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» Физика » Квантовая теория поля » Квантовая гравитация »

Содержимое каталога
1. Alvarez E. Quantum gravity: an introduction to some recent results1989
2. Ashtekar A. Asymptotic quantization1987
3. Ashtekar A. Lewandowsky J. Background independent quantum gravity:a status report2004
4. Ashtekar A. Tate R.S. Lectures on nonperturbative canonical gravity1991
5. Baez J. Knots and quantum gravity1994
6. Barvinsky A.O. Vilkovsky G.A. The generalized schwinger-dewitt technique in gauge theory and quantum gravity1984
7. Barvinsky A.O. Unitarity approach to quantum cosmology1993
8. Bousso R. The holographic principle2002
9. Christensen S.M. Quantum theory of gravity1984
10. Coleman S. Hartle J.B. Piran T. Quantum cosmology and baby universes1991
11. Di Francesco P. Ginsparg P. Zinn-Justin J. 2D Gravity and random matrices1995
12. Feher L. (ed.) Stipsicz A. (ed.) Szenthe J. (ed.) Topological quantum field theories and geometry of loop spaces1992
13. Franzosi R. Guadagnini E. Topology and classical geometry in (2+1) gravity1995
14. Gambini R. Pullin J. Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity1996
15. Gausterer H. Grosse H. Pittner L. Geometry and Quantum Physics2000
16. Gross D.J. (ed.) Piran T. (ed.) Weinberg S. (ed.) Two dimensional quantum gravity and random surfaces1992
17. Kowalski-Glikman J. (Ed.) Towards Quantum Gravity1999
18. Kursunoglu B. Mintz S.L. Perlmutter A. Quantum Gravity, Generalized Theory of Gravitation and Superstring Theory-Based Unification2002
19. Lotze T. Two-dimensional models of black hole radiationn/a
20. Madore J. Richard J.L. Stora R. Introduction to the Twistor programme1979
21. Penrose R. MacCallum M.A.H. Twistor theory: an approach to the quantisation of fields and space-time1972
22. Perez A. Spin foam models for quantum gravity2003
23. Polyakov A. Two-dimensional quantum gravity and superconductivity at high Tc1988
24. Rovelli C. Quantum Gravity2003
25. Thiemann T. Lectures on loop quantum gravity2002
26. Волович И.В. Загребный В.А. Фролов В.Н. Чёрные дыры1978
27. Иваненко Д. (ред.) Квантовая гравитация и топология1973

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