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Straumann N. — General relativity and relativistic astrophysics |
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Absolute derivative see “Covariant derivative”
Absolute exterior differential 65
Acceleration see also “Fermi-transport; Geodesic deviation” 113 118 120
Accretion as source of x-rays from compact objects 201 378 382 388
Accretion in x-ray binary bursters 380
Accretion in x-ray binary pulsars 377—378
Accretion onto black holes and neutron stars 388ff
Accretion rate 378 388 391
Accretion rate critical 414
Accretion tori see also “Spherical accretion onto black holes; Disk accretion” 432
Action Einstein — Hilbert 148
Action principle of least see “Variational principle”
Adiabatic index 280 337—338
Adiabatic index, critical value for radial stability 337—338
Adiabatic index, during supernova formation 337
Affine connection 47
Affine connection, curvature of 54
Affine connection, induced 47
Affine connection, metric 57 63
Affine connection, torsion of 54
Alfven radius 377
Alternation operator 27
Angular momentum of black holes 363
Angular momentum of isolated systems 156—157
Antiderivation of differential forms 30
Asymptotic fields in post-Newtonian approximation 252
Asymptotic fields of isolated systems 229
Asymptotic fields of Kerr — Newman black holes 362—363
Asymptotically flat space-time 154
Asymptotically flat space-time angular momentum of 156f 230ff
Asymptotically flat space-time energy and momentum of 146 154ff 229ff
Atlas 4
Atlas differentiable 5
Atlas maximal 5
Atlas oriented 36
Autoparallel along curve 49
Background geometry 217
Basis of p-forms 28
Basis of tangent space 13
Basis of vector space of derivations 11
Basis oriented 39
Bernoulli equation 390 393 435
Bernoulli equation nonrelativistic 435
Bernoulli equation relativistic 390
Beta-equilibrium 294—295
Beta-equilibrium and Urea process 313
Beta-equilibrium for ideal mixture 295
Bianchi identities 56 60 64 66 73
Bianchi identities as constraint equations 161
Bianchi identities contracted, reduced 60—61 128 132 152
Bianchi identities, derivation and meaning of 138—139
Bianchi identities, linearized 214
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 240 258 261 264 266
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 advance of periastron 268
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 arrival time data 266
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 arrival time data analysis of 267
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 change of period 268
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 change of period and gravitational radiation 240 270
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 change of period and viscous dissipation 276
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 companion 271—276
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 companion, mass of 269
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 discovery 266
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 dispersion measure 267
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 distance 267
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 important parameters 268—269
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 mass 269
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 orbital period 266
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 orbital phase shift 270
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 pulse period 266
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 relativistic effects 268
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 self-consistency of post-Newtonian parameters 270
Binary pulsar PSR1913+16 spin precession 264 269
Binary x-ray pulsars see “X-ray binary pulsars”
Binary x-ray sources see “X-ray binaries”
Birkhoff theorem 169 198
Birkhoff theorem, generalized 211
Black holes angular momentum parameter 363
Black holes approach to stationary state 361 372
Black holes area of horizon 369
Black holes charge of 363
Black holes Cygnus X-l 372 382
Black holes effective potential for test particle 174 176
Black holes ergosphere 366
Black holes extraction of rotational energy 368
Black holes g-factor 364
Black holes horizon 197 200 367—368
Black holes identifying compact objects as 201 299 372 382 385
Black holes inevitability of collapse to black hole 82 189
Black holes Kerr 362
Black holes Kerr coordinates 367
Black holes Kerr — Newman 362
Black holes Kruskal coordinates 193 195 197
Black holes miniholes 369
Black holes naked singularity 365
Black holes nonrotating (“Bardeen”) observers 365
Black holes parameters for stationary solutions 362—363
Black holes Reissner — Nordstram 172 207
Black holes rigid rotation of horizon 366
Black holes rotating 361 363
Black holes Schwarzschild 169 195ff 200—201
Black holes singularity 197 200 367
Black holes special cases 362
Black holes spontaneous radiation of 369
Black holes trapped surface see also “Accretion on black holes; Gravitational collapse; Kerr — Newman metric; Schwarzschild; Reissner — Nordstram solution 371
Black holes “no hair” theorem 361 372
Bremsstrahlun absorption coefficient 408
Bremsstrahlun electron-electron 398
Bremsstrahlun electron-ion 397—398
Bremsstrahlun spectral emissivity 397
Bremsstrahlun total emissivity 398
Bremsstrahlung 397 408
Cartan calculus 27
Cauchy data 160 162—163
Cauchy development 160
Cauchy development local existence 161—162
Cauchy development stability of 371
Cauchy Lemma 433
Cauchy problem 160
Cauchy surface 160
Cauchy traction 433
Causal structure 171 192 195ff
Chain rule 10
Chandrasekhar limit 283 329 337 341 346
Chandrasekhar limit historical remarks 283
Characteristic surfaces of a differential equation 164
Characteristic surfaces of Einstein's field equations 163ff
Characteristic surfaces of Maxwell's vacuum equations 165
Characteristic surfaces of the generalized wave equation 163—164
Chart 4
Chart, domain of 4
Chart, positive 36
Christoffel symbols 48 61 90
Christoffel symbols, along a path 118
Christoffel symbols, transformation law for 48
Class 5
Class differentiable manifold 5
Class function on 5
Class function on manifold 6
