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Wald R.M. — General Relativity
Wald R.M. — General Relativity

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Íàçâàíèå: General Relativity

Àâòîð: Wald R.M.


Wald's book is clearly the first textbook on general relativity with a totally modern point of view; and it succeeds very well where others are only partially successful. The book includes full discussions of many problems of current interest which are not treated in any extant book, and all these matters are considered with perception and understanding

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ãðàâèòàöèîííîå âçàèìîäåéñòâèå/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1984

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 491

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 05.10.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
"Pull back" of map      437—438
Acceleration radiation      414—416 418
Acceleration, absolute      69 158
Acceleration, relative      47
Accumulation point      426
Achronal set      192
Action principle      451
Action principle, Hilbert      453
Action principle, Palatini      454
Adjoint, of operator      391
ADM mass      293 469
ADM mass, positivity of      294—295
Affine parameter      41
Age of universe      115
Algebraic classification of spacetimes      179—180 373—374
Angular momentum, of particle      139
Angular momentum, of spacetime      296—297 469
Annihilation operator      393
Antilinear map      347
Antisymmetrization of tensors      26
Apparent horizon      311
Area theorem      312
Area theorem, energy extraction limits      326—327
Area theorem, thermodynamic analog      330 336—337 416—418
Asymptotic flatness      269—297
Asymptotic flatness at null infinity      282
Asymptotic flatness at spatial and null infinity      276
Asymptotic flatness at spatial infinity      281 282 295
Asymptotic predictability      299
Asymptotic simplicity      282
Asymptotic symmetry group      283—285
Axisymmetric      162
Back reaction, quantum effects      409—414
Baryon, nonconservation in black hole evaporation      413—414
Baryon, production in early universe      109—110
Bases of Hilbert space      391
Bases of tensors      21
Bases, bundle of      361—362
Bases, coordinate      16 47—49
Bases, dual      19
Bases, orthonormal      23 49—53
Bel — Robinson tensor      90
Bending of light      143—146
Betti number      429n
Bianchi classification      174
Bianchi identity      39—40
Bianchi identity, relation to diffeomorphism invariance      456
Bianchi identity, role in initial value formulation      259—260
big bang      99 109
Binary pulsar      88
Binding energy of last stable circular orbit around black hole      142 321
Binding energy of spherical star      126
Birkhoff's theorem      125
Black holes      155—157 298—339 399—418
Black holes, area theorem      312 417
Black holes, cosmic censor conjecture      302—305
Black holes, definition of      300 308
Black holes, detection of      306—308
Black holes, energy extraction from      324—330 338
Black holes, evaporation of      412—414
Black holes, event horizon      300 312
Black holes, formation of      305—307
Black holes, general properties of      308—312
Black holes, initial data for      265
Black holes, Kerr family      312—324
Black holes, particle creation near      399—416
Black holes, Schwarzschild black hole      155—157
Black holes, surface gravity      330—334
Black holes, thermodynamics of      330—337 416—418
Black holes, uniqueness theorems      322—324
Bogoliubov transformation      396
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem      426
Bondi mass      291—292
Bondi mass, positivity of      294—295
Bondi — Metzner — Sachs group      283—285
Boundary      424
Boundary of future of set      192 194—195 233
Boundary of manifold      431
Boundary, causal      213
Boundary, singular      213—214
Canonical quantization      384—385
Casimir operator      357n
Cauchy horizon      203 204
Cauchy horizon, instability of in Reissner — Nordstrom      304 318
Cauchy surface      201
Cauchy — Kowalewski theorem      246
Causal boundary      213—214
Causal curves      190 192—193
Causal curves, topology on set of      206 208
Causal future      190
Causality conditions      195—199
Causality conditions, violation of near Kerr ring singularity      315
Caustics      220
Charged Kerr black holes      312—324
Chart      12
Christoffel symbol      34 36 48
Chronological future      190
Circular orbits of Kerr      320—321
Circular orbits of Schwarzschild      140—142
Closed set      424
Closed Universe      95
Closed universe, evidence for or against      113—116
Closure of set      424
Commutation relations in tetral approach      51
Commutator      18 31 440
Compact set      424—426
Complex conjugate space      347
Components of tensors      21
Conformal (Weyl) tensor      40
Conformal (Weyl) tensor, behavior under conformal transformations      447
Conformal (Weyl) tensor, principal null directions of      179 187 223n 374
Conformal invariance      447—449
Conformal Killing vector      443—444
Conformal transformations      445—449
Congruence      216—217
Conjugate points      223—233
Connected set      424
Connection      34—35
Connection 1-forms      50
Conservation of energy      63 69—70 70n 292—294
Constant curvature spaces      94—95
Constraint equations in electromagnetism      253 254 268 462 466
Constraint equations in general relativity      259 265 266 465 467—468
Continuous function      424
Continuous timelike or causal curve      192—193
Contraction      20
Contravariant vector      21
Convergence      426 see
Convergence of sequence of curves      193
Convex normal neighborhood      191
Coordinate basis      16 47—49
Coordinate systems      12
Coordinate systems, Gaussian normal (synchronous)      42
Coordinate systems, harmonic      260
Coordinate systems, Riemannian normal      42
Cosmic censor conjecture      302—305
Cosmic microwave radiation      111—112
Cosmological constant      99
Cosmological redshift      101—104 116
Cotangent vectors      21
