\bar{\partial}$      8
$\beta$ planes      287 288 312
$\mathscr{HH}$      see "Hyperheavenly spaces"
$\mathscr{H}$-space      22—23 217 225 234 284 250—254 325
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, Kerr — Schild      257
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, N heavens      254 257
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, Plane NV heavens      255 277
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, pp waves      257
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, [II or D] $\bigotimes$ [II or D]      276
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, [III] $\bigotimes$ [any]      277
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, [III] $\bigotimes$ [N]      275
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, [N] $\bigotimes$ [-]      254 317
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, [N] $\bigotimes$ [any]      273
$\mathscr{H}$-space metrics, [N] $\bigotimes$ [N]      275 276
$\mathscr{H}$-space, angular momentum in      234
$\mathscr{H}$-space, associated to a stationary space-time      234
$\mathscr{H}$-space, curvature of      23
$\mathscr{H}$-space, magnetic dipole in      234
$\mathscr{H}$-space, metric on      22
$\mathscr{H}$-space, symmetries of      254—262
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri)      4 74—77 117 231
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri) and the Komar integral      75—77
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), angular momentum at      68
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), characteristic inital value problem on      14
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), conformal freedom on      49
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), conservation law on      15
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), cuts (cross sections)      6 15
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), cuts (cross sections), and the Schwarzschild-to-Kerr transformation      211—220
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), cuts (cross sections), complex      233
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), cuts (cross sections), good      20 21 22 233
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), cuts (cross sections), toroidal      13
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), division into $\mathscr{J}^{+}$ and $\mathcal{J}^{-}$      5 49 75
$\mathscr{J}^{+}$ (Scri), Killing equation on      17 18
Abraham — Minkowski controversy      491 502—503
Acceleration vector      113
Achronal boundary      see "Boundary"
ADM (Arnowitt — Deser — Misner) a la Geroch      62
ADM (Arnowitt — Deser — Misner) momentum      58—59 61 64 65 67 78
AEFANSI (asymptotoically empty and flat at null and spatial infinity)      48 50
Algebraically special field      227 305
Algebraically special space-times      20
Algebraically special space-times with twisting degenerate PND      32—34
Almost complex manifold      222
Almost complex structure      223
Almost quasi-Hermitian structure tensor      223
Ambrose — Singer Theorem      267
Angular momentum and radiation      80—84 382
Angular momentum and Robinson — Trautman slices      84
Angular momentum at $\mathscr{J}^{+}$      68
Angular momentum in $\mathscr{H}$ space      234
Angular momentum in asymptotically flat space-times      15
Angular momentum in axisymmetric space-times      86
Angular momentum in Kerr metric      74
Angular momentum in Sommers approach      64
Angular momentum, Bondi      76
Angular momentum, dipole      61
Angular momentum, heavenly      83
Angular momentum, twistor      218 227
Antenna      see "Gravitational antenna"
Anti-de Sitter space      151
Anti-de Sitter space and cosmic censorship      187
Anti-de Sitter space, instability of      152
Anti-de Sitter space, instability of Cauchy horizons in      171—172
Anti-de Sitter space, Penrose diagram of      173
Anti-de Sitter space, related to de Sitter space      268
Apparent horizon      146
Asymptotic predictability      145
Asymptotically flat data sets      62 63
Asymptotically flat space-time and twistors      323
Asymptotically flat space-time at spatial infinity      47
Asymptotically flat space-time, angular momentum in      15
Asymptotically flat space-time, momentum vector in      15 55
Asymptotically flat space-time, stationary, containing event horizon      143
Asymptotically simple space-time      4 50
Axisymmetric space-time      85
Axisymmetric space-time, Komar integral in      86
Axisymmetric space-time, most general metric      379
