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Christensen S.M. — Quantum theory of gravity |
Предметный указатель |
, , coefficients 57 198
theory 50 94 126 256
'Pure thought method' 60
'Trilogy' 9 33 53 230 299 315 382
1/D expansions 210 216 259
1/N expansions 210 214 258
3-geometry 9 225
3-metric 240
Abelian algebra 173
Acausality 356
Accelerating observers 70
Adler — bardeen theorem 349
Angular momentum, gravitational 8
Anomaly 45 46 95
Anomaly axial 60 348
Anomaly conformal 199 328 340
Anomaly superconformal 359
Anomaly trace 57 348
Apparent horizon 136
Asymptotic expansion 45 57 128
asymptotic freedom 259 370
Asymptotic safety 346 352
Auxiliary fields 382
Background field method 33 48 104 178 299 361 388 427
Backreaction 59 74 98
Baecklund transformation 404 411
Bel — Robinson tensor 350
Ben-Yaacov's formalism 153
beta function 347 363
Bette — Salpeter sequence 31
Betti number 297
Bi-scalar of geodetic interval 4 56
Bi-tensor 4 102
Bi-vector of parallel displacement 5
Black hole 14 46 54 59 72 135 148 161 435
Bogolubov transformations 68 90
Bohr — Rosenfeld measurement theory 25 228 434
Boulware vacuum 73 82
Brill — Hartle averaging 7
Cactus diagrams 218
Cartan's structure equations 467
Casimir effect 106
Cavendish balance 235
Chern — Simons classes 374 378
Coherent state 227
Coleman — Weinberg theory 50
Commutation relations 318
Commutation relations, affine 303 304
Commutation relations, canonical 302
Condensed notation 2 171
Conformal group 408
Conformally invariant Lagrangian 261
Constraints 36 276 304 333 390
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics 66 432
Correlation functions 28 29
Correspondence principle 427
Cosmic censorship 165
Cosmological constant 63 99 261 376
Cosmology 89 129
de Rham — Hodge theory 297
de Sitter group 463
De Sitter space 69 93 100 128
Density matrix 162
DeWitt detector 72 75
Diffeomorphism group 10 37 302
Dimensional continuation 256
Dimensional reduction 351 367 371
Dirac algebra 375
Divergences 31 55 114 170 195 244 357
Donaldson's moduli space 295
Dynamical Theory of Groups and Fields 1 31 53 195 382
Early Universe 49
Effective action 29 89 98 103 170 178 243 268 328 361 388
Ehrenfest's theorem 247
Einstein Universe 69 106 109 128
Einstein — Hilbert action 217 252 334
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen experiment 237 451
Einstein — Rosen bridges 14
Einstein's equations 12 137 234 243
Electrodynamics, Abelian 389
Electrodynamics, classical 397
Electrodynamics, quantum 103 256 286 399
Energy-momentum (stress) tensor 47 55 72 98 137 204 236 259 338 339 360 406
entropy 152 162
Equivalence principle 6 78
Euclidean formalism 264
Euler characteristic 121 334
Event horizon 136 139
Everett — Wheeler (many-worlds) interpretation of quantum mechanics 26 66 421 432 435
expansion 137
Experimental relativity 16
Extrinsic curvature 275 347
Faddeev — Popov determinant 281 324
Fairbank's experiments 7
Falling charges 4 81
Feynman rules 172
Fibre bundles 465
Fierz transformations 379
First law of black hole mechanics 140
Fixed points 254
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 80
Four-fermion theory 257
Fourth order ( , higher derivative) gravity theory 26 64 210 212 252 267 346 351 375
Free energy 119
Friedmann universe, dust-filled 99
Friedmann universe, radiation dominated 99
Fulling vacuum 83
Functional integral 28 175 269 316 393 428
Gauge theory 322
Gauge transformation 23
Gauss — Codazzi equation 271
Ghosts 34 62 121 346 351 375
Ghosts, Faddeev — Popov 169
Ghosts, Feynman — DeWitt 169
Ghosts, Landau 213 256 356
Ghosts, spin-2 213 253 258
Gravitational bremsstrahlung 7
Gravitational collapse 160
Gravitational radiation 3 228 238
Graviton production 96
Green's function 425
Green's function, advanced 24 428
Green's function, conformally invariant 336
Green's function, curved space 3
Green's function, Euclidean 204
Green's function, Feynman 29 126
Green's function, finite temperature 119
Green's function, Jacobi operator 456
Green's function, retarded 24 237
Green's function, scalar 201
Green's function, symmetric 4
Green's function, tail 3 4
GUT theory 147 221
Hadamard elementary function 56
Hamilton — Jacobi equation 10 37 410
Hamilton — Jacobi functional 10
Hamiltonian 254 268 301 317 319 327 328 389 410 417 436
Hamiltonian constraint 320
Hartle — Hawking vacuum 74 92
Hawking luminosity 141
Hawking radiation 38 43 54 148 161 170 202 213
Hawking temperature 141
Heisenberg — Euler Lagrangian 202
