Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Wald R.M. — General Relativity |
Предметный указатель |
Tangent vector, field 17
Tensor 20
Tensor density 453
Tensor, field 22
Tensor, transformation law 22
Tetrad 49
Teukolsky equations 322
Thermal emission by black holes 406
Thermalization in early universe 108—109
Thermodynamic laws for black holes 330—337 416—418
Tidal friction 323n
Time delay effect 146—148
Time orientable 189
Timelike curve 44 190 192—193
Timelike infinity 273
Tolman — Oppenheimer — Volkoff equation 127
Topological spaces 423—427
Torsion tensor 31n 53
Tortoise coordinate 152
Transverse traceless gauge 186
Trapped region 310—311
Trapped surface 239 240 309—310
Trapped surface, marginally trapped 310
Trapped surface, outer trapped 310 311
Twist of null geodesic congruence 222
Twist of timelike geodesic congruence 217
Twist of vector field 163 181
Twistor 387—388
| Tychonoff theorem 425—426
Uniform density stars 128—129
Universal covering group 345
Universal covering manifold 345
Universal enveloping algebra 357n
Universe, age of 115
Universe, dynamics of 96—101
Universe, evolution of 107—116
Universe, mass density of 114—115
Vacuum state 393 409 414—416
Vector 15
Vector potential 64 70—71
Vector transformation law 17
Vector, dual vector 19
Vector, vector field 17
Virial theorem 296
Volume element 432—434
Weak asymptotic simplicity 282
Weak energy condition 219 219n
Weyl solutions 167—168
Weyl spinor 371 373—374
Weyl tensor 40
Weyl tensor, behavior under conformal transformations 447
Weyl tensor, principal null directions of 179 187 223n 374
White dwarf 132—133
White hole 155 300n
X-ray sources, binary 307
Zorn's lemma 263
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