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Amelino-Camelia G., Kowalski-Glikman J. — Planck Scale Effects in Astrophysics and Cosmology (Lecture Notes in Physics) |
Предметный указатель |
-Minkowski space-time 70 146
-Poincare algebra 136 142 144 365 367
effect 294 296
particle 293
states 293
2+1 gravity 366
Acceleration of the Universe 268
Active galactic nuclei 277
ADM 34
Anomalous dimension 264
Antihydrogen 249 271 273
Antimeson 293
Antineutrino 274 279 304 305 307 310
Antiparticle 254 274 286 292 294 309 312
Antiproton 271
Asymmetries 287 290
Atmospheric 277 283 307
Atom interferometry 343
atomic 273 313
Avogadro number 260
B-mesons 284
Background independence 32
Background independent theory 365
Beam splitter 168
Black hole 245 250 265
Black hole computer 335
Black hole entropy 335 363
Black hole lifetime 334
Bose statistics 293
Brane 245 267
Closed Time Paths 262
Co-product 74 144 153
Co-product, addition rule 154
Coherent states 261
Collapse 260
Colliding brane cosmologies 263
Complete positivity 255 284 289 300
Computation bound 334
conformal 261 267
Conformal invariance 262
Cosmic matter-antimatter asymmetry 268
Cosmic Ray spectrum 5
Cosmic rays 92
Cosmological constant 133 264—268
Cosmological CPT Violation 265
Cosmology 268
CP violation 268 285—287 294 305
CPLEAR Experiment 248 287 290
CPT 250 252—255 280 292 293 302
CPT symmetry 70
CPT theorem 248 250 270
CPT violation 248 250 251 265 270 279 282 286 302 305 309 312 313
Crab Nebula 94
Critical backgrounds 263
D.A. Kirzhnits and V.A. Chechin 2
Dark energy 265 268
de Sitter algebra 147 366
de Sitter background 395
De Sitter space 264—266 268
de Sitter space of momenta 148
de Sitter spacetime 390 395
Decoherence 250 252 253 255—257 260 264 267 282 284 285 287 290 297 298 301 302 304 305 307 309 312 313
Decohering evolution 255 311
Density matrix 252 253 255 256 258 259 284 286 289 296
Diffeomorphisms invariance 33
Diffusion 257
Dirac 271 310
dispersion relation 184
Dispersion relations 247 249 269 273 275 278 301 312
Displacement noise 342
Double-beta decay 301
Doubly Special Relativity 74 75 131 136 142
Doubly-Special Relativity 247 313
DSR 365 367
DSR1 136 143 148
DSR2 143
Dynamical semigroup 258 285 299 303
Early Universe 268
Earth's Gravitational Potential 297
Eigenvalues 259 303 311
Eigenvectors 259 311
Einstein equivalence principle 180
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen 248 254
Energy conservation 256 259 264 268
Energy eigenstates 267 270
Energy variance 257 284
Energy-momentum relations 364
Energy-momentum uncertainties 337
Entangled 293 295
Entanglement 255
entropy 256 258
Environment 255 258 284 312
Equilibrium 261 265
Equivalence principle 247 270
Evolution 253 255 256 259 284
Flavour 275 277 278 284 299
Flavour symmetry 269
Fluctuating speed of light 339
Fluctuations 267
Foam 246 247 267 269 298 312
Foamy vacuum 251
Fokker — Planck 257
Gamma Ray Burst 247 269
Gamma ray bursts 341
Gamma-ray bursts 88
Gell-Mann 258
Generalized Dirac equation 180
Generalized Pauli equation 181
Generation 281 282 298 302 313
Gravitational-wave interferometers 342
Gravity gradient 171
GZK cutoff 5 102
GZK cutoff and Lorentz violation 103 123
GZK cutoff, possible absence of 103
Hartree — Fock effective theories 284
Hawking 252
Heisenberg double 145
Helicity decay 115
Hilbert space 255
Holographic principle 327
Horizons 250 265
Identical particles 254
Inflationary phase 265
Information loss 251—253
Interferometer 67
Inverse Compton scattering 117
Ito process 256 260
KAMLAND experiment 309
Kaons 249 284—286 297 298 300
Klein — Gordon equation 173
Kodama state 40 368 388
Kodama state, expansion around 396
Laser interferometry 192
Lepton number 298 301
Lindblad 255 256 258 260 284 302
Liouville 246 261 262 290
Localisation 260 264 265
Locality 250 252 279 280 313
Logarithmic conformal field theories 264
Loop gravity 246 249 276
Loop quantum gravity 363
Lorentz covariance 250
Lorentz invariance 181 246—250 252
Lorentz Invariant Decoherence 254 313
Lorentz transformation 247 250
Lorentz Violation 249 251 270 313
Lorentz violation constraints 113—125
Lorentz violation constraints, 124—125
Lorentz violation constraints, , QED 124
Lorentz violation constraints, , time of flight 125
| Lorentz violation constraints, , UHE cosmic rays 124
Lorentz violation constraints, , UHE neutrinos 125
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M) 114—123
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), Crab synchrotron 118—120
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), helicity decay 115 120
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), helicity dependence 115
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), photon absorption 122