Hilbert space 286 296 305
Hydrodynamics, Eulerian 13
Hydrodynamics, Lagrangian 12
Index theorem 62
Inflationary universe model 100 131 263
instantons 45 60 105 262 296
| Irreducible mass 142
Isaacson formalism 7
Jacobi equation 455
Jacobi operator 456
Kaluza — Klein theory 31 217 371 374 464 470
Kernel 38 57
Killing vector 405
Killing's equation 192
Klein — Gordon equation 231
Klein — Gordon field 166
Ladder approximation 356
Lagrange multipliers 278
Lamb shift 80
Lapse function 301
Lax pair 412
Lee — Wick mechanism 210 263 270 286 346
Lense — Thirring effect 18
Levi — Civita tensor 375
Lie bracket 405
Lie derivative 271
Lie groups 465
Lightcone 31
Lightcone algebra 411
Lightcone gauge 385
Linearized theory 215 292
Liouville equation 404
Liouville theory 404 408
London Underground 43 60
Maximal slicing 15
Mean-field gauge 185
Measurement 434 436
Minimal relative state interpretation of quantum mechanics 446
Mixmaster universe 106
Moving mirror 72
No-go theorems 383
Non-linear group realizations 30
Non-polynomial Lagrangian techniques 31 345
Non-renormalizability 251 300 315
Non-renormalizability theorem 349 361
Numerical relativity 12
Observables 23 47 422 436
One-loop approximation 180
One-loop contribution 261
One-loop gravity calculation 57
Osterwalder — Shrader axioms 253
Oxford quantum gravity seminars 45 58
Parametrized theories 316 319
Particle detectors 66 75 93
path integral 244 301 455
Phase transitions 129
Planck length 303
Planck mass 345
Poisson (Peierls — Poisson — DeWitt) bracket 25 276 323 330 390 407 426
Ponderamotive equation 6
Pontryagin class 374
Predictability, breakdown of 164
Propagator 212 257 258 268
Quantization, canonical 23 36 177 269 299 300 315 389 423
Quantization, covariant 299 315 345
Quantized metric 300
Quantum chromodynamics 261
Quantum ergosphere 135 139
Quantum field theory in curved space—time 38 42 125 135
Quantum field theory in curved space—time, inconsistency of 49
Quantum geometrodynamics 225
Quantum geometry 300 306 309
Quantum gravity 21 37 45 54 147 169 210 221 224 234 252 267 296 403 433
Raychadhuri equation 142
Regge calculus 229 253
Regularization 55 194
Regularization, adiabatic 95
Regularization, dimensional 46 55 95 114 126 169 261
Regularization, Pauli — Villars 95
Regularization, point-splitting 38 46 56 95 114
Regularization, zeta function 95 114
Renormalizability 105 126 210 268
Renormalization 55 116
Renormalization group 251 254 346
Renormalization, BPH method 128
Representation theory 306
Riemannian manifold 10 37
Rindler coordinate system 70 79
Rindler wedge 84
Robertson — Walker Universe 90 96
Robertson — Walker universe, radiation dominated 129
S-matrix 181 215 264
Schroedinger's cat 235
Schroedinger's equation 246 443
Schwinger model 403
Schwinger source theory 27 104
Schwinger term 327 330 334 337
Schwinger variational principle 426
Schwinger — DeWitt proper time algorithm 38 53 57 95 105 128 169 194
Second fundamental form 271
Semiclassical approximation 26 48 74 161 259
Shift function 301
Singularity 302
Singularity theorems 160
Singularity, cosmological 98
Singularity, naked 166
Skeletonization 319
Solitons 414
Space-time foam 45 253
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 369
State functional 300
Stochastic geometry 311
strings 251
Super Hamiltonian 284
Supercurrent 360
Superfield 348 364
Supergraph 386
Supergravity 39 45 61 145 170 284 313 364 374 377 382
Supergravity, conformal 364
Supergravity, extended 349
Supergravity, maximally extended 350 382
Supergravity, simple 347
Supermanifolds 39
Supermetric 11 227 301
Superposition principle 436
Superrenormalizable 258
Superspace 9 37 226 300 348 361 382
Superspace, extended 10
Superspace, mini 11 37
Supersymmetry 285 313 348 349 382 418
Supertheorems 62
Surface gravity 137
Texas Mauritania Eclipse Expedition 19
Time 302 315 316
Time, asymmetry 295
Time, extrinsic 225
Time, intrinsic 225
Time, York 225
Timelike limit surface 136
Tolman temperature relation 71
Tomonaga equation 230
Torsion 379 471
Two black hole collision problem 14 29
Two-dimensional gravity theory 200
Two-loop graphs 35 126
Ultralocal 183 303
Uncertainty principle 25 67 150 250 452
Uniform acceleration 78 79
Unitarity 211
Unruh box 66 75 83
Unruh temperature 81 141
Unruh vacuum 74 82 137
Vacuum state 67 68 104
Vacuum state, Abelian 401
Vacuum state, non-Abelian 402
Vacuum-vacuum transition amplitude 27
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