Class mapping 6
Codazzi — Mainardi equation 162
Codifferential 40 42 46 72 94
Codifferential coordinate expression of 40 72
Commutator of derivations 16
Commutator of vector fields 16 24 71
Compact x-ray sources see “X-ray binaries”
Complete tensor algebra 24
Complete vector field 22
Components of affine connection 48
Components of differential forms 30
Components of tensor field 18
| Components of vector field 15
Components transformation law of 15 18
Comptonization 408
Conductivity electrical 349 380
Conductivity thermal 308
Conformal invariance of scalar wave equation 95
Conformal invariance of source-free Maxwell equations 95
Conformal metrics 94
Conformally flat manifold 87
Conformally flat theory 134
Congruence of timelike geodesics 124
Connection coefficients see also “Connection forms” 48
Connection forms 61 72 147 162 209
Connection forms of a spherically symmetric field 167 209
Connection forms transformation properties of 65 147
Conservation law, associated to a Killing Held 146 174
Conservation of angular momentum 156—157
Conservation of electromagnetic current 93
Conservation of energy and momentum 91 154ff
Cooling of neutron stars 305ff
Cooling of neutron stars, comparison with observations 320
Cooling of neutron stars, cooling curves 318—321
Cooling of neutron stars, early versus late phases 305—306
Cooling of neutron stars, effects of general relativity 319
Cooling of neutron stars, neutrino emissivities 313
Cooling of neutron stars, observations 306
Cooling of neutron stars, role of magnetic fields 319
Cooling of neutron stars, specific heat 312
Cooling of neutron stars, temperature distribution 308
Cooling time 318
Cooling time, role of pion condensate see also “Neutron stars; Neutrino emission from neutron stars” 319 321
Coordinate representation of codifferential 40 72
Coordinate representation of covariant derivative 54 72
Coordinate representation of differential form 29
Coordinate representation of exterior differential 33
Coordinate representation of function 12
Coordinate representation of Lie derivative 25 71
Coordinate representation of star operation 38
Coordinate representation of tangent mapping 13
Coordinate representation of tensor field 15
Coordinate representation of vector field 15
Coordinate transformation 5
Coordinate transformation, infinitesimal 216
coordinates 4
Coordinates, change of 5
Coordinates, Eddington — Finkelstein 198ff
Coordinates, for Schwarzschild solution see “Schwarzschild”
Coordinates, Gaussian 50
Coordinates, harmonic 161 228
Coordinates, local 12
Coordinates, normal 50 130
Coordinates, of a point 4
Coordinates, singularity 171 190
Coordinates, traceless transverse (TT) 224
Copernical frame 111 116
Copernical frame, rotation of a 116
Core collapse 281 330 338
Core collapse neutronization 342 345
Core collapse neutronization as trigger 337 341
Core collapse photodissociation as trigger see also “Supernova formation” 280 337—338
Core collapse, adiabatic nature 344 348
Core collapse, conditions at onset of 280 345
Core collapse, core bounce 342 347
Core collapse, dynamical time scale 344
Core collapse, dynamics of collapse 338
Core collapse, entropy generation during collapse 342 344 348
Core collapse, homologous core mass 341
Core collapse, homologous nature 338—341
Core collapse, inevitability of collapse 337
Core collapse, models of type II supernovae 330
Core collapse, neutrino trapping 342—344
Core collapse, persistence of heavy nuclei 344
Coriolis force 121
Cosmic censorship conjecture 201 371
Cosmological constant 133—134
Cotangent space 17
Covariance general 88
Covariance with respect to K(M) 88 151
Covariant derivative 49
Covariant derivative, along a curve 49
Covariant derivative, and exterior derivative 35
Covariant derivative, and parallel transport 50 52
Covariant derivative, as a derivation of the tensor algebra 52
Covariant derivative, local expression of 54 72
Covariant derivative, of tensor fields 51 53
Covariant derivative, of vector fields 49
Covariant tensor algebra 23
Covariant tensor field 20
Crab Nebula 281 354—355
Crab nebula, energy spectrum of electrons in 354
Crab nebula, magnetic fields in 354
Crab nebula, synchrotron lifetime of electrons 354—355
Crab nebula, synchrotron radiation from 354
Crab pulsar 281 306 353—355
Curvature forms 62 73
Curvature forms, dual 153
Curvature forms, of a spherically symmetric field 168 210
Curvature forms, transformation properties of 66 147
Curvature of affine connection 54
Curvature tensor 54
Curvature tensor symmetry properties of 58 60
Curvature tensor, components of 55
Curvature tensor, physical meaning of 123ff
Curve covariant derivative along 49
Curve differentiable 21
Curve geodesic 50
Curve integral 21
Curve maximal integral 21
Cyclotron line spectroscopy 348—349
Cygnus X-l 202 372 374 382 388
Cygnus X-l as a black hole candidate 202 382 385
Cygnus X-l distance 384
Cygnus X-l general properties 382—383
Cygnus X-l likely mass 385
Cygnus X-l lower limit to mass 383—385
Cygnus X-l luminosity 382
Cygnus X-l mass function 383
Cygnus X-l optical companion 382
Cygnus X-l orbital parameters 382—383
Cygnus X-l time variability 382
Cygnus X-l x-ray spectrum 382
d'Alembertian 95
Dark matter in galaxies 297
Dark matter in galaxies, neutrinos as 297
Debye function 311
Debye heat capacity 311
Debye temperature 311
Deflection of light rays see “Light rays”
Deformation tensor 432
Derivation induced 31
Derivation local 30
Derivation of algebra of smooth functions 16
Derivation of differential forms 30
Derivation of function with respect to vector-field 16
Derivation of germs of functions 10
Derivation restriction of 31
Diffeomorphism 5 6
Differentiable manifold see “Manifold”
Differentiable structure 6 8
Differentiable structure class 5
Differentiable structure, inequivalent 6
Differentiable structure, of product manifold 8
Differential forms 27 29
Differential forms antiderivation of 30
Differential forms, closed 33
Differential forms, components of 30
Differential forms, derivation of 30
Differential forms, exact 33
Differential forms, exterior derivative of 32 35 71
Differential forms, induced mapping of 30
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