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Поиск по указателям |
Weyl H. — Space, Time, Matter |
Предметный указатель |
(as a substance) 160
(in a generalised sense) 169 311
Aberration 160 186
Abscissa 9
Acceleration 115
Action (cf Hamilton's Function) 210
Action (cf Hamilton's Function), principle of 211
Action (cf Hamilton's Function), quantum of 284 285
Active past and future 175
Addition of tensors 43
Addition, of tensor-densities 110
Addition, of vectors 17
Adjustment and persistence 308
Affine geometry (infinitesimal) 112
Affine geometry (linear Euclidean) 16
Affine manifold 102
Affine relationship of a metrical space 125
Affine transformation 21
Allowable systems 177
Analysis situs 273 279
Angles, measurement of 13 29
Angles, right 13 29
Angular velocity 47
Associative law 17
Asymptotic straight line 77 78
Atom Bohr's 71 303
Axioms of affine geometry 17
Axioms of affine geometry (infinitesimal) 124
Axioms of metrical geometry (Euclidean) 27
Axis of rotation 13
Bilinear form 26
Biot and Savart's law 73
Bohr's model of the atom 71 303
Bolyai's geometry 79 80
Calibration 121
Calibration (geodetic) 127
Canonical cylindrical co-ordinates 266
Cartesian co-ordinate systems 29
Cathode rays 198
Causality, principle of 207
Cayley's measure-determination 82
Centrifugal forces 222 223
Charge (as a substance) 214
Charge (generally) 269 294
Christoffel's 3-indices symbols 132
clocks 7 307
Co-gredient transformations 41 42
Co-ordinate systems 9
Co-ordinate systems, Cartesian 29
Co-ordinate systems, normal 173 313
Co-ordinates, (generally) 9
Co-ordinates, (hexaspherical) 286
Co-ordinates, (in a linear manifold) 17 28
Co-ordinates, curvilinear (or Gaussian) 86
Co-variant tensors 55
Co-variant tensors, (generally) 103
Commutative law 17
Components, co-variant and contra-variant (generally) 103
Components, co-variant and contra-variant (in a linear manifold) 103
Components, co-variant and contra-variant of a displacement 35
Components, co-variant and contra-variant of a tensor 37
Components, co-variant and contra-variant of a vector 20
Components, co-variant of the affine relationship 142
Conduction 195
Conductivity 76
Configuration, linear point 20
Congruent 11 81
Congruent transference 140
Congruent transformations 11 28
Conservation, law of, of electricity 269 271
Conservation, law of, of energy and momentum 292
Continuity equation of, of electricity 161
Continuity of mass 188
Continuous relationship 103 104
Continuum 84 85
Contra-gredient transformation 34
Contra-variant tensors 35
Contra-variant tensors (generally) 103
Contraction-hypothesis of Lorentz and Fitzgerald 171
Contraction-hypothesis, process of 48
Convection currents 195
Coriolis forces 222
Coulomb's law 73
Curl 60
Current, conduction 160
Current, convection 195
Current, electric 131
Curvature direction 126
Curvature, (generally) 118
Curvature, distance 124
Curvature, Gaussian 95
Curvature, of light rays in a gravitational field 245
Curvature, scalar of 134
Curvature, vector 118
Curve 85
Definite positive 27
Density (based on the notion of substance) 163 291
Density (general conception) 197
Density (of electricity and matter) 167 214 311
Dielectric 70
dielectric constant 72
Differentiation of tensors and tensor-densities 58
dimensions 19
Dimensions (positive and negative of a quadratic form) 81
Direction curvature 120
Displacement current 102
Displacement current, dielectric 70
Displacement current, electrical 71
Displacement current, infinitesimal of a point 103
Displacement current, of a vector 110
Displacement current, of space 38
Displacement current, towards red due to presence of great masses 246
Distance (generally) 121
Distance (in Euclidean geometry) 20
Distortion tensor 60
Distributive law 17
Divergence (div) 60
Divergence (div) (more general) 163 188
Doppler's Principle 185
Earlier and later 7 175
Einstein's law of gravitation 236
Einstein's Law of Gravitation (in its modified form) 291
Electrical charge (as a flux of force) 294
Electrical charge (as a substance) 214
Electrical current 131
Electrical displacement 162
Electrical intensity of field 65 161
Electrical momentum 208
Electrical pressure 208
Electricity, positive and negative 212
electromagnetic field 64
Electromagnetic field (origin in the metrics of the world) 282
Electromagnetic field and electrostatic units 101
Electromagnetic potential 165
Electromotive force 76
Electron 213 200
Electrostatic potential 73
Energy (acts gravitationally) 232 237
Energy (in the magnetic field) 73
Energy (possesses inertia) 204
Energy (total energy of a system) 301
Energy density (in the electric field) 70 167
Energy-momentum tensor (cf. Energy-momentum) 168
Energy-momentum tensor (for the whole system, including gravitation) 269
Energy-momentum tensor (general) 199
Energy-momentum tensor (in physical events) 292
Energy-momentum tensor (in the electromagnetic field) 168
