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Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics
Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics

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Название: Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics

Авторы: Halzen F., Martin A.D.


This self-contained text describes breakthroughs in our understanding of the structure and interactions of elementary particles. It provides students of theoretical or experimental physics with the background material to grasp the significance of these developments.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Квантовая теория поля/Квантовая хромодинамика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1984

Количество страниц: 412

Добавлена в каталог: 10.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Sea gull” diagram      150
$SU(2)_{1}$      see Weak isospin
$W_{1}, W_{2}$, structure functions      181
$W_{1}, W_{2}$, structure functions, scaling behavior      192
$\beta$ decay      252
$\beta$ decay, Fermi constant of      253 264
$\beta$ decay, Fermi theory of      253
$\beta$ decay, in nuclei      258
$\beta$ decay, V — A theory of      252
$\Check{C}$erenkov light      32
$\lambda$-matrices for SU(3)      43 318 356 375
$\rho$ parameter      277 299 337
$\sigma_{1}/\sigma_{1}$      186 196 208 210
Abelian gauge symmetry      316
Accelerator      28
Acollinearity distribution      242
Adjoint equation      102
Adjoint spinor      103
Algebra      see Lie algebra
Alpha, $\alpha$ of QED      12 168
Alpha, $\alpha$, of QCD      15 171
Altarelli — parisi equation      215 220
Altarelli — Parisi functions      see Splitting functions
Amplitude      see Invariant amplitude
Angular momentum operator      37
Angular momentum, orbital      37
Angular momentum, spin      105
Angular momentum, total      106
Anomalous magnetic moment      161
Anomalous magnetic moment of electron and muon      162
Anomalous magnetic moment of nucleons      55 64 176
Anomalous magnetic moment, interaction      160
Anomaly      285
Anticommutation of $\gamma$-matrices      102
Antineutrino      3 114
Antiparticle      3 70 76
Antiparticle of Dirac particle      107
Antiparticle, as negative energy state      77 108
Antiparticle, isospin for      42
Antiquark structure function      198 275
Antiunitary operator      41
Associated production      27 44
Asymmetry of longitudinally polarized electrons      309
Asymmetry, in $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$      305
asymptotic freedom      12 170 346
Axial vector      112
b quark      27 62 286
Background radiation      352
Bare charge      164
Baryon      2 4
Baryon, in quark model      54 63
Baryon, masses      65
Baryon, number      3
Baryon, number conservation      23 349 353
Baryon-to-photon ratio      353
Bhabha scattering      129
Big Bang Model      352
Bilinear covariants      111
Bjorken scaling      188 192
Bjorken scaling, x-variable      192
Bohm — Aharonov effect      317
Boson      2
Breit frame      177
Breit — Wigner resonance      50 306
Bremsstrahlung      19
Bubble chamber      31
Bunches      30
c quark      27 57 280
Cabibbo angle      279
Cabibbo-favored and -suppressed transitions      281
Callan — Gross relation      196
Calorimeter      32
Cascade decays      286
Casimir operator      37
Center-of-mass frame      73
Channel      95
Charge conjugate spinors      109 288 368
Charge conjugation      41 108 288
Charge conjugation, invariance      110
Charge radius      175
Charge radius of nucleon      179
Charge raising (lowering) weak current      256 293
Charge, color      5
Charge, conservation of      115 134
Charge, definition of      3
Charge, electromagnetic      12 85
Charge, quantization      352
Charge, renormalization      157
Charge, screening      9 11 158 163 167 347
Charge, weak      23 255 257
Charge-current density      76 103
Charged current interaction      256 298
Charged current interaction, in Cabibbo theory      100
Charged current interaction, in electroweak theory      132
Charged current interaction, neutrino-electron scattering      267
Charged weak current      255
Charm      57 282
Charm, quantum number      58
Charmed, baryons      62
Charmed, baryons, mesons      57 59
Charmed, baryons, particle decay      59 282
Charmed, baryons, particle lifetime      283
Charmed, baryons, quark      27 57 280
Charmonium      59
Charmonium, potential      61
Chiral representation      115
Chirality      116
circular polarization      135
Classical radius      14
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      40
Cloud chamber      31
Collider      30 308
Collincar divergence      243
COLOR      5
Color multiplets      5
Color multiplets of gluons      43 317
Color multiplets of quarks      43 317
Color, charge      8
Color, confinement of      6 19
Color, factor      67 211
Color, screening      9 168
Color, singlet      5 53 67
Color, SU(3) of      43 317
Colored quarks      5
Completeness relation for Dirac spinors      111 161
Completeness relation for polarization vectors      115 139 185
Compton scattering      141
Compton scattering, for massive photon      144 211
Compton scattering, QCD analogue of      210
Compton wavelength      14
confinement      6 19
Conservation law      17 41 314
Conservation of angular momentum      37
Conservation of baryon number      23 349 353
Conservation of charge      115
Conservation of lepton number      3 4 251
Conserved current for Dirac particles      102
Conserved current for spinless particles      74
Conserved quantum number      4 37 41 315
Conserved vector current hypothesis      258
Constants of motion      17
Constituent quark      64
Contact term      319
Continuity equation      71 74 103
Cosmic rays      30
Cosmology      352
Coulomb gauge      1 14
Coulomb potential      158
Counting rules      200 368
Coupling, electromagnetic      12 84 117 168
Coupling, first introduction of      15
Coupling, quark-gluon      15 171 320
Coupling, running      9 169 347
Coupling, strong      16 169
Coupling, three gluons      120
Coupling, weak      2 1 253 296 133
Covariance      71
Covariant (contravariant)      73
Covariant derivative      116
