Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Szabo R.J. — An Introduction to String Theory and D-Brane Dynamics |
Предметный указатель |
Aharonov — Bohm effect 81
Annulus diagram 105
Anomaly cancellation 4 63 111
Atiyah — Singer index theorem 113
Background field gauge 88
Bianchi identity 65 116
Black holes 6
Born — Infeld action 77 86 91 93 94
Bosonic string 12
Bosonic string, action 14
Bosonic string, angular momentum 26
Bosonic string, equations of motion 16
Bosonic string, Hamiltonian 23
Bosonic string, Hilbert space 24
Bosonic string, physical spectrum 27
BPS states 109
Brane worlds 7
Calabi — Yau manifolds 4
Casiijiir energy 25 47 106
Chan — Paton bundle 113
Chan — Paton factors 38 63 80
Chern character 114 115
Chern — Simons action 116
Chiral spinor 50 52
Chirality operator 51 61 75 113
Clebsch — Gordan decomposition 32 50 64
Collective coordinates 83 95 97 103
Compactification 4 68 73 80
Complex structure 53
Conformal anomaly 27 29 46
Conformal field theory 21
Conformal gauge 16 53 87
Conformal invariance 21 38 39 53 87 106
Covariant derivative 102
Critical spacetime dimension 29 47
Curvature form 115 116
Curvature scalar 99
Cylinder diagram 105
D-branes 5 18 61 67 74 77 93
De Rham current 116
Dedekind function 56
Derivative expansion 88 99
Dilatino 50
Dilaton 32 36 99 107
Dimensional reduction 79 101 102 104
Dirac -genus 114 115
Dirac algebra 42 49 64 102
Dirac equation 43 49 102
Dirac operator 113
Dirac spinor 113
Dirac — Born — Infeld action 95 100 101
Dirac — Ramond equation 49 65
Dirichlet boundary conditions 18 73 77 83 94 97
Disc diagram 87
Doubling trick 19 73
Dual resonance models 1 105
Duality 5 109
Duality, Hodge 116
Duality, open/closed string channel 72 106
Duality, S-duality 6 61 65 78
Duality, T-duality 6 61 67 81 85 94 97
Effective action 91
Einstein equation 10
Einstein summation convention 13
electric field 96
Energy-momentum tensor 15 43
Euler class 114 117
Fermion number operator 51 62
Feynman diagrams 1 36 39
Field strength 65 87 93 96 99 102
Field theory limit 33 50 94 100
Fock space 24 47
Fourier series 89
Fundamental domain 54
Galilean gauge 12
Gauge invariance 30 32 40 67 80 85 88 99 100 112 117
Gauge theory 79 84 86 101
Ghosts 29
Gravitational constant 3 108
Gravitino 50 63
Graviton 32 36 99 107
Gravity correspondence 6 33 84 93 100
Green — Schwarz superstring 42 60
Green’s function 87 89 92 98
GSO projection 41 50 59 61 62 75 107
Gupta — Bleuler prescription 27
Higgs mechanism 86
Holonomy 81
Induced metric 12 96 100
Infinite momentum frame 98
Inflow mechanism 111 116 118
Instanton 119 120
Jacobi abstruse identity 60
Jordan normal form 89
Kaluza — Klein momentum 70
Klein operator 51 57
Klein — Gordon equation 27
Level number 28 48
Level-matching condition 31 50 69
Light-cone coordinates 18
Light-cone gauge 25 29 42
Little group 32 48
Lorentz boost 98
M — Theory 5 105
Magnetic monopole 120
| Magnetic vortex 120
Majorana — Weyl spinor 43 49 52 64 102
Mass-shell condition 28 31 48 69 83 107
Matrix quantum mechanics 105
Matrix theory 105
Maxwell equations 65 94
Method of images 87
Minimal coupling 33 67 81 88 97
Minkowski space 10
Mode expansion 18 44 67 72
Modular invariance 41 56 59 63 108
Modular transformation 53 58 105
Moduli space 38 72 104 105
Neumann boundary conditions 17 73 77 83 87 97
Neveu — Schwarz B-field 32 36 66 99
Neveu-Schwarz boundary conditions 44
Non-linear electrodynamics 91 93 95
Noncommutative geometry 86 104 105
Normal bundle 112 116 117
Normal ordering 25 47
P-branes 5 66
p-forms 50 64
Photon 30 36 48 80 81 87 101
Planck length 3
Planck mass 3
Poincare duality 116 119
Poincare algebra 26
Polarization 28 30
Polyakov action 15 42 79 80 88
Pontryagin charge 119
Proper time 9
Quantization 9
Quantization, canonical 23 46
Quantization, first 9
Quantization, second 9
Radial gauge 88
Ramond bi-spinor 65
Ramond boundary conditions 44
Ramond zero modes 45 49 58 91 92
Ramond — Ramond charge 61 78 108 111 119
Ramond — Ramond couplings 108 116
Ramond — Ramond fields 50 66 75 78 116
Ramond — Ramond potentials 66 78 86 108 111 116 119
Regge trajectories 2 14
Relativistic particle 9
Relativistic particle, action 10 80 98
Relativistic particle, mechanics 9 81 98
Reparametrization invariance 10 14 95
Riemann zeta-function 26 91 92
RNS superstring 42
RNS superstring, angular momentum 47
RNS superstring, equations of motion 43 65
RNS superstring, Hilbert space 47
RNS superstring, NS sector 48 51
RNS superstring, R sector 49 51 63 75
RNS superstring, spectrum 46 64 108
Solitons 120
Spacetime metric 32
Spin bundle 113
Spin connection 112
Spin structures 57 108 114
Spurious state 29
Standard model 4
Static gauge 11 84 93 95 100 102
String coupling constant 6 33 38 88 98 100
String geometry 71 85 104
String perturbation theory 36 52 71 77 87 97
String scattering amplitudes 37
Supergravity action 108 116
Supergravity equations of motion 116
Supergravity fields 50 66 93 99 108
Superstrings 2 4 41
Superstrings, five consistent 4 62
Supersymmetry algebra 52 109
Tachyon 28 31 35 48 51 56 90
Tangent bundle 112
Target space 9 13
Target space, supersymmetry 41 52 60 62 101 109
Tension 14
Tension, p-brane 96 101 108 118
Tension, string 14 84 96 101
Thom class 117
Todd class 114
Torus diagram 53
Tree amplitude 106
Vacuum amplitude 52 88 105 107
Vertex operators 33 66 78 80 88 97
Virasoro algebra 27 46
Virasoro constraints 15 20 27 44 48 64 69
Virasoro operators 25 46
Wave equation 16
Wess — Zumino descendent 112 115
Weyl group 104
Weyl invariance 15
Whitney sum 112
Wilson lines 79 82 88
Winding number 69 74 84
Worldline 9 36
Worldsheet 12 36 62 107
Worldsheet, metric 15 37
Worldsheet, supersymmetry 43 75 92
Worldvolume 66 79 86 93 96 100 103 107 111 114
Yang — Mills theory 7
Yang — Mills theory, coupling constant 101
Yang — Mills theory, potential 103
Yang — Mills theory, supersymmetric 52 63 79 93 102 109
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