B, boundary of $J^{+}(S)$      121
b-boundary      see "Boundary"
b-boundary (bundle)      140—141 152—154
b-boundary (bundle), failure of      153
Back-action-evading techniques      407 408
Baer's law      71
Baryon, conservation of      365
Baryon, entropy per      341
Bianchi cosmologies      130 349 353 see
Bianchi cosmologies and Cauchy stability      174—175
Bianchi cosmologies and particle horizon      142
Bianchi identities      10 246 248 299
Bianchi identities as evolution equations      14
Bianchi identities, written in spin coefficient formalism      26—27
big bang      see "Universe"
Binary pulsars      483
Birkhoff's theorem      371
Black hole      99 101 106 122 145 182 185—188
Black hole as "seeds" for galaxy formation      355
Black hole, dynamics      145 146
Black hole, explosion      176
Black hole, final state of      378
Black hole, formation of gravitational collapse      360—365
Black hole, intergalactic      348
Black hole, Kerr type      146 379—380
Black hole, merging of      146
Black hole, number in galaxy      362
Black hole, particle creation by      144
Black hole, radiation from colliding      92
BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) group      17—20 50 75 81
BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) group and the Spi group      53 60 65 68
BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) group, generators of      75 76 82
BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) group, normal subgroups of      19
BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) group, Penrose approach      16—20
BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) group, Poincare group as subgroup      19 60 77 81
BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) group, supertranslations in      19 22 82 232
BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) group, translation subgroup      20
Boltzmann equation for plasma      511
Bondi angular momentum      78
Bondi coordinates      75
Bondi energy      17 76
Bondi frame      232 233
Bondi mass      15 76
Bondi mass, loss      15
Bondi momentum      67 68
Bondi news      67 68 117
Bondi slicing      81 82
Bondi — Metzner — Sachs group      see "BMS"
Boost weight      398
Born-type rigid motion      498
Bose — Einstein distribution      351 463 464 515
Boundary, achronal      121 123 143 146
Boyer's condition      88 93
Brans — Dicke theory      487 488
Brownian motion in an antenna      404
Buchdahl constraints      318 320
Bundle of linear frames      244 247
Bundle of orthonormal frames      247—248
Bundle of orthonormal frames, covariant exterior derivative on      248
Bundle of orthonormal frames, curvature 2-form on      247
Bundle, principle fiber      247
C- (causal) boundary      see "Boundary"
c-boundary (causal)      140 141 152 154 155 164
c-boundary of the future of a space-time point      117
Cahen, Debever, and Defrise bivector formalism      212
Cartan structure equation, first      245
Cartan structure equation, first, in null tetrad      250
Cartan structure equation, second      246
Cauchy development of a surface      135
Cauchy horizon      122 135 138 151 162 167
Cauchy horizon and de Sitter space      171—172
Cauchy horizon and Kerr — Newman metric      188
Cauchy horizon and Reissner — Nordstroem space      152
Cauchy horizon, stability of      167—176
Cauchy problem for the Boltzmann — Einstein system      511
Cauchy surface      38 119 120 131 145 149 167
Cauchy surface and Kerr solution      120
Cauchy surface and Robertson — Walker model      134
Cauchy surface, boosted      56
Cauchy surface, instability of, in anti-de Sitter space      171—172
Cauchy surface, partial      151
Causality and microwave background      148
Causality, horizon      123
Causality, relations      116
Causality, stable      119
Causality, strong      119
Causality, violations      123
Cech cohomology groups      224
Chandrasekhar limit      106 361
Characteristic initial value problem on $\mathscr{J}^{+}$      14
Characteristic value of gravitational wave amplitude      397
Chemical potential, relativistic      see "Thermal potential"
Chern classes      224
Clock, effect of gravitational field on      472—474
Coboundary      306—308
Cochain      306—308
Cohomology group      224 306 307
Collapse in stellar evolution      106
Collapse in stellar evolution and radiation of angular momentum      382
Collapse in stellar evolution and radiation of energy      382 385—388
Collapse in stellar evolution and Schwarzchild radius      106
Collapse in stellar evolution of rotating configurations      379—385
Collapse in stellar evolution, adiabatic      370
Collapse in stellar evolution, conserved quantities in      378
Collapse in stellar evolution, dust approximation      377
Collapse in stellar evolution, equilibrium final states      361
Collapse in stellar evolution, non-spherical      376—379
Collapse in stellar evolution, spherical      365—376
Collapse, pursuit and plunge      380
Complex analytic functions      see "Holomorphic functions"
Complex extension      see "Complexification"
Complex manifold      221 222 310
Complex Minkowski space      234 285
Complex Minkowski space, related to projective twistors      286
Complex Minkowski space, related to twistor space      285
Complex Minkowski space, world-line in      220
Complex Poincare transformation      210
Complex space-time      310 312
Complex space-time, Lorentz slice of      312
Complex stereographic coordinates      6
Complex substitution      208
Complex Weyl structure      314
Complexification      222
Cone space      21
Conformal curvature tensor      see "Weyl tensor"
Conformal freedom on $\mathscr{J}^{+}$      49
Conformal geometry, strong      19 326
Conformal Killing equation on $\mathscr{J}^{+}$      17 18
Conformal noninvariance of the gravitational wave equation      428
Conformal structure on a right-flat space-time      313
Conformal vector      41 58 258
Conjugate points      116
Connected-element interferometry      475—476
Conservation law in thermodynamics      512—513
Conservation law of baryons      365
Conservation law of Komar      73
Conservation law on $\mathscr{J}^{+}$      15
Conserved quantities      59—61 see "Momentum" "Energy"
Conserved quantities and gauge fields      45
Conserved quantities and magnetic charge      45
Conserved quantities in collapse      378
Conserved quantities, ADM 4-momentum      58
Conserved quantities, electric charge      45
Coriolis force      71
Cosmic background radiation      131 136 137 138 148 331
Cosmic background radiation and causality      148
Cosmic background radiation and the energy condition      148
Cosmic background radiation and the existence of particle horizons      142
Cosmic background radiation, anisotropy of      347 349 350
Cosmic background radiation, interaction with gravitational waves      427
Cosmic background radiation, red shift of      342
Cosmic censorship      143 145 162 377
Cosmic censorship and anti-de Sitter space      187
Cosmic censorship, strong      167—176 182 187
Cosmic censorship, weak      176—189
Cosmic censorship, weak, and the positive energy conjecture      187
Cosmic time      367
Cosmic time function      119
Cosmological constant      104 108 330 331
Cosmologies      see also "Bianchi cosmology" "Metrics space-times and
Cosmologies, Newtonian      332
Cosmologies, Spatially homogeneous and isotropic      332—342
Courant stability criterion      368
CR (Cauchy — Riemann) structure      310
Creation light cone      122
Crushing singularity      166
Curie principle      506
Curvature      see also "Weyl tensor"
Curvature growth      164—167
Curvature of $\mathscr{H}$ space      23
Curvature, 2-forms      246
Curvature, 2-forms, decomposed      246
Curvature, 2-forms, on bundle of orthonormal frames      248
Curvature, spinor decomposed      246 311
Curvature, tensor decomposed      10
Curvature, tensor decomposed, quantum limitation on measurement      462
Data set, asymptotically flat      62 63
De Sitter space      102 330
de Sitter space, closure density      347
de Sitter space, redshift in      339
de Sitter space, relation to anti-de Sitter      208
de Sitter space, singularity in      101
Debye theory of dielectric relaxation      506
Deceleration parameter      336
Determinant, vanishing of metric      99 100
Deuterium abundance      337
Differentiability of space-times      155—156
Differential structure      47
Dipole angular momentum      61
Dirac large number hypothesis      483—484
Direction pattern of gravitational wave antenna      446—447
Distribution function      511—512
Distribution function of a collisionless gas      422—423
Distribution function, first and second moments of      520
Distribution function, Synge's, and entropy      513—515
Distributional differential geometry      157
Divergence, complex, in spin coefficient formalism      11 see
Dragging of inertial frames      91 376 379 485—487
Eddington — Robertson parameters      470
Edth ($\bar{\partial}$)      8
Einstein pseudotensor      73
Einstein — Maxwell equations in spin coefficient formalism      24—27
Einstein — Maxwell equations, linearized      417
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