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), photon decay 121
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), photon time of flight 116
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), vacuum birefringence 116
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), vacuum Cerenkov and inverse Compton electrons 117
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), vacuum Cerenkov effect 117
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), vacuum Cerenkov effect and synchrotron electrons 120
Lorentz violation constraints, QED at O(E/M), vacuum photon splitting 122
Lorentz violation constraints, renormalizable terms 114
Lorentz violation constraints, UHE protons at O(E/M) 123
Lorentz violation, "amplifiers" 113
Lorentz violation, dispersion relations 107 109
Lorentz violation, dispersion relations, helicity dependence 109
Lorentz violation, dispersion relations, positrons 109
Lorentz violation, effective field theory 106—110
Lorentz violation, effective field theory, higher dimension operators 108
Lorentz violation, effective field theory, naturalness 109—110
Lorentz violation, effective field theory, renormalizable operators 108
Lorentz violation, equivalence principle 106
Lorentz violation, history of research 104
Lorentz violation, lattice field theory 109
Lorentz violation, rotational invariance 106
Lorentz violation, rotational symmetry 109
Lorentz violation, supersymmetry 110
Lorentz violation, theoretical framework 105
Lorentz violation, thresholds, asymmetric pair creation 112
Lorentz violation, thresholds, general properties 110
Lorentz violation, thresholds, hard vs. soft Cerenkov 117
Lorentz violation, thresholds, kinematic configurations 111
Lorentz violation, thresholds, upper thresholds 112
LSND Experiment 274 277 279 282 292 302 304 307 309 313
Majorana 276 310
Maldacena conjecture 47
Markov 300
Measurement 260
Meson 249 254 257 282 284 292 313
Meson factories 249 254 284 292 296 313
Microscopic time reversal 253
MiniBooNE experiment 309 310
Minkowski spacetime 364
MINOS Experiment 309
Mixed state 252 253 256 289
Mixing 284 304 306 312
Mixing angle 281
Modified dispersion relations 338
Momentum conservation 267
Multiparticle states 292
Muon 307 309
Neutral mesons 269
Neutrino 257 267 269 284 292 299 312
Neutrino Cerenkov radiation 125
Neutrino magnetic moment 276
Neutrino oscillations 270 274 299
Neutrino telescopes 301
Neutron interferometery 170
Neutrons 282 284 297
Non commutative geometry 246 313
Non-conformal 246 261—263
Non-Critical String 261
Non-equilibrium 262
Non-factorisability 262
Non-renormalizable 275
On-shell 280
Open system 251 255 259
Optical cavity 192
Oscillation length 274 310 312
P-branes 50
Parity 250 297
Particle Production Thresholds 13
Pauli 250 258 299
Perturbation theory, troubles with 370
Phase coherence 339
Phenomenology of quantum gravity 248 269 270
Photon absorption 122
Photon decay 121
Planck constant 170
Planck mass 247
Planck scale 246 251 254 267 268 363
Plebanski action 383
Poincare Invariance 365 367
Pointer states 261
Position variance 257
Positivity 253 284 285 299
PPN formalism 173
Prelerred frame 272 278
Primordial 268
Projection operator 260
Pure state 252 289
purity 255 256 289
Quantum algebra 134
Quantum cosmology 363
Quantum deformation 367
Quantum Dispersion Entropy 260
Quantum fluctuations of spacetime 323
Quantum foam 321
Quantum gravity 137 245 250 254 257 260 269 270 285 312 313 363
Quantum gravity models 329
Quantum gravity phenomenology 363
Quantum group 367
Quantum Mechanics Violation 284
Quantum optics 313
Quantum-mechanical interference 286
Quintessence models 268
Random walk 192
Recoil 267 268
Refractive index in vacuo 270
Relativistic Hamiltonian in DSR 152
Relativistic Neutrino Hamiltonian 302
Relaxation 268
Renormalization group 263
Resonance 295
Sagnac effect 170 171
Scattering matrix 252 266
Second harmonic generation 186
Self-adjointness 256
Semigroup 255 258 259
Semileptonic 286 287
Soccer ball problem in DSR 154
Solar 283
Space-time fluctuations 190
Space-time foam 191
Space-Time indetermination 16
Spacetime foam 321
Spacetime foam phenomenology 339
Spectator problem in DSR 156
Spectroscopic measurements 272 273
Spin-flavour conversion 273 276
Spinors 269
Spontaneous breaking 271
Spontaneous localisation 257
Standard model extension 271 273
State vector 256 260 286
Sterile 279
Stochastic 256 257 260
Strangeness 285 297
String 245 246 261
String mass scale 268
Structure constants 258
Supernovae 301
Superscattering matrix 252 255
Symmetries of spacetime 364
Synchrotron radiation 118 269
T-duality 48
The flux at the highest energies from the Agasa and HiRes detectors 12
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