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Weyl H. — Space, Time, Matter |
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Предметный указатель |
Maxwell's theory (derived from the world's metrics) 285
Maxwell's theory (general case) 161
Maxwell's theory (in the light of the general theory of relativity) 222
Maxwell's theory (stationary case) 64
Measure, electrostatic and electromagnetic 161
Measure, relativity of 282
Measure, unit of 40
Measure-index of a distance 121
Measurement 176
Mechanics, fundamental law of (derived from field laws) 290 293
Mechanics, fundamental law of (in general theory of relativity) 222 226
Mechanics, fundamental law of (in special theory of relativity) 197
Mechanics, fundamental law of Newton's 44 66
Mechanics, of the principle of relativity §24
Metrical groundform 28 140
Metrics or metrical structure 156
Metrics or metrical structure (general) 121 207 282
Michelson — Morley experiment 170
Mie's theory 206
Minor space 157
Molecular currents 74
Moment electrical 208
Moment mechanical 44 200
Moment of momentum 48
Momentum 44 200
Momentum-density 168
Momentum-flux 168
Motion (in mathematical sense) 105
Motion (under no forces) 51 229
Multiplication of a tensor by a number 43
Multiplication of a tensor density by a number 109
Multiplication of a tensor density by a tensor 110
Multiplication of a vector by a number 1
Multiplication of tensors 44
Newton's law of gravitation 229
Non-degenerate bilinear and quadratic forms 17
Non-Euclidean geometry 77
Non-Euclidean plane (Beltrami's model) 93
Non-Euclidean plane (Klein's model) 80
Non-Euclidean plane (metrical ground-form of) 94
Non-homogeneous linear equations 24
Normal calibration of Riemann's space 124
Normal system of co-ordinates 173 313
now 143
Null-lines geodetic 127
Ohm's law 76
One-sided surfaces 274
Order of tensors 36
Orthogonal transformations 34
parallel 14 21
Parallel displacement (infinitesimal, of a co-variant vector) 115
Parallel displacement (infinitesimal, of a contra-variant vector 113
Parallel projection 157
Parallelepiped 20
Parallelogram 88
Parallels, postulate of 78
Partial integration (principle of) 110
Passive past and future 175
Past, active and passive 175
Perihelion, motion of Mercury's 247
Permeability magnetic 75
Perpendicularity 121
Perpendicularity (in general) 29
Persistence 308
Phase 219
Plane 18
Plane (Beltrami's model) 93
Plane (in Euclidean space) 13
Plane (Klein's model) 82
Plane (metrical groundform) 94
Plane (non-Euclidean) 80
Planetary motion 256
Polarisation 71
Ponderomotive force, of the electric, magnetic and electromagnetic field 67 73 194
Ponderomotive force, of the gravitational field 222 223
Positive definite 27
Potential electromagnetic 165
Potential electrostatic 164
Potential energy-momentum tensor of 199 200
Potential of the gravitational field 230
Potential retarded 164 165 250
Potential vector 74 163
Poynting's vector 163
Pressure, on all sides, electrical 208
Pressure, on all sides, hydrostatic 205 263
Problem of one body 254
Product, of a tensor and a number 43
Product, scalar 27
Product, vectorial 45
Projection 157
Propagation of electromagnetic disturbances 164
Propagation of gravitational disturbances 251
Propagation of light 164
Proper-time 178 180 197
Pythagoras' theorem 91 228
Quadratic forms 31
Quantities, intensity 109
Quantities, magnitude 109
Quantum theory 285 303
Radial symmetry 252
reality 213
Red, displacement towards the 246
Relationship, affine 112
| Relationship, continuous 103 104
Relationship, metrical 142
Relationship, of a manifold as a whole (condition of) 114
Relationship, of the world 273
Relativity of magnitude 283
Relativity of motion 152 282
Relativity principle of (Einstein's general) 227 236
Relativity principle of (Einstein's special) 169
Relativity principle of Galilei's 149
Relativity theorem of (Lorentz — Einstein) 165
Resolution of tensors into space and time of vectors 158 180
Rest 150
Retarded potential 164 165 250
Riemann's curvature 132
Riemann's geometry 84
Riemann's space 132
Right angle 29 121
Rotation (general) 155
Rotation (in geometrical sense) 13
Rotation (in kinematical sense) 47
Rotation (or curl) 60
Rotation relativity of 155
Rotations, group of 138 146
Scalar field 58
Scalar product 27
Similar representation or transformation 140
Simultaneity 174 183
Skew-symmetrical 39 55
Space (as form of phenomena) 1 96
Space (as projection of the world) 158 180
Space Euclidean §§1—4
Space metrical 33 37
Space n-dimensional 24
Space-element 56
Space-like vector 179
Special principle of relativity 169
Sphere charged 260
Spherical geometry 83 266
Spherical transformations 286
Static density 197
Static gravitational field §29 240
Static length 176
Static volume 183
Stationary field 114 240
Stationary orbits in the atom 303
Stationary vectors 114
Stokes' theorem 108
Stresses, elastic 58 60
Stresses, Maxwell's 75
Substance 214 273
Substance-action (= mass) 300
Substance-action of electricity and gravitation 215
Subtraction of vectors 17
Sum of tensor-densities 109
Sum of tensor-densities, tensors 43
Sum of tensor-densities, vectors 17
surface 85 274
Symmetry 26
Systems of reference 177
Systems of reference geodetic 127
Tensor (general) 50 103
Tensor (in linear space) 33
Tensor-density 109
Tensor-field 105
Tensor-field (general) 58
Time 246
Time-like vectors 179
Top, spinning 51
Torque of a force 46
Trace of a matrix 49 146
Tractrix 93
Transference, congruent 140
Transformation or representation, (in the kinematical sense) 115
Transformation or representation, affine 21
Transformation or representation, congruent 11 28
Transformation or representation, linear-vector 21 22
Transformation or representation, similar 140
Translation of a point (in the geometrical sense) 10
Turning-moment of a force 46
Twists 13
Two-sided surfaces 274
Unit vectors 104
Vector 16 24
Vector curvature 126
Vector potential 74 163
Vector product 45
Vector transference 117
Vector transformation, linear 21 22
Vector-density 109
Vector-manifold linear 19
Velocity 105
Velocity of propagation of gravitation 251
Velocity of propagation of light 164
Velocity of rotation 47
Volume-element 210
Weight of tensors and tensor-densities 127
Wilson's experiment 192
World ( = space-time) 189
World-canal 268
World-law 212 273 276
World-line 149
World-point 149
World-vectors 155
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