Energy-momentum tensor (in the general theory of relativity) 269
Energy-momentum tensor (kinetic and potential) 199
| Energy-momentum tensor (of an incompressible fluid) 205
Energy-momentum tensor (of the electromagnetic field) 291
Energy-momentum tensor (of the gravitational field) 269
Energy-momentum tensor theorem of (in the special theory of relativity) 168
Energy-steam or energy-flux 163
Eotvos experiment 225
Equality of time-lengths 7
Equality of vectors 118
Euclidean geometry §1 4
Euclidean group of rotations 138
Euclidean manifolds, Chapter I (from the point of view of infinitesimal geometry) 119
Euler's equations 51
Faraday's Law of Induction 161 191
Fermat's principle 244
Field ("guiding" or gravitational) 283
Field (electromagnetic) 194
Field (general conception) 68
Field (metrical) 100
Field action of electricity 216
Field energy 166
Field energy of gravitation 231
Field forces (contrasted with inertial forces) 282
Field intensity of electrical 65
Field intensity of magnetic 75
Field momentum 168
Finitude of space 278
Fluid incompressible 262
force 38
Force (field force and inertial force) 282
Force (ponderomotive, of electrical field) 68
Force (ponderomotive, of electromagnetic field) 208
Force (ponderomotive, of gravitational field) 222
Force (ponderomotive, of magnetic field) 73
Force electric 68
Form, bilinear 26
Form, linear 22
Form, quadratic 27
Four-current (4-current) 165
Four-force (4-force) 167
Fresnel's convection coefficient 186
Future active and passive 177
Galilei's Principle of Relativity and Newton's Law of Inertia 149
Gaussian curvature 95
General principle of relativity 227 236
Geodetic calibration 127
Geodetic co-ordinate system 112
Geodetic lime (general) 114
Geodetic lime (in Riemann's space) 128
Geodetic null-line 127
Geodetic systems of reference 127
Geometry, affine 16
Geometry, Euclidean §1 4
Geometry, infinitesimal 142
Geometry, metrical 27
Geometry, n-dimensional 19 25
Geometry, non-Euclidean (Bolyai — Lobatschefsky) 79 80
Geometry, on a surface 87
Geometry, Riemann's 84
Geometry, spherical 266
Gradient 59
Gradient (generalised) 106
Gravitation Einstein's Law of (general form) 236
Gravitation Einstein's Law of (modified form) 291
Gravitation Newton's law of 229
Gravitational constant 243
Gravitational energy 268
Gravitational field 240
Gravitational mass 225
Gravitational potential 243
Gravitational radius of a great mass 255
Gravitational waves §30 248
Groundform, (in general) 140
Groundform, metrical (of a linear manifold) 28
groups 9
Groups infinitesimal 144
Groups of rotations 138
Groups of translations 15
Hamilton's function 209
Hamilton's principle (according to Maxwell and Lorentz) 236
Hamilton's principle (according to Mie) 209
Hamilton's principle (in the general theory of relativity) 292
Hamilton's principle (in the special theory of relativity) 216
Height of displacement 158
Hexaspherical co-ordinates 286
Homogeneity of space 91
Homogeneity of the world 155
Homogeneous linear equations 24
Homologous points 11
Hydro-dynamics 205 263
Hydro-static pressure 205 263
Impulse (momentum) 44
Independent vectors 19
Induction, law of 161 191
Induction, magnetic 75
Inertia (as property of energy) 202
Inertia moment of 48
Inertia principle of (Galilei's and Newton's) 152
Inertial force 301
Inertial index 30
Inertial law of quadratic forms 30
Inertial mass 225
Inertial moment 48
Infinitesimal displacement 110
Infinitesimal geometry 142
Infinitesimal group 144
Infinitesimal operation of a group 142
Infinitesimal rotations 146
Integrable 108
Intensity of field 65 161
Intensity quantities 109
Joule (heat equivalent) 162
Klein's model 80
later 5
Light, electromagnetic theory,of 164
Light, ray 183
Light, ray (curved in gravitational field) 245
Line straight (generally) 18
Line straight (in Euclidean geometry) 12
Line straight geodetic 114
Line-element (generally) 103
Line-element (in Euclidean geometry) 56
Linear equation, point-configuration 20
Linear equation, tensor 57 104
Linear equation, tensor-density 105 109
Linear equation, vector manifold 19
Linear equation, vector transformation 21 22
Linearly independent 19
Lobatschefsky's geometry 79 80
Lorentz transformation 166
Lorentz — Einstein Theorem of Relativity 165
Lorentz — FitzGerald contraction 171
Magnetic induction 75
Magnetic intensity of field 75
Magnetic permeability 75
Magnetisation 75
Magnetism 74
Magnitudes 99
Manifold metrical 102 121
Manifold, affinely connected 112
Manifold, discrete 97
Mass (as a flux of force) 305
Mass (as energy) 204
Mass (producing a gravitational field) 303 306
Mass inertial and gravitational 225
Matrix 39
Matter 68 203 272
Matter, flux of 188
Maxwell's application of stationary case to Riemann's space 130
Maxwell's density of action 286
Maxwell's stresses 75
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