Covariant derivative for SU(2) x U(1)      116 328
Covariant derivative for SU(3)      318
Covariant parton model      193
Covariant scalar product      73
cp      255 287
CP, eigenstates      290
CP, transformation      41 255 288
CP, violation      287 289 353
Cross section      89 90
Cross section for $e\mu\rightarrow e\mu$      123
Cross section for $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow e^{-}e^{-}$      129
Cross section for $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow q\bar{q}$      228
Cross section for $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow q\bar{q}g$      237 239
Cross section for $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow Z\rightarrow q\bar{q}$      308
Cross section for $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\mu^{-}\mu^{-}$      125 307
Cross section for $\gamma^{*}g\rightarrow qg$      213
Cross section for $\gamma^{*}g\rightarrow q\bar{q}$      219
Cross section for Compton scattering      141 144 213
Cross section for deep inelastic scattering      182
Cross section for Drell — Yan process      249
Cross section for electron-proton scattering      177 183
Cross section for electron-quark scattering      129
Cross section for neutrino-electron scattering      268 302 342
Cross section for neutrino-quark scattering      271 273
Cross section for pair annihilation      145
Cross section for quark-anti-quark scattering      129
Cross section for scattering of spinless particles      91
Cross section for virtual photon-proton scattering      184 208
Cross section summary      129 183
Cross section, general formula for      91
Crossed channel      95
Crossing      93
Crossing, examples of      124 129 145 269
Current      see Electromagnetic current weak
Current conservation      75 103
Current-current interaction      87 119 252 256
Current-current interaction,      277 281 298
Cyclotron      28
D-meson      58
D-meson, decays      59 283
Decay rate      92
Decay rate for $K\rightarrow\mu v.ev.$      267 280
Decay rate for $K\rightarrow\mu\mu$      280 282
Decay rate for $K\rightarrow\pi e e$      276
Decay rate for $K\rightarrow\pi^{||} e v$      276 280 283
Decay rate for $\beta$ decay      260
Decay rate for $\mu$ decay      263
Decay rate for $\pi$ decay      266
Decay rate for $\pi\rightarrow\mu v.ev$      251 255 264 266 280
Decay rate for $\pi\rightarrow\pi^{||} e v$      272 280
Decay rate for $\tau$ meson      264
Decay rate for D-mesons      59 283
Decay rate for K-mesons      267 290
Decay rate for W. Z bosons      301 373
Decay rate, general formula for      92 301 373
Decay rate, proton      351
Decuplet representation      51
Deep inelastic scattering      17 172 179
Deep inelastic scattering, cross section      182
Deep inelastic scattering, kinematics      181
Deep inelastic scattering, lepton scattering      17 172 179
Deep inelastic scattering, neutrino scattering      273
Deep inelastic scattering, structure functions      181
Delta ($\Delta$) resonance      4 22 53 66
Density of states      80 89
Detector      30
Differential cross section      90 91
Dipole magnet      29
Dirac equation      100
Dirac equation, adjoint      102
Dirac equation, charge conjugate      108
Dirac equation, Lorentz covariance of      102 112
Dirac equation, nonrelativistic limit of      106
Dirac equation, plane-wave solutions of      104
Dirac matrices      102 111
Dirac moment      107
Dirac sea      76
Dirac spinors      104
Dirac — Pauli representation      101 111
Direct photons      247
Divergences      156 321 342
Divergences, collinear      243
Divergences, infrared      171 243
Down quark      3
Drell — Yan process      247
Drift chamber      31
d’ matrices      see Rotation matrices d’ ($\theta$)
d’Alembertian operator      74
Early Universe      352
Electric form factor      172 175 177 210
Electrodynamics for spin $\frac{1}{2}$ particles      117
Electrodynamics for spinless particles      84
Electromagnetic coupling      12 168
Electromagnetic coupling, minimal substitution for      84 316
Electromagnetic current      76 103
Electromagnetic current, conservation      75 315
Electromagnetic current, for Dirac particle      103
Electromagnetic current, for spinless particle      74
Electromagnetic current, Gordon decomposition of      118
Electromagnetic decays      see Radiative decays
electromagnetic field      84 133
Electromagnetic field, as gauge field      316
Electromagnetic force      1
Electromagnetic interaction      84 103 316
Electromagnetic potential      84
Electron      3
Electron scattering      119 129
Electron scattering off muons      123
Electron scattering off neutrinos      267 302 342
Electron scattering off protons      175
Electron scattering off quarks      129 310
Electron scattering, by external potential      152 173
Electron scattering, deep inelastic      172 179 181
Electron, magnetic moment      107 162
Electron, number conservation      3 4 251
Electron, propagator      136 146
Electron, spectrum in $\beta$ decay      260
Electron, spinor      101
Electron-muon scattering      123
Electron-muon scattering for spinless particles      86
Electron-positron annihilation      18 226
Electron-positron annihilation, heavy quark production in      226 234
Electron-positron annihilation, into hadrons      226 228
Electron-positron annihilation, into jets      19 230 234 240
Electron-positron annihilation, into muon pairs      125 226 307
Electron-positron annihilation, parton model of      226 230
Electron-positron annihilation, R factor and color      228 243
Electron-positron collider      18 226 308
Electroweak interaction      292 296 331
Electroweak interference, in $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$      305
Electroweak interference, in atomic transitions      308
Electroweak interference, in electron scattering      308
Emulsion      31
Energy-momentum sum rule      202
Equivalent photon approximation      225
Eta ($\eta$) meson      48
Eta ($\eta$) meson, charmed ($\eta$)      59 61
Eta ($\eta$) meson, quark content of      48
Euler — Lagrange equation      312
Evolution equation      217 220
Exchange force      7
1 2 3 4
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