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Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics |
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Substructure of quarks and leptons 27 354
Sum rules for quark structure functions 198
Supersymmetry 354
Symmetry 33
Symmetry, Abelian 316
Symmetry, gauge 316
Symmetry, hidden 321
Symmetry, nonAbelian 317
Symmetry, spontaneously broken 321
Synchrocyclotron 29
t quark see Top quark
Tau () lepton 27
Tau () lepton, decay 264 37 2
Tau () lepton, number 251
Tensor mesons 49
Tensor, bilinear covariant 112
Tensor, field strength 102 133 317 319
Tensor, hadron 180
Tensor, lepton 122
Tensor, metric 73
Thomson scattering 14
Three-gluon coupling 320
Three-jet event 234 240
Threshold 56
Thrust axis 235
Time reversal 41
Time-dependent perturbation theory 79
Time-ordered diagram 98
Top quark 27 234 285
Trace techniques 122
Trace theorems 123 261
Trace theorems, applications of 122 143 260 268
Transition current 86 118
Transition rate 80 89
Transverse momentum see Large transverse momentum
Transverse photon 134
Triplet of color SU(3) 43 45
Triplet of flavor SU(3) 45
Triplet of SU(2) 33 40 329
Two-component neutrino 144
Two-jet event 19 230
U(1) of electromagnetism 294 314 334
U(1) of weak hypercharge 294 332
U(2) group 39
U-spin 51 54
Uncertainty principle 7 49
Unification energy 348
Unification of interactions 25 257 344
Unified electroweak model 3 331
Unified forces 25 257 344
Unitarity limit 342
Unitary group 39 43
Unitary operator 35
UNITS see Heaviside — Lorentz units; Natural units
Universality 280
Unpolarized 120
Up quark 3
Upsilon resonances () 62
V — A interaction 252
V — A interaction and helicity conservation 127
V — A interaction, parity violation and 115 255
V-spin 51
Vacuum and spontaneous symmetry breaking 321
Vacuum, expectation value 334
Vacuum, in Dirac hole theory 76 78
Vacuum, polarization 159
Valence quarks 198
Variables, for three-jet events 235
Variables, invariant 94
Variables, Mandelstam s. t. u 94
Variables, x and y 181 192 195
Vector 112
Vector interaction 112 118
Vector mesons 49
Vector mesons, leptonic widths of 61
Vector mesons, magnetic moments 56
Vector mesons, masses of 65
Vector mesons, quark content of 49
| Vector mesons, radiative decays of 56
Vector potential 84 107 153
Vertex 25 83
Vertex factor 88 149
Vertex factor for fermion to Higgs 339
Vertex factor for fermion to photon 118 299
Vertex factor for four gluons 319
Vertex factor for lepton — W 300
Vertex factor for lepton — Z 300
Vertex factor for quark — W 281
Vertex factor for quark — Z 300
Vertex factor for quark-gluon 320
Vertex factor for scalar to photon 88
Vertex factor for three gluons 320 375
Vertex factor for WW Higgs 339
Vertex factor for ZZ Higgs 338
Virtual particle 7
Virtual photon 7 88
Virtual photon, cross sections 184 186
Virtual photon, parton cross section 208 210
Virtual photon, polarization vectors of 139 185
W boson see Weak bosons (W and Z)
Ward identity 163
Weak bosons (W and Z) 3 23 257 301
Weak bosons (W and Z), branching ratios 302
Weak bosons (W and Z), coupling to leptons 300
Weak bosons (W and Z), coupling to quarks 281
Weak bosons (W and Z), decay rates of 301 373 374
Weak bosons (W and Z), Feynman rules for 149 281 300 338 339
Weak bosons (W and Z), mass generation of 327 335
Weak bosons (W and Z), mass of 24 257 335
Weak bosons (W and Z), production of 247 337
Weak bosons (W and Z), propagators of 138
Weak bosons (W and Z), self coupling of 333
Weak bosons (W and Z), width of 302 374
Weak current for leptons 255
Weak current, charged 255 300 332
Weak current, discovery of 251
Weak current, for quarks 271
Weak current, group properties of 298
Weak current, neutral see Neutral currents
Weak decay 251
Weak decay of hyperon 23 45
Weak decay of charmed particles 59 282
Weak decay of muon 24 261
Weak decay of pion 23 264
Weak decay, in quark model 272
Weak hypercharge 294 295 332
Weak interaction 1 21 251 292
Weak intermediate boson see Weak bosons (W and Z)
Weak isospin 293 295 332
Weak mixing angle 305
Weak mixing angle, introduction of 283 296 305
Weak mixing angle, prediction of 349
Weinberg angle see Weak mixing angle
Weinberg — Salam model 331
Weinberg — Salam model, Lagrangian of 341
Weinberg — Salam model, renormalizability of 342
Weizscker — Williams formula 224
Weyl equation 114
Weyl representation 101 115
width 50
Width, and lifetime 92
Width, of phi meson 49 57
Width, of psi resonances 57
Width, of weak bosons 302
X variable 181 191 192 195
X, Y bosons 350
X, Y bosons, mass of 348
y distributions 274
Y variable 194
Yang — Mills theory 320
Young tableaux 62
Yukawa interaction 16
Z boson see Weak bosons (W and Z)
Zero-mass bosons 325
Zero-mass fermions 114
Zweig or OZI rule 58
“Desert” of grand unified theories 354
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