Countability properties      426
Covariant derivative      30—31
Covariant derivative, metric compatible      35—36
Covariant quantization      383—384
Covariant vector      21
Creation of particles      395—397 399—406
Creation operator      394
Cross section      364
Curvature      36—41
Curvature, conformal transformation behavior      446—447
Curvature, Einstein tensor      40—41
Curvature, extrinsic      230 256 464
Curvature, methods for calculating      47—53
Curvature, Ricci tensor      40
Curvature, Riemann tensor      37
Curvature, scalar curvature      40
Curvature, spinor analysis of      370—374
Curvature, Weyl tensor      40
Curve      17
Curve, null      44
Curve, spacelike      44
Curve, timelike      44
Cygnus X-1      307
de Sitter spacetime      116
Deceleration parameter      113
Decoupling of matter and radiation      111 112
Degeneracy pressure, electron      132
Degeneracy pressure, neutron      134
Degrees of freedom of gravitational field      265—266
Degrees of freedom of particle systems      245
Density matrix      402
Density matrix, production of during black hole evaporation      414
Derivative operator (covariant derivative)      30—31
Derivative operator (covariant derivative) on spinors      369
Derivative operator (covariant derivative), metric compatible      35—36
Deuterium synthesis      111 115—116
Deviation vector      46
Diffeormorphism      14 438—439
Diffeormorphism, one-parameter group of      18
Differential form      26 428—429
Dirac equation      359 375 377
Direction-dependent limit      277
Domain of dependence      200—201
Dominant energy condition      219
Dragging of inertial frames      89 187 319
Dual of a differential form      88
Dual vector      19
Duality rotation      89
Eddington — Finkelstein coordinates      153n
EDGE      200
Einstein static universe      116 273
Einstein tensor      40—41
Einstein's equation      72—73
Einstein's equation, Hamiltonian formulation of      463—465 467—469
Einstein's equation, initial value formulation of      255—267
Einstein's equation, Lagrangian formulation of      453—456 457—459
Einstein's equation, linearized      185—186
Einstein's equation, reduced      261
Einstein's equation, semiclassical      410—411
electromagnetic field      64 70 see
Embedded submanifold      431
Endpoint of curve      193
Energy      84 285—295 468—469
Energy conditions, dominant      219
Energy conditions, strong      219
Energy conditions, weak      219 219n
Energy of gravitational radiation      84—88 292
Energy of particle      61 69 139
Energy, ADM      293 469
Energy, Bondi      291—292
Energy, conservation of      63 69—70 70n 292—294
Energy, extraction from black holes      324—330 338
Energy, positivity of      294—295
Energy-momentum 4-vector      61 69
Energy-momentum 4-vector, ADM      293
Entropy of black hole      418
Equations of motion      73—74 78
Equations of structure      52
Equivalence principle      8 66—67
Ergosphere      319 323 324—325
Euclidean section      386 407—409
Evaporation of black holes      412—414
Event      4
Event horizon      300 311—312
Event horizon, angular velocity of      320 331
Event horizon, surface gravity of      330—334
Expansion of null geodesics      222
Expansion of timelike geodesics      217
Expansion of universe      98—100
Exponential map      42
Extendibility of curves      193
Extensions of spacetimes      215
Extensions of spacetimes, Kerr      315—318
Extensions of spacetimes, Schwarzschild      148—157
Extrinsic curvature      175—176 230 256 464
Factor group      368n
Feynman propagator      398—399 407—409
Fiber bundle, associated      363
Fiber bundle, bundle of bases      361—362
Fiber bundle, cross sections of      364
Fiber bundle, principal      361
Fiber bundle, spinor bundle      365—366
Fiber bundle, tangent bundle      364
Four-velocity      61 68
frequency      65—66
Friedmann Universe      101
Frobenius's theorem      434—436
Functional derivative      451
Fundamental group      345
Future directed, curve      190
Future directed, vector      189
Future, causal      190
Future, chronological      190
Gauge freedom      260 438 467n
Gauge freedom for perturbations      75 80 185—186 441
Gauss — Codacci relations      258
Gauss's law      89 433—434
Gaussian normal coordinates      42
General covariance      57—58 60
Generalized second law      417—418
Generation of solutions      180—182
Generic condition, null      232
Generic condition, timelike      227
Geodesic derivation equation      46—47
Geodesic hypothesis      67 73—74
Geodesics      41—47
Geodesics of Kerr spacetime      320—321
Geodesics of Schwarzschild spacetime      136—148
Geodesics, conjugate points      223—233
Geodesics, extremal properties of      44—45 227—229
Geodesics, incompleteness      215
Geodesics, null congruences      221—223
Geodesics, timelike congruences      217—221
Geometrical optics approximation      71 404—405
Geometrized units      470—471
Global inertial coordinates      6
Global time function      198 209
Globally hyperbolic spacetime      201
Goldberg — Sachs theorem      223n
Gravitational collapse      134—135 155—157 305—306
Gravitational radiation      78—88
Gravitational radiation, detection methods      81—82 88
Gravitational radiation, energy carried by      83—88 292
Gravitational radiation, limit for black hole collision      327
Gravitational radiation, production in linearized gravity      82—83
Gravitational redshift      136—138
Graviton      411
Group      168
Group, representation of      344
Hamiltonian formulation of field theories      459—469
Hamiltonian formulation of field theories, electromagnetic field      461—463 466—467
Hamiltonian formulation of field theories, general relativity      463—465 467—469
Hamiltonian formulation of field theories, Klein — Gordon field      461
Harmonic coordinates      260
Harmonic function      53
Hartle — Hawking vacuum      409
Hausdorff space      424
Hawking radiation (particle creation by black holes)      399—416
Heine — Borel theorem      425
Helium synthesis in early universe      111
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