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Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics |
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External line 149
f-meson 59 283
Family 27 349
Family, relation to weak boson coupling 257 298
Fermi constant g 253 264
Fermi statistics 5
Fermi theory 253
Fermion 2
Fermi’s Golden Rule 80
Feynman diagram 8 87 149
Feynman gauge 138
Feynman propagator 138
Feynman rules for electroweak interactions 299
Feynman rules for loops 149 155
Feynman rules for QCD 211 320
Feynman rules for spinless particles 88 150
Feynman rules, from Lagrangian 313
Feynman rules, introduction of 8 88
Feynman rules, table for QED 149
Feynman — St ckelberg interpretation 77 82
Field strength 102 133 317 319 375
Field theory 313
Fierz reordering 303
Fine structure constant 13
Finite group 41
Flash chamber 31
Flavor 24
Flux 71 89 91
Flux factor 89
Flux factor of virtual photon 185 213
form factors 172
Form factors, and 176
Form factors, and 181
Form factors, Fourier transform of 173
Form factors, Fourier transform of, and 177 372
Form factors, of neutron 176
Form factors, of proton 175
Four fermion interaction 253
Four-momentum 72
Four-momentum, transfer 87 119 173
Four-vector 72
Four-vector, current 75 76 103
Four-vector, potential 84 133
Fragmentation function 230
Free-particle spinor 104
Fundamental representation 39
G see Fermi constant
G factors 107 161
G Gamma matrices 102
Gamma matrices, -matrix 111 114
Gamma matrices, and charge conjugation 109 288 361
Gamma matrices, anticommunication relations 102
Gamma matrices, properties 123
Gamma matrices, standard representation 101 111
Gamma matrices, trace theorems 123 261
Gamma matrices, Weyl representation 101
Gauge 311
Gauge symmetry 315
Gauge symmetry, breaking 321 324 327
Gauge symmetry, global 315
Gauge symmetry, hidden 321
Gauge symmetry, local 316
Gauge symmetry, nonAbelian 317
Gauge theory 311
Gauge theory, electroweak 332
Gauge theory, grand unified 344
Gauge theory, QCD. 317
Gauge theory, QED 316
Gauge, boson 3 316 350
Gauge, field 316 318 328
Gauge, transformation 133 314 316 317 328 332
Geiger counter 31
Gell — Mann matrices 43 356 375
Gell — Mann — Nishijima scheme 44
Generation 349
Generator 37 43
Ghost particles 170
GIM mechanism 57 282
Global gauge symmetry 315
Gluons 3 8 202
Gluons, bremsstrahlung of 205 210 237
Gluons, color octet of 8 67
Gluons, constituents of proton 202
Gluons, coupling to quarks 205 320
Gluons, emission of 206 210 237
Gluons, jets of 206 214 241
Gluons, self interaction of 205 320 375
Golden Rule 80
Goldstone boson 325
Goldstone theorem 325
Gordon decomposition 118
Grand unification 344
Grand unification, scale 345 348
Gravity 27 348
Green’s function 145
Group theory 35
gyromagnetic ratio see g factors
Hadrons, definition of 2
Hadrons, masses of 63
Hadrons, quark model of 45
Hadrons, structure of 172
Hadrons, weak current of 252 272
Heaviside — Lorentz units 133
Heavy quark 27 57 285
Heavy quark of electrons 126
Heavy quark of neutrinos 114
Heavy quark of photons 132 134
Heavy quark, eigenspinor 106 361
Heavy quark, in lepton scattering 128
Heavy quark, in leptonic decays 264 267 372
Heavy quark, in V — A theory 255
Heavy quark, production in annihilation 234 (see also b quark; c quark; Top quark)
Helicity 106
Helicity conservation 126 270
Helium abundance 353
Hermitian operator 36
Hidden symmetry 321 323
Higgs bosons 327 334 340
Higgs doublet 334
Higgs mechanism 326 329
Higher order corrections 126 154 206
Hole theory 76
Hypercharge 46 58
Hyperfme splitting in QCD 65
Hyperons, discovery of 26 44 53
Hyperons, magnetic moments of 64
Hyperons, masses of 66
Ideal mixing 49
Identical fermions 149
Impulse approximation 193 245
Incoherent scattering 193 245
Inelastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons 309
Inelastic scattering, deep 17 172 179
Infinite momentum frame 193
Infrared divergence 171 243
Infrared slavery 19
Instantaneous Coulomb interaction 141
Interaction vertex 25 82
Intermediate vector bosons see Weak bosons (W and Z)
Internal line 149
Intrinsic angular momentum see Spin
Intrinsic parity see Parity
Invariant amplitude 87
Invariant amplitude, cross section in terms of 90
Invariant amplitude, decay rate in terms of 92
Invariant variables 94
Irreducible representation 38
Isospin 33
Isospin, conservation of 33
Isospin, in 2—nucleon systems 33
| Isospin, invariance of nuclear forces 34
Isospin, matrices 42
Isospin, multiplets 42 47
Isospin, weak see Weak isospin
Jets, mesons see Neutral kaons
Jets, definition of 19 214 242
Jets, gluon 205 213 241
Jets, in electron-positron collisions 19 230 234 240
Jets, quark 19 230
