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Wald R.M. — General Relativity |
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Helium synthesis in stars 135
Hilbert action 453—454 457—459
Hilbert space 390
Homeomorphism 424
Homogeneity of universe 92 106—107 112
Homogeneous cosmologies 168—179
Homomorphism 344
Homotopic 344
Horizon, apparent 311
Horizon, Cauchy 203 204
Horizon, event 300 311—312
Horizon, particle 104—107
Hubble's constant 98 114
Hubble's Law 98 104 114
Hydrostatic equilibrium equation 127
Hyperbolic equation 250
Hyperbolic system 251
Hyperboloid geometry 95
Hypersurface 431
Hypersurface orthogonality 436 443
Immersed submanifold 431
Incompressible fluid stars 128—129
Index notation 23—26
Inertial observers (special relativity) 6
Inflationary universe 107 109
Initial data set 256 264 266
Initial value constraints in electromagnetism 253 254
Initial value constraints in general relativity 259 265 266
Initial value formulation 243—268
Initial value formulation of Einstein's equation 255—267
Initial value formulation of Klein — Gordon field 245—252
Initial value formulation of Maxwell field 252—254 267—268
Inner horizon 316—318
Integral curve 18
Integration on manifolds 429—434
Interior of set 424
Irreducible mass 326—327
Isometry 438
Isometry, conformal 443
Isotropic radial coordinate 157
Isotropy of universe 92—93 106—107 112
Jacobi field 223
Jacobi identity 27 169—170
Kasner solutions 176—179
Kerr black holes 312—324
Kerr black holes, particle creation near 406—407
Killing tensor 444
Killing tensor of Kerr solution 321
Killing vector field 441—443
Killing vector field, conformal 443—444
Klein paradox 330
Klein — Gordon field 63 70
Klein — Gordon field, behavior under conformal transformations 447—448
Klein — Gordon field, Hamiltonian formulation 461
Klein — Gordon field, initial value formulation 245—252
Klein — Gordon field, Lagrangian formulation 451—452
Klein — Gordon field, quantum theory of 392—399
Komar mass 289
Kruskal extension 148—157
Lagrangian formulations 450—459
Lagrangian formulations, electromagnetic field 452
Lagrangian formulations, general relativity 453—456 457—459
Lagrangian formulations, Klein — Gordon field 451—452
Landau — Lifshitz pseudotensor 85 292
Lapse function 255 463
Left action 360
Left invariant 169
Left translation 169
Length of curve 43—44
Lense — Thirring effect 89
Lie algebra 170
Lie derivative 439—441
Lie group 168—169
Light bending 143—146
Light cone 189
Limit curve 194
Limit of sequence 426
Linearization stability 184 186—187
Linearized Einstein equation 185—186
Linearized gravity 74—88
LMC X-3 307
Locally nonrotating observers 187 319
Lorentz force law 69
Lorentz transformation 6 350—352
Lorentzian metric 23
M87 307
Mach's principle 9 71 89 187 319
Manifold 12
Manifold with boundary 431
Marginally trapped surface 310
Mass 285—295 see
Mass density of universe 114—115
Mass limits on spherical stars 129—135
Mass of Schwarzschild solution 124 140
Mass of spherical star 126 296
Mass, ADM 293
Mass, Bondi 291—292
Mass, formula for black holes 334—336
Mass, Komar 289
Mass, positivity of 294—295
Matter dominated era 112
Maximal Cauchy development 264
Maximum length curves 233—237
Maxwell's equations 70 89 376
Maxwell's equations, conformal invariance of 448
Maxwell's equations, Hamiltonian formulation of 461—463 466—467
Maxwell's equations, initial value formulation of 252—254 267—268
Maxwell's equations, Lagrangian formulation of 452
Metric 22
Metric of spacetime 59
Microwave background 111—112
Minimal substitution 68 70 71
Moebius strip 363
Moment of time symmetry 265
Momentum, ADM formula 293
Momentum, conjugate momentum of fields 459—460 461 464 466 467 see
Multipole moments 270
Naked singularity 301 302—305 315
Neutrinos 110
Neutrinos, cosmological limits on mass 112
Neutrinos, cosmological limits on number of species 113
Neutrinos, neutrino equation 359
Neutron star 134
Newman — Penrose approach 52 372—373
Newtonian limit 76—78 127
Noether's theorem 457
Normal neighborhood 42 191
Normal subgroup 368n
Null cone 189n
Null curve 44
Null flag 352 354—355
Null hypersurface 42 65 65n
Null infinity 273 276 282
Null tetrad 52 373
Open set 423
Open Universe 95
Open universe, evidence for or against 113—116
Orbit 18 360—361
Ordinary derivative 32
Orientation of a manifold 429
Orientation of space 60 60n
Orientation of time 60 189
Orthonormal basis (tetrad) 23 49—53
Outer product 21
Outer trapped surface 310
Palatini action 454—455
Paracompact space 426—421
Parallel transport 34
Parallelizability 364
Parameterized field theory 467—468
| Particle horizons 104—107
Particles in quantum theory, creation of 395—397 399—406
Particles in quantum theory, definition of 392 397—399 414—416
Partition of unity 427
Path integral quantization 385—387
Pauli spin matrices 351
Peeling property 285
Penrose process 324—326 327
Perfect fluid 62 69
Perihelion precession 142—143
Perturbations 183—187
Planck length 378
Planck units 470—471
Poincare group 283—285 343—346 353—354
Poincare group, representations of 357—359
Poincare lemma 429
Poisson bracket 467n
Positive action theorem 387n
Positive frequency 392 397—399 401—403 415
Precession of elliptical orbits 142—143
Primordial black hole 306 307—308 413
Principal null directions 179 187 223n 374
Principal null directions of Kerr metric 313
Principal spinor 374
Proper time 44
Pseudotensor 292
Pulsars 135 305
Pulsars, binary pulsar 88
Quadrupole radiation approximation 82—83 86—88
Quantum effects 378—420
Quantum effects, accelerating particle detectors 414—416
Quantum effects, back-reaction 409—414
Quantum effects, particle creation by black holes 399—416
Quantum effects, quantum fields in curved spacetime 389—399
Quantum effects, quantum gravity 380—389
Quasilinear equations 251
Radial coordinate, isotropic 157
Radial coordinate, Schwarzschild 120
Radial coordinate, tortoise 152
Radiation dominated era 107—112
Radiation gauge 80—81
Raychaudhuri equation 218
Recombination 111 112
Redshift factor 104 138
Redshift, cosmological 101—104 116
Redshift, gravitational 136—138
Reduced Einstein equation 261
Regge — Wheeler coordinate 152
Reissner — Nordstrom solution 158 313 317—318 338
Renormalizability 381 383—384 388 410
Representation 344
Representation, irreducibility 357
Ricci rotation coefficients 50
Ricci tensor 40
Ricci tensor, behavior under conformal transformations 446
Riemann tensor 37 39—40
Riemann tensor, behavior under conformal transformations 446
Riemann tensor, methods for calculating 47—53
Riemann tensor, spinor decomposition 370—371
Riemannian metric 23
Riemannian normal coordinates 42
Riesz lemma 390—391
Right translation 170
Rindler spacetime 149—152
Rindler spacetime, quantization in 414—416
Robertson — Walker model 95—96
S-matrix 395—396
Scalar curvature 40
Scalar curvature, behavior under conformal transformations 446
Schwarzschild interior solution 128—129
Schwarzschild radial coordinate 120
Schwarzschild radius 124—125
Schwarzschild solution 118—158
Schwarzschild solution, derivation 119—125
Schwarzschild solution, Euclidean 407—409
Schwarzschild solution, geodesics of 136—148
Schwarzschild solution, Kruskal extension 148—157
Schwarzschild solution, particle creation near 399—416
Shear of geodesics, null 222
Shear of geodesics, timelike 217
Shift vector 255 463
Signature of metric 23
Simple tensor 21 21n
Simply connected 344
Simultaneity 4—6
Singular boundaries 213—214
Singularities 211—242
Singularities in gravitational collapse 239—241 301—305
Singularities in Kerr solutions 314—315
Singularities in Schwarzschild solution 152—157
Singularities in universe 99 237—238 240—241
Singularities, big bang 99 109
Singularities, conical 214
Singularities, definition 212—216
Singularities, naked 301
Singularities, theorems on 237—241
SL(2,C) 348
SL(2,C), relation to Lorentz group 349—352
Slice 200
Smoothness of maps between manifolds 14
Smoothness of tensor fields 22
Smoothness of vector fields 17
Sobolev Norm 249
Spacelike curve 44
Spacetime interval (special relativity) 7
Spacetime metric 59
Spatial infinity 273 276 281
Special covariance 58—59 60 342—343
Spherical symmetry 120
Spi group 285
Spin 357
Spin coefficients 52 372
Spin, equations for spin-s fields 358—359 374—375
Spin, linearized gravity as a spin-2 field 75—76 377
Spin-spin force 338
Spinor space 347
Spinors 340—377
Spinors, bundle of 365—366
Spinors, curvature expressed in terms of 370—374
Spinors, derivative of 356 369
Spinors, Dirac spinor 359 367n
Spinors, relation to vectors 353—354 367
Stable causality 198
Static spacetimes 119—120
Stationary spacetimes 119
Stationary, axisymmetric solutions 162—168 182
Stokes's theorem 432 433—434
Stress tensor 19
Stress-energy-momentum tensor (stress tensor) 61—62 69 455—456
Stress-energy-momentum tensor (stress tensor) of Klein — Gordon field 70
Stress-energy-momentum tensor (stress tensor) of Maxwell field 70
Stress-energy-momentum tensor (stress tensor) of perfect fluid 69
Stress-energy-momentum tensor (stress tensor) of quantum fields 409—412 420
Stress-energy-momentum tensor (stress tensor), canonical 457
Stress-energy-momentum tensor (stress tensor), energy conditions on 219
Strong asymptotic predictability 299
Strong causality 196
Strong energy condition 219
Structure constant tensor 169
Supergravity 388
Supernova 135 305
Superradiant scattering 327—330 399—400
Superspace 467
Supertranslations 284
Surface gravity 330—334
Symmetrization of tensors 26
Synchronous (Gaussian normal) coordinates 42
Tangent bundle 364
Tangent vector 15
Tangent vector, classification into timelike, spacelike, and null 44
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