Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Kasner 141 142
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Kerr — Newman 151 152
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Kerr — NUT 216
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Kerr — Schild 158 216 218
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Kerr — Schild, double 219
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Lewis 89
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Rosen — Bondi 209
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Tilted homogeneous 120 172
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Tolman — Bondi 178
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Tomimatsu — Sato 80 86 89 179
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Type-D 21 87 209 216 217 229 235 249 274
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Type-D, electrified 219
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Vaidya 367
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Wahlquist 87
Metrics, space-times, and cosmologies, Weyl 158 159
Microwave background radiation see "Cosmic background radiation"
Milnor's second variation formula 135
Minkowski space, complex 218 221 222
Minkowski space, Penrose completion of 40
Minkowski space, Penrose completion of, diagram for 118
Moessbauer effect 472
Momentum for asymptotically flat space-time 15 55
Momentum, ADM 58 61 64 65 67
Momentum, Bondi 67 68
Momentum, radiated through 15
Naked singularity 145 177—181 187 377
Navier — Stokes equation 495
Neutron star 361 362
Newman — Penrose conserved quantities 16 80 379
Newman — Penrose formalism see "Spin coefficient formalism"
Newman — Unti energy 76
Newman — Unti null tetrad 7
Newman — Unti null tetrad, coordinate freedom in 8
News function 67 68 117
Newton's bucket 71
Newtonian cosmology see "Cosmology"
Nijenhuis tensor 222
Nonequilibrium phenomena and kinetic theory 511
Nonlinear graviton 23 234 242 311—320
Normal modes of the earth-moon system 461—462
Nucleosynthesis in the early universe 351—353
Null convergence condition 115 132
Null field 305
Null geodesics, optical parameters for 11 114 250 264
Null separation 313
Null string 244 249 250 251 256 265 see
Null string, foliation, geometry of 264—267
Null tetrad 7 212 243 245
Null tetrad, associated tensor with "Hermitian" property 219
Null tetrad, corresponding spinor dyad 213
Null tetrad, freedom in 7
Oblateness of the sun 482
Observer time 367
Olber's paradox 99
Optical invariants of Sachs see "Optical scalars"
Optical scalars 11 114 250 264
Orthogonal transitivity 85
Papapetrou equation of motion 93
Papapetrou theorem 85
Paraelectromagnetic dipole gas as example in thermodynamics 517—519
Partial ordering of space-time events 117
Particle creation by black holes see "Hawking effect"
Particle horizon see "Horizon"
Particle motion and change of energy 399—402
Particle motion in a locally inertial frame 395—399
Particle motion in a plane electromagnetic wave 396
Partition function 509
Partition function, evaluation of 510
Peeling theorem 5 13 50 117
Penrose conformal diagram 126
Penrose conformal diagram, anti-de Sitter space-time 173
Penrose conformal diagram, Minkowski space-time 118
Penrose conformal diagram, Reissner — Nordstroem space-time 174
Penrose conformal diagram, Schwarzschild space-time 127
Penrose energy extraction process 91 see
Petrov — Penrose classification 20 249
Pfaffian form 260 261
Phase velocity of gravitational waves 424 427 499
Phase-space distribution function 513
Phonons 408 409
Piezoelectric crystal as gravitational wave antenna 444
PIF (proper irreducible future set) 155
PIP (proper irreducible past set) 154
Planck spectrum 341 351
Planck — Ott controversy 491 508
Plane pencil 288
Plasma and relativistic Boltzmann equation 511
Plasma, induced heating of 399
Plasma, Landau damping of electromagnetic waves in 424
PND (principle null direction) 20 210 228 249 305
Poincare group and BMS group 19 60 77 81 82
Poincare group and Spi group 53 60 65 68
Poincare group, complex transformations of 210
Poincare group, complexified 287
Polarization of a medium 495—508
Polarization of electromagnetic waves 396
Polarization of gravitational waves 398 417
Ponderomotive equation 501 502
Positive energy conjecture and weak cosmic censorship 188
PPN (parametrized post-Newtonian) formalism 488
PPN (parametrized post-Newtonian) formalism and light deflection 474—477
PPN (parametrized post-Newtonian) formalism and precession of perihelia 480 482
PPN (parametrized post-Newtonian) formalism and principle of equivalence 470
PPN (parametrized post-Newtonian) formalism and time-delay experiment 480
Precession of perihelia 481—483
Price's theorem 376
Principle of equivalence 469—472
Prolongation 251 260
Pseudogroup 251 262
Pseudostationarity 85
Quantum nondemolition measurements 402 407
Quantum theory of mechanical oscillator 406—409
Quasars 130 331
Quasars and red shift 342
Quasars, distribution of 347—348
Quasi-Hermitian structure 219
Quasi-Hermitian tensor 235
Quasi-Kaehlerian scalar 235
Quasi-stationary process 500
Quaternions 211
Radiation 42 see
Radiation and angular momentum 80—84
Radiation and Bondi coordinate system 4
Radiation from colliding black holes 92
Radiation of energy in collapse 382
Radiation, dominated universe 341
Radiation, Goldberg — Kerr gauge invariant method 84
Radiation, gravitational 326—327 385—388
Radiation, measure of mass carried off by 15
Radiation, outgoing condition 114
Radio galaxies 331
Radio sources, distribution of 347—348
Raychaudhuri's equation 112 113 132 138
Raychaudhuri's equation, null version 115 131
Recombination era 341
Red shift 102 103 330
Red shift and microwave radiation 342 343
Red shift and quasars 342
Red shift in de Sitter universe 339
Red shift of galaxies 347
Red shift, experimental test 472
Refractive index 425 426
Reissner — Nordstroem 128 130 151 378
Reissner — Nordstroem and 151
Reissner — Nordstroem and stability of Cauchy horizon 168—175
Reissner — Nordstroem and stationary limit surface 143
Reissner — Nordstroem in tetrad form 215
Reissner — Nordstroem, maximally extended, Penrose diagram of 174
Reissner — Nordstroem, transformed to Kerr — Newman 215
Relative invariant of a vector field 262
| Reversible forces, generalized 504
Ricci form 227
Ricci identity 9 10
Ricci rotation coefficients 9 212
Ricci rotation coefficients, Bianchi identity in 10
Ricci rotation coefficients, Ricci identity in 10
Ricci scalars in spin coefficient formalism 10
Ricci tensor for an Hermitian — Kaehlerian manifold 227
Ricci tensor in spinor form 247
Riemann tensor see "Curvature"
Riemannian metric, Hermitian form 224
Right (conformally) flat space 312 314 315
Right (conformally) flat space, conformal structure on 318
Ripple 51 53 54 60 61 62
Ripple, dependence of Weyl tensor potentials on 57
Robertson — Walker model 127 138 172 335 348 427
Robertson — Walker model and b-boundary 153 154
Robertson — Walker model and Cauchy surface 134
Robertson — Walker model and curvature singularities 139
Robertson — Walker model and particle horizon 142
Robertson — Walker model and trapped surfaces 133
Robertson — Walker model, singularity in 105
Robinson congruence 211 230 305
Robinson congruenceand twistors 291
Robinson — Trautman metrics 21 83
Robinson — Trautman metrics, "action" conservation law 84
Robinson — Trautman metrics, analogy to Maxwell fields 220
Robinson — Trautman slices 84
Robinson — Trautman — Maxwell metrics in spin coefficient formalism 31—32
Robinson's theorem 210 227—228 285
Sach's equations 309
Scalar wave equation see also "Massless free-field equation"
Scalar wave equation and complex Poincare transformation 210
Scalar wave equation Synge's method for generating massless solutions 209
Schmidt boundary criteria 154
Schroedinger equation 406
Schwarzschild circumference coordinate 366
Schwarzschild horizon 132 364 369
Schwarzschild metric 21 80 101 130 209 214 218 359 378
Schwarzschild metric and (curvature) singularity 100 101 108 139 181
Schwarzschild metric and asymptotic predictability 145
Schwarzschild metric and timelike circular orbits 107
Schwarzschild metric and trapped surface 182—183
Schwarzschild metric in tetrad form 214
Schwarzschild metric to Kerr metric, transformation 211—220
Schwarzschild metric, Penrose diagram for 127
Schwarzschild metric, phase velocity of gravitational waves in 427
Schwarzschild radius 106 371
Schwarzschild singularity 100 101 108 139 181
Scri see " "
Second sound 494
Self-dual field 247 298—299
Self-dual part of Weyl tensor 311
Self-gravitating fluid, Newtonian equation for 333
Semiconformal factor 270
Sheaf theory 221 223 306
Shear 11 264 309 333 498
Shear and PNDs 210
Shear and Robinson congruence 291
Shear at 19
Shear, asymptotic, 77
Shear, tensor for timelike congruences 291
Shear, transformation under supertranslations 20
Shear-free geodesic null congruence 21 217 227 228
Signal retardation by gravitational field 477—481
Singularity and collapse 377
Singularity and deviation from spherical symmetry 131
Singularity and increasing entropy 142
Singularity and inhomogeneity 105
Singularity and trapped surface 132
Singularity in Friedmann model 104
Singularity in Robertson — Walker model 105 139
Singularity in spatially homogeneous models 133
Singularity, cigar 141
Singularity, coordinate 100 101
Singularity, crushing 166
Singularity, definition of 139—141
Singularity, existence and nature of 129—147
Singularity, initial 103 109 163
Singularity, intermediate 160
Singularity, line 377
Singularity, naked 145 177—181 187 377
Singularity, non-S.P. 160 163—164 172
Singularity, P.P. (parallelly propagated) 159
Singularity, pancake 141
Singularity, primordial see "Initial singularity"
Singularity, quasi-regular 158 162 163
Singularity, S.P. (scalar polynomial) 159 161
Singularity, Schwarzschild 100 101 108 139 181
Singularity, shell crossing 178 180
Singularity, strong curvature 157 160 181
Singularity, types of 155—162
Smooth 39
Sommers approach to spatial infinity see "Spatial infinity"
Space-time 39 see space-times and
Space-time, asymptotically simple 4 50
Space-time, complex 310 312
Space-time, extendability of 154 155—156
Space-time, static 85
Space-time, stationary 39 58
Space-time, stationary and axisymmetric 85—89
Space-time, stationary, associated space 234
Spacecraft and testing general relativity 478—481
Spacecraft, dragfree 483
Spatial infinity, asymptotic structure of the gravitational field at 37—68
Spatial infinity, asymptotically flat at 47
Spatial infinity, the Sommers approach to 63—65 79
Spatially homogeneous models, singularities in 133 see "Cosmologies" "Metrics space-times and
Spi (Spatial infinity) group 51 54 68 78
Spi (Spatial infinity) group and connection with 67
Spi (Spatial infinity) group and Sommers approach 64
Spi (Spatial infinity) group and the BMS group 53 60 65 68
Spi (Spatial infinity) group and the Lorentz group 53 59
Spi (Spatial infinity) group and the Poincare group 53 60 65 68
Spi (Spatial infinity) group, supertranslations 52 53 57 60 62 64 67 78
Spi (Spatial infinity) group, symmetries 51
Spi (Spatial infinity) group, symmetries, infinitesimal 52
Spi (Spatial infinity) group, translations 58
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.) 9—13 125 212
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), asymptotic solutions and 13—16
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), Bianchi identities in 26—27
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), defined 10
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), differential operators of 10 24
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), differential operators of, commutators of 24
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), Einstein — Maxwell equations in 24—27
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), Einstein — Maxwell equations in, for asymptotically flat fields 29—31
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), Einstein — Yang — Mills equations in 27—28
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), field equations 24
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), geometric significance of 11
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), metric equations of 24
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), reduced equations of 11
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), Ricci scalars in 10
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), Robinson — Trautman — Maxwell metrics in 31—32
Spin coefficient formalism (S.C.), Weyl scalars of 10
Spin weight 8 398
Spin-orbit coupling of Mercury 483
Spinor 211 245
Spinor and space 243
Spinor for point in Minkowski space 285
Spinor, conformal Killing equation in 258
Spinor, connection 1-forms 245
Spinor, connection 1-forms, potential for 252
Spinor, decomposition of curvature tensor 246 311
Spinor, dyad 212
Spinor, dyad, corresponding tetrad 213
Spinor, equation for massless field 298
Spinor, Hermitian 285
Spinor, Killing 259 261
Spinor, representation of twistor 294
Spinor, Ricci tensor as 247