K-meson 27
K-meson, decay constant 267
K-meson, decays 252 276 280
K-meson, neutral see Neutral kaons
K-meson, quark content of 48 (see also Decay rate)
Kaluza — Klein theory 354
Kinematics, of deep inelastic scattering 181
Kinematics, of deep inelastic scattering, invariant 94
Kinematics, of deep inelastic scattering, laboratory frame 130
Kinoshita, Lee, Nauenberg theorem 244
Klein — Gordon equation 74
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix 286
Kurie plot 260
Laboratory frame 73
Laboratory frame, kinematics 130
Lagrangian 311
Lagrangian for Dirac equation 312 3 74
Lagrangian for Klein — Gordon equation 312
Lagrangian for Maxwell equations 312 374
Lagrangian for QCD 319
Lagrangian for QED 317
Lagrangian for Weinberg — Salam model 341
Lamb shift 158
Lambda ( ) hyperon 44 53 64
Lambda ( ) hyperon, charmed 63 66
Lambda ( ) hyperon, magnetic moment of 64
Lambda ( ) hyperon, quark content of 53
Lambda ( ) of QCD. 170
Large transverse momentum 18 214 246
Large transverse momentum, in annihilation 240 242 247
Large transverse momentum, in deep inelastic scattering 207 214 246
Large transverse momentum, in hadronic interaction 18 246
Large transverse momentum, in photoproduction 246
Large transverse momentum, n collisions 247
Left-handed states 114
Left-handed states, neutrinos 115
Lepton tensor 122
Leptonic decay of vector mesons 61
Leptonic decay, non 252
Leptonic decay, semi 252
Leptons, definition of 2 3
Leptons, families 27 349
Leptons, number 3 4 251
Leptons, pair production of 248
Leptons, table of 27
Leptons, weak current of 255 293
Leptoproduction of hadrons 233 243
Leptoquark 350
Lie algebra 37
Lie group 35 (see also SU entries)
Lifetime 50 92 251
Linear accelerator 28
Local gauge symmetry 316
Longitudinal photon 140 186
Loo 154
Loo, diagrams 155 244
Loo, momenta 149 155
Lorentz condition 133
Lorentz covariance 72
Lorentz invariant phase space (LIPS) 91
Lorentz. transformation 35 72
Lorentz. transformation and Dirac’s equation 112
M ller scattering 119 129
Magnetic dipole transition 57
Magnetic form factor 177
magnetic moment 107 119
Magnetic moment of baryons 55 64 176
Magnetic moment of Dirac particles 107 162
Magnetic moment of quarks 55 64
Magnetic moment, anomalous 161
Magnetic moment, interaction 119 132
Magnetic moment, operator 55 107
Majorana neutrinos 116
Mandelstam plot 95
Mandelstam variables 94
Mass generation 323 326 334 338
Mass matrix 336
Mass, of fermions 334 338
Mass, of fermions of gauge bosons 335
Mass, of fermions of hadrons in quark model 63
Mass-shell 73 88
Massive gauge bosons 24 257 320 327 336
Massive neutrinos 116
Matter-antimatter asymmetry 353
Maxwell’s equations 132
Maxwell’s equations and gauge invariance 133
Maxwell’s equations and Lagrangian formalism 312 374
Maxwell’s equations, covariant form of 132
Mean square radius 175 179
Mesons, color singlets 4 6
Mesons, color singlets, definition of 2
Mesons, color singlets, in quark model 46 48 59
Mesons, color singlets, masses of 65
Mesons, color singlets, pseudoscalar 48
Mesons, color singlets, tensor 49
Mesons, color singlets, vector 49
Metric tensor 73
Minimal substitution 84 316
Missing momentum 203
Mixed symmetry state 51
Mixing, Cabibbo 279 283
Mixing, ideal 49
Mixing, Kobayashi — Maskawa 283 286
Mixing, octet-singlet 49
Mixing, of neutral kaons 290 291
Mixing, of photon and Z boson 296
Moments of structure functions 217 223 370
Momentum operator 71
Momentum sum rule 202
Momentum transfer 87 97 119 173
Mott cross section 173
Multiplets 38
Multiplets, baryon 53 54 63
Multiplets, in flavor SU(3) 45 46 54
Multiplets, in GUT SU(5) 349
Multiplets, meson 46 48 59
Multiplets, weak 293 295
Multiplicity 231
Muon ( ) 27
Muon ( ), decay 24 251 261
Muon ( ), number conservation 3 4 251
Natural units 12
Negative energy solutions 75 105
Negative energy solutions, Dirac’s interpretation of 75
Negative energy solutions, Feynman and St ckelberg’s interpretation of, 77
Neutral currents 276 297
Neutral currents, absence in processes 276
Neutral currents, couplings of leptons 278 300
Neutral currents, couplings of quarks 278 300
Neutral currents, discovery of 276
Neutral currents, flavor diagonal 284
Neutral currents, in atomic transitions 308
Neutral currents, in electron-deuteron scattering 309
Neutral currents, in neutrino-electron scattering 302
Neutral currents, in neutrino-quark scattering 271 273 277
Neutral currents, in Weinberg — Salam model 333
Neutral currents, interaction 300 333
Neutral currents, ratio to charge currents 277 337
Neutral kaons 48 289
Neutral kaons, states 290
Neutral kaons, CP violation